The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 7, 1979-Page 11-A winning w (Continued from Page 9) frstration have taken him. He con- s ntly swears ft the audience, and a resses their applause with a vicious, s castic "You're too kind, too kind."' Tie band talk among themselves bet- w n numbers as if they were each o er's only support. At the end of the concert Thunders tells the audience 8 t t if they want an encore they have to k k over all their tables. When they d n't, he burns the audience with s ething along the lines of "stupid f ks." And then, as if the audience d 't even exist (or perhaps as an u imate in frustrating the audiences' e pectations) the Heartbreakers do r urn, to play the Motown song "Do u Love Me?" N FACT, while this album does soar i spots as a rocker, its real success is a a document of Thunders' struggle to k p his anger from making the music c aotic to the point of incoherence. And s is often not even good chaos, for T unders' playing often lacks teeth, a d the band sounds either simply to be h4ving an off night or else too tense to il. So while it is a fascinating dcument, in many ways it is not a veryM e citing one. till, nothing can take the edge off a stng like "Chinese Rocks," and a re- wbrking of the Dolls' "Chatterbox" (a sig Thunders wrote) is also terrific. A d if he hasn't shaken off the Dolls' d life ethic, he has reshaped their s nd, taking some of the Johanson finkiness out and applying some ri eting stripped-down rhythm. All of wich is to say that if this album n't stamped with the Thunders sonna, it still would be worth ring. But not terribly. it's pretty obvious Thunders isn't a happy guy nowadays, in a way it's no less true for David Johanson. The few tunes that pummel at all like the Dolls' songs did have been finely produced, and stand up as much for their clever pep song aura as for their smoke. Johanson has cashed in his artillery by and large, the sound and fury which was found on his comeback album last year, and opted instead for the sort of glitzy flash that got stashed away much of the time with the Dolls. BUT JOHANSON has done more than add pop sensibility to his music. By penning ballads, reggae tunes, disco songs, Motownesque thumpers, and by pegging the songs so often around the idea that style (i.e., what you wear and how hip you act) is of the utmost impor- tance, I can't help feeling Johanson is saying something about the importance of, being in step when people have nothing else to make them feel god, about ithemselves. The album is.about facades., "Swaheto Woman" is an irrestibly luminescent disco song, with a compulsive Motown bass line and grand, soaring vocals, about people ith 'Style' starving in South Africa! The towering strings and guitar chords of "Melody" hit us way before the aching, vague lyrics do. Again and again the pure colors and passion of the music and vocals take us away far sooner than do the words. Besides musical facade, the album focuses on facades in lifestyles - hip clothes and hip talk. On one level "In Style" is all about shopping for clothes. Perhaps the finest rocker on the album, it is about Johanson going downtown to shop for clothes, but finding out he doesn't have enough money to get what he wants (or something equally forget- table.) However, it is also about suspending one's passion, about having faith that one day, if one travels with self-confidence and patience, one can get what one needs. Johanson believes in doing things with style, but never in style for its own sake. "You Touched Me Too" is a wonderful example of this balance of passion and craft, simultaneously both a deep-felt con- fession and a puppy-love ditty. IT IS WHEN style becomes everything, Johanson seems to say, that things fall apart. On "Flamingo Road," a super ballad which closes the album, Johanson tells the story of a woman so poor and insecure she must fall in love with some rich hipster just to get by. From there on, it's downhill for her - she's got "all the clothes in France," and her "conversation takes (her) everywhere," but she's still alone, freezing in the back of some car with her furs and her leather pants. The Dolls wanted the world and they wanted it NOW!, and when they didn't get it, it hit them like frustration shock hits any number of individuals. I'm tempted to quote Neil Young and say, "some get strong (Johanson), and some get strange (Thunders)," but that would be too cruel. And who's to say? Maybe by banging his head against the wall long enough Thunders really will get whatever he wants, except that he sounds too jaded and bitter nowadays to even realize it if he did. And maybe going in style "until there's a better way,", as Johanson says, is mostly a road that never quite leads to total hap- piness. But I don't think it is always so - especially if. the music counts for anything. Use Daily Classif ieds r"What movie has run th LONGEST (almost a year) and has had the most CONSECUTIVE sellouts in ' the history of the Movies at Briarwood? Call 1 769-8783 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on Mon- day, September 10, with the correct answer and win a pair of passes to Briarwood Movies' First Anniversary Celebration. (Hint: It's not "Star Wars") (50 pairs will be given away) (Limit: 1 pair per person) A United Artist Exclusive now showing at: The Movies at Prudential Town Center Corner of Evergreen and 1-696 In Southfield The strangest things happen when you wear polka dots MARCELLO DANON presents- UGO TOGNAZZI MICHEL SERRAULT "LA CAGE AUX FOLLES" (English Subttles Based upon the play by JEAN POIRET A im by EDOUARD MOLINARO Coyiht~tisUie Alss aprtinAl ihs eevd ntdaiit I m ~... -