Page 4-Sunday, January 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily .. ', ir Mdigan4a ai9lQ 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom In support of the CIA Vol. LXXXIX, No. 93 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Astudent victory AT FORMER University President Robben Fleming's last Regents' meeting the Regents considered a plan to transfer the administration of the Michigan Union to the Office of-Student Service (OSS). The Regents had some trouble accepting a part of the plan which would transform the Union hotel into dorm space for students. The discussion went on and on about the responsibility the Michigan Union had to its life-long members, anyone who graduates from the University, and what alternatives were available. Mr. Fleming spoke eloquently for the students' right to have a place to call their own. He remipded the Regents, that the Student Activity Building was built with a student assessment and that now, with the exception of the student-operated radio station, WCBN, there is no student space in the building; over the years the ad- ministration has moved in and pushed the students out. Mr. Fleming told the Regents that if the Union would be renovated with a student assessment, as it is, then it would be difficult to justify keeping the hotel and not turning it into dorm space. But the Regents seemed to ignore the president's advice - a rarity indeed. They continued to plague OSS vice president Henry Johnson with more questions about the Union's hotel. When it appeared certain that the Regents would table the Union proposal, Mr. Fleming leaned forward in his chair, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and shook his head from side to side; his disappointment was ob- vious. When Regent Robert. Nederlander asked the president why he was shaking his head, Mr. Fleming smiled and replied: "This is one of the first things I tried to do when I came here. I've been here ten years; this is my last meeting." Everyone had a good laugh - the Regents tabled the motion. It would have been nice had the Regents voted in December to accept the Union proposal. But rest assured that now Mr. Fleming, even as president of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, takes satisfaction, as we do, in the Regents' decision to make the Union a true student center. The most heartening aspect of the Union debate was the level of student interest and participation. The Regen- ts received hundreds of phone calls, letters, and telegrams urging them to support the Union proposal. It is easy for the Regents to play deaf to a few students asking for just the smallest favor. But as this demonstration has shown again, a strong, unified student voice speaking with confidence and reason cannot be ignored. The Regents seem to be reasonable persons and as such they decided that students had a right to the Union: they also decided, on the basis of reason, that students didn't need a super cafeteria behind the Hill dorms. But what the Union debate also shows is that the Regents must constantly be reminded of what is best for students. This does not mean that students only want what is best for them; students have demonstrated a willingness to compromise. Too often, Regents make decisions which only make the University easier to operate; the student factor is sadly neglected or discounted. It is the responsibility of all students to make the Regents aware of how decisions af- fect their lives. We hope that students find the Regents' actions on the Union and the meal consolidation plan en- couraging and that students continue, to let the Regents know what they think. Editor's note: What follows this note is an affidavit by Michael Oksenberg submitted in the case of Nathan Gar- de/s vs. Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Oksenberg is a professsor at the University of Michigan on indefinite leave to serve on the National Security Council as an advisor on China. Mr. Garde/s is a graduate student at the University of California where he studies political science. In 1976, after the Senate Select Committee on In- telligence Activities revealed that the CIA uses academics at mnore than 100 A mercan colleges and universities to make "introductions for intelligence purposes" and other tasks, Mr. Gar- de/s submitted to the CIA a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request asking for access to all documents relating to CIA contacts at the University of California, specifically including all contractural arrangements and personnel relation- ships. The CIA provided Mr. Gardels with more than 800 documents, some o1 which revealed that a UC vice president had received CIA training and operated on campaus at a covert agent for the Agency. The CIA informed Mr. Gar- dels that it would neither confirm nor deny the existence of any additional documents which would be responsive to his request and added that if such documents did exist, those documnents would be withheld pursuat to section (b) (/),of the FOIA which allows the CIA to protect the identity of its per- sonnel. Last February Mr. Garde/s initiated a lawsuit against the CIA asking the court to order the CIA to produce the requested documents for inspection and copying. The court has not yet reached a decision on the case. Affidavit of Security Council Staff, I entered graduate school in 1960 and ser- ved since 1966 as a member of the faculties of three major United States universities. I am curren- tly on academic leave from one of these universities, and I intend to teach there once my government service ends. 3. Soon after entering academic life, I began to meet members of the Central In- telligence Agency at various professional meetings: annual conventions of such national associations as the American Political Science Association, academic conferences and seminars, and public meetings. CIA employees openly identified themselves at these meetings; they made no effort to hide their institutional affiliation. I soon found that these CIA officials were professional colleagues of mine; that is, although we did not agree on all matters nor was any pressure placed on me to alter my views, we shared many common interests, we had similar academic backgrounds, we worked with similar un- classified data, and, therefore, we face many similar methodological concerns. As did many other of my university associates, I gradually came to realize that I could have the same kind of professional association with CIA personnel, as well as State and Defense Department officials, that I had with my university colleagues-criti- cizing one another's papers before publication, correspon- ding about research problems, and so on. As with my professional exchanges with my academic colleagues, these ex- changes were held in confidence by the parties involved. Further, we dealt exclusively with un- classified information. 4. My conctacts with Agency personnel were not unusual; many other academics had similar contacts. But I have decided to go on record and to acknowledge publicly this relationship with Agency person- nel because I strongly believe that requiring the Agency to disclose the names of other academics who developed similar personal relations will destroy associations that benefit both academics and the foreign policy interests of the United States. I have made this decision in full awareness of the fact that the action ' am taking will lead to questioning and criticism of my part in these relations, and may in fact adversely affect my future academic career. 5. The free exchange of ideas with counterparts both in and out of academe is one very important way in which academics are able to advance and gauge their in- tellectual growth and currency once their formal schooling has ended. I benefited greatly from the comments and criticisms that I received from Agency members with whom I shared my work. Similarly, I like to think that some Agency members benefited from my comments on their un- classified papers and thoughts (many of which were subsequen- tly published with CIA authorship acknowledged.) Further, the relations that I developed over the years with our government's foreign policy community were an important factor in my deciding to enter government service for a perios, and my ef- fectiveness in the government certainly has been enhanced by the personal contacts that were established during my academic years. 6. The cornerstone of my relations with Agency personnel, as with my other professional colleagues, is that our exchanges are conducted in strict confiden- ce. It is common practice for academics to share their hypotheses, research designs, and writings prior to publication with a substantial number of colleagues on a confidential basis. Any breach of confiden- tiality would destroy the candor and utility of the exchange. I believe it would be unfortunate if American academics could not have confidential professional associations with their professional colleagues in the government, with every piece of correspondence thus becoming a possible matter of public record. A barrier to communication bet- ween university and government .personnel would thereby be erec- ted that would not serve our national interest. 7. Confidentiality of correspondence with Agency personnel is also a necessity because the CIA is much maligned and misunderstood on today's campuses. Even the hint of an association with the Agen- cy, including a professional association dealing exclusively with unclassified materials on academic topics, subjects academics to abuse and scorn, and very well may endanger their academic careers. In fact, given the climate. on today's campuses, even the disclosure of the fact that such associations exist at a particular university would lead ultimately to strong pressure to identify the academics involved. 8. Therefore, if the Agency is required to disclose any infor- mation that would identify, or lead to the identification of academics who have association with the Agency, such associations would be effectively terminated, because those currently involved would be smeared, while young professors would be dissuaded from en- tering into similar situations. Because I believe that this result is harmful to the academics and their institutions, as well as to the general foriegn policy interests of the United States, I would respec- tfully urge that disclosure of such information not be required. MICHEL OKSENBERG Staff Member National SecurityCouncil Washington, D.C. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of September, 1978. SAMMIE L. NEWMAN Notary Public My commission expires: March 26, 1980 Michel Oksen berg Michel Oksenberg, Staff Mem- ber, National' Security Council Staff, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I was appointed as a mem- ber of the National Security Council Staff on January 20, 1977, and I continue to serve in that position. 2. Prior to joining the National EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief SPORTSSTAFF BOB M ILLER .......... .................. .. Sports Editor PAUL CAMPBELL.. ............Executive Sports Editor ERNIE DUNBAR .................. Executive Sports Editor HENRY ENGELHARDT.............Executive Sports Editor RICK MADDOCK .....................Executive Sports Editor CUB SCHWARTZ ..................... Executive Sports Editor DAVID GOODMAN Managing Editors M. EILEEN DALEY DAN OBERDORFER GREGG KRUPA Editorial Director RENE BECKER LOOKING BACK: THE WEEK IN- REVIEW The Regents cast votes for a 'student' union and a new hospital It was time again last week for the Regents' monthly appearance on campus. At these regular intervals, the part-time board members confront a parade of proposals from the University's full-time administration, and signal thumbs up or down. This month, the Regents took the first big steps towards conversion of the Michigan Union into a real student center by turning over control of the building to the Office of Student Services (OSS). The board also voted to convert most of the Union's hotel rooms into dorm rooms for students. The board's actions followed an intensive lobbying drive by student leaders for implementation of the student center concept. The Michian Student Assembly (MSA), University Activities Center (UAC), and the Union Programming Committee (UPC) all joined forces to push the plan, after the Regents tabled it last month. Efforts to make the Union more useful for students began several years ago, and have been carried on by successive UAC and MSA presidents. The idea got its biggest boost, however, when a nine-month study requested by the Regen- ts was released in November, calling for a major revam- ping of the Union. The proposal, known as the Sturgis report after commit- tee chairman William Sturgis, called for transfer of the Union to OSS, establishment of a "short order" food service in the building, and other measures to increase student use of the facility. "We fought to get the job and now we've got to make the Union work," said an elated Larry Pulkownik, who headed the Union's Board of Directors and- fought hard for im- plementation of the Sturgis report. "The Union as a student center is going to make a difference to a hell of a lot of people." The Regents also laid to final rest a plan for consolidated food servcies on the Hill. The joint dining plan, which had hben a net nrniect of Housing Director Robert Hughes. In the child's best interests A mother's sexual preference was not sufficent reason to take her child from her, according to a ruling last week by the Michigan Supreme Court. As a result of this lan- dmark decision, Ann Arbor mother Margareth Miller, a lesbian, will be able to keep her daughter Jillian with her. For Margareth Miller, 38, the high court's action meant the end of a two and a half year struggle to maintain custody of Jillian. who had stated a preference to stay with her mother. In 1976, Margareth Miller's former husband Paul went to court to take custody of their children, Jillian and Rick. The children had been in their mother's care sin- ce their parent's divorce four years previous. An Oakland County Circuit Court judge ruled in favor of Paul Miller, a decison which Margareth Miler sought to overturn since then. In the interim, Jillian has lived with her mother, wiile Rick, now 16, has been in his father's custody. Last Wed- nesday's Supreme Court ruling affected only Jillian's custody. While the ruling did not specifically cite Margareth Miller's lesbianism, it appears to pave the way for other openly-homosexual parents to raise their children without government interference. A housing official under investigation It was revealed last week that an assistant housing direc- tor was under investigation for his year-long use of a North Campus apartment. John Finn, 36, who was named assistant housing director two weeks ago, said he used the apartment to provide a place to stay for needy students. "It, was not for my convenience, but for the convenience of others," Finn said Friday. Housing ,Director Robert Hughes said Finn exercised "misjudments when he took the apartment off the rental roles. However, he expressed confidence in Finn's personal integrity. Former University President Robben Fleming, Vice-President for Student Services Henry Johnson, and Hughes himself were all aware of Finn's action at the time of his promotion, Hughes said. In fall, 1977, Finn checked out a key to an apartment at 2241 Hubbard Rd., in the University-owned Northwood Apartments, and returned it last October, according to University officials. University auditors are now investigating Finn's action, Margareth Miller and Jillian attempts to revive the plan by allocating all of the federal match funds originally targeted for the facility to a Univer- sity energy conservation program. Consolidated dining may come back in a different form, if a recommendation of the student-dominated Rate Study Committee-is okayed by the Regents. The rate panel called for closing South Quad, Mosher-Jordan, and Alice Lloyd cafeterias on weekends, with residents eating at other dor- ms. The Regents also took one more step towards construc- The Stechuk controversy Literary College Student Government (LSA-SG) President Bob Stechuk found himself surrounded by con- troversy recently over his endorsement of a rally protesting the appearance of Israeli leader Yigal Allon on campus last month. Stechuk lent LSA-SG's name to a flyer calling for a demonstration against Allon without a formal vote of the council itself, claiming authority to do so under his powers as "advocacy coordinator" for the government. The controversy was fueled by the actions of some of the