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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, Jnuary 31, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
state workers hit by new budget
Regents' funding request slashed Legislators attack proposed budget
By MITCH CANTOR what the reduced budget allocation would mean for the LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William Milliken's plan to trim
and MARK PARRENT University, Interim University President Allan Smith said a civil service pay hike from seven to five per cent emerged approved by the Civil Service Commission for more than
University officials say they have "not begun to assess that staff salary increases could be reduced. The ad- yesterday as the most controversial issue in his $4.6 billion 60,000 state workers. The legislature has until March 23 to
the effects" of Governor Milliken's proposal Monday for a $10 ministrators declined to speculate on the proposed budget's 1979-80 state spending proposal. modify that action.
million increase in state funding for the University in the effect on tuition rates. Virtually every member of the state legislature polled on Only slightly less controversial, however, was Milliken's
1979-80 fiscal year. The University's budget request called for using over the issue said it would be difficult - many said impossible - Wayne County aid package that included a drastic county
- The proposed funding hike is an eight per cent increase half of the $24 million for a 10.1 per cent faculty salary in- to muster a two-thirds vote in both houses to roll back the pay government reorganizational plan one Detroit Senate mem-
over this year's level, but it is less than half of the 18 per cent crease. Since then, however, President Carter has called for hike. ber described as "a gun at our heads."
increase that was requested by the Regents last October. The a seven per cent ceiling on wage increases. There was talk of tapping funds destined for the budget The pay rollback is part of the so-called "5-5-5" plan in
total funding Milliken allocated to the University in the ten- SMITH SAID yesterday the University may reduce the stabilization fund to preserve the pay hike without cutting the budget proposal Milliken submitted to the legislature
tative budget is $144 million. State money usually accounts proposed salary increase as an answer to both Carter's other services in an extremely austere budget year. Monday. Included is a five per cent instead of seven per ent
for more than half of the University's general fund, program and the lean budget proposal: "We will probably civil service pay hike; a five per cent increase in ,welfare
WHILE UNIVERSITY administrators declined to say See 'U' ADMINISTRATORS, Page 10 A SEVEN PER CENT increase in 1980 already has been benefits, and pay hikes for unclassified state workers just
to return
as soon as
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - The Iranian
government said yesterday that
Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, the ar-
chitect of the Iranian uprising, could
return to Iran. It gave Air France per-
mission to fly him from his Parisian
exile to an expected triumphant re-
entry in his homeland.
The American Embassy meanwhile
ordered U.S. government dependents
out of Iran "at the earliest feasible
date" after attacks on three
MILLIONS ARE expected to greet
the 78-year-old Khomeini when he
returns, possibly Thursday, to press on
home ground his campaign to oust the
constitutional, monarchy headed by
Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar and
set up an Islamic republic. Khomeini
orchestrated the uprising that forced
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to
leave the country for what many feel is
permanent exile.
Khomeini is expected to name his
Islamic revolutionary council upon
arrival and to outline his proposals for
an Islamic state during a speech at the
cemetery where many victims of the
past year of anti-shah rioting are
The Iranian announcement said
Khomeini could return early Wed-
nesday, but his spokesmen in Paris said
the trip would be delayed.
KHOMEINI HAD planned to return
to Iran last Friday, ending nearly 15
years of exile, but Air France refused to
fly him until it was satisfied with
security at Tehran'sMehrabad Inter-
national Airport, which was closed last
The evacuation of American depen-
dents was ordered after U.S. Consul
David C. McGaffey and Alfonso
Dorrello, an employee of Bell Helicop-
ter International, were beaten by a
crowd of angry Iranians in Isfahan late
On Sunday, Air Force Maj. Larry
Davis was wounded by an unknown
assailant in Tehran. Davis returned the
fire and drove off the attacker. The
three Americans were not seriously
Inefficieney at 'U'
Hospital leads to
eglect 0 of atients
Behind the University Hospital's
reputation as a top-flight medical cen-
ter lies a stark reality of patient
neglect, confusion, and endless delays,
according to patients, nurses, and doc-
Three case histories paint a distur-
bing picture of hospital conditions:
* To one intensive care nurse, her
workplace can best be described as a
"zoo." "It's absolutely insane in here,"
she added. "I leave shaking every
y One woman, disgusted by the dust
that had accumulated in her mother's
hospital room, began dusting the room
herself because no one else ever
cleaned it sufficiently.
* A doctor at the hospital was so in-
furiated by the inefficient handling of
his sick daughter that he strongly ad-
vised friends and relatives to go
elsewhere for treatment.
According to staff and patients, these
inefficiencies are commonplace at
University Hospital where problems of
poor housekeeping, staff shortage, and
overcrowding have, in some cases, led
to inadequate patient care.
with hospital staff, administrators, doc-
tors, nurses, and patients, no one was
able to pin-point a single, c]
for these problems. And wh
raised doubts about the com
the physicians and nurses
quality, of the treatment th
agreed that serious problem
'U' Hospital.
are hundr
ids of lab
taken every day,a
simply don't hat
modern systems ti
need to
lear cause THE CRITICISMS of 'U' Hospital,
ile no one the first university-owned and operated
petency of teaching hospital in the country and a
- or the recognized leader in research among
ere - all medical facilities nation-wide, have
as exist at primarily focused on the overwhelming
inefficiency of the system that powers
the hospital.
Dr. Richard Fiddian-Green, an
associate professor of surgery at the.
eds of Medical Center, was so outraged by this
inefficiency and its effect on the treat-
tests ment of his seriously ill daughter that
znd we heswrote a letter of complaint to top
hospital administrators. The following
Ue the is a summary of that letter:
Last October, Fiddian-Green's
hzat we daughter developed meningitis. On
all of Saturday, Oct. 7, she was brought to the
Pediatric Walk-in Clinic where she was
given a lumbar puncture. Performing
irector the analysis of such spinal fluid should
take approximately five minutes. ;In
)alston this case, the doctor and his daughter
waited for over three hours.
Meningitis is a swelling of the lining
ere unable of the brain, an extremely serious
solution to medical condition.
rs pointed
tion, while IT TOOK an all-out effort on Fiddian-
e situation Green's part to find the specimen and
re of the have it analyzed. During the search for
the missing spinal fluid, the doctor
SHospital discovered that the machine used, to
cent amine the fluid was broken and that
Hoentalp no arrangements appeared to have
Hospital been made to have the machine
aying spectand repaired or to examine the fluid by
. aiy rnoto by MAUREEN mALLET
GLADYS GIBSON sat in the lobby near the admissions department of the Univer-
sity Hospital yesterday, her feet propped on her suitcase. Each time the front
.doors opened, a wave of winter air poured over her. "When can they move me?
It's cold out here," she asked. Finally, with no hospital employee to aid the old
woman, a Daily photographer wheeled her into a warmer waiting room.
-'U' Hospital D
Jeptha I
Hospital employees also we
to come up with any concrete
the problems. Labor leader
the finger at the administrat
the administration blamed th
on the dilapidated structu
building itself.
Although a $254 million
ReplacementaProject was re
proved by the Regents, 'U
employees say that the dec
obsolete structure is only one
the serious problems the
currently faces.
jail population to rise
See PATIENTS, Page 7
Last in a Two-Part Series
Michigan is faced with a serious
problem of overcrowding in its prisons.
There are now over 15,000 prisoners in-
carcerated in Michigan's corrections
system, which is designed to hold less
than 13,000 people. The severity of the
situation is illustrated by inmates
Nader.blasts narrow
focus of law students
Ralph Nader, the consumer activist
who led a successful fight against the
giant automakers for safer cars,
yesterday criticized the narrow focus of
the legal profession and said it would
have to broaden its perspective to be
more effective.
Addressing a standing room only,
audience in a Hutchins Hall lecture
room, Nader also called for third-year
law students to contribute one per cent
of their future earnings as lawyers to
help finance the Equal Justice Foun-
dation, a newly-formed group started to
initiate wholesale structural legal
"A LOT OF wheels of justice aren't
revolving because there are no lawyers
at the controls," said Nader. "We are
well beyond the 1960's when legal
students lost their innocence. Law
students must acquire a broader per-
spective than next month's exam or
next month's paper," said Nader, who
labelled the bar examination "eminen-
tly cramable."
The narrow focus of law schools is not
new, Nader said. "Students must
realize they are being taught by a
teacher who lives in a narrow environ-.
ment," he said. "When I was at Har-
sleeping on bulkheads in Jackson State
Prison, the nation's largest walled
Both opponents and proponents of
Proposal B, which denies parole to con-
victed felons who commit any one of 80
enumerated crimes, agree there will be
an increase in the prison population due
to the new law.
"PROPOSAL B will make the over-
crowded situation worse," said Dr.
Fred Pesetsky, director of Psychiatric
Services at Jackson State Prison. "Un-
der very crowded conditions, anger
flies, people become more fearful, and
there is an increased lack of privacy."
Prior to the passage of Proposal B
inmates were entitled to reductions in
their sentences under the provisions of
"good time."
After a judge set the minimum and
maximum term of incarceration, the
* Michigan Student Assembly
last night promised its assistance
in a petition drive to rescind a
new state voucher plan which
gives Michigan private college
students a tuition break. See
story, Page 10.
* A Village Green apartments
employee said yesterday that the
management was not responsible
for a recent sewage water backup
which damaged four apartments.
See story, Page 10.
* Michigan coach Johnny Orr
and Athletic Director Don
Canham say they have no plans
parole board would reduce the
minimum by applying a statutory for-
mula computing "good time." If a
prisoner did not violate any rules he or
she would then be eligible for release
after serving the minimum sentence
minus the good time days. Proposal B
eliminates "good time" for those con-
victed of certain crimes and requires
that at least the minimum sentence be
"GOOD TIME is motivational, it
gives the prisoner an aura of op-
timism," Pesetsky emphasized. "It
allows a prisoner of high merit to get
out earlier. Proposal B has created a
shock wave here."
L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County
prosecutor who initiated the drive to get
the referendum on the ballot, said, "I
don't want to risk someone's safety on a
parolee's freedom. The longer the sen-
See PROPOSAL, Page 2
China wants peaceful
Taiwan settlement
Premier Teng Hsiao-ping was reported
yesterday to have declared that China
wants a peaceful resolution of the
Taiwan issue, but "cannot commit her-
self not to resort" to the use of force.
The account of Teng's remarks at a
Senate luncheon came from a Senator
who took notes. Another Senator, Thad
Cochran, (R-Miss.), quoted the Chinese
leader as saying, "You can rely'on our
assurance that we don't intend to use
force" and that "There has been no
discussion of boycott" against Taiwan.
THE SENATOR who made notes
declined the use of his name. His notes
quoted Teng as saying:
"We will permit the present system
on Taiwan and way of life to remain un-
changed. We will allow the local gover-
nment of Taiwan to maintain people-to-
people relations with other people, like
Japan and the United States.
"With this policy, we believe we can
achieve peaceful reunification. Like
you, we want to resolve the issue by
peaceful mens. We Chinese have
patience. However, China cannot
commit herself not to resort to other
means, because if we did, it would not
be beneficial to peaceful reunification."
LATER Cochran said his original
remarks were "too strong" and that "I
would be more comfortable saying he
(Teng) created the impression that for-
ce was contemplated."
After late afternoon meetings with
members of the House of Represen-
tatives, Teng was quoted as listing a
number of ways in which he said
Taiwan would be allowed to continue in
its current way of life following
unification with the mainland.
.Several House members said Teng
told them Taiwan would be allowed to
keep its military forces, continue
diplomatic relations with other coun-
tries and retain an amount of political
and economic atnomv with its
ti o
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