Page 6-Saturday, January 27, 1979-The Michigan Daily L.OST ON TUESDAY-A black beret with colored nedal. Reward. 662-5217, Kevin. 06A127 .OST-LADIES' WATCH. Reward. 995-0175. Call. after 11 p.m. 91A127 LOST-One pair of gold rimmed GLASSES. Please call Max, 665-8791. dA124 FOND-A set of keys-Packard and Main. 663- 7862. dA128 LOST-One pair of gold rimmed GLASSES. Please call Max.665-8793. dr O TWO COMPLETE STEREO SYSTEMS. Dual, Technics, Utah speakers. Price negotiable, must sefl. Tom, 764-6683. .18B202, WATERBEDS ARE BEDDER from A New Dawning Water Bedrooms. Visit our newly expanded location at 213 S. Fourth Ave. Between Liberty and Wash- ,ington. 665-0386. cBtc ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Sanmarco boots, Salomon bind- ings; Barrecrafter poles. Good condition. $150.00. Call 662-8372. 87B201 WATERBEDS,. frames & heater included. Sanyo Cassette Deck, never used. Call Rick, 668-8947. 90B201 FOR THE BEST IN WATER BEDS remember to come see Waterworks Waterbeds at 3066 Packard near Piatt. 971-1355. entc EACELLENT LOCATION, $108.00/mo. Share with 3 other considerate, friendly male students. 663- 2564. 74C127 AVAILABLE UNEXPECTEDLY-2 bedroom apt., 1 min. from campus. Balconies, dishwasher, dis- posal, a/c, laundry facilities. Rent negotiable. Call persistently, 763-1107 or 994-4627. 47C131 SUITABLE for 6 students. Furnished house West Jefferson. Available May, one year lease, $720/mo. 769-5676. 68Ci 2 BEDROOM bi-level for 2 or 3 people 3 blocks from campus, new paint and carpet, washing facili- ties; available March 1, fall option.665-9092. 58C130 EFFICIENCY FOR RENT. Two blocks from cam- ous. Available immediately. 662-6646. 57C130 "Distinctive Living" with MODERN APARTMENTS Now accepting applications for Fall 79 rental Featuring " On & Off Campus Locations " Security Systems " Furnished * Heat & Water Paid * Air Conditioned " Disposals " Laundry Room " Stprage " Bilcony " Parking For best selection/call now!! 668-6906 663-3641 cCtc MODERN MANAGE IENT OFFERS "Distinctive Living" Clean, well managed apartments in modern build- ings and houses with character located on & off campus. Furnished/Semi-furnished! Un-furnished Now Leasing for Fall 79 668-6906 663-3641 cCtc MALE or female needed for semi-private room in co- ed house. Phone 995-4229. 41C130 CAMPUS-Sixbedroom, fully furnished, nocats. Available May 1. $900/mo. 663-5861. 82C123 CAMPUS FALL RENTALS Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, modern build- ing, dishwasher, dispdsal, A/C, laundry facilities, off street parking, no pets. Make application for Sept. lease. 973-1744. 38C130 FALL 1979 CAMPUS We are currently leasing efficiencies, 1 & 2 bed- room modern, furnished apartments for next fall. Stop by or call. Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church' 761-7600. Daily 9-5. cCtc FALLOCCUPANCY ~ EXAMINATION JITTERS? Do you blank out on exams? Anxious about tests? You may be interested in our biofeedback assisted test anxiety program. For more information, call 764-6311 or visit K-103 Wgst Quad. Program under the direction of Dr. James D. Papsdorf. A service- research program. 37F127 WANTED-Any talented mimes, magicians, min- strels, etc. to work at MICHIGRAS '79 Feb. 10. If interested call Union Programming, 763-1107. 37F128 OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University SUBJECTS WANTED-Advance the cause of science and earn some money; participate in a psychological study of decision making. Call Rita at 764-8362. 06H125 . JANITORIAL HELP wanted, Must be U-M student. : About 2 hours a day, Mon. thru Sat. mornings. See Arch Gamm at the Michigan Daily. dH MODELS WANTED. $10.00 per hour, Apply in person 215 S. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor. 24H209 HOSPITAL SITTERS NEEDED. Night and day shifts available at local hospitals. We will orient and train you. Full or part-time work available. Kelly Health Care, 973-9010, 9a.m.-5 p.m. p94H210 EARN EXTRA MONEY. If you have 4-8 hours a day " free, see Manpower to tjjrn those hours into dollars. No experience necessary. Apply 118 W. Jefferson, Ann Arbor. 665-3757. 28H128 Modern two bedroom furnished apts. 2 blocks from Diag. Parking. Also 1 & 2 man furnished apts. in older Campus Homes. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 335 E. Huron 663-4101 cCtc TWO BEDROOM AIARTMENT, furnished, good locatinnon Packard. 66-1978 or662-0351. 34128 1973 CHEVROLET Bel-Air wagon. New snow tires, automatic, good reliable transportation. $595 or best offer.995-2002 or426-3331. 80N131 FOR SALE-1971 V.W. bus, $1,200. Call 662-137 after 6:30 p.m. - 78N1 FOR SALE-1971'Duster, 'new battery, excellent .steel radials, good engine, $475. Call after 5 p.m., 665-2203. 89B126 HOUSESITTER in responsible professional man with excellent credentials. Mechanical Engineer, 36 years old, will live in your home while you are on vacation or sabatical. Contact Mr. Douglas IBrooks at 971-6654 evenings and weekends. 99F201 ROOM AND BOARD-North Campus Co-op avail- able. $165/month. Glenn, 764-9548/663-6955. 56E130 FREE ROOM AND BATH to female, for part time work, including sales. 761-8556. 94E127 WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL about rooms in the Union? There's a place for you in South Quad right now? Male double w/sink, good roommate. 769-3799 after 4. 16E131 WQMAN ,TO SHARE two bedroom, unfurnished apartment in house. Available immediately- "August. 665-5465. 19C201 CAMPUS FALL RENTALS Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, modern. building, dishwasher, disposal, A/C, laundry facili- pties.t;off street parking, no pets. Make application Z'or Sept. lease. 973-1744. 38C130 IAY TO AUGUST SUBLET-Furnished 2 person > partment with A/C. Great location on Central 'Campus. Large rooms. Private parking. Price negotiable. 995-2367. 09C128 GRAD STUDENT OR WORKER to share spacious, 5 bedroom cooperative home. Must be vegetarian, non smoker, preferably female. Share meals and expenses, $145, available now. 995-4889. 04C130 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY One bedroom and tw'o bedroom apts. Now available. Furnished. Includes heat, water and parking. Across from U of M Stadium. 2 blocks from campus bus stop. Sans Souci Apts., 1036 S. Main. 994-3955, cCtc HALF OF TWO BEDROOM apartment, near cam- pus. $135/month, female. 995-2466, after 5:30. 01C128 CAMPUS Furnished 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 bedroom apartments and houses available May 1. Year leases, no pets. Call 662-0758 between 2-5 p.m. eCtc' NEED TWO PEOPLE or couple to share large apartment, $113/month. Receive $300 bonus! 662- 4944. dC127 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share double. $125/mo. or the double roonm also available at $255/mo. Call. 665-0922 or 478-4922. Close to Campus/downtown. 97C201 STUDENT WANTED to share house, Packard- Platt area with University researcher; $125/mo., utilities included. Call Bill, 971-5492 after 4. 95C 131 CAMPUS Furnished 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 bedroom apartments and houses available May 1. Year leases, no pets. Call' 662-0758 between 2-5 p.m. cCtc HUGE ATTIC BEDROOM-Co-op type house. Availble immediately. $95.665-4635. 81C127 CAMPUS-Six bedroom, fully furnished, no cats. Available May 1. $900/mo. 663-5861. 45C203 BILEVEL TWO BEDROOM campus apartment. Unexpectly available. Jan. thru Aug. lease. Ideal for four. Campus Rentals, 665-8825. DONT HAVE TIME to knit yourself that warm sweater you need? Come in and make arrange ments with our knitter any Wednesday. We again have a complete range of colors in Persionpoint for needlepoint. The Wild Weft, 415 N. Fifth Avenue (in Kerrytown III). 761-2466. F126 "WOMEN'S CHANGING ROLES-Pressures of Balancing Home, Career, and Other Interests" is the title of a panel discussion sponsored by B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Sunday, January 28th, from 2-4:00 p.m. Several working women from Ann Arbor's Jewish community are participants in the Program: Carol Amster, Executive Director, Washtenaw County U.J.A. Harriet Blumberg, teacher, Ann Arbor Hebrew Day School Vivianne Greeye, Office of State and Community Relations, University of Michigan s - Geraldine Markel, Associate Professor of Edu- cation, University of Michigan. The program will be held at the Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. For further information; please call. 663-3336. cF128 WE CARE ABOUT how you look. U-M Stylists at the Union. Open 8:30 a.m. Mon.-Sat. cF127 MALE AND FEMALIF Attendants. Body rubs. Baths. Escorts. 10 a.m.-12 a.m. Daily; 12-12 Sun- days. 215 :S. Fourth Ave. 668-9775. No appointment necessary. - 23F209 JEWISH GRAD Students/Singles-There will be a grad brunch with lox and bagels at Hillel Founda- tion, 1429 Hill Street, Sun., Jan. 28 at 11:00 a.m. $1.50. cF128 WE CARE ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK. U-M Stylists at the Union, open 8:30 a.m. Mon.-Sat. cF127 VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL Heart shaped cakes delivered with a musical flair. Romantic effect guaranteed. Call our new number: 994-0149. cFtc MALE COMPANION-Wanted by woman; 28, to share interest; hiking, backpacking, squash. Must be emotionally mature and unmarried. Box 19, Michigan Daily. 84F128 BERT LANCE-Stand aside. Corporate corruption knows a new name: Berha Gold. dF127 JUDAIC SESSIONS AT CHABAD HOUSE TORAH--5 books of Moses) with commentary PROPHETS-with commentary. JEWISH LAW-up to date laws. TALMUD-beginners and advanced. AVOS-ethics from Sinai with commentary. MEANING OF PRAYER-history and translation. JEWISH PHILOSOPHY-and mysticism. MINCHAS CHINUCH-review of the 613 MITZVOT (Jewish law). Every evening 7-10 p.m. (also afternoons). Free of charge beginners/advanced session. 715 Hill Street, corner of Oakland. Dial 99-LEARN. pcFtc Win NBA ALL STAR TICKETS Pick-up your official entry form to win 2 great seats for the NBA All Star game in Pontiac, Feb. 4th. Also check out our copying, typing and print- ing-super quality and service, open 7 days. The WORDPROCESSORS 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cFtc HOSPITAL SITTERS NEEDED. Night and day shifts available at local hospitals. We will orient and train you. Full or part-time work available. Kelly Health Care, 973-9010 9 a.m.-5 p.m. p94H210 ALL TYPISTS. The Wordprocessors, a commercial typing service has part and full time positions open fQr mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must accu- rately type minimum 60 w.p.m. Good pay and pleasant environmeht. Call Suzanne or June, 662- 3969. cHtc NOW TAKING applications for full and part-time closers. $3.15 to start. Apply at Burger King, 530 East Liberty. 88H209 LARGE ADVENT SPEAKERIS, excellent condition. 2 years old, utility cabinets, $165. Benjy, 665-6760. 55X128 WANTED-French horn. Call 994-4800, ext. 417 be- tween 8:00-5:00, 77X128 STEREO SPEAKERS. KLH M-103. Less than 100 hrs. playing time. $220/pair. Call Jerry, 663-6454, 63X128 ADVENT LOUDSPEAKERS. Excellent condition, $120. 764-8900. 53X128 FOR SALE: Used alto saxophone, $225, call665-4128. FALL CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED UNITS IN MODERN BUILDINGS STOP BY SOON FOR COMPLETE AND BEST SELECTION RENTALS SOUTH UNIVERSITY AT WASHTENAW .665-8825 . cCtc GEDDES OBSERVATORY AREA Two bedroom modern furnished apts. for fall, parking, separate kitchen, laundry facilities. Campus Management, Inc. 663-4101 cCtc A 1 Pa 5 Se pu 12 W 13 M 15 Si of 16 Pt 17 M 18 P 20 M 21 A 23 0 in in DAILY CROSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe C 1W79 Los Aqgls Timos 6yu&s CROSS , 42 New Zealand 11 Be lively air native and noisy econdhand 43 Without: Lat. 12 Self-sacrificing irchase 44 - mode person 'izard of 45 Algonquian 14 - Frau -Park dwellings (beautiful lady useum items 47 Peruse carefully 15 Work in the upervisory 48 What Washington garden 'ficial couldn't do: Phrase 19 Part of a book ungent 50 Runs into 22 Ways of going .ake a slip 52 Trellis . 24 Phenomena of art of Spain 53 Petrarch's beloved ancient Greece ountain tree 54 Genghis Khan's 26 Favorite chees nd others: Abbr. men 271Swindles pening for pour- 55 Relative of 29 Copy .g molten metal, the foil 31 Coronet foundries 32 In-(in an OPENINGS TI ROUGH JANUARY in on-going, experiential, Gestalt-oriented personal growth and support group. Tuesday evenings 7-10 (through March 13). Minimum fee: $15/session. For details/' introductory interview, call Michael Andes or Cath- erine Lilly, 662-5215. 09F130 CHOREOGRAPHER NEEDED for original musical production. Pay involved. Call GM: 663-5982 or B.A.: 995-2619. 15F130 WHAT'S IMPORTANT IS... where you do your bowling. Union Lanes open 1:00 p.m. today., cF128 DREAMS WORKSHOP, Gestalt, Senoi, pyscho- drama. February 9-11. $25 plus sliding scale. Bob and Margaret Blood, 769-0046. cF208 DELECTABLE DELI'S New York style, $1.50 per sandwich/plate at Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street, Sunday, Jan. 28 at 6:00 p.m. cF128 JAZZ AND BLUES Piano lessons-Start now. Excel- lent teacher.662-1569. 12F202 PART TIME HOUSEKEEPING-Half day per week. Call Judith, 761-7636 evenings. 11H131 THE WORD PROCESSORS has immediate part -and full-time opening in our copying department. Must be good and like working with detail. Experi- ence helpful but not necessary. Call Gordon, 662- 3969. cHtc COOK WANTED morning and weekend. Sorority house. $150 per week. Call ?61-4524. 08H131 GO-GO DANCERS WANTED $7.00 an hour. Apply Banacek's Lounge, 208 5th Street, Michigan Center. 1-517-764-4940. 00H131 NORTHERN MICHIGAN summer camp has the following openings: instructors for sailing, arts and crafts, horseback riding, gymnastics, dance/drama, tennis. For application please write: Camp Sea-Gull, 29550 Franklin Rd., No. 329, Southfield, MI 48034. p85H 127 HELP NEW STUDENTS next fall-Be an orien- tation leader. Applications available at 2530 SAB from Monday, Jan. 22 to Friday, Feb. 16. p02H215 TYPISTS. The Word Processors, a professional commercial service has full/part-time positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in at least one of the following: transcription, type- setting, or computerized word processing equip- ment. Pleasant working environment, pay com- mensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne, 662-3969. eHtc HOSPITAL SITTERS NEEDED. Night and day shifts available at local hospitals. We will orient and train you. Full or part-time work available. Kelly Health Care, 973-9010,9 a.m.-5 p.m. p94H210 THE MICHIGAN DAILY is now accepting applica- tions for carrier routes. Good money, 6 mornings a week. Bonus for supplements and NO COLLECT- ING. Call 764-0558. dHtc WANTED-Any talented mimes, magicians, min- strels, etc. to work at MICHIGRAS '79 Feb.' 10. If interested call Union Programming, 763-1107. 36H128 COLLEGE STUDENT WANTED to assist handi- capped man and help with inside/outside house tasks. Will trade room, board and loving family. 995-8855. . 96H201 ALBERT TERRACE SUMMER SUBLET Four openings now available. You better hurry before the rush begins. 995-9420 dU128 BEAUTIFUL TWO bedroom apt. available for May-Aug. sublet. With air-cond. Exc. local. Call. 995-0925 persistently. 76U128 INVESTOR WILL PAY $200 reward for information leading to purchase of campus apartment building. 995-0335. cJtc TYPING/BINDING * Dissertations " Theses/Term papers *Business/Letters/Resumes . Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B cJtc . DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Free spelling, grammar, punctuation -and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK--665-3416 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional.996-0566. cJtc WILLING TO TAKE CARE of elderly family mem- - bers, five days/week, with on-call services avail- able 24 hours/dpy; -no live-in; have medical experience. Call Michael at 665-9683, 1-5 p.m., or after 8p.m. dO CLASSES IN CLAY Evenings,; beginning Februay 6 & 8. Beginners to advanced; gas kilns; flexible lab hours. $135/18 weeks. Call 973-9707 for info. (663-4970 if desperate). 92J128 THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING and WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. we specialize in dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding, open 7 days. NEEDEU-Female roommate to share one bed- room campus apartment. Call Lisa: 995-3078 or 769-7046. 03Y128 Nonsmoker graduate/mature working woman wan- ted to share pleasant 2-bdrm. apartment. Full basement. 15 minutes from campus. Close, buses, supermarket. Must,like cats. $147 plus utilities. Box 8408. 39Y127 ROOMMATE NEEDED-Female-Own room-in large apartment. Close to campus-May or August lease. Call Sue at994-0670. 98Y128 SAVE $$$ discounts on all new or used aquarium supplies and equipment. Complete set ups as low as $15. We also feature rental & maintenance programs. -For more info phone 663-6469 or 995- 4047 93T1i0 Do a Tree a Favor: Recycle Your Doily ) up e WAKE UP' to 1311d4u D augMI Book manufacturer looking for persons with manual dexterity for bindery handwork. These will be day or afternoon on call assignments. Flexible hours to fit your schedule. Contact Bruce Blankenship at: Braun-Brumfield 100 N. Staebler (W. of Zeeb on Jackson Rd.) Ann Arbor, MI (313) 662-3291 Equal Opportunity Employer 211 S, State St. 662-3969 cJtc 4.- . ' 4' 4 +r 1, S a 4' 4 '4 4r of 4. 4s '. .y. . .b 72 24 Von Bismarck 25 Ruling lineages 27 Actor Pat 0'- 28 Meat course accompaniment 29 Hackney coach 30 Cubes 31 Steatite 32 Approach 35 Reaping hooks 38 Rises 39 Breech-loading rifle of Franco- Prussian war 41 Sandbox denizens 1 2 3 15 DOWN 1 Geological formation 2 Remnant 3 One of the Waughs 4 Cenobites 5 Stymied: Collloq. - phrase 6 Dog Star 7 Eleve's school 8 Fonteyn title 9 The Confederacy: excited condition) 33 Least ardent 34 Indian cigar tree 35 Weather prediction 36 Man of taste 37 State of NW Mexico 39 Wilier 40 Greenbacks 42 Millet grasses: Lat. 45 Disney 46 Fastener 49 Tutelary deity 51 Theatrical term Abbr. Unstable 10 F'; FIND THE UNUSUAL AND BEAUTIFUL on sale, at, the EXHIBIT MUSEUM GIFT SHOP. Exhibit Museum of Natural History Geddes and N. University Monday thru Friday 10:00-4:30 Saturday 10:00-5:00 -Sunday 1:00-5:00 21F130 COPIES: 3%$i each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Aecu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 CFtc MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc GRADUATE STUDENTS prepared for doctoral re- search at the University of Tuebingen, West Ger- many. Should make appljcation now for the scholar- ship. Please contact Hank Peiter, West European Center, 5208 Angell Hall, 764-4311 for details. 60F131 NO MATTER HOW BAD YOUR PROBLEM IS, something can be done about it. Phone 973-2632. 46F127 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. - - cFtc WANTED DESPERATELY-Work study student for twenty hours/week. Secretary. Call Mike, 763- 2203. 61H209 CERAMICIST NEEDED to produce large quantities of slip molded pottery for a Southfield, Mi. firm 356-5523. 62H130 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS TELEPHONE HELP Part-time. 10-30 hrs. per week. Must be 18. No car necessary. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m, Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place, across from Couzens Hall. . 65H204 FIRST MATE & WIFE A second honeymoon is something that we all look forward to. Picture you and your wife spending six months living and helping to maintain our boat as first mate on one of the most beautiful cruising yachts in the Caribbean. Your only qualifications are that you must be non-smoking, enjoy the water, sun, and sand, and have an outgoing personality. This position calls for a one-year contract; six months duty, one month holiday, another six months duty. We would then expect you to return to your present career. During the twelve months you will develop memories which will last a lifetime. The owner of the yacht wishes he and his wife had an oppor- tunity like this thirty years ago. You will definitely receive an answer from us by return mail. Bill James, P.O. Box 11, Avon, Ohio 44011. 54H131 MARRIED COUPLE to'provide relief supervision 2 weekends per month at emergency shelter facility (Howell Area). Must have ability to relate to, adolescents. For further info contact Jane Brock (517) 546-1500. 49H128 zo 1 z MIME, Movement, and Improvisation Workshop; Canterbury Loft with Jenny Klion. Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24-10:00 a.m. to12:00.994-4693. p6^' 4 Use Dily Class if ieds ' ' - - (7 .,.( / rte " No collecting " Great pay " Extra cash for supplements + ight papers " OT Cokes " No Monday deliveries " Vacations between terms -I- - - -'-9-'-.- ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE C R A B O P T S R A S S E RA BA T F O O L A N IfL O M E G A PSYCH MAJORS with Mod background to work with retarded students. Immediate openings. Call Rick .-- - t- I - ...