Page 4-Wednesday, January 24, 1979-The Michigan Daily .. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial FrPedom Looking the other way Vol. LXXXIX, No. 95 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan What is waste? RESIDENT CARTER'S "lean" proposals for the budget, which he submitted on Monday to Congress, should- be both condemned and praised. In attempting to slow inflation and to reduce the growth of the economy, Mr. Carter has taken a courageous, positive step. But in deciding priorities, Mr. Carter is hur- ting the people, especially those who can afford it least. Already the budget has sparked con- troversy from a wide spectrum of congressional leaders. It seems unlikely that the budget adopted later this spring by Congress will bear much resemblance to Mr. Carter's proposals. Much of the criticism of Mr. Carter's proposals come from mem- bers of his own Democratic party. The. fact that the President has increased spending for the poor by only $4.5 billion, a figure which even ad- ministration officials admit will hardly keep pace with inflation, has drawn much of the fire. At the same time, Mr. Carter wants to increase defense spen- ding by three per cent after inflation. Spending for the military, which now is estimated at 24 per cent of total spen- ding- by the federal government, was given a bigger increase than any other area. Many areas seem to have falle prey to bad judgement by the Carter ad- ministration. Social programs have been cut by about $5 billion over what would have been spent if the programs were carried out according to existing law. Social Security, especially, will be slashed by $600 million if Mr. Carter's plans go through. Among the social security programs to be gradually eliminated, is one which would provide an average of $164 a month to about 400,000 new college students in 1980. This program has been open to 18- to 21-year-olds who are dependents or beneficiaries of Social Security beneficiaries. Of course, the list goes on. Spending for energy, against which Mr. Carter said the United States should wage the 'moral equivalent" of war, received a cut, as did programs which involve cities. Construction of low income housing was reduced, and spending on mass transit systems remains the same. A 1.1 in all, we feel Mr. Carter has his budget priorities reversed. Spending on defense should be slashed, and spending on social programs and on the cities should be dramatically in- creased. However, when Congress goes over the budget, the members should keep in mind that Mr. Carter's attempt to deal with chronic inflation woes is correct. By the ad- ministration's own figuring, however, slowing down the economy and main- taining a budget deficit' of a mere $29 billion is a precarious trick. Several things could go wrong in this area. For one, the $29 billion figure could go by the wayside if the "slowdown" turns to a recession, and the government must pay extra in unemployment benefits and, simultaneously lose tax revenues. Such a recession would, we hope, spark Congress to initiate new programs to stimulate the economy. Also, by cut- ting back in programs such as city projects, which have a regenerative affect on the economy, Mr. Carter's plan may actually cause a recession. Certainly, Mr. Carter's attack on waste is a necessary and welcome step. We just wish Mr. Carter had refined his sense to better differentiate between what is, and what is not, waste. A recent decision by the federal government ot deny political asylum to Mexican socialist Hec- tor Marroquin - a featured speaker at the recent Ann Arbor Teach-In on Mexico - is drawing fire from Marroquin supporters and civil rights activists around the country who contend that the government is playing politics with a man's life. At the heart of the matter is the unwritten policy of the United States government to deny political asylum to exiles or refugees from countries which it considers "friendly." In order to grant asylum, the U.S. must in ef- fect admit that political repression does exist under these friendly governments - a position which it is reluctant to take, regardless of the facts. Marroquin's case is a typical example. Formerly a leftist labor and student leader in Mexico, Marroquin fled the country and entered the United states illegally in 1974 after he was~ ac- cused of being subversive. Of three other leftists accused at the same time as Marroquin, two have subsequently been killed and a third has disapeared completely. Although Marroquin has been accused by the Mexican gover- nment of committing various non-political crimes, the eviden- ce in support of these charges is either weak or non-existent. One of the alleged crimes - the rob- bing of a bakery - actually oc- curred while Marroquin was recuperating from a traffic ac- cident in a Texas hospital. Because the prosecution of Marroquin is so obviously politically motivated, his plea for asylum has received the sup- port of a number of civil rights groups, as wel as the 1.6 million member National Education Association. Marroquin's cause has also been-backed by several congressmen, including Rep. John Conyers of Detroit. In a decision handed down on - Dec. 21 which denied Marroquin political asylum, the Im- migration and Naturalization Service (INS) stated: "it has been concluded that you failed to establish that there is a likelihood of your being persecuted in Mexico due to your political opinion ... "The INS made this statement despite recent reports by Amnesty International that hundreds of dissidents in Mexico have simply vanished Their disappearance isrgenerally believed to be the work of gover- nment-controlled terrorist groups, and is not an uncommon By Thomas O'Connell Marroquin reflects a standard at- titude of the U.S. government, which tends to consider political repercussions as being more im- portant than reality when making such decisions. The government has traditionally been reluctant to grant asylum to refugees from countries considered pro- American - Chile, for example, or Iran during the reign of the shah - regardless of how bad conditions ther may be. Opponen- ts of leftist or anti-American regimes, however, are likely to' be granted asylum regardless of their personal background or criminal record. repression does exist in Mexico, an acknowledgement unlikely to improve relations between the two countries. Another factor besides diplomatic tip-toeing is the in- terest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Marroquin's ac- tivities. During his appearance at the Mexico Terach-in last November, Marroquin presented copies of a number of heavily- censored documents, obtained under the Freedom of Infor- mation Act, which indicated the Bureau had been maintaining a file on him since his first in- volvement in a Mexican student movement at the age of 15. The investigation of Marroquin is no isolated incident and his depor- tation would be in accordance with along-standing FBI policy of helping to stifle dissent in Mexico. The INS rejection of his asylum request means that Marroquin will face a deportation hearing before an immigration judge in the near future. Although a hearing in a courtroom at- mosphere means that Marroquin's lawyers will be able to make a more thorough presen- tation of his case, Marroquin feels his future is more likely to be decided on the basis of public support for his cause rather than the legal merits of his defense. "The case legally is the strongest case you could have," Marroquin said. "There is no doubt the charges against me are false. Historically, however, the decisions have always been negative in cases like mine. "I think the case is going to be won on the basis of the support we get." The Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin America will be meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room C of the Michigan League to plan area defense ac- tivities on behalf of Marroquin. a All interested parties are en- couraged to attend. fate for dissidents living under a number of repressive Latin American regimes. Despite the widespread publicity that his case has received in the United .States, Marroquin believes he would still be in danger if he is forced to -return to Mexico. "You expect anything from that government," he said last week in a telephone interview. "The have no shame. The danger is~still there, violations of human rights are still going on.' The INS denial of asylum for A couple or otner factors also affect Marroquin's particular case. One is the recent revelation that Mexico's untapped oil reser- ves may be far greater than anyone has previously imagined. The United States is counting on Mexican oil to lessen its dependence on the OPEC nations, and therefore is more anxious than ever before to avoid offending the Mexican gover- nment in any way. If Marroquin were granted asylum, the U.S. would essentially be acknowledging that political Letters On what do we spend money and why LOOK! I AD TO FIRE ELLA ABZUG FROM THE NATIONAL, A'lSOR9 COMMfTTEE FOR WOMEN! vi"if '/,/ L T 5AP5 STRENGTH~ FOR t'EOPL, TO SE CONFR0N7ArIlJNAl!' . -.,.. %//iii/%//// .. i% To the Daily: I'd like to thank Earl Townsend Jr. for his letter of 19 January 1979. If not for his "honesty" in sharing his thoughts with the University community on the MichiganfootballIprogram and Bo Schembechler, I would still be wondering whether the' traditional representation of the "rabid alumnus" was a caricature of reality. The "rabis alumnus" is an example of the failure of the University (Michigan or any other) to perform its most essen- tial function: to educate. Four years of college were evidently not enough to instill in Mr. Town- send a sense of balance and per- spective. His remarks reflect the total abjuration of any reasonable perspective on the place on intercollegiate athletics as part of a university let alone as part of the larger society. While losing a football game may be a disappointment, there are many programs that spend a great deal of their time losing, and they discover that life indeed does go on. From the tone of Townsend's letter, one would expect to read about an issue of inestimable im- portance. Instead, we read about a Michigan football team that has had the audacity to lose the Rose Bowl several times after enormously successful regular seasons. We read about the "cod- dling of a cardiac patient who didn't dare to rip and rare about bad officiating." Coach .Schembechler must have found the "rip and rare" part mildly amusing since he ranks as a Big 10 coach who has been censured and reprimanded by the League for doing just that. And the "coddling of a cardiac patient?" To attack Schem- bechler on such grounds is a reflection of a sick, demented in- dividual who has stooped to a level unbefitting normal stan- dards of decency. We read further about the fact that "quality young men" do not come to play ;football at Michigan. At least Townsend doesn't reserve his insults and depreciations only for Don Canham and Schembechler. To those M ichigan alumni who have "died" now for 13 years -waiting for that last Michigan victory and for a return of the glory that once was, take your $1,000 contributions and stuff it. Money contributed to perpetuate the outrageous values and prin- ciples enunciated by Townsend is money I hope this University can do without. -Alvin J. Levy Bo's school of etiquette The problem with secrets WE. NEE1A WOMENS RKNIT5 *EA R6HIP THAT 15 MORE POSITIVE . ... MORE CONSUL.TIVE ...MORE PRODUCTIVE! ' r iii ..~ , _,. ii /j i r~l THEMILWAUKEE JOURNVAL Dfst. Fittsd Newspaper Syndicte, 1971 GET ME PHYLL4S SCNALAFLY ON THE PHONE.' / / -'/ -Y / / \ / j o / To the Daily: It seems that the academic community should respond to Oksenberg's revelations about surreptitious CIA connections on campus with, as he fears, not only criticism but an official in- vestigation of the extent and character of such activity. Why? Because public knowledge of the mere "exchange of papers" using "exclusively unclassified information'' between academicians and "colleagues in government" cannot be con- strued as a danger to foreign policy, as he argues in his sworn affidavit. Indeed, the real danger is in ex- tending the principles of con- fidentiality from the realm of our private lives to the role of in- dividuals in helping formulate national policy. If the activity Oksenberg has been involved in with "the Agency" is really so in- nocuous, there is no reason such relationships must remain sub. rosa unless, of course, such collaboration involves more serious use of university person- nel and resources in support of the anti-popular activities of the CiA worldwide than is admitted. Oksenberg's shallow apoloegic begs investigation. -John Keller To the Daily: I - have always thought of myself as being open-minded and unbiased with regard to "jocks." Having a brother who plays college basketball, I resent people who stereotyoe athletes as "dumb," and only good for careers in radio/advertising. I feel that all athletes should be given a chance to prove them- selves. Only then will one be able to make his own personal judgment, whether good or bad. I hate to admit, though, that I have met number of the fresh- men football players who have proven to be the stereotype of "crude, rude and ignorant." One incident, at a recent hall party in South Quad. I was greatly offen- ded when one such "jock" crassly called a close friend of mine a "slut" and after, yelled vulgar words to me. Being a woman, I held my temper and let it pass rather than pick a fight with a 220 lb. bully - having little to nil manners, he probably would have punched me out. This one incident isn't the only one which has made me narrow- minded as to these athletes. I'm not saying that all these "rising young stars" are "ignorant and rude," but it seems that the majority of them are. I suggest that Bo teach his boys the fine art of manners along with the "Ever so important" art of how to play football. -Mary Ann Misciewicz r l E llYCl igttn 3 ttYl EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief eW IA S I t N)O. TvO ScRV VaJI'fftJ No.~ 7-a DAVID GOODMAN Managing Editors M. EILEEN DALEY DAN OBERDORFER GREGG KRUPA Editorial Director RENE BECKER BUSINESS STAFF NANCY GRAU ............................ Business Manager DENISE GILARDO E .... ........... ....... Sales Manager LISA CULBERSON ......................... Dislay Manager U 1 ,:1t_ IIJ P ,sILy Arts Editors nivr AT '!T , i]L'T TfR AtMT m e, VT - 1