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January 17, 1979 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-17

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, January 17, 1979-Page 7

1+..Lr1 FZ' l ll..7fE.J L ' . I 'ill rA 1 .it 'I'LUL L
',Isl amization'.

Undaunted by the weekend snowfall, Earl Johnson shovels out his driveway. A record 216 inches of snow has
Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula since November.
Midwestshoveling ou

By The Associated Press
From Casablanca in North Africa to
Karachi in Asia, Islam is asserting it-
self as a counterpoint to Western in-
fluence. Iran is a case in point.
While Iran's current eruption ap-
pears unique and confined, revolving
around national political issues, the in-
fluence of Islam in swaying the masses
is not being ignored in other Islamic
SOME SECULAR leaders had
already been taking note of the power of
Islamic fundamentalism, realizing that
even in this computer age the 13-
century-old religion with about 700
million followers remains an emotional
force vital for popular support.
Radical Algeria enacted in its 1976
constitution that while it is dedicated to
"Socialist Revolution," it still is an
"Islamic State." Tunisia has aban-
doned its campaign against Ramadan,
the month of fasting. Libya forbids
alcohol even to non-Moslems and
refuses entry to anyone with a passport
written only in Latin script.
The legislatures in Egypt and Kuwait
are debating re-introducing Shariah,
Islam's sacred law that puts religion
ahead of state. Last year, Pakistan
began exercising such "Islamic
Justice" as public whippings, and it
plans to unveil intensified Islamization
'~next month.
SOME CONSIDER such reassertion
AP Photo of Islam as a backlash to Western ways
s fallen on that inevitably accompanied rapid in-
In much of the Islamic world, the idea
now is that elaborate television systems
are welcome, but not if they come with
Western programs. Cars are needed
F but not for drag-racing. Architects are
to design houses and mosques, not night.
in yester- "Islam is not against moder-
ed in par- nization," says El Sayed Ali el Sayed,
nois Gov. head of the Egyptian Parliament's
irts of the Islamic Affairs Committee who is cam-
ing for a
, now un-
Gov. Lee
least 55 merger
hs in the
ur inches elanhlikan
ches that
he storm (Continued from Pagel)
designed to consolidate the food service
deaths in of four Hill area dorms. Massive
t in Kan- student opposition was mobilized in the
wa, three fight against the permanent con-
Ohio and solidation, but no organized student
protest has emerged against the
weekend consolidation plan.
Weekend consolidation, according to
Snus tad, requires no new construction
r e because the existing facilities are
assumed to be able to handle the
weekend load because of increased
student vacancy rates.
tion when But most of the students present at
the meeting were doubtful of the
's depar- feasibility of the plan.
ds ending "This place will be utter chaos with
ile of the Mo-Jo coming in here," said Markley
resident and cafeteria worker Ira Fnk.
ian army "I don't think the equipment can handle
removing the volume."

paigning to close Egypt's night spots.
"When modernization aims at fulfilling.
only materialistic needs while
disregarding moral matters, it always
ends up breaking down the structure of
SOME ISLAMIC scholars also note
that chemistry, mathematics and
medicine flourished in the heyday of
Islam after the seventh century. Says
Sheik Mahmoud Abu Obayed of Cairo's
Al Azhar University: "The West em-
ployed chemistry to produce whiskey.
We should shun this ... We will take
what is fit for us and reject what is
The Islamic world, however, is not
monolithic in its assessment of Western
modes - many Turks welcome them -
partly because Islam lacks a center to
issue binding rules the way the Vatican
And a sharp debate rages from
Gibraltar to Pakistan on the question:
"How can economic and social changes

Ohio State University
Speaks on
"Endorp/iies and Behaviol centrol"
THURS., JAN.16 Rm. 1057., MHRI Bldg.
TEA: 3:15 SEMINAR: 3:45
This seminar co-sponsored by Psycho Biology

be undertaken in harmony with Islamic
IN THE oil-wealthy Persian Gulf,
religious leaders are trying to have
laws conducive to Islamic morality
precede industrialization. Says one:
"When we open factories, we mnist
make sure no mini- or micro-skirts will
be produced."
Kuwait and the United Arab
Emirates have joined Saudi Arabia in
spearheading "Islamic banking?"
chiefly to eliminate interest on loanuin
keeping with the Koran, Islam's 'holy
Yet only a generation ago Western
methods and ideas were not so widely
spurned. Some envied them, even - if
TURKEY,. FOR instance, divorced
religion from statecraft and for a while
even ignored it. Kemal Ataturk, foun-
der of "modern Turkey," abolished the
Moslem fez as headgear, switched from



CHICAGO (AP) - The nation's mid-'
section, torn by the worst weather of
the winter, began repair operations
yesterday after a snowstorm that left at
least 55 persons dead..
Efforts in the nation's second largest7
city centered on O'Hare International
Airport, which was closed for 42 hours,1
leaving thousands of stranded
passengers staying at nearby hotels]
while awaiting flights home.c
BY YESTERDAY morning a second
runway was reopened. Normally there
are four or five runways operating at
the country's busiest airport.
Gov. Otis Bowen of Indiana declared
four northern Indiana counties a1
disaster area because of blizzard con-1
ditions. Lake, Porter, LaPorte and St.r
Joseph counties received more than i4
inches of snow in the weekend blizzardt
that swept through the upper Midwest.I

The National Weather Service said
more snow was headed for northern In-
diana and Southern Michigan yester-
day night and that there was a chance
of more snow in other parts of the
Bowen said, "The blizzard conditions
have posed a severe threat to the safety
of the people and livestock and have
hampered rescue and recovery
HEAVY SNOWS closed schools and
snarled traffic throughout the Midwest.
Herbert Goetsch, public works com-
missioner of Milwaukee, said of the
storm, "This has been the worst com-
bination and accumulation of events
here in the 15 years I have been com-
With more than 20 inches of snow on
the ground in many places and, tem-
peratures that set or tied record lows

before the warming trend setj
day, emergencies were declar
ts of Iowa and Kansas. Illh
James Thompson declared pa
state a disaster before head
Florida vacation with his fami
der 30 inches of snow, asked
Dreyfus to seek a federal
declaration for the city.
The storm has caused at
weather-related deaths.
Authorities counted 17 deat
Chicago area, where up to fo
of snow fell atop the 20.3 in
arrived over the weekend. Th
was the city's worst since 1967.
There have been 18 reported
Illinois, 15 in Wisconsin, eigh
sas, five in Missouri, four in Io
in Michigan and one each in

LAST CALL-Sign-up now

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Iranians hall Shah's departu
(Continued from Page1)

PLAY PIBALL a Union lanes & $tation:
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on any
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strangulation and corruption. They are
angry-but in these hours of destiny one
must look to the future with cold logic,"
he said.
U.S. OFFICIALS said the shah's
departure improved chances of ending
the turmoil in that country but said the
new civilian government of Dr.
Bakhtiar had only a 50-50 chance of
Bhaktiar, a courtly French-educated
lawyer and longtime foe of the shah,
had agreed to form a government if the
monarch left the country. He allowed
the shah to remain titular head of state,
leaving open the possibility of his even-
tual return. A nine-member Regency
Council was formed to act for him in his
But the depth of the popular hatred of
the shah-from orthodox Moslems op-
posed to his Westernization of Iran, and
from political activists opposed to his
authoritarian rule-probably means his
"vacation" will end in permanent exile,
And if Khomaini's demands are met,
the monarchy, an institution the
Pahlavis traced to ancient Persia, will
IN HIS FAREWELL message to his
34 million subjects, the shah appealed
for the preservation of the monarchy

and support for the new government:
"With the vote of confidence given by
the Parliament today, I hope the gover-
nment will be able to make amends for
the past and also succeed to lay the
foundation for the future."
But in Paris the shah's main op-
ponent, exiled religious leader
Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomaini, announ-
ced plans to set up a provisional gover-
nment "very soon" in his efforts to end
the monarchy and establish an Islamic
republic in Iran.
THE 78-YEAR-OLD Ayatullah,
spiritual leader of Iran's 30 million
Shi'ite Moslems who form 90 per cent of

the population, gave no indica
he would return to Iran.
But he described the shah
ture as "the first step towar
the 50 years of tyrannicl ru
Pahlavi dynasty."
Khomaini called on the Iran
to prevent Americans from
U.S.-made military hardwa
Iran. In Washington, a F
spokesman said intelligence-
equipment manned by the U.S
remained in place, and that WE
is satisfied the Iranian mi
maintaining strict securi
sophisticated U.S.-made we
ther control.

are from
litary is
ty over
apons in

Fire in the United States caused an
estimated loss of $3.75 billion in 1977,
the Insurance Services Office reports.
This figure represents an increase of
$193 million, or 5.4 per cent over the
1976 total.


got you

Take a

The game
nobody wants
at the UNION
Open 10 am



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ROSCOE MITCHELL, solo concert, Friday, January 19,
R.C. Auditorium, East Quad. 8:00 and 10:30 PM. Workshop,
same day at 2:00 PM. FREE-ECLIPSE JAZZ
SHOP taught by David Swain. Saturday, Jan. 20, 3:30 PM.
Anderson Room, Michigan Union. $1.00 ECLIPSE JAZZ
SHOP, Sunday, Jan. 21, 3:30 PM. Anderson Room, Mich-
igan Union., ECLIPSE JAZZ
MARK RUSSELL-Political Comedian-a Washington,
D.C. comedian who also does specials for PBS and has a
syndicated column. He will do his act, which includes witty
lines and stints on the piano, January 22, 8:00 PM, at
ART FAIR AND SALE-15-20 artists from Artists and
Craftsmen Guild. Free coffee served. West Quad, Jan. 27,



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