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January 26, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-26

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, January 26, 1979-Page 7
0 For the week of
H p p nin g S. . * January 26 to Februar 1
_ t y

-r ....Friday
January 26
Five Easy Pieces (Old A&D, 7 and
9:05) With Jack Nicholson.
Start the Revolution Without Me
. {MLB 3, 7 and 10:20) Gene Wilder and
Donald Sutherland star in this clever-
send-up of historical romances.
Quackster Fortune Has A Cousin in
the Bronx (MLB 3, 8:40 only).
The New Erotic Film Festival (Nat
Sci, 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 p.m.) Don't forget
your raincoats!
From Here To Eternity (Hutchins
Hall, Rm. 100). Adapted from James
Jones' novel, this powerful story of Ar-
my life in WW II won many Academy
Awards, including one for Frank
Sinatra's performance.
It's A WondeIrul Life (MLB 4, 7 only)
Jimmy Stewart contemplates suicide in
this delightful Frank Capra film.
Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (MLB 4,
9:15 only) With Gary Cooper, directed
by Frank Capra.
January 27
Billy Jack (Old A&D, 7 and 9:15)
Tom McLaughlin stars as Billy Jack,
who thinks like a liberal and fights like
a redneck Bruce Lee.
La Grande Bourgesoisie (MLB 3, 7
and '9) With Giancarlo Giannini and
Catherine Deneuve.
And Now For Something Completely
Different (Nat Sci, 7, 8:40 and 10:20) A
filmed collection of Monty Python's
best (and silliest) TV sketches.

The Man Who Would Be King (Aud A,
7 and 9:30) An exciting, accurate adap-
tation of Rudyard Kipling's tale, with.
Sean Connery and Michael Caine.
January 28
Here Comes the Nelsons (Old A&D,
7 and 9:05) Ozzie and Harriet Nelson,
along with their fine, clean-cut nuclear
family, will warm the cockels of your
heart. Also, Bruce Connor's short sub-
ject, Mongoloid, with music by Devo.
Husband (MLB 3, 7 and 9:30) Ben
Gazzara, Peter Falk, and John
Cassevettes as three friends facing the
trials of middle age.
M onday
January 29
La Grande Illusion (Old A&D, 7 and
9:05) Renoir's classic film, this
beautiful tale of war and chivalry bears
a strange resemblance to Hogan's
The Lodger (Aud A, 9:30 only) Hitch-
cock's 1926 thriller about a lodger in a
Victorian household who may be Jack
the Ripper.
Mirage (Aud A, 10:30 only) Gregory
Peck is involved in a bizzare
assassination plot.
January 30
Xabriskie Point (Old A&D, 7 and
9:05) Michaelangelo Antonioni's vision

of student rebellion in the sixties.
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Aud A,
8:30 and 10:30) With David Bowie, Can-
dy Clark and Bucky Henry, directed by
Nicholas Roeg.
January 31
Center for Japanese Studies Film
Series (Old A&D).

The Grateful Dead (Aud A, 8:30 and
10:45) The Ann Arbor premiere.
The World of Apu (MLB 3, 7 and 9)
The third episode of Satyajit Ray's Apu
Barry Lyndon (Old A&D, 6:30 and

9:30) Directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Monkey Business (Michigan Union
Assembly Hall, 7, 8:30 and 10) The
Marx Brothers, those zany demigods of
anarchy, take on an ocean liner.
Catch-22 (Nat Sci, 7 and 9:30) Alan
Arkin plays Yossarian, a combination
of Tevye and Harpo Marx, in this so-so
adaptation of Joseph Heller's master-
work about WW II.

Khomeini vows quick
return to homeland

(Continued from Page 1)
airport shutdown is extended. In that
case, said his chief aide, Ibrahim Yaz=
di, there are "alternative plans" for
getting to Iran. He would not elaborate,
but conceivably he could go overland or
by sea.
government has prevented my return,"
said the wiry, gray-bearded Khomeini.
"But I will go back immediately after
the airport is opened. I will show
Bakhtiar that his government is a tran-
sgressorand will not be tolerated."
Meanwhile, Iranian authorities ser-
ved notice last night that they would
clamp down hard on any anti-gover-
nment demonstrations by followers of
Khomeini awaiting his delayed return
from exile.
Bakhtiar's government ordered
strict enforcement of existing bans on
gatherings of more than two people in
10 provincial cities under martial law.

Union plan may mean eviction

Similar instructions were issued by
Tehran martial law Governor Mehdi
Rahimi which in effect prohibit pro-
Khomeini demonstrations expected to
take place over the next few days.
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(Continued from Page 1)
"I'm sure the committee (Johnson's
task force) will be reasonable, but I'm
holding my breath," said Rita Bartolo,
director of the gallery.
"« BARTOLO SAID merging with the
Pendleton Room, an arts information
center, "would be a disaster for the
gallery because we depend on the traf-
fic in the lobby. We would be dead."
Shirley Smith, coordinator of the
Pendleton Room, said she didn't know
"exactly what's going to happen." She
said she couldn't predict the
, possibilities of a merger between the
Pendleton Room and the gallery.
"The best service of the room.. has
to be provided. This is what we're
working on," Smith said. "I appreciate
the Union's pinch for space."
JOHNSON SAID the Sturgis Report
will definitely be reviewed by the task
force, but many other documents will
Libby s, Cai
(Continued from Page 1)
Velasquez founded FLOC in 1967,
because "There is only so much anyone
can take. I was working knowing we
were being taken advantage of, and
your pride can only take so much," he
said. He organized the workers and in
1968 they had their first strike.
FLOC currently has over 3,500 mem-
bers in Ohio, Indiana, southern
Michigan, Texas and Florida. Several
members of the group came up to
Michigan from the southern states just
for this picketing effort, FLOC
spokespersons said.
FLOC SELECTED the Kroger store,
located at 1140 Broadway, for their
picket because they "are a big chain
store and a big buyer" of the boycotted
products, Velasquez said. "Kroger
ought to be glad we're here," he added
with a smile. "We're telling the
customers to buy their (Kroger's)
brands instead of Campbell's or Lib-
Matthew Levine, a member of the
Ann Arbor FLOC Support Group, said
his group was involved in the picket to
"make people aware" of the boycott
and the reasons for it.
"The group wants to make people un-
derstand the whole food system,"
Levine said. "There is a human
element to the system, one that is
grossly underpaid. We want the
customers to realize that actual people
are involved."
HE ALSO SAID the group would try
to get University food services to
boycott the food products, also.
The Ann Arbor Support Group is "a
E 1+

also be considered.
"I assume the committee will look at
it (the Sturgis Report), but they are not
bound by it," Johnson said. Among
other sources to be used by the task for-
ce are documents compiled by the In-
ternational Association of College
Unions (IACU).
Ann Roth, associate director of the
Artists and Craftsmen Guild, said the
task force may oust all three arts
programs from the Union because they
are not student directed. Last April, the
Union Activities Center (UAC) decided
it would only sponsor space for, the
Guild through this April because it' isn't
student run..
"THEY (UAC) DON'T have anything
against us being run by a staff, but they
want their unit (the Union) run by.
students," Roth said. "The major crux
of the issue rests in that a student-run

center rests in student-run program-
All three staff members said they feel
their organizations require full-time
"It really would 'be impossible to
maintain the current level of activity
you have now," Roth said.
said he couldn't foresee the conclusions
of the task force, but added that he
thinks student-oriented programs will
be strongly favored for the space
"They (the Artists and Craftsmen
Guild) may have gotten scared because
we (UAC) did make a big deal about
(the Guild) not- being student-run,"
Brownlee said.
But the president added he doesn't
"think UAC will exhibit any more in-
fluence than anybody else."

mpbell's boycott urged


research arm of the FLOC," according
to one group member. "We can do
research in the library for them, and we
have put out bilingual pamphlets for
This year the group also raised
money for the farmworkers, and sent a
carload of supplies to Columbus, Ohio
during the strike, members said.
THE PICKETERS said they received
permission from the store manager

before starting their protest yesterday
afternoon. The store management had
no comment on the matter, though.
This is the second time in recent
years that the Kroger store has been
the site of a picket and protest. In May,
1977, the Ann Arbor Coalition Against
Del Monte picketed the store,
protesting the Del Monte policies in
Namibia, which the group claimed
were supportive of the apartheid policy
in South Africa.




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