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December 07, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-07

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jNjinctIYearso f Editoril I rCdofi

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Vol. LXXX, No. 76

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 7, 1979

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Nov. food..
prices up, -
highest in
five yearsx
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Led by sharply
higher prices for poultry and beef,
wholesale food prices increased by 2.6
per cent in November, the worst mon-
thly increase in five years and a clear
warning that consumers face higher s
grocery bills in weeks ahead.
Overall wholesale prices increased
1.3 per cent during the month and were
up at an annual rate of 12.8 per cent for
the year, the Labor Department said
THE INCREASE makes it virtually
certain that 1979 will be the worst year
for inflation at the wholesale level since
1974, when prices rose 18.3 per cent.
Wholesale prices increased 9.1 per cent
last year.
Energy prices rose by 2.5 per cent in
November, the smallest amount since AN IRANIAN RAISE
February, but were still 62.7 per cent outside the U.S. Emba
higher than a year earlier.
Energy secretary Charles Duncan BA TTLING I
yesterday set a target of seven million
barrels a day for U.S. gasoline consum-
ption in 1980, and said that rationing
from abroad were cut.
wasm abreal possibility if oil supplies
HE ALSO SAID the administration
would publish today for public com-
ment President Carter's standby plan TEHRAN, Iran (Al
for rationing gasoline and Oould submit Ruhollah Khomeini urg
it for Congressional approval in for national unity yeste:
February. days of clashes between
He said the plan would involve supporters of Iran's nev
issuing gasoline rationing coupons stitution. He asked ther
based on vehicle registration and instead on the conflict w
allowing extra rations for high-priority. States.
needs, such as public services and far- "Do not quarrel betw(
ming. He provided no further details, and focus on the one andt
but administration officials have . It is your religious duty
favored allowing the public to buy and responsibility to conce
sell ration coupons legally. . confrontation with the U
Duncan said the administration also Khomeini said in a nat
is considering a wide range of other broadcast.
Student candidate

U.S. may oust
3 U' students

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) agents found three of 51
Iranian University students inter-
viewed Wednesday to be deportable,
and five requiring further in-
Information regarding the status of
students interviewed yesterday was not
available by the end of the day, accor-
ding to project coordinator Robert
Wagus, of INS headquarters in Detroit.
He added that final information regar-
ding the status of all Iranian students
on campus will be available Monday.
WAGUS SAID earlier in the day
yesterday he received information that
the interviews were running smoothly,
that more students were being inter-
viewed than on Wednesday, and that
"very few" were found to be depor-
Although 195 students made appoin-
tments for the interviews, which were
conducted by four INS agents on the
Ann Arbor Federal Building's third

floor Wednesday, yesterday, and today,
many are arriving without appointmen-
ts, and others are, by their own choice,
being interviewed in Detroit, according
to International Center Director Jon
Dariush, (not his real name), for in-
stance, said he went to Detroit because
his job had him scheduled to be there,
and not in Ann Arbor.
sity's position on the interviews. "We
don't want to get involved in what INS
is doing - we want this clearly to be a
federal function, not a University fun-
The University previously , had
refused to provide INS with a list of
Iranian students on campus.
Complete results on interviews held
earlier this week at Eastern Michigan
University (EMU) showed that, of 129
Iranian students interviewed there,
"ten could face immediate depor-
tation," and 39 cases will require fur-
See THREE, Page 5

AP Phoo
S a clenched fist in support of the Ayatollah Khomeini and holds his baby on the other arm',
assy in Tehran yesterday, where the 50 hostages are held for 33 days.

ently appealed
rday-after two
opponents and
w Islamic con-
nation to focus
,ith the United
een yourselves
only enemy ...
y and national
ntrate on the
United States,"
tionwide radio

nelni appeals
Mohammed Kazem Shariat-Madari yesterday that Presider
seized the state radio-television station ding Secretary of State
in Tabriz, capital of Azerbaijan Provin- four West European cap
ce 300 miles northwest of here, and said to seek support for ne
they had ousted the provincial gover- initiaties" aimed at pre
nor, to freeing American hos
A spokesman for the protestors in VANCE WILL stop in
Tabriz said they numbered 30,000 and ce, Italy and West Gern
were concerned about a demonstration their views on the situa
near Shariat-Madari's home Wed- ding Carter, the Stat
nesday. He said they mistrusted spokesman.
broadacast reports that their leader Since Vance is due to
had called for calm and would heed same officials only a fee
only a broadcast, by Shariat-Madari NATO meeting in Brus;
himself. arranged stops indicat
In attempts to apply pressure on part of new economic
Iran, th State Department announced moves against Iran that

nt Carter is sen-
Cyrus Vance to
pitals next week
ew "diplomatic
ssuring Iran in-
n Britain, Fran-
many "to solicit
tion," said Hod-
te Department
see many of the
w days later at a
sels, the hastily
ed they ight be
and diplomatic
it reportedly are

peace It
under consideration.
Announcement of the Vance trip
followed a meeting Wednesday ight in
which congressmen invited to a White
House dinner said President Carter
discussed U.S. efforts to isolate Iran in
the world community. Carter also was
said to have discussed the escalating
economic pressure on Iran.
U.S. OFFICIALS have suggested that
the administrtion has a number of
economic and diplomatic means to use
in the effort, to force Iran to free the 50
American hostages. The hostages have
been held since a militant Moslem mob
overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on
Nov. 4, demanding the deposed Shah
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi be returned
for trial.
Meanwhile, a high level U.S. State
and Treasury department mission met
with British and West German officials
yesterday and is due in Switzerland to
discuss the U.S. freeze of Iranian assets
and other moves aimed at pressuring
Iran to free its American hostages.
A U.S. source said the officials had
come to "explain the legalities" of the
freeze and other issues connected with
the Iranian crisis. But the State
Department in Washington said the aim

n I-ran
was to pressure Iran.
THE TALKS in London and Bonn
came just one day after the High Court
in London froze all financial assets of
Iran and the Iranian Central Bank
following legal action by the London
subsidiary of the Chemical Bank of
New York.
In related events, Libya has offered
to compensate the United States for
damage to the American embassy in
Tripoli, a U.S. official said yesterday.
The disclosure followed the shutting
down of the ransacked embassy and the
near suspension of diplomatic
THE OFFICIAL, who asked not to be
identified, said the United States was
still not satisfied with Libya's response
He said assurances were lacking that
American diplomats would be protec-
The embassy was assaulted by about
2,000 demonstrators last Sunday and set
ablaze. The Americans within escaped
Liby's offer to provide compensation
would seem to meet one of the U.S.
demands for maintaining relations.
Another was met on Monday when the
foreign ministry apologized.

launches council cam


Republican City Council candidate
and LSA junior Donald Hubbard laun-
ched his campaign for the First Ward
spot yesterday, calling for increased
police protection and downtown
The 20-year-old political science
major called himself "moderate on
social and fiscal policies," in a brief
statement at a City Hall press con-
ference yesterday.
beside Hubbard at the council table,
preceded the statement with an endor-
sement -of Hubbard. Belcher said Hub-
bard was "energetic, intelligent, and
very conscious of the political scene in
Ann Arbor."

Hubbard criticized the city's parking
enforcement division, saying the depar-
tment's $270,000 budget would be better
spent on increased police protection.
He also said the city needed more
housing and he pledged to push for the
construction of more rental housing
ALTHOUGH he said, "Every Ann Ar-
bor itizen deserves a decent place to
live," Hubbard said he had no specific
proposals for attracting new housing
downtown. He conceded that he had
"not studied this matter so I cannot
give you an informed and intelligent
Hubbard said he would support
building a new parking structure with
funds borrowed through a bonding

After the press conference, Assistant
City Administrator Patrick Kenney
said a new parking structure would cost
$3 million to $5 million. Borrowing the
money would require a tax hike to pay
interest, Kenney said. Republicans this
year cut taxes as they approved the city
DURING THE conference, Belcher
repeated themes from past city cam-
paigns. He criticized Councilmember
Kenneth Latta's (D-First Ward), who is
not up for re-election this year, for poor
attendance at council meetings.
He also questioned incumbent Susan
Greenberg's (D-First Ward) opposition
to a townhouse development in the First
Ward. Belcher said the development
See HUBBARD, Page 9

Expert on China to
return in January

bids for council seat

Paper Chase printing
beset by financial woes

Despite debts amounting to $70,000,
the Paper Chase copy service, located
on the ground floor of the Michigan
Union will not be going out of business,
according to owner Bob Gordon.
He said survival of the year-old
business hinges on a $2,700 grant from
the state Bureau of Rehabilitation.
Gordon said this grant would enable
him to put up the required 10 per cent
collateral needed for a $27,000 loan
from the U.S. Small Businessman's
"THIS MONEY will allow me to pay
off a portion of my debts, as well as to
buy and rent the necessary equipment

to keep my operation going," explained
He said he hopes to use the loan to
purchase three self-service copy
machines, rent one TCS/System Four
copy machine for large volume orders,
and 10 selectric typewriters and a word
Despite a poor showing during the
first year of operation, Gordon said he
believes his location in the Michigan
Union is not a hindrance to his business.
"ALTHOUGH I have no money and
could be pushed into bankruptcy by
Xerox Corporation, I still believe my
business has the potential for turning
See PAPER, Page 15

University Political Science Prof.
Michel Ockensberg yesterday said he
will return to Ann Arbor to teach in
Janury, reducing his full-time status as
a presidential advisor on Chinese
Ocksenberg has been on leave of ab-
sence from the University since the fall
of 1977, when he went to Washington to
work for the National Security Coun-
cil 's director, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Ockensberg said yesterday he is
returing to the University because, "I'd
lose my tenure if I didn't."
HE SAID HE will continue working
for the Security Council as a consultant,
and would travel to Washington two to
three days a week. The China expert
was expected back for Fall term and
was listed in the time schedule, as he is
for Winter term.
Ocksenberg will be teaching a
seminar on Chinese domestic politics in
January, Political Science Department

Chairman Samuel Barnes said last
University had asked Ocksenberg to
return "to fulfill his obligations" as a
tenured faculty member.
Barnes called Ocksenberg "a very
good lecturer, not only a solid one, but
also an entertaining one," and said the
China expert should be much better in-
formed because "he has been in on the
changes in China now."
The political science department
chairman said he did not know of
Ocksenberg's research plans yet. "He's
been doing it, not researching it," he
During Ockensberg's tenure as an
advisor to the president on China, Laos,
Vietnam and Cambodia, the United
States has . re-established, diplomatic
relations with China and has initiated a
trade agreement with the Chinese
Ocksenberg accompanied Chinese
Premier Deng Xiao-ping on his tour of
the United States last winter.

Daily Photo by DAVIU HARRIS
ITS NAME IMPLIES a chase after paper. What it hasn't chased is money.
The copying center, in the basement of the Michigan Union, is $70,000 in

trt t.z±,


H er
Behind every 'silver lining

' -- -

Fly the friendly skies
., This coupon entitles the holder to purchase a ticket for air transportationwhly "
on United Airlines, at a special incentive fare which shall be 50%h of the non-
discounted adult first class, coach, or commuter fare, for travel originating on or ?
after July 1, 1979, and completed on or before December 15. 1979.
Please see reverse side for terns and conditions.
If tinals aren't your forte, you may want to fly the coop

Coupon owners frantically trying to dump their merchan-
dise have taken to hawking the coupons in airports, placing
ads in newspapers and posting signs on kiosks. And at least
one travel agency, Great Places Travel, is keeping a list of
buyers and sellers along with the prices they are asking.
Bon voyage. f
Babes in T( gland
Started your holiday shopping yet? If you have any
members of the younger set on your gift list, take note. Toys
being sold this year include a goo that could ruin rugs and
furniture, a racetrack that will take weary parents eight
hours to assemble and a music machine that makes no


Machine," by F. J. Strauss Co.-Strasco, which the report
said is "supposed to be a xylophone, but it bears no relation
to any musical instrument, for the eight xylophone keys
sound like the same piece of tin." The committee did select
several toys as beneficial to children's development, in-
cluding Animal Fair's "Baby Little Love" and Entex's
"Electronic Baseball 2."
On the inside
Even though it's now one country, big differences
remain between those who live in the north and those who
live in the south. A look at Vietnam is on the, editorial
page . . . A preview of the Purdue basketball team in Spor-




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