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January 14, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-14

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Page 10-Sunday, January 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Blue dekers swept again

A hero was reborn last night before
2,310 partisan Michigan fans at Yost
Arena. Unfortunately for the fans, this
same hero had been born just 24 hours
earlier by accomplishing the exact
same thing. Specifically, the hero was
Gary Reinking of Colorado College and
he tallied the winning goal in last
night's 4-2 Tiger win and also notched
the game-winner Friday night.
Reinking, the unlikeliest of heroes,
had tallied a mere two goals on the
year. During this series, he tallied one
more than his season total, including
the two game-winners.
WITH HIS goals, Reinking has vir-
tualy sealed in a coffin Michigan's
playoff chances this season. Colorado
had entered this series a scant two poin-
ts in front of the youthful Wolverine
icers. By sweeping the crucial series,
Colorado left Ann Arbor six points
ahead of ninth-place Michigan.
This crucial game was knotted at two
after the first two periods and midway
through the third period, the contest
was ticketed for overtime. Then fresh-
man defenseman Paul Brandrup on one
of his rare shifts on the ice, tried blindly
to lift the puck out of the zone.
He was unsuccessful in his attempt.
Reinking knocked the pass down and
shot 'it past a helpless Rudy Varvari.
Colorado's star Dave Delich added an

open net goal with five ticks remaining
on the clock.
COLORADO HAD opened the night's
scoring on a similar gift. This time,
goalie Varvari should have received an
assist on the Tigers' goal. The
sophomore netminded attempted to
clear the puck out of the defensive zone.
Unluckily, he batted it right to forward
Bob Mancini, who slid the disc into the
unguarded Wolverine net. This goal
capped the scoring for the period, a
period which Michigan controlled but
still trailed, 1-0.
The Wolverines came out flying in
the second stanza and their per-
severence paid off. Dennis May and
Jeff Tessier never gave up on a puck in
the Colorado zone and finally, May
broke the puck loose and lifted it behind
CC netminder Scott Owens.
Less than three minutes later, the
Wolverines found the net again as cap-
tain Mark Miller netted his team-leding
18th of the season. Dan Lerg had raced
in orb the breakaway and tried to center
the puck to, Miller. Miller eventually
gained control and sent it back to the
point, where defenseman Tim Manning
let go with a slap shot. Captain Miller
dug the puck out from Owens' pad and
rammed it home.
THE WOLVERINES continued to
hold their own in a game which meant

much to their playoff chances. But with
48 seconds left in the middle period,
Colorado co-captain Curt Christofferson
skated inside the blue line and whistled
a low liner past the unsuspecting Var-
After the game, Michigan coach Dan
Farrell seemed more frustrated than
upset. "We're working hard and
playing with a lot of enthusiasm. We
just can't put the puck in the net. We
did play super defensively, but you
can't score two goals and expect to win
in this league," said Farrell.
Coach Jeff Sauer concurred with
Farrell. "I thought they played much
better tonight. Dan (Michigan coach
Farrell) has said they've had problems
scoring goals and that was evident."
Farrell will hve to find a remedy
quickly for a scoring attack that has
tabbed just eight goals in its last four
games. Or else, the Wolverines may
contend with having Michigan State
defeat them in yet another sport.
C. C. sweeps
Scoring-1. CC-Manclni (unassisted) 7:02.
Penalties-M-Lundberg (interference) 0:54; CC
-Kelley (holding) 11:34; CC-Aikens (hooking)
15:01; CC-Mancini (tripping) 17:38.
Scoring-2. M-May (Tessier) 4:50; 3.M-Miller
(Manning, Lerg) 7:32; 4. CC-Christofferson
(Lundgren, Delich) 19:12.
Penalties-M-Lerg (tripping) 0:50; CC-Rein-
king (holding) 1:56; M-Coffman (high sticking)
8:57; CC-Hecker (high sticking) 8:57; M-Perry
(tripping) 9:07; M-Baum (cross-checking)
10:24; CC-Feamster (misconduct) 10:50; M-
Mars (tripping) 14:20; M-Lundberg (roughing)
15:11; CC-Reichart (slashing) 15:11.
Scoring-5. CC-Reinking (unassisted) 12:32;
6. CC-Delich (Reinking) 19:55.
Penalties--CC-Maksymy (tripping) 1:52; CC-
Soltvedt (hooking) 3:06; M-Blum (roughing)
15:27;CC-Maksymky (roughing) 15:27.
Owens (CC).................11 9 7-27
Varvari(M).................... 5 13 7- 25

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
MICHIGAN FRESHMAN Murray Eaves moves in for a shot against Colorado College goalie Scott Owens in last night's
action at Yost Arena. The icers lost to the Tigers, 4-2, to stay mired in ninth place in the WCHA.
Ohio State grabs 1st place

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From Wire Service Reports
CHAMPAIGN - Herb Williams
scored 29 points and Jim Smith hit a
crucial free throw in overtime to give
Ohio State a 69-66 victory yesterday
over previously unbeaten and fourth-
ranked Illinois in a Big Ten game.
Ohio State took over *first place in the
conference while the defeat snapped
Illinois' 15-game winning streak.
Ohio State guard Carter Scott scored
a field goal with 42 seconds remaining
in regulation time, tying the score at 60.
Buckeye guard Todd Penn then won a
jump ball-from Illinois' Rob Judson
with 19 seconds to go. Ohio State missed
a shot and with five seconds left in
regulation time, Judson fired a 25-

footer but it missed, sending the game
into overtime.
Ohio State's Kelvin Ramsey hit a
'field goal at 4:21 of the overtime period
to put the Buckeyes ahead to stay, 62-60.
Illinois did not score in the overtime
period until 27 seconds were left to play.
The victory gave Ohio State an
overall season record of 9-4, and the
Buckeyes are 4-0 in the Big Ten.
Illinois fell to 15-1 overall and 3-1 in
the conference.
Purdue 52, M.S. U. 50
man's 23-foot desperation shot came on
the "worst play that's ever been
designed," but the ball clipped the cor-
ds and Purdue handed top-ranked
Michigan State its second straight Big
Ten defeat at the buzzer, 52-50.
Everyone in the arena, including
Spartan Coach Jud Heathcote, knew
Purdue's strategy was to get the ball to
either Joe Barry Carroll or Jerry
Sichting, the two leading Boilermaker
Michigan State's defense denied
Carroll and Sichting the ball in the final

10 seconds and Arnett wound up with it,
shooting out of desperation to notch
only his second field goal of the game.
Purdue Coach Lee Rose called it the
"worst play that's ever been designed. I
can assure you it didn't go to who it was
supposed to.
"They did a good job of denying
Carroll and Sichting the ball, but once
Arnett got hold of it they wouldn't let
him pass," said Rose.
Purdue grabbed 27 rebounds, in-
cluding 13 by the 7-foot-1 Carroll, while
Michigan State, now 2-2 in the Big Ten
and 9-3 overall, pulled down only 14-a
record low by any Purdue opponent
since modern records have been kept.
Two Big Ten games were postponed
until today because of a }snow storm
that hit the Midwest. Indiana was to
meet Iowa in Iowa City yesterday and
will try to play at 3 p.m. today. North-
western will also attempt to get its
game in at Minneapolis against Min-
nesota at 9 this evening.

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