Citizens can no longer on 'Democracy Wall,' post grievances The Michigan Daily-Friday,. December 7, 1979-Page 3 From.AP, UPI, Reuter and Staff Reports PEKING - The City of Peking yesterday banned all protest posters from "Democracy Wall" and set up a new wall for such posters where the authors will have to register their names and work addresses. The notice issued by the Peking municipal government spelled the demise of the brick wall around a bus depot where for one year people have been authorized to put up posters that criticized the Communist Party and government leadership and demanded "democratic freedoms." DEMOCRACY WALL has been the showplace over the past year of the small human rights movement in China. Director of the University's Center for Chinese Studies, Albert Feuer-, werker said last night the closing of the wall "probably indicates some degree of unhappiness with democracy in China." He added, "It's not a real big change, but symbolically it could be more." Feuerwerker pointed out that "China is not a democracy," and therefore such measures are not unex- pected. "It's a dictatorship of the' proletariat and we shouldn't forget that." The government said it acted because "certain people with ulterior motives had wrapped themselves in the banner of 'democracy' to damage socialist democracy..." BUT WESTERN observers said some of the posters put up at the downtown wall embarrassed the government, a feeling heightened by proximity of foreign diplomats and reporters who watched a unique kind of free speech movement there during the last year. A city spokesman inadvertently revealed just how popular the Democracy Wall had become when he Peking gov was quoted by the New China News Agency as saying that crowds gathering there had spilled over onto Peking's main boulevard and blocked traffic. Notice forbidding posters at the wall on Changan Avenue, which leads to the main square and government offices, was posted on the brick and plaster structure immediately after the7 decision. Two policemen stood by as the notice was posted. WHEN ACTIVISTS learned the new wall would be in Moon Altar Park, about one mile to the west, they said they were relieved posters were not being banned entirely. "This is good because we thought they would ban it. They . . . only moved it which indicates it isn't all bad," said Xu Wenli, an editor of the April Fifth Forum, a magazine of political com- mentary. "If it's so bad why do thousands and t. says thousands of people come to read it everyday?" he asked. "Even if they demolished the wall, they could not extinguish the democracy movement," said Mang Ke, 29-year-old editor of the literary journal "Today." Before putting up posters in Moon Altar Park, writers must register their names, pseudonyms, addresses and work units with officials in the park. Posters would not be examined at the registration center, the notice said. abortion? Free Pregnancy Testing Immediate Results Confidential Counseling Complete Birth Control Clinic Medicaid " Blue Cross (31) 41.1 0 Ann Arbor and Downriverarea (313) 5590590 Southfield area -) Northland Family Planning Clinic, Inc. m E1 eoooo* do 11 6 DESEGREGA TION WORK CONTINUES: School Board consid I c Fn- I H I i I By MARIANNE EGRI In an informal poll, the Ann Arbor School Board Wednesday night voted 5- 4 in favor of involuntary busing to achieve racial balance in six elemen- tary schools. The board members responded to a list of informal questions drafted by School Superintendent Harry Howard to provide guidance to administrators formulating a plan to present to state officials and the community. "IT'S DESIRABLE to have kids walk to school to the extent that it's possible, but I support involuntary busing when it's necessary," said School Board President Kathleen Dannemiller. Board members also were split 5-4 on the question of whether a desegregation plan should insure that no school is racially identifiable. Four board mem- bers said they may agree to this if it were further qualified. "I'm concerned with increasing educational opportunity not just moving bodies on the basis of skin color," said board member John Heald, one of the four who wanted more qualification. Board members, however, were in agreement on a number of questions. "It was a joy to see us soplose," said School Board President Kathleen Dan- nenliller. NEXT WEEK, the board is scheduled to charge the school administration - with drawing up a plan. According to Dannemiller, the process for developing a plan, specifically outlining community involvement, will be decided by January. Dannemiller said that by early February a tentative desegregation plan should be ready for community evaluation. Originally, the plan was to be completed in- January but an ad- ministration request that it be delayed was granted so that Howard, currently onleave, will be able to review the plan. The board differed on whether a desegregation plan should allow for the distribution of educational resources to individual schools based on student need rather than on a per capita basis as is currently done. AGREEING WITH this, board mem- ber Peter Wright said, "If we have a particular problem at a particular school, we need a target program for target needs." However, board member John Powell said a plan should identify students with individual needs instead of schools. Agreeing with Powell, board member Patti Cerny added "a child with certain needs may not be clustered ers busing specialization at an early age, Cerny said "I would like to see magnets that offer alternative learning styles rather than specialized subject areas such as Math and Science." An alternative learning style would be an open classroom. STRESSING A need to consider many options, Heald said, "If we're going to make a change, it's likely that a number of components will be in- volved, so we have to look at all the con- siderations." Landlord A Landlord B I . . MEN Id A rn FT- ! fwifI.I LA Fl El n Landlord C OCO 41 Landlord D Landlord E i -s -U Ti'na conceprneCd icil IiineaEsinlgedctiona 1011o101))0111nilV. 1no1 just moring bodies (on the basis o f .skina color.' j1ohn Il1(1. AnnArbor fSchool1 Board .Mem'iiber You Can Be Living in A Student Cooperative is .x__52.._... 4002 Michigan Union inter-Cooperative Council A house where you and other students can make a comfortable home and still cut costs by sharing the work and expenses. Spaces for Winter Term are available now. Doo't delay-Contact the Inter-Cooperative Council now at 662-4414, or better yet, visit our office on the fourth floor of the Union. We're open from 9:30-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. in a school with certain needs." There were also differences on whether any proposed plan should con- sider grade restructuring. This would involve reorganizing elementary schools so one school consists of grades kindergarten through four and another consists of grades five and six. FIVE BOARD members said they were not enthusiastic about this plan while it met with approval from the rest of the board. There was some disagreement on the question of whether a plan should create magnet schools, which are specialized schools providing alter- native educational opportunities. Board member Lana Pollack said that if magnet schools are created, they should retain the concept of neigh- borhood schools by reserving some space for neighborhood children. Expressing a concern over academic FILMS Cinema Guild-Key Largo, 7, 9:15 p.m., Old Architecture and Design Aud. Ann Arbor Film Coop-Halloween, 7, 10:20 p.m., Enter the Dragon, 8:40 p.m., MLB Aud. 3. Ann Arbor Film Coop-Every Man For Himself and God Against All, 7, 10:20 p.m., The Wild Child, 8:40 p.m., MLB Aud. 4. Cinema II-El, 7 p.m., The Phantom of Liberty, 9 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. A. Mediatrics-Good Bye Girl, 7, 9p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Army ROTC Week-Weekend Adventure, 9 p.m., Bursley Hall. SPEAKERS Field Museum of Natural History-Ellen Zak, "Image and Life: 50,000. Years of Japanese Prehistory," 8 p.m., Lecture Hall 1, Field Museum. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies-Prof. Peter Hook, "Functions of the Compound Verb in Indo-Aryan," noon, Lane Hall Com- mons. Museum of Art-Prof. Joel Isaacson, Prof. Raymond Grew, "Im- pressionism Around 1880: A Reassessment," 4 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. D. WUOM broadcast-Alvin Toffler, "Education of the Health Professional of the Future," 10:10 a.m. MEETINGS Undergraduate Political Science Association-Wine and cheese party, 3- 5 p.m., 6602 Haven Hall. PERFORMANCES Department of Dance-University Dance Company, faculty choreog- raphers, 8 p.m., Power Center. Call 764-0450 for ticket information. Canterbury Loft-"The Winedrinker," 8 p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State. School of Music-Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko, soprano, "Introduction and Explanation of the Aesthetic Values of Ibo Nigerian Music," 8 p.m., Schorling Aud., School of Education. St. Mary's Chapel Players-"Murder in the Cathedral," 8 p.m., St. Mary's Student Chapel, 331 Thompson. Tickets at the door, or call 663-0558. Board members unanimously sup- ported the community involvement structure proposed by the ad- ministration in which the desegregation plan would be drawn up by the ad- ministration, sent out for community evaluation and.then reshaped. However, some board members want a guarantee that the Citizen's Advisory Committee, which submitted desegregation proposals to the board in October, has considerable input. "The mechanisms used to get feedback are already there, the relationships are established, and we should use them," said Powell. The other questions receiving unanimous support included setting achievement targets for judging progress toward improving educational opportunity, considering boundary ad- justment as a strategy for improving racial balance, and setting time limits for plan development. QUESTIONS THAT received support from eight board members included movement toward state guidelines for racial balance and most answered this should be at a speed of about two years. They also supported a training program on desegregation for students, staff, parents and the community. Seven board members said they would f4vor a plan assuring a racially in- tegrated staff, and the provision of a standard set of resources to each elementary school. At their next meeting the board will discuss a policy statement on educational opportunity and racial im- balance proposed by Pollack. "I think a policy statement is essen- tial. Before the administration can go some place in developing a plan, they need to know where they're going," she said. The formation of a desegregation policy was made necessary when the Michigan Department of Education notified the Ann Arbor School District in June 1978 that it did not meet state racial balance guidelines in six of its 26 elementary schools. The state guidelines specify that the percentage of student enrollment in a school cannot be greater than 15 per cent above or below the student percen- tage for that racial group in the district as a whole. F~ W k Lnow about 1\ i1 Distinctive Holiday '4T ,um 4- ti S - a ' - . , .Z ' + ,moo 77'f c 'C -v ; i A C- , ~ 5- .-.,, Single Cards 350 and up Pkg of 6 $1.s28-2.95 Box of 20 $Quality-- v~ IAV' fitf .. r~ 1{ '~j yt 1 i - d la II !I