The Michigan Daily-Sunday, January 28, 1979-Page 3
Take ten
Prof. Berta aso a ie ytePyhlg eateta
Michigan State University and 600 students h a rly onerveningt
of Jan. 26, 1969 to protest the decision. Garskof, who had been active in
the New Politics Party in Ann Arbor, was informed in a letter the day
before that he would not be rehired at the end of the year after his two-
year nontenure contract was up.
Chinese New Year Festival - Tigei Cliff; Stardust; cultural films:
Assembly Hall, Union,2Gp.m.
Cinema Guild -- Here Come the Nelsons: Old Arch Aud,, 7, 9:05 p.m.
Cinema II - Cassavetes' Husbands: Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9:30 p.m.
Pendleton Arts Center - Gemini, singers, guitarists: Union, 2nd
fir., 2p.m.
Faculty Voice Recital -- works by Mozart, Verdi;- Rackham, 4 p.m.
T.V. Center - Radio Drama: Life and Rebirth: WDIV-TV, Detroit, 7
a. m.
MHTP - Art Print Sale Benefit. Union Lobby, Fishbowl, 9 a.m. -5.
6 MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979
Cinema Guild - Renoir's La Grande Illusion: Old Arch., Aud., 7,
9:05 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op -- The Lodger, 9:30; Mirage, 10:30: Aud. A,
Music School-Composers'Forum: SM Recital Hall,8p.m.
Music School - James Dapogny, "Changing FPremises for Jazz Im.-
provisation, 1917-1979": Rackham Assembly Hall, 8p.m. ,
MHTP - Art Print Sale Benefit: Union Lobby, Fishbowl, 9 a.m. - 5
Ex drug users can become cops
Persons who experimented with hallucinogens or marijuana may
soon be allowed to join the Maryland State Police. New guidelines
went into effect last week, under which applicants with a history of
drug involvement can be considered if they show they have not had
any contact with drugs in the past five years. Recruits hired under the
guidelines may be in July's training class, said Col. Thomas Smith,
state polie superintendent. "Jus because someone ha tried'this stuff
us should have a second chance. After all, we let some murderers go
free," he said.
Smart kid gets nabbed
A Concord, California teen-ager, too young to get a driver's license,
was still smart enough and old enough to drive computer experts at
the Unversity of California crazy. The 15 year-old youth, described
both as a "whiz kid" and as a "nuisance" ias arrested at his home
this week for disrupting the University's intricate cnmputer
operations for months. He was booked by campus and local authorities
and charged wi t gradtheft for stealing more than 2000 hours of
computer time at one dollar an hour. He was also charged with felony
vandalism for disrupting the computer progiams and possession of
stolen property printouts mado of other people's work. The youth used
second-hand equipment he bought for $60 and a telephone to plug into
the university computeri program. When the director of the university
computer affairs put a security warning on each computer project
several weeks ago,.a message came back, saying, presumably from
the boy, saying, "You've done relatively well keeping me out. Would
you like some help?" '
Violence and the spread of
Their slogan is Viva Cristo! Viva Marx! But can the priest who seek
to turn to the Roman Catholic church into a focal point for Castro-style
revolution coexist with a pope who has a deep knowledge of Marxism
and its denial of humhan rights? The answer is clearly no. Pope John
Paul II has made it clear in the past few days that there is no place in
the church for priests and others who turn to violence and systems
such as atheistic communism to spread the message of salvation. But
neither is the 58-year-old pontiff likely to condemn out of hand efforts
to involve the church more actively in the struggle to improve the
material conditions of the poor, who made up 80 per cent of the
population in Latin America. The pope's views will become apparent
as he inaugurates and attends the opening sessions of the third con-
ference of Latin American bishops this weekend. The Catholic
revolutionaries take their cue from to so-called "theology of
liberation" that teaches people must be freed from poverty and
ignorance as part of God's salvation. Some believe God comes from a
barrel of a gun. For them theology of liberation has become a byword
for revolution. "If it pplies doctrines, systems or ways of analysis that
are not Christian," the pope said, "then it is not true theology. That's
the problem. Theology of liberation, yes. But which one?"
New nation is born
The recent debut of the vest-pocket British Commonwealth of
IDominica as the world's youngest nation, signals the emergence of a
series of ministates in the Caribbean over the next 12 months.
Dominica, a 290 square mile dot in the Lesser Antilles, is in fact a
banana republic. It earns nearly three wuarters of its $12 million ex-
port revenges from the popular fruit, although the global gut of
bananas has not helped the business of late on this island of almost
80,000 people. The big powers helped celebrate the birth of this tiny
nation. Britain, which had ruled this island since 1805, turned over $20
million, half of it as an outright grant and the remainder as an interest
free loan. France promised to build a sports stadium, jet airport and a
better road system. The United Stated donated 250 reference volumes
to the fledEing stat's national library. Other Caribbean islands on the
Pope criticizes Mexican church
By Reuter and AP
MEXICO CITY - Pope John Paul II,
in apparent criticism, of Marxist
Catholics, yesterday called on the
church in Latin America to correct its
He made his call in Mexico's most re-
vered shrine after a triumphant motor-
cade through the streets of the
Mexican capital, cheered by a crowd
officially estimated at six million.
IN A HOMILY at the Basilica of Our
Lady of Guadalupe at the start of the
third Conference of Latin American
Bishops, the pope called for a "correct
and necessary step forward" from the
last bishops' conference in Medellin,
Colombia, 10 years ago.
"More than 10 years have passed and
interpretations have been given that
have at times been contradictory, not
always correct, not always beneficial to
the church," he told cardinals, arch-
bishops, bishops and a huge throng in
the basilica.
"The church is therefore looking for
the ways that will enable her to under-
stand more deeply and fulfill more
zealously the mission she has been
given by Christ Jesus."
The pope did not elaborate in the
homily, which primarily has devoted to
an invocation to the Virgin Mary, to
guide the bishops' conference which
opens today in a seminary at Puebla,
100 miles (160 km) east of Mexico City.
- The 250 bishops meeting there this
week must confront knotty problems
ranging from growing sexual freedom
to the politicization of priests in order to
chart their church's course. into the
next century.
THE 17-DAY Third Latin American
Bishops Conference, billed as the most
important session for the prelates this
decade, has been given added weight
because of the visit of Pope John Paul
The pontiff chose to inaugurate the
conference to show his concern for the
future of the church in turbulent Cen-
tral and South America, home to nearly
half the world's 750 million Roman
An unofficial Associated Press sur-
vey of church officials in several Latin
American nations shows that their con-
cerns will center on:
* The problem that in some Latin coun-
tries as few as two per cent of the
population practice their faith.
* Many prelates are troubled by rising
divorce rates and a breakdown of the
* More than a score of priests have died
fighting alongside leftist guerrillas in
politically troubled nations.
"Progressive" Catholics have adop-
ted what is known as the "theology of
liberatian" and during his flight from
Rome to Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic, the pope made clear he op-
posed and Marxist version of it.
"Theology of Liberation, yes," he
said. "But which one?" "If one starts to
politicize theology, to apply doctrines of
systems, ways of analysis, which are
not Christian, then this is no longer
His greeting from the, millions of.
Mexicans yesterday more than
equalled Friday's jubilant welcome
"Interpretations have been given that have at times
been contradictory, not always correct, not always,
beneficial to thenchurch."
-Pope ,John Paul II
When the procession resumed, the
smiling leader of the world's 700 million
Roman Catholics greeted the crowds by
waving, spreading his arms and giving
a blessing with the sign of the Cross.
The pope's motorcade, preceded by
two V-shaped patrols of 'white-
uniformed police on motorcycles and
two truckloads of photographers, was
accompanied by about 15 young smar-
tly dressed young men who ran
alongside. Reliable sources said they
were army karate experts, ready to
protect the pope from anyone trying to
board the bus.
At one point, John Paul stopped the
motorcade, stepped down from his open
vehicle and mingled with the multitude,
touching hands, blessing babies and
acknowledging the roar of the adoring
Security men were hard-pressed to
hold back the throng during the several
minutes the pope stood on the broad In-
surgentes Avenue.
"It is the largest accumulation. of
people I have seen in my life," said
Capt. Enrique Ortega, a policeman'
working for the Red Cross.
.Per Cop
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* The number of foreign priests, upon
whom Latin American Catholics have
depended for centuries, is falling
Church involvement in secular af-
fairs is expected to be the most volatile
issue of the congress.
ACTIVIST priests say the church
should advocate revolution, if
necessary, for social reform and a new.
economic order. Conservatives say the
church should aim more at moulding
souls by providing moral guidance.
The Vatican spokesman, the Rev.
Pierfranco Pastore, told reporters the
pope would spell out his views more
fully in a speech there today.
The pope's critical comments were
believed to be a reference to leftwing
Catholics who have interpreted Latin
America's huge economic and social
problems in Marxist terms.
when the pope, on his first journey out-
side Italy since his election three mon-
ths ago, arrived from Santo Domingo.
THE CROWD shouted "Viva el
Papa" (Long live the Pope) and "El
Papa, el Papa, rah rah rah" as the
slow-moving motorcade took the pope
'to the basilica to deliver his speech.
Soon after the white-robed pope star-
ted his motorcade, in an open single-
decker bus, he stopped and got out to
mingle with the flag-waving, sign-
carrying Mexicans.
Some of the signs read "Mexico
Faithful to the Pope," "Long Live
Christ the King" and "Long Live the
Virgin of Guadaloupe."
The basilica of the "Dark Virgin"
marks the spot where an illiterate In-
dian convert said he had a vision of
Mary, with Indian features, 448 years
Energy: Look to Mexico?
By Reuter and AP
WASHINGTON-President Carter
suggested yesterday that the United
States was not looking to Mexico for
help in meeting America's immediate
energy needs but viewed it as only a
possible long-range supplier of natural
In the transcript of an interview with
visiting editors released by the White
House today, Carter said the country's
short-term needs could be met by
domestic supplies of natural gas.
HE ALSO suggested that the United
States might not be willing now to pay a
high price for Mexican natural gas,
which at $2.60 per thousand cubic feet is
higher than what the government pays
for domestic and Canadian supplies.
He also said oil and .gas deposits
recently discovered in Mexico were of a
nature that required long-range ex-
ploration and development.
But he added that the United States
was interested in negotiating with
Mexico for long range oil and gas sup-
plies and that he will discuss the subject
in detail with Mexican President Lopez
Portillo when he visits Mexico on
February 14.
SAYING HE was not going to Mexico
to negotiate the spot price of natural
gas, Carter responded to a question by
adding, "It is so important to
distinguish between short-term needs,
which are being met by domestic sup-
plies, and long-term needs.. when we.
will probably not have adequate sup-
plies in our own country.
Asked whether he agreed with
Energy Secretary James Schlesinger's
view that the United States was not
willing to pay Mexico's price for gas, he
"I don't think Secretary Schlesinger
insinuated that on a long-term basis we
wouldn't . . . negotiate with Mexico."'
BUT HE SAID: "We cannotafford to
pay, any time in the near future, a
much higher price for Mexican gas
than we pay for domestic gas... . That
is just the fact of the matter."
On the question of establishing nor-'
mal diplomatic relations with .China,
Carter said Soviet President Leonid
Brezhnev had contacted him directly to
express concern about possible
weapons sales by Western countries to
He said he assured the Soviet Union
the United States will not sell weapons
to China or Russia.
He also said the sale of technological
equipment such as computers to China
would be decided on a case-by-case
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