Page 12-A-Friday, September 7, 1979-The Michigan Daily Canterbury Loft. Events in September Sept. 1l-Galliard Brass Ensemble. A free performance outdoors on the Diag on the steps in front of the Grad Library. Tuesday, 12 noon. Sept. 14-Equus Reading. An informal reading of the play, Equus by Peter Shafer followed by a discussion led by Tony Burdick. Friday, 8 p.m. Free. Sept. 15-Trees in Concert. A special concert appearance by Trees, an Ann Arbor folk group. Saturday, 8 p.m. Sept. 20-22-Starving Artists Sale. Works of art, all priced at $15 or less, by student and community artists. Thursday thru Saturday, 12 noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 28, 29-"Space Opera One." A premiere per- formance of an opera in one act, written and performed by baritone, Richard Jennings. Electronicaand acoustic music, and special visual effects. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. 0=9 Mozambican troops hit strategic targets in Zimbabwe Rhodesia SALISBURY, Zimbabwe Rhodesia (AP)-Mozambican troops battled helicopter-borne Zimbabwe Rhodesian com- mandos into the night yesterday as the invaders hit strategic targets from 50 to 200 miles inside Mozambique, the military said. In a communiqaue, the military said its raiders killed 23 of a 26-man army unit in a fierce gunbattle and destroyed a black guerrilla-Mozambican army brigade headquarters in its first attacka on regular troops of a neighboring black state since the bloody guerrilla war began seven years ago. THE MILITARY SAID one of its invaders was killed, but did not say how many were sent. Zimbabwe Rhodesia has made 38 raids into Mozambique, Angola and Zambia, but previous ones have been aimed only at guerrilla bases of black nationalists seeking to topple the Salisbury government. Mozambique defense officials provided the first word of the raid, which began Wednesday. They reported shooting down a helicopter and said some civilians were killed along the Limpopo River, but gave no casualties among its defense forces. THE ATTACK CAME only days before the start of British-sponsored peace talks in London aimed at ending the guerrilla war. Representatives from the guerrillas and Salisbury gover- nment are to attend. was "one of the most successful operations we have conduc- ted." The military said it launched the raid after learning more than 100 Mozambique regulars had infilitrated its borders to command guerrilla units. The communique said a captured Mozambican said larger incursions were planned soon. IN ITS COMMUNIQUE, the military said its forces destroyed a combined Mozambican-guerrilla brigade headquarters, along with fuel dumps, an armory and a radar station at Mapai, 30 miles across the border. On the border, Zimbabwe Rhodesian ground forces at- tacked a combined Mozambique-guerrilla base at Malvernia, but met no resistance, the communique said. The military said its only casualty was a technician killed when the helicopter was shot down Wednesday bout 50 miles inside Mozambique. The Mozambique Defense Ministry said the attack began with French-built Mirage fighters escorting helicopter-borne troops across the border. The reference to Mirage jets ap- parently was to suggest South Africa, which flies Mirages, was involved in the raid, but South Africa has consistently denied aiding Zimbabwe Rhodesia on its cross-border air raids. South Africa has said its intelligence sources discovered the Soviet Union has 1,600 troops inside Mozambique while Cuba, a Soviet ally, has 2,000 soldiers, buit there was no word if any of the foreign troops were involved in the fighting. i, Canterbury Loft 332 South State Street, second floor El VALUABLE COUPON foryOu when you 1 pay for 21 KODAK Color Enlargements I for Someone Special With this coupon, receive a third enlargement free when you order two 8 x 10 KODAK Color Enlarge- ments from color 1 slides, KODACOLOR Negatives or color prints from any 1 instant or con- ventional camera. Hurry, this offer expires October 3, 1979. Stop in today for complete details. DEALER NAME PROCESSING SANKAMERMCARO ,...Kodak . ,,Carera Shop, Inc. 665-6101 1115 South University Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa todte Senate the rai 4 AT SITE OF TEEN-AGE VIOLENCE: Meri den m MERIDEN, Conn. (AP) - Mayor Walter Evilia imposed a night-time curfew yesterday on an eight-block area around a downtown housing project, vowing to "maintain peace at, any cost" after an attack on the police station by a gang. of rock-throwing teenagers. "This town is terrorized," the mayor said, blaming the violence on a group of "hoodlums" 13 to 15 years of age. "We're just not going to take this anymore., HE SAID THE youths are "hell-bent on taking over the area." Between 75 and 100 youths who congregated around the low-income housing project led a rock-throwing assault Wednesday night on police headquarters two blocks away. They Watch out for the -* alnew GARGOYLE FIMS IN BEAUTIFUL HALE AUDITORIUM tayor imposes were complaining that three Hispanics tear gas1 arrested earlier in the night had been an act w mistreated. leaders1 About 75 police officers were rushed brutality in from 13 surrounding communities to Evilia help local police and the crowd disper- Hispanic sed in the early morning hours. cluding r central C TWO LARGE windows in police larger cit headquarters were smashed by rocks. Jose Co Police Chief Edward Courtney, who the Mills tried to talk with the crowd Wednesday many fro night, said the youths "started elsewher swearing, spitting, and kicking at the at a nearb police car." "IT'S G Evilia imposed an 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. City soon curfew in the area yesterday and said, Wednesda "We'll maintain this curfew until we're Hispanic3 convinced that the troublemakers with assa realize we mean business or are in in a parki jail." Those a The Wednesday night incident on the pol culminated a week of intermittent Later th unrest in the area around the Mills of them u Memorial Apartment project, a seven- nection w story brick structure. three teen LAST WEDNESDAY, police fired with polic curfew to disperse an unruly crowd, Nhich led black and Hispanic to level charges of police -. said the group includes s, blacks, and whites, in- many who have moved to this onnecticut city of 55,000 from ties in recent months. ollazo, a young man living in project, said the teen-agers, m other parts of Meriden and e, gather near the project and by restaurant-bar. GOING to get like New York ," he told a reporter. Earlier ay night, Evilia said, three youths under 16 were charged aulting three white teen-agers in the city's north end. arrests touched off the assault ice station, authorities said. hat night, 12 young people, five under 16, were arrested in con- 'ith the alleged assault on the n-agers and the confrontation ce. Rosalynn Carter .. on the campaign trail Rosalynn is husband's top_ fund-raiser'- WASHINGTON (AP) - Rosalynn Carter has emerged as the top fund-raiser for her husband's unannounced re- election effort, campaign treasurer John Dalton said yesterday. "We have been most successful with ushng her for events," he said.s"Her events have raised more money than anyone else. VICE PRESIDENT Walter Mondale is a close second, Dalton added. "I'd say when people want to have a fund-raiser ... she is No. 1 or 2 on most people's list," said Dalton, treasurer of the Carter- Mondale Re-Election Committee. He could not immediately say how much money Mrs. Carter has raised. MRS. CARTER has mapped out a heavy travel schedule this month that includes five -fund- raisers expected to raise more than $250,000, Dalton said. The largest is a dinner in Orlando, Fla., on Sept. 20 targeted for $100,000. Dalton said President Carter will not hit the fund-raising cir- cuit until he announces his inten- tion to run for re-election. So far, the committee has raised $2 million. Mrs. Carter's travel schedule this month takes, her to several states, especially those holding early presidential caucuses and primaries. The price of tickets _ ranges from $300 per person to, in one case, $5,000 per corporation.- MRS. CARTER recently was quoted as saying she agreed to the appearances "because we felt it was necessary to try to raise some funds this year and kind of get that out of our way." But she was reluctant to call it straight-out politicking, saying, "I don't exactly say that.I'm campaigning." Not all of her political travel schedule consists of fund-raising, however. The itinerary begins Saturday with a trip to Iowa, home of the nation's first precinct caucuses that placed Jimmy Carter into the national spotlight in 1976. ImZ i eellpse THE SECOND ANNUAL ANN ARDOR AZZ FESTIVAL DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF CHARLES MINGUS HILL AUDITORIUM SCPTCMBER28-30 dexter gordon friday 7:30 pm sun ra Harkestra gato barbieri saturday the mingus .. dynasty band sunday aC , 2+ 4 pm res. coil. aud. don .... ......~... moyeoscar peterson sunday sunday mccoy tyner *i8p.m...... ..... ...... f-- Radio po WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) took a major step toward deregulation of the nation's 8,653 radio stations yesterday by proposing the elimination of rules governing commercial time and public affairs programming. The commission's action, open to public comment for at least 90 days, followed by another 60-day period for industry response, would fall short of various congressional attempts at deregulation, some of which would go so far as to drop the fairness doctrine, equal time and re-licensing requirements for radio stations. NONETHELESS, the agency's proposals represent the biggest move toward a virtually free market in com- mercial radio since the FCC'was created in 1934. Rules for television would not be affected. Specifically, the FCC suggested: " Dropping its guidelines requiring the 4,548 AM stations to devote eight per cent of their programming to news or public affairs material. The six per cent guideline for 4,105 FM stations also would be abandoned. . The elimination of "all FCC policies dealing with limitations on amounts of commercial time," and in- stead .leaving it to "competitice marketplace forces to hold down levels of radio commercialization." The commission also would remove itself from "detailed consideration" of public affairs programming. licy OK'd Does it really have to be this way? Not if you do your book rush buying at Ulrich's, Ulrich's has polite, friendly employees who will find your books for you and help you with your other supplies. And you won't have to hock your sirloin to pay for them. Give Ulrich's a try this year. -