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January 24, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-24

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High-mid 30's
See Today for details


Vol. LXXXIX, No. 95

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 24, 1979

Ten Cents

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Bullard to submit DNA research saetybill
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With Wire Service Reports
Concerned that potentially hazardous recom-
binant DNA research is being conducted
statewide without sufficient safety guidelines,
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) plans to in-
troduce a bill in the state house early next month
that would create a seven-member DNA Resear-
ch Safety Commission.
The commission would have the power to cer-
tify laboratories and individuals engaged in DNA
projects and would also have the power to stop
allegedly dangerous research.
BULLARD SAID he based his actions on the

possibilty that mishandled research coma ring
about another PBB-type disaster.
"With PBB, we've seen the terrible suffering
which can result from dealing with issues like
this after the problem arises," Bullard said. "We
must not make the same mistake with DNA."
Recombinant DNA research includes ex-
periments involving the transfer of genetic
materials to form new organisms. Critics charge
the research could produce new life forins which
might prove dangerous to humans.
passed by the state legislature in 1977 requires
that all laboratories or other places engaged in
recombinant DNA research must register with

the stateL Department of Public Health, and for
all practical purposes that is the full extent of
state regulation. According to Dr. Kenneth
Wilcox, chief of the State Bureau of Disease Con-
trol and Laboratory Services, the registration
requirement originated from a 1927 statute that
covered the handling of pathogenic materials.
"Specific guidelines do not exist as such," said
Wilcox, "although there are some guidelines
from the Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
ministration." The bureau chief said some
private firms are presently engaged in the DNA
research. Wilcox said there are no state
guidelines for them to follow, but claimed it
would be brash to say that their work is uncon-

"They are under the controls of public
pressure and their own perceptions," Wilcox
said. He also said most researchers follow the
National Institute of Health's (NIH) stringent
standards, but their compliance with them is
compulsory only if they are using federal funds
for their studies. Bullard said mandatory
guidelines at least as strong as the NIH
regulations are needed.
STATE ATTORNEY General Frank Kelley
handed down a ruling Monday that upheld the
constitutionality of state regulation of recom-
binant DNA research in cases where the public

health is threatened. The opinion came in
response to Bullard's request to investigate the
Bullard and other concerned officials first
asked the attorney general's office to look into
regulation of the potential health hazard nearly
two years ago. "We definitely need a com-
mission to weigh out arguments and set up effec-
tive, strong regulations," Bullard
Said. "Hypothetically, the Upjohn Corporation
or any other private organization could (now)
start research without having to meet any state
guidelines," said Patrick Murphy, one of
See BULLARD, Page 2

'New foundation' is
crux of Carter talk

AP Photo
DETROIT MAYOR COLEMAN YOUNG, in a jovial mood after the announcement of the selection of Detroit as the site of
the 1980 Republican Party convention, displays a photograph of himself riding atop an elephant, the traditional symbol
of the GOP. Young, who is also a vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has cause to smile as the GOP
convention is expected to bring 20,000 persons and their dollars to Detroit.
Republicans pick Detroit

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter asked Congress last night to help
him build "a new foundation" for
prosperity at home and peace abroad,
dismissing as myths the notions that
America's only choices are between in-
flation and recession, confrontation and
In a State of the Union address that
marked the midway point of his four-
year term, Carter ventured no
dramatic new proposals, but didfor
enactment of those he already has
He said those proposals would be the
basis for the "new foundation" that was
both the theme and the slogan of his
"THE NEW foundation I have
discussed tonight can help us build a
nation and a world where every child is
nurtured and can look to the future with
hope-where the resources now wasted
on war can be turned towards human
needs-where all people have enough to
eat, a decent home and protection
from disease," Carter said.
"It can help us build a nation and a
world where all people are free to seek
the truth and to add to human under-
standing so that all of us may live our
lives in peace.
"Tonight, I ask you to join me in
building that new foundation-a better
foundation-for our country and our
world," he concluded.- r
asking not to be named, said the "new
foundation" phrase was coined in an ef-
fort to give the speech "a clear and
coherent theme."
"It's not an effort at a catch phrase,"
he said. "It's an effort to describe what
we're about."
The president urged support for his
increased defense budget and said a
new strategic arms limitation
agreement with the Soviet Union will
not be signed unless it advances

American safety.
"I WILL SIGN no agreement which
cannot be verified . . . I will s'gn no
agreement unless our deterrent force
will remain overwhelming," he said.
. In the nationally broadcast and
televised address at the Capitol, Carter
presented these legislative proposals:
" A ceiling on hospital price in-
creases, which he called a clear test of
congressional commitment to fight in-
" Ameasure preparing for national
health insurance, to be phased in during
the 1980s.
" Limited public financing of
congressional election campaigns.
" Deregulation of the trucking and
rail industries.
" Reorganization programs in
education, economic development and
the management of natural resources.

CARTER SAID inflation can be
conquered without triggering recession
or throwing people out of work.
Declaring that "the state of the union
is sound," the president said
Americans working together can "build
the founations for a strong economy
with lower inflation without contriving
either a recession with its high unem-
ployment, or unworkable mandatory
government controls."
SPEAKING A day after sending
Congress "a stringent but fair budget"
totalling $531.6 billion, Carter sought to
deflect arguments that his spending
blueprint would hurt the poor and the
disadvantaged-an argument advan-
ced by some fellow Democrats.
The budget holds the deficit for fiscal
1980, which begins Oct. 1, to $29 billion.

'U' Cellar employees
to affiliate with IWW

The city of Detroit scored a major
victory for its economy and its image
yesterday when the Republican
National Committee voted to hold its
1980 National Convention in the
automobile capital once referred to as
"Murder City, U.S.A."
Detroit won the convention despite
stiff opposition and a floor fight led by
Southern Republicans and supporters
of presidential candidate Ronald
Reagan. But the Republican national
commmittee voted 95-52 to hold the
convention in Detroit, upholding the
recommendation of the party's site
selection committee.

Detroit was selected as hot city for
the Republicans based on the area's
ability to accommodate the 15,500
delegates, alternates, spectators, and
reporters expected to flood into the city
for the July 14 convention. But
Republican party officials nationally,
and in the state, are saying openly that
the choice reflects the GOP's attempt to
shed its elitist image and attract blacks
and urbanites into the party.
DETROIT HAS traditionally been a
Democratic bastion, with a black
mayor and a black majority population.
Republican party chairman Bill Brock
said in Washington "it was a factor in
my considerations, of course." Brock
headed the site selection committee

that visited Detroit last year and retur-
ned a favorable report.
"Our weakness in Michigan and
around the country has been the
inability to appeal to the cities," said
state GOP executive director Jerry Roe
in Lansing. "Detroit is like Chicago or
Philadelphia or any big city. Here is a
city that had a high crime rate. Hie is
a city that was on its knees. It truly is a
renaissance for the city of Detroit."
Roe called the selection decision "a
prime example of a Democratic mayor
and a Republican governor working
together." Detroit Mayor Coleman
Young-vice-chairman of the national
Democratic party-wined and dined
See DETROIT, Page 2

Jubilant employees of the University
Cellar Bookstore voted yesterday by a
2-1 margin to approve union affiliation
with the Industrial Workers of the
World (IWW). The final vote tally was
34 in favor of the union and 15 against,
with one abstention and seven disputed
Several Cellar workers, many spor-
ting IWW buttons, said they were
pleased with the outcome of the elec-
tion. "We think it's just great," said
smiling employees Peter Kornbluh,
Deborah Filler, and Karen Connor.
ABOUT 50 of the 80 employees signed
IWW membership cards last year, but
in November the Cellar board of direc-
tors refused to recognize the workers'
union affiliation. The Cellar workers
were then forced to go through official
channels and file authorization cards
with the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB) to qualify for a union
certification election.
The Cellar board consists of six
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)-
appointed students, three faculty
members, and one administration
representative chosen by the Univer-
sity president.
THE CELLAR employees wanted a
union because "there are a lot of
grievances" that needed discussion,
according to Fred Chase, the first
Cellar worker to join the IWW and an
influential worker in the union drive.
Those grievances are not "really big

ones," he said, but added that some
store policies, such as promotions, pay
raises, and other personnel matters,
were not handled equitably.
Many employees expressed the
desire for more worker participation in
the decision-making structure, which is
one reason the IWW was chosen for af-
filiation, Chase added.
"THE IWW IS the most democratic
union around, the only one with worker
participation and decision-making as
priorities," Chase said. "The Cellar is
unique" because of the degree of
worker input into the decision-making
process, and ."we thought it was the
perfect choice for us.
The two main issues that the newly-
formed union local will seriously
discuss with the management are
"more say in the long-term decisions of
the store" and running each depar-
tment as the members of the respective
department want it run - "a collective
system," according to Lucy Bjorklund,
a Cellar worker and branch secretary.:.
of the IWW.
She also said no decision had been
reached on whether the Cellar would be
an open or closed shop. A closed shop is
one in which all employees of the Cellar
would have to join the union. Bjorklund
said if such a decision (for a closed
shop) was reached by the employees, it
would affect only new workers, and a
grandfather clause would be included
to allow present employees to continue
See 'U', Page2

MSA defines search panel ties

Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
last night formalized its ties to the
Student Advisory Committee on
Presidential Selection by assuring that
committee it would heed its opinions on
the selection process.
The assembly passed a resolution
guaranteeing it would "afford the
recommendations of the committee
regarding the process great respect"
because of the committee's "greater
familiarity" with the selection process.
THE RESOLUTION; proposed by
search committee chairman Jeff
Supowit, is a response to a resolution
recently passed by the committee,
stating it will "recommend to MSA the

recall of our committee" if "we per-
ceive a lack of meaningful student par-
ticipation in the selection process,
specifically inadequate access to can-
didates, including interviewing..."
The search committee's resolution is
the first to specifically mention inter-
viewing rights as a requirement for the
committee to continue in the selection
process. MSA has said it will boycott
the process if it is not satisfied with the
access the Regents allow the student
committee to candidates.
Regent Robert Nederlander, (D-
Birmingham), reached by phone, said
he did not "anticipate there will be a
problem" between the Regents and the
search committee regarding inter-

viewing of candidates, but declined to
say whether the Regents will grant in-
terviewing rights to the student com-
NEDERLANDER said the Regents
have not discussed whether to grant in-
terviewing rights to the advisory com-
''We have not discussed the issue,
basically because we have been moving
along trying to cause the groups to
* Sci-Fi fans converged on Ann
Arbor last weekend, dressed to
the hilt. See story and pictures,
* Israeli Professor Hillel
Shuval told a Michign Union
audience last night that he is op-
timistic about peace in the Mid-
dle East. See story, Page 5.
* Michigan Student Assembly
last night condemned FBI and
CIA investigations of foreign
students. See story, Page 8.
* Willie Mays was voted into

prepare the statements (on the needs of
the University)," Nederlander said.
"We will be discussing the whole
procedure as we move farther down the
line," he said.
Nederlander said the Regents will
release more details of the selection
process in the future.
The resolution, which, according to
search committee member Douglas
See MSA, Page 8

Ypsi psychiatric patients
sue for better treatment

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Four patients from Ypsilanti's Center
for Forensic Psychiatry (CFP) have
filed a class action suit in U.S. District
Court requesting the court to order im-
proved treatment, therapy, and living
conditions for those confined to the
The lawsuit, filed last Wednesday,
charges that patients at CFP "receive

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to fiht cuts
in Social
Security aid
University Education Prof.
Wilbur Cohen, former HEW
secretary and one of the prime
authors of the 1935 Social
Security Act, said yesterday that
he would announce inWashington
tomorrow the establishment of a
labor and welfare coalition en-
titled "Save Our Security (SOS)"
to combat the Carter ad-

Named as defendants in the suit are
William Meyer, CFP director; Lynne
Blunt, chief psychiatrist and clinical
director at the center; Vernon Steh-
man, Director of the Michigan Depar-
tment of Mental Health; and Joseph
Farrell, a regional Department of Men-
tal Health director.
CFP Director Meyer said he had
"lots of personal feelings" about the

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