Page 8--Sunday, January 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily 1I SPECIA L SESSION ON MONDA Y Council wages war on waste Hijacker and FBI negotiate at Kennedy By JEFFREY WOLFF To some people, "Solid waste disposal" is merely a source of jokes, but such humor is not shared by those city officials who must aface the reality that Ann Arbor is quickly running out of space for its garbage. Debate over this situation will enter its newest phase tomorrow night when City Council will spend a special working session discussing waste ,disposal strategies for the city. THE DEBATE will deal with the future of Ann Arbor's current 190-acre landfill on Platt and Ellsworth roads. This landfill currently receives 99,000 tons of garbage a year, and a 4 per cent annual increase is projected. is preserved on AVAlLABL. AT: The Michigan Daily Student Publications Bldc. 420 Maynard Street AND Graduate Library \ However, quite a bit of the solid waste comes from'outside of Ann Arbor, and even 1the director of the Department of Solid Waste (SWD), Ulysses Ford, has said he does not know just how much. He estimates the amount to be about 35 per cent. This confusion results from the fact that 60 per cent of the garbage. is, brought into the landfill by privte con- tractors who apparently do not provide adequate records of the source of the waste they truck. CURRENTLY, 125 acres at the site are filled. Past estimates have projec- ted that the remaining 65 acres will be filled by 1985, but Ford said stricter en- vironmental requirements recently enacted by the state will reduce the life of the landfill tomid-1982. In response to this fact -the city has sought to buy land adjacent to the site NOTICE New Hours at ook Fjo. MONDAY: 9:30-6 TUESDAY: 9:30-6 WEDNESDAY: 9:30-6 THURSDAY: 9:30-8:30 FRIDAY: 9:30-8:30 SATURDAY: 9:30-6 SUNDAY: 12-6 303 S. State-668-7652 from privte owners in order to expand the landfill. Negotiations have resulted in the recent approval of a purchase agreement for 54 acres at a cost to the city of approximately $250,000. In addition to this land, known as the McCalla parcel, the city is actively negotiating for another parcel of roughtly the same size and cost. Ann Arbor citizens will be voting on ap- proval or rejection of approximately $600,000 in bonds needed to finance these purchases. HOWEVER, FORD points out that as pressure increases to use land for development and housing, and the cost of acreage rises, then as a long term solution "landfilling is out," since the land simply won't be available." Recognition of the need for develop- ment of some type of long term solution resulted two years ago in the creation of a special Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee, composed of city administrative staff and two council representatives. Committee Chairman Ulrich Stoll said the impetus for creating the com- mittee was that "it was clear we were running out of land" and stricter en- vironmental regulations were making landfilling more expensive. In addition, the landfill was an 'unsightly mess," with neighbors complaining of blowing litter and a smell when the wind was strong. Finally, resource recovery was becoming a national concern. IN THE COURSE of the last year, the committee and an engineering con- sultant firm it hired became convinced that constructing a shredding facility was a viable option. A shredder, by compacting garbage, would increase the life of the landfill by approximately 75 per cent, according to SWD estimates. However, despite the growing atten- tion to recycling, efforts to find future local markets for the city's garbage have not been successful. Although some of the companies contacted by of- ficials expressed interest, the city has not received any firm commitments: Another problem facing the city is the large initial cost of the shredder - estimated at $2.6 million. This also must be approved by the voters, and the council will be under pressure to make a decision prior to February 15th - the deadline for getting the measure put on the April ballot. If the deadline is missed, no action can be taken until next year. THE SWD REPORTS that in 1978 operations, the disposal cost of garbage was $7.40 per ton, while shredded fill. would have cost $10.40 per ton. However, these cost comparisons have been strongly criticized by committee menibers, and may become a point of controversy in front of the council as well. In general, operating a shredder will become a relatively cheaper means of waste disposal as land costs rise and environmental standards are strengthened. However, recent study has caused Ford to question the validity of even the shredding facility as an adequate long- term solution. The SWD repot, prepared for the' committee earlier this week and to be pr'esented to the council Monday, proposes "construcfing a facility whose initial function will be a transfer station." A transfer station would in- volve bringing the refuse to a centrally-f located facility and then taking it by trucl to various private landfills, most likely in Wayne County. spokesman, said, "She's the only one (hijacker) as far as I know." THE WOMAN was described as about 5-foot-2 and about 40 years old. Inside the terminal, police blocked off the concourse. The pilot of the plane reported he had received a note saying nitroglycerin was aboard the plane, officials said. The note the pilot received also demanded that one of three enter- tainers read a second note to thenews, media. The contents of that note, sup- posedly hidden at Los Angeles Inter- national Airport, were not immediately known. In Los Angeles, FBI spokesman John Morrison said FBI special agent in charge Ted Gunderson had taken Charlton Heston, one of the enter- tainers named in the pilot's note, to the Los Angeles airport., Irv Cuevas, regional manager of Unitedtpublic relations in Los Angeles, said company officials were waiting for a telenone call from New York. The plane, Flight 8 from Los Angeles, landed at 7:29 p.m., EST, and the FBI conducted airport operations. Negotiations with the hijacker were handled through the tower, officials said. It could not be confirmed whether ex- plosive nitroglycerin was actually on board the plane. "There's a chance that they can refuel here and the plane go off anywhere," said Quentin Ertel, and FBI spokesman. Ertel said as far . as he knew, the passengers were all right. Actor and singer Theodore Bikel was one of the passengers aboard the plane, his wife Rita said. "IS everything fine? 'We have two babieseonthe plane," said David Barouk, of Manhattan, who was waiting for his wife Nichama, their two children -- Done, 11/2, and Asaf, eight months - and sister-in-law Dikev Hake, who were on the plane. United spokeswoman . ary Stringfellow in Los Angeles said the note given to the pilot demanded that network television be pre-empted so one of three famous entertainers could read a message allegedly left at the airport. "The pilot reported that he was being hijacked .. .about 10 miles west of Prescott, Ariz.," said Dennis Feldman, a spokesman for the FAA in Washington. He added that there were 119 passengers and 12 crew members. aboard. MS, STRINGFELLOW said that the note given to the pilot did-not demand that the flight be rerouted. She said the note demanded that 'a highest United official should contact either Lindsay Wagner, Jack Iemmon or Charlton Heston," all entertainers. Ms. Stringfellow said the note said that the writer was "'willing to die for the cause, but I don't know what the cause is, and ' that he has nitroglycerin." Port Authority police in New York said PA officers, city police, FBI agents and a special hijack team were to be at the airport for the arrival of the Boeing 747. d STO P! There's a solution. Come to BELL'S for great PIZZAS and GRINDERS. S. STATE and PACKARD () e 9950232 Sun-Wed til 1 am Thurs til 2 Fri-Sat til 3am I New in town? For the latest in news, entertainment, sports . , . you should subscribe to Call 764-0558 to order your subscrip- tion .. delivered to your door Tues- day-Saturday Bakhtiar Khomeini to meet in Paris (Continued from Page ), marchers, dressed as civilians, iden- tified themselves as air force men. People in the crowd continually questioned foreigners as to whether they might be Americans and many of the slogans they carried were ant= American. But otherwise there was no sign of anti-Western hostility. The official radio said one person was killed and 27 were injured yesterday during a pro-Khomeini march in the northern city of Grogan. But it reported all marches in other cities went off peacefully., THE DEMONSTRATION in Tehran was allowed by the authorities because its ostensible purpose was to mark the anniversary of the death of the Prophet Mohammed - the founder of Islam - a major Moslem holiday. But the government and martial law administrators have insisted that all unauthorized marches would be put down ruthlessly. This was the justification for the toughness with which Friday's demonstrations were broken up. r