See editorial page
1 ai g
Low-law teens
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 27, 1979 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Renewed anti-gov't violence rocks Iran
By Reuter and AP
Soldiers opened fire on crowds of
anti-government protesters in Tehran
yesterday as tension over the impen-
ding return of Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, the exiled Moslem leader
who aspires to rule Iran, flared into
At least 15 people were reported
_ killed during violent clashes between
i rtroops and pro-Khomeini demon-
strators along the capital's main Shah
Reza Avenue and near Tehran Univer-
:, saty.
- . HUNDRED OF thousands of people
took to the streets despite a government
announcement that a martial law ban
on public demonstrations would be en-
' forced starting this morning.
.y. l' Witnesses reported that several
f, .soldiers, including an officer, had left
their posts to join the protesters. Other
. . . .~. ~ ~.. . .~ soldiers refused to shoot at demon-
S'r. Khomr eiiwho ledthe. revolt which
.. ./forcedShah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
:....to leave the country for an indefinite
r.period, had planned to return to Tehran
'. yesterday from 15 years in exile to
-x," proclaim an "Islamic republic."
... :..2~ : , . . .ia"slmi .4. .. .... ,....THE 78-YEAR-OLD Shi'ite Moslem
AP Photo leader postponed his departure from
Anti-government demonstrators dive for cover from soldiers' bullets in downtown Tehran yesterday. The demonstrators Paris until tomorrow after the gover-
were angered by the government's delaying of the return of religious leader Ayatullah Khomeini to Iran. nment of Prime Minister Shapur
Carter: pa ct no threat to US
Bakhtair closed all airports in Iran.
Tens of thousands of Khomeini sup-
porters marched on Tehran Airport and
confronted troops seang off the air-
flied on orders of the government. The
big gun of a Chieftain tank was trained
on the sea of people who streamed out
of the capital as soon as the overnight
curfew expired.
Near Tehran's main bazaar people
were shouting "Khomeini Amad,
Khomeini Amad," (Khomeini has
come, Khomeini has come) as rumors
spread that the Ayatollah had flown
back despite having earlier postponed a
charter flight from Paris.
BUT A CLOSE associate of the
Ayatollah, Mehdi Bazargan, said ,he
was still at his exile home in Neauphle-
Yesterday's. street battles were in
sharp contrast to scenes of frater-
nization and flower-exchanging bet-
ween troops and demonstrators in
recent weeks. Army commanders had
warned on Thursday night, amid
growing tension over Khomeini's plans
to return, that they would tolerate no
unauthorized demonstrations.
Control of Shahreza Avenue
seesawed between troops and
protesters during a seven-hour battle.
Some rioters pelted police manning
water cannons with stones. Other
demonstrators gripped wooden staves
and lengths of pipe, but the heavy gun-
fire kept them away from troops.
TROOPS ALSO opened fire on anti-
government protesters in the western
city of Sanandaj, and it was estimated"
that five persons were killed and 25
were wounded, the official Pars news
'agency reported.
The state radio said troops broke up
opposition demonstrators, many of
them armed with battle axes, .swords,
cleavers and similar weapons, who
went on a rampage in the northwest
city of Tabriz. It said 600 persons 'were
Tabriz residents reported heavy.
shooting during the day. The radio said
two soldiers and one army officer suf-
fered stab wounds, one officer was
wounded by a bullet and three civilians
were also injured. Opposition sources
said there were some deaths.
Government officials quoted
Bakhtiar .as telling his aides that
yesterday's army crackdown was
carried out on his orders and there was
no alternative but to try to maintain or-
Islamic leaders have called for more
demonstrations in Khomeini's support
today, the anniversary of the death of
the prophet Mohammed.
The shah, who left Iran Jan. 16,
remained secluded in Morocco yester-
day. Sources there said he had not
made a decision on his next move, and
that it would depend on developments
in Iran.
The anti-shah movement consists of
orthodox Moslems who opposed his
Westernization of Iran as anti-Islamic
and of political activists seeking to end
his authoritarian rule. Both groups also
say Iran has been dominated by the
West under the shah.
By AP and UPI
President Carter said yesterday U.S.
recognition of Communist China is not
'an opening for bloodshed and war" in
Asia and neither the Soviets nor Taiwan
should fear the Washington-Peking
He said he sees no need for Sen. Ed-
ward Kennedy's proposed Senate
resolution reaffirming U.S. conern for
Taiwan's independence and indicated
he would veto "any legislation that
would violate the agreement we have
reached with the Peoples Republic of
CARTER ALSO said he will attempt
to negotiate a "broad agenda" of
possible agreements with China during
next week's summit, including set-
tlement of claims and counterclaims
dating back to the communist takeover
of the mainland.k
The president said he feels the sum-
mit, which grew out of the U.S. decision
Dec. 15 to extend full diplomatic
train wreck
kills 7
DACCA, Bangladesh (AP) - An ex-
press passenger train packed with men,
women and children ran off the tracks
in western Bangladesh yesterday,
killing at least 70 persons and injuring
182 in the country's worst train crash,
officials said.
Officials told The Associated Press
by telephone from Chuadanga, 95 miles
west of here near the border with India,
that four persons were still trapped in
crumpled train cars six hours after the
The locomotive and several
passenger cars flew off the tracks and
landed in a ditch, the officials said.
Bangladesh radio said officials
feared the death toll would rise.
The deputy commissioner of Kushtia
district said the track where the ac-
cident occurred was disjointed. He said
he did not know how it got that way.
Two relief trains carrying medical
supplies were sent to the scene.
The injured were taken by truck to
Chuandanga Hospital, but tents were
set up to treat them because the
hospital is not equipped to handle such
an emergency, the officials reported.
Earlier the United News of India,
recognition to China, could open the
way toward agreement between the two
countries on airline travel pacts and
scientific and cultural exchanges.
Carter said he hopes the summit will
provide for "stability and peace not
only in the western Pacific but in the
entire world," and - that some
agreements may be resolved during
Teng's visit.
THE CHINESE leader is scheduled to
arrive tomorrow in Washington for
what will be a four-city, six-day U.S.
tour. During that period, the Chinese
leader also visits Atlanta, Houston and
"There are some outstanding ancient
claims filed on the part of China against
our country and vice versa," Carter
said. "We ,hope to lay the groundwork
for resolution of that difference."
But Carter said most agreements
would probably have to await further
negotiations at the technical level and
drafting of legal documents.
"We would like to prepare for the
future visits to China of some of our key
Cabinet officers concerning ,trade and
commerce," the president added.
ON DOMESTIC matters, Carter
defended once more his fiscal 1980
budget, saying that a proposed $600
million reduction in Social Security
benefits constitutes only one-half of 1
per cent of all payments in the
"This is not a politically popular
proposal. I understand that," the
president conceded.
But Carter said spending restraints in
the fiscal year beginning next Oct. 1
would pay dividends later in reduced
inflation. And he said he has "no
apologies to make" for proposing in-
creases in military spending.
"It is imperative that the Soviet Union
... know that we'are able to defend our-
selves," Carter said.
Secret button sparks UAW strike
FLINT (UPI) - Some 7,000 workers
at a General Motors' Chevrolet truck
plant - angered by the use of a secret
button to increase speeds of assembly
lines - have threatened to walk off the
job Monday unless negotiators can
resolve the dispute.
The giant automaker has admitted
using the secret device, a control box
hidden in a superintendent's office,
over asix-month period.
THE UNITED Auto Workers(UAW)
Thursday said the speedup of the lines,
about 25 minutes over a nine-hour shift,
resulted in almost 1,600 trucks being
built with free labor. The union said the
device was used over 18 months.
The workers, members of UAW Local
598, threatened to strike the plant, the
largest truck plant in the world, at 10:45
a.m. Monday.
The plant, which turns out 1,500.
trucks a day, is the same one where 42
years ago this month, militant auto
workers seized two GM plants to
protest, among other things, assembly
line speedups.
THE EVENT later became known as
the "Flint s tdown strike," and led to
GM recognition of the UAW.
The union was demanding back pay
for 3,000 workers who turned out more
trucks during the speedup than they
Assembly line speeds are negotiated
with management. If the line speed
were to be increased to boost produc-
tion, Chevrolet would have to hire more
workers, according to the contract.
The union said Chevrolet sped up the
line almost imperceptibly and thereby
increased production without hiring
additional workers.
GM said using the speedup button
was "improper."~
Three superintendents at the facility
were suspended and then reassigned to
other GM plants when upper level com-
pany 'executives discovered the
existence of the device, GM said.
Negotiations between the union and
company were to resume today and
bargainers were attempting to decide
how much back pay was involved and
how many workers should be compen-
Lit. Richard.Hill Doily Photo by PAM MARK
Lt. Hill retires after
26 years on force
When Richard Hill was hired by the
Ann Arbor Police Department in 1953,
Eisenhower was the >president of the
United States, and the University had
an enrollment of only 17,500. Yesterday,
after over a quarter century of service,
Lt. Hill put in his last day as a member
of the Ann Arbor Police force.
"Looking back, it seems like a short
26 years," said Hill, who spent his final
days "winding down and getting things
wrapped up."
HILL WORKED his way through the
ranks of the department, end wound up.
his law enforcement career as the
AAPD's media relations officer. In ad-
dition to handling the daily inquiries of
local reporters about crime in the city,
Hill handled a daily WPAG radio
broadcast direct from the police
On a typical day one could find Hill
seated at his desk in the records section
of the department, sleeves rolled up to
reveal the tattoo of a woman on his
forearm. He always seemed relaxed
and at home on the job, and expressed
some nostalgic sentiment over ending
his long law enforcement career.
"I've enjoyed my time here," said
Hill, "but I'm looking forward to lots of
friends and fellow officers, including a
dinner and dance in his honor at the
Campus Inn last night. All that awaits
in the immediate future, said Hill, is
plenty of free time.
"I'm planning a trip to Florida with
my wife Mary Ann," the lieutenant
said, remarking this will be his first trip
to the Sunshine State. "We plan on fin-
ding a nice place to stay until the snow
melts." Once the snow vanishes, Hill is
looking forward to a long summer of
boating on the craft he has moored in
Beyond his extended vacation, Hill
isn't certain of his future. Many ex-
police officers take security consultant-
type jobs after their retirement, but
Hill would only say, "All I want right /
now is my own time."
" The Michigan icers stopped
an eight game slide by sinking
Notre Dame last night at Yost
Arena. For an account of the ac-
..; 2'