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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 16, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Punch cards to make A2 debut in Fe
City officials and election workers will be keeping a close
eye on what is expected to be a boring primary election this
February. Ann Arborites will be going to the polls under a
new voting system called punch card.
Although problems of overvoting, slow returns, and com-
puter tampering have been cited as some of the major
drawbacks of the controversial new system, City Council
voted last May to switch from lever voting machines to the
punch carA balloting.
IN 1977 CITY COUNCIL appointed an ad hoc committee to
study punch card voting. Jean Crump, the chairperson of the
committee said that it was a matter of weighing the advan-
tages of the system against the disadvantages. "City Coun-
cil's judgment was that in the long run it would be a better
,But city officials are aware of the potential problems
with punch card voting, and have consequently begun em-
ploying various programs to educate the voters and clerks on
this new system.
According to City Clerk Al Vollbrecht, a training program
with precinct workers began in mid-December. Eleven
demonstration teams of two people each have also been
trained to show the public how to use the computer punch
card and punching tool
VOLLBRECHT SAID that demonstrations will be starting
this week, but that the emphasis will be on training the voters
for the April election. "Punch card voting will be used in the
February primary, but we don't anticipate a large turnout.
Council didn't want to kick off the system in a major
statewide election."
Vollbrecht forsees few difficulties with the new system.
"There may be some logistical problems, like not having
enough people at the polls, but we are fairly confident of the
equipment itself."
But according to Council member Leslie Morris (D-
Second Ward), who was a member of the 1977 punch card
voting committee, there may be some difficulties with the
system. "I'm against punch card voting. It may be very
slightly superior, but it could also bring in extra problems.
MORRIS DOES, however, support the committee's
suggestion that punch card voting only be used for absentee
ballots. Morris said that punch card voting is a big im-
provement over the paper ballots used by absentee voters,
b. primary
but that the situation is considerably different when the pun-
ch card is compared to the lever ballot.
One of the major problems with punch card absentee
voting is that if the voter punches the ballot card incorrectly,
there is no way to correct the mistake except by getting a
new ballot. And if the voter is in Honolulu it might be difficult
to return to Ann Arbor for a new ballot.
AT A CITY wide level supporters of the system contend
that it will save the city money. Although the inital cost of
switching to punch card voting is estimated to be $185,000,
City Administrator Sylvester Murray said that in the long
run money will be saved.
Murray said, however, that the savings would be
Students who left an unseasonably
warm Ann Arbor at the end of fall
term are discovering to their horror
that the most valuable thing they
will learn this semester may be the
correct treatment of frostbite. Tem-
peratures have sunk to chilling dep-
ths as the deep freeze has disrupted
the lives of people throughout the
"Temperatures had been milder
than average until New Year's Eve
when a cold front came through,"
said C. R. Snider of the National
Weather Service in Ann Arbor. "It
got as cold as nine below in Ann Ar-
bor. We've hit bottom as far as tem-
perature is concerned, but there will
be a lot more snow after this."
Times of extremely low tem-
peratures do not coincide with heavy
snow. "There is an old saying, 'it's
too cold to snow,' and that's ab-
solutely true in this part of the coun-
try," Snider said.
"IT'S HARD TO tell whether this
winter will have more snow or cold,"
he said. "It looks like it will be just
about average."
Some students, however, have
already been affected by the cold
weather. "I am going to skip my two
o'clock class because it's too cold to
go;" announced sophomore Allan
"The University buses were run-
ning behind last night and some
people froze," Stejskal said. "Satur-
day night people were waiting at the
Geddes stop for an hour and a half.
They were forced to walk from the
Geddes stop to Bursley."
See CITY, Page 10
- ......... - - - - - " " I
Shah to visit Egypt
on his way to U.S.
By AP and Reuter
TEHRAN, Iran-Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi will leave for Egypt
tomorrow on his way to the United
States for an extended vacation inten-
ded to save the Iranian monarch,
authoritive royal palace sources said
last night. Many expect his journey to
end in permanent exile.
Political violence erupted anew as
the country awaited the uncertainties of
a post-shah era. Among at least 18 per-
sons reported killed in two days of
bloodshed was a former U.S. Air Force
colonel, Martin Berkowitz, 53, of San
Francisco, the second American slain
in 12 months of nationwide turmoil
THE IRANIAN Senate hastily gave
its endorsement yesterday to the new
government of Prime Minister Shah-
pour Bakhtiar, a prominent oppositon
figure, and the lower house of
Parliament was expected to vote its
approval today.
The shah is scheduled to hold a rare
newsconference late thistmorning, ap-
parently just before flying out of the
By leaving, the shah will clear the
way for Bakhtiar to take full control of
the nation. But the new prime minister
must overcome the political stigma ot
having been chosen by the shah and
must deal with the powerful Moslem
religious leaders, chiefly the exiled
Ayatullah Khomaini.
KHOMAINI HAS already announced
the formation of an Islamic
revolutionary council to pave the way
for a new constitution and an "Islamic
The Ayatullah, spiritual leader of
Iran's 30 million Shi'ites, was expected
to return to Iran a few days after the
shah's departure.
More than 100,000 jubilant Iranians
converged on Tehran's main bazaar
district yesterday, cheefully chanting,
"Death to the shah" and "Long live
Khomaini!" Government troops, stan-
ding by and not trying to stop the
demonstration, were showered with
flowers and kisses by the demon-
NO MAJOR bloodshed was reported
in Tehran, but reports reaching the
capital said at least 17 persons were
killed Sunday in violence in 21 towns
and cities, and at least one death was
reported Monday. More than 1,500 per-
sons are estimated to have been killed
in the year-long political upheaval.
The newspaper Khayan said
Berkowitz, identified as head of a cop-
per-mining firm called Parson-Jordan
Co., apparently was stabbed Sunday
night in the kitchen of his home in the
southeast city of Kerman. The paper
said his killers scrawled the words,
"Go Back To Your Country" on a wall
of the house before escaping.
The U.S. Embassy confirmed
Berkowitz had been found dead but
gave no details.
Officials in Cairo said the shah will
meet today in the southern Egyptian
town of Aswan with Egypt's President
Anwar Sadat. The sources here confir-
med the 59-year-old monarch would
travel to Aswan and then on to the
United States. But further details of his
plan, such as where the shah will go in
America, were not known.
New congress set
on balancing bu dget
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Carl Levin was of federal spending is reduced by a
sworn in as the junior Senator from formula that would result in a balanced
Michigan and Nancy Landon budget by 1982.
Kassebaum, a Kansas Republican, Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas, ranking
became the Senate's only woman as the Republican on the Senate Finance
96th Congress convened at noon yester- Committee, introduced a three-part
day on a frigid day in the nation's package that seeks similar reductions
capitol. in federal spending while inflation-
Vice-President Walter Mondale gave proofing individual income taxes and
the oath of office to 35 Senators, in- amending the Constitution to require
cluding the 20 newcomers elected last balanced budgets.
November in a national vote of con- The new Congress is expected to meet
fidence in the politics of 'less gover- head-to-head with the Carter White
nment. Reflecting the apparent "Tax House on a variety of issues including
cut fever" that swept many liberal the budget. A Strategic Arms
Democrats out of office, lawmakers in- Limitation Agreement with the Soviets
troduced a variety of budget-balancing will come to the Senate for ratification
bills in this opening day session. this year, as will the appointment of
In the House, 100 members endorsed Leonard Woodcock as the first am-
a proposal by Rep. L. A. Bafalis, (R- bassador to communist China.
Fla.), that would prohibit Congress The Woodcock nomination will be the
from spending more money than the first battleground for conservatives
government takes in. The only excep- over America's relations with China
tions would be during war or ' other and Taiwan.
national emergency declared by a On his proposed budget, President
three-fourths vote of Congresst Carter said yesterday it would still con-
Sen. John Stennis, (D-Miss.), offered tain an increase in spending for poor
a different approach. His plan would people and that the fears of the nation's
amend the Constitution to raise taxes mayors will be allayed once they have
automatically at the end of any year in examined the document.
which spending exceeds tax collections. "It is not a punitive budget," Carter
Sen. Gary Hart, (D-Colo.), offered a said. "It is a good, sound budget that
bill that would cut income taxes by an will sustain a strong economy and set a
average of about 29 per cent over the good example for the control of in=
next four years - but only if the growth flation."
This is not a new form of modern art, but rather the law quad as viewed
through an art museum window on an icy Sunday afternoon.
Stechuk to
By STEVE HOOK Stechuk i
LSA-SG President Bob Stechuk public apol
agreed Sunday to publicly apologize to and facult
former Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal LSA-SG's -
Allon for LSA-SG sponsorship of a Governmer
demonstration against an Allon speech afternoon.
in December which turned violent. organizatio
Stechuk also agreed to apologize to Students f
Institute of Public Policy Studies Direc- Palestinian
for Jack Walker, who organized the (HPRC) a
speech, and to the Israeli Student discuss the
Organization. IPPS DIP
AT THE December 17 Allon speech, comment u
Allon was shouted down by pro- said yester
Palestinian hecklers. A few fists were (the demon
thrown, and the Ann Arbor police were of the proc
called in to remove the violent endorsemei
protesters. No injuries were reported nI was ve
but several assault charges are still name (LSA
A second demonstration held outside
the Rackham Building was peaceful. H i
* Two members of the Wilm- Court, in a
ington 10 were on campus this war" mail
weekend to talk about their ex- yesterday t
periences. See story, Page 7. hear civil si
accused of b
* Chicago struggles to recover The justi
from one of its worst blizzards on such suits'
record. See story, Page 2. court.s
made what is effectively a said Walker, the speech's organizer.
logy to over forty students Stechuk's announcement follows
y members jammed into several weeks of controversy during
- Literary College Student which he has been criticized for not
nt's meeting room Sunday checking with other LSA-SG members
Members of several before endorsing the demonstration.
ns, including the Union of Stechuk has said that as advocacy
or Israel (USI) and the coordinator for the student body, he is
Human Rights Committee "authorized to represent council and to
attended the meeting to speak on behalf of council.";
endorsement. ACCORDING TO Stechuk, when he
RECTOR Walker would not endorsed the protest, many of the
pon Stechuk's apology, but political claims that appeared on the
rday, "I was disturbed by flyer were not made clear to him, in-
stration) and I wasn't sure cluding accusations that Allon is a
edure LSA-SG used for its "racist" and a "terrorist.
nts. .At Sunday's meeting, Stechuk said
ery disappointed to see the the role of advocacy coordinator is not
-SG) on the endorsement," clearly defined by the LSA-SG con-
ih court to take
~letter case
stitution. He added that in the future,
guidelines for endorsements will be set
by the student body.
"Council will be provided with an
opportunity to define my role," Stechuk
Stechuk has stressed that he does not
condone the violence of the indoor
demonstration, but he said he endorsed
the protest in the interest of a "broader
sample of ideas" since no Palestinian
speakers were invited'to debate.
Ashe aces apartheid
GTON (AP)-The Supreme
case involving a CIA "cold
-opening operation, agreed
o decide which courts may
uits against federal officials
breaking the law.
ces said they will study a
's ruling that persons filing
may use any federal trial
Intelligence Agency surveillance
program which operated from 1953 to
It is estimated that more than 200,000
pieces of mail to and from countries
such as China and the Soviet Union
were opened by CIA agents without
search warrants.
In other matters yesterday, the
Surme aCour.t
Tennis pro Arthur Ashe, a long-time
opponent of South Africa's apartheid
policy, said yesterday he does not ad-
vocate divestment of American in-
terests there. In a talk at the Union's
Pendleton room, Ashe said that
although taxes the South African
government gets from the 400
American corporations help enforce
apartheid, "If America gets the hell out
of South Africa, Europe will get the hell
in, and they don't care."
He added that Europe's minorities
"are not as vocal as ours," and that it
would be a mistake "if all positive force
(for change) left that country." He said
he advocates the use of economic,
cultural and sports boycotts, but stated