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December 08, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-08

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v wr_ v-r Ann Arhnr AA irh:nnn__.Cnf... L..,

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Ann Arpor, nnicnigran-z)aturcaay, Uecember 8, 1979

Ten Cents

Eiaht Poaes

Employment crunch may ease for '80 college grads

LANSING (UPI)-Despite the nation's apparent economic
downturn, next year's college graduates will find it slightly
easier to get a job than the Class of 1979, two Michigan State
University researchers said yesterday.
John Shingleton-director of the nation's largest univer-
sity placement office-said he expects a 1-2 per cent in-
crease in the number of college graduates hired this year.
"I don't think you've got the national recession this time
as far as employment of college graduates," he said.
SHINGLETON PREDICTED business would not err
again by limiting college recruitment during the current
slump-as it did in the 1974-75 recession.
"Most recruiters we've talked to now think that was a
mistake,"' said L. Patrick Scheetz, who co-authored
MSU's ninth annual study of hiring trends. "They find
themselves with a "bubble" in the pipeline of middle

MSU study predicts 1-2% increase
in hirings, paychecks rise of 4-8%

Of 44 employers who had been forced
trained personnel, 30 said they would
graduates this year, the study said.

to lay off college
hire new college

management people, ones they should have hired back
Only graduates seeking employment in the auto industry
will be faced with a "soft spot," Shingleton said, noting
recruiters from Ford Motor Co. and the financially ailing
Chrysler Corp. cancelled their fall visits to major cam-
DECLINING AUTO industry recruitment has been coun-
ter-balanced with increased hiring by firms manufacturing
parts to keep older vehicles running, he said.

Graduates with aerospace, electronics, merchandising
and petroleum engineering backgrounds will find eager
employers and women and minorities skilled in technical
fields "can write their own tickets," Shingleton said.
Most of this year's graduates will be starting out with
bigger paychecks than those of a year ago. The increases
range from 4 per cent to 8 per cent increase for newly hired
electrical, mechanical, chemical and petroleum engineers.
THE MOST SOUGHT after graduates still are those with
bachelor's degrees.

For the firststime, companies rated competent writing
and speaking skills tops among the qualities sought; in
prospective employees.
Shingleton said other high ranking factors for hiring
recent graduates were such traditional skills as ability to
'complete tasks, initiative, honesty and integrity.
The study found recent graduates are not enthusiastic
about relocating, and want to live in areas with recreational
opportunities. The employers also said grade point
averages are not an important factor in hiring and an in-
creasing number of firms give a decided edge to job can-
didates who obtained internship or cooperative experience
during college.

arter rules
out militar
force in Iran
From AP, UPI and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Carter yesterday ruled out any
military action against Iran that would cause harm to the hos-
tages in Tehran, but families of the hostages were told that action
tofree the captives would be taken soon.
"I am not going to take any military action that would cause
bloodshed or arouse the unstable captors of our hostages to attack

HUNDREDS OF DETROIT rockers waited in the rain yesterday outside the days after fans holding general admission ticket to a Who concert in Ci
Pontiac Silverdome before a sold-out concertof The Who. Some 41,000 general trampled 11 persons to death in a rush to get good seats.
admission tickets were sold for the Pontiac performance, which took place five
TheWho perform without mcide
front Coliseum Monday-"makes He said he almost sold his tic
By TIMOTHY YAGLE afternoon as well as a rainshower, of- everybody take a good look at their instead his group of six left for
with wire reports ficials opened the gates just after 3:30 facility." cert at 1p.m. instead of 5 p.m.
Special to the Daily p.m., Silverdome promotion official ONE SECURITY guard at the Silver- the crowd.
PONTIAC-A relatively calm crowd Julie Montgomery said. dome last night said a few guards were Other members of the audier

them or punish them," the
president said.
Speaking to a group of State Depart-
ment employees, Carter said: "I'm
gong to be very moderate, very
THE PRESIDENT made the com-
ments as he left the State Department
after a meeting with about 100 relatives
of the.50 hostages, who have been held
captive by Iranian militants since Nov.
His remarks appeared to indicate a'
change in the administration attitude
AP Photo toward the Iranian crisis. Ad-
incinnati ministration spokesman consistently
have refused to rule out military action
against Iran if normal diplomatic effor-
ts to free the hostages fail.
n t While Carter ruled out military ac-
tion that he felt would endanger the
kets, but hostages inside the embassy, he did not
the con- rule out the use of force if the hostaes
to avoid are harmed by the militants holding
nce were
ada, said IN TEHRAN, Moslem militants
se "they holding the U.S. Embassy yesterday'
got it angrily denounced their foreign
minister's promise that some hostages
SCincin- would be freed and said all would be
going to tried as spies with "no exceptions."
another Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini also
issued a blistering attack on the United
See IRANIANS, Page 2

30-40 'U,
violate status
Passports of 30 to 40 Iranian :students
at the University have been taken by
the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), but serious problems
exist in fewer than 10 of those cases, ac-
cording to University Foreign Student
Advisor Charlene Schmult. During the
past three days the INS interviewed
some 200 Iranians at the Federal
THE NUMBER of passports taken is
much lower proportionally than in
other colleges and universities visited
by the agents, she added. Withholding
passports means they were out of status
at that time, according to Schmult, and
in many cases students just lacked
documents, which can be corrected.
"Serious problems," include
enrollment as a part-time student,
which violates the criteria for student
status, enrollment in. an institution
other than that for which permission
was granted, and working illegally.
ROBERT WAGUS, coordinator of the
See 30-40, Page 2

of more than 40,000 came to the Pontiac
Silverdome last night to see The 'Who.
No incidents were reported.
Silverdome officials had assured the
public that Monday's gate-crashing in-
cident at The Who concert in Cincin-
natii-when 11 people were trampled to
death-would not be repeated.
ALL FOUR stadium gates were
scheduled to open at 6 p.m. for the 8
p.m. concert. But because there were
300-400 fans at each gate by mid-

Survivors of the people trampled to
death at Monday's concert of The Who
have filed suit against the group. See
story, Page 3.
MOST OF THE seat less main floor
and the first tier of the Silverdome were
filled by 6 p.m. The crowd appeared to
be moving in an orderly manner.
She said - general admission
seating-widely blamed for the masses
that waited outside Cincinnati's River-

added to the force, but he wouldn't say
how many.
Several concert-goers said they were
not scared of the crowd because Detroit
rock concert audiences have a
reputation for being orderly. Even
though Detroit rockers get rowdy, they
said, fans in Detroit remain con-
But Fred Hiscocks, of Warren, was
"worried sick" about the great number
of people who would attend the concert.

not worried. Bill King, of Army
he was not apprehensive becau
(Silverdome officials) 3
"If it's happened there (in
nati), they sure as hell aren't
let it happen here," concluded

Jobless rate down in November

From Reuter and AP
In July, the Carter administration
predicted that the jobless rate would
rise to 6.6 per cent by the end of the
And as little as three weeks ago,
Treasury Secretary G. William Miller
said he thought the forecast was about
BUT AFTER the November figures
released by the Labor Department
yesterday, government economists
said they now think that prediction was
on the high side.
The figures underlined the difficulty

economists have experienced in char-
ting the course of the economy this
The unemployment rate declined to,
5.8 per cent of the labor force in
November while employment hit a
record 97.6 million.
The Labor Department said most of
the decline in unemployment in
November occurred among women and
blacks, the same two groups most af-
fected by a rise in unemployment
during October.
THE DROP in unemployment from
six Der cent in October will

unquestionably reinforce sentiment
within the Carter administration again-
st a major tax cut in the near future.
The report also illustrated that gover-
nment policies aimed at slowing the
economy haven't yet worked.
- The November jobs gains make it vir-
tually certain the unemployment rate
will be significantly lower than this.
Janet Norwood, commissioner of
labor statistics, said recent layoffs in
the auto and steel industries didn't
show up in the November figures, and
that these could push up the unem-
ployment figures in months to come.

Household firms
gear sales pitch
to 'U' students
Residential College (RC) sophomore David Zellis
said he received a call three weeks ago from a woman
in Ohio who told him he could win a free trip to Florida,
if he hosted a party. He agreed to do it.
Monday afternoon, Zellis and ten of his friends
gathered in his East Quad apartment, lured by
promises of free beer mugs, to be shipped later, and a
guaranteed two-nights' lodging in a Miami hotel for at
least two of the participants.
IN ADDITION, anyone agreeing on the spot to pur-
chase china, cookware, silverware, and crystal
receives the trip too, according to Linda Harkins, of
Mariac, Inc. of Indianapolis. Harkins' job is to travel to
universities and colleges in Michigan and promote
See FIRMS, Page 2

Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
Eleven East Quad students gathered Wednesday evening
to hear a presentation about cookware and crystal given by
John Scheidell, salesman for Nattline, Inc.

+. .. ' after assembling a crw inte caper living room Ginger Southern Illinois University botanist whose job it is to know ago, when, she said, I woke up and something told me 'You
" nss:;:n<r a>'t s~: ; ~ ->wroceeded to deliver her romise. In the exitement, such thins. The women of the tiny island of Montserrat, should go back because Richard would want you to;"'She
however, some cool heads prevailed and the doors to the located in the British West Indies, brew a mistletoe tea that then talked to the Navy, which agreed to allow her to takea
" " z~yt:£ <zf ay~y:%f house were locked to thwart the pledges efforts to complete is a "primitive but effective" substitute for contraceptive part in the annual service on the anniversary of the attack.e
+wq their mission. Yet unbeknown to the active brothers, who pills, reports Brussell. "And," he says, "they swear by it." Asked if she saw any similarity between the mood of the


t. f i'. . . F .:,
f'f ss 9" p e'1 ;t <>{~l.:..r
is;%f:: f4 . r1t':'"{ } /.

were actively engaged in Ginger's presentation, the pledge
class, with keg in tow, had been hiding in a fallout shelter in
the basement of the'house since 6 p.m. When Ginger began
her routine they easily spirited the keg up to the chapter
room. Of course, Ginger was under the employ of the
pledges and although her contract was only for one hour, af-
ter th -Po Iran c tIn n~rl chP ct-quodntI thennlri'., unilnnnt

Mild doses of the tea, called 'no mammy" by the natives of
Montserrat, block contraception by preventing fertilized
eggs from becoming implanted in the wall of the uterus.
Brussell strongly recommends, however, that American
women not ditch their little pills and start brewing "no
mammy," since a cup of the brew which is too strong would

American people 38 years ago and now, with a potentially
volatile climate in Iran, Barrett asserted that America has
not grown weak. "We're right on the edge," she said. "I feel
that our country needs a lot of people to realize how great
our country is. I'm proud of our country and so many boys
died for it."a




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