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December 05, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-05

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 5, 1979-Page 3



switch okayed

City Council Monday night scrapped the city's
computerized punch card voting system in favor of
reinstating mechanical voting machines for future
The rejection came despite acknowleged citizen ap-
proval of the punch card system and an appeal by the
county clerk for the preservation of the computerized
method that had been used in last February's city
primary and April's general election.
FOLLOWING AN evaluation of the two elections, the
Punch Card Voting Study Committee concluded the old
lever machines should be reinstated. Council ap-

proved, voting 10-1 in favor of the old machines.
The committee cited several problems with the com-
puterized method, including a large number of in-
validated absentee ballots and general processing
But washtenaw County Clerk Robert Harrison said
improvements have been made in the system since it
was used by the city last spring. He said the punch card
system has a potential for greater voter turnout, lower
cost, and easier auditing. Other communities in the
county currently use the computerized system suc-
cessfully, Harrison added.

Anne Sichel, a representative of the League of
Women Voters, alsQ, recommended the punch card
system be continued. She said the League spent many
hours last year educating the voters in the proper use
of the system.
Councilman Louis Senunas (R-Third Ward) said he
personally liked the computerized system but said it
should not be used in Ann Arbor because of opposition
among poll workers.
Councilman Gerlad Bell (R-Fifth Ward) cast the
only vote in favor of the punch card system. "I would
like to represent with my vote all the citizens who liked
the system," he said.

'Unique'Michigan child support agency
more effective than other states,'study finds

On any given day in many Michigan
counties more men are in jail for failing
to pay child support than for anything
else, according to a 28-county study of
Michigan's child support system
released yesterday by University Law
School Prof. David Chambers.
Friend of the Court, a state-wide
agency which oversees Michigan's
child support system in each county is
responsible for the jailings, said Cham-
"BECAUSE OF this unique agency
and its industrious work - and only in
small part because of the jailings -
Michigan collects an average of more
child support per case than any other
state in the nation," Chambers notes in
his study.
Although he acknowledged its effec-
tiveness, Chambers' study criticized
Michigan's system of jailing men -
and women - who refuse to pay child
support. "Most of the men who end up

in jail are alcoholics or men with long
employment problems - the men about
whom there should be the greatest'
doubts of their capacity to pay," his
study states. "The hearings that lead to
jailings last only three or four minutes
and include little serious inquiry into
capacity to pay."
But Pamela Byrnes, spokeswoman
for Washtenaw County's Friend of the
Court, said yesterday fathers are given
many opportunities to pay up before
they are sentenced to jail terms.
SHE ALSO noted the "majority (of
people jailed) are out in a week or two,"
and said she knows of only two cases in
which the non-payer has, remained in
jail for the maximum one-year term.
According to Byrnes a "non-payer" is
first notified he has missed child sup-
port payments and given the oppor-
tunity to either pay the full amount or
pay a portion of the sum immediately
and agree to pay the rest through a
wage assignment placed on his salary.

If this approach fails, the Friend of
the Court is authorized to make the non-
payer to show cause for non-payment.
The non-payer is again offered a chance
to make voluntary payments, and if he
refuses, the case will go to court that
same day to force payment, Byrnes
THE AGENCY'S final tactic is to
direct the court to issue a writ - an or-
der to pay up or go to jail. "That's the
last resort, or the nuclear weapon, as
we call it," Byrnes said.
There are usually 500 to 600 writs out-
standing, said Byrnes. Names of non-
payers are sent to police departments
throughout the state. In addition,
Washtenaw County Friend of the Court
has two full-time warrant officers
tracking down non-payers.
Chambers' study shows counties such
as Washtenaw, which have "self-
starting" enforcement systems (which
notify delinquent fathers). along with a
high rate of jailing collected the highest

Everyone's mCCesin' me
Taking a break from the fatiguing activity of spelling his name, Dee Dee
Ramne surveys the crowd at Schoolkids records store last night where the
new wave rock group the Ramones were signing albums, faces, ties, and
anything else they could get their hands on.
Saudis remove last
gunmen from mosque

rates of support.
Although Washtenaw County was in-
cluded in his study, Chambers noted
yesterday that "Washtenaw County has
made a dramatic change in its policy
since I wrote the study."
Byrnes agreed, saying "Our collec-
tions (and) our whole enforcement
system have really been beefed up."
"I wish Dave Chambers would come
back in a couple more years," she ad-
ded. By then, she said, she hopes to
have Friend of the Court fully revam-
Christmas Dance Concert
Dec. 7-9
Fri. & Sat. at 8pm
Sun at 3pm
Tickets $3-,5-PTP
ticket office HOURS:
Michigan League, or MonSt.
at all Hudson's out- 10-1 & 2-5pm
lets. PHONE: 764-0450'

Iranian deportation illegal, lawyers say

By Reuter
Saudi Arabia said yesterday that the
last remnants of a band of Moslem ex-
tremists who seized the Grand Mosque
in Mecca two weeks ago had been
flushed from the building.
The seizure and recapture of the
mosque claimed the lives of nearly 60
Saudi soldiers and 75 Moslem ex-
tremists - as well as wounding 200,
soldiers =' hifrioi Miister Prince
Nayef Ibn Abdil Aziz said last night.
NAYEF GAVE the figures in a
televised address, which was followed
by pictures of prisoners and the leader
of the extremists. He said 170 dissidents
had been captured in the mosque,
Islam's holiest shrine.
Nayef said that a majority of the
gunmen were Saudis, but the group
captured also included Egyptians,
Moroccans, Kuwaitis, North and South
Yemenis, and Pakistanis.
The prince said the foreigners in-
volved were not in any way related to
the governments of their homelands.
NAYEF SAID in a statement the
dissidents were cleared from their

ter a one-week siege.
He said the last of the "corrupt gang
and renegades of Islam were either
killed or captured."
Nayef gave no further details but
promised that a full statement detailing
all the developments of the incident
would be issued later.
THE GOVERNMENT'S plan was to
starve out the dissidents, determine
their motives and then execute at least
their leaders by beheading.
That plan apparently was rescinded
during an emergency cabinet session
on Sunday after rumors of unrest and
instability in several parts of the coun-
The reports were vehemently denied
by Saudi Information Minister
Mohammed Abdo Yamani, who said
the only unrest in themcountry was at the
Grand Mosque.
The extent of damage to the mosque
is still not known but the hostages
released by the gunmen told Saudi
television that the attackers had
smashed expensive chandeliers and
defaced the Mosque's finely engraved
walls. Its illars were riddled with

WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal
judge was told yesterday the gover-
nment illegally singled out Iranian
students for deportation following the
capture of U.S. diplomatic personnel in
Iran Nov. 4.
The government is making Iranian
students in this country "the
scapegoats for the terrible problem in
Tehran, Iran," said David Carliner, an
attorney for the students.

THE STUDENTS are fighting a
presidential order that directs depor-
tation proceedings to begin against
Iranian students who are in this country
illegally. The Immigration and
Naturalization Service has asked all the
Iranian students in this country to
report for interviews by Dec. 13 so it
can determine whether their student
visas are valid.
The students' lawyers told U.S.

District Judge Joyce Hens Green that
only Congress had the authority to take
such action. They contended the gover-
nment is violating the students' con-
stitutional rights and that deportation
proceedings are being instituted for the
most minor types of infractions.
After hearing the students' argumen.-
ts and the Justice Department's defen-
se of the president's order, the judge
said she would rule "within the next few

Pontiac fans should
reach seats safely

(Continued from Page1)
show any sooner than the others," she
said. "It's a horrible tragedy, but I'm
sure that it is not indicative of problems
we plan to see here."
Young also said OME has an
unusually large team of ushers and
security guards, mostly student volun-
teers, who arrive hours before the con-
certs start and escort the ticket-holders
to their seats. Ann Arbor audiences are
more "sedate," she added. There is a
noticeable difference between their
behavior and that of out-of-town con-

certgoers, according to Young.
OME stopped using the general ad-
mission system early in the 70s, Young
said, after problems arose during the
John Sinclair Freedom Rally at Crisler
Arena which featured many prominent
"Selling reserved seats is much more
difficult than general admission seats,"
she said. "It is slower and more con-
fusing." In this respect, she said, she
finds fault with the promoters of the
Who concert.

A Fund raising event for
radio 65
co-sponsored by CBS records
Friday, December 7
Michigan Union Ballroom
9:00 P.M.

positions in the mosque's basement af- bulet. L~a pn a hod eian guerrillas:
bullets. O sa urr S
s S. Africa meddling
(Continued from Page1) guerrillas did not accept his ceasefir
ned that if Carrington sent a British proposals.
governortoSalisburywithoutgaininga Saying he was near despair
ceasefire agree'ment, he would be em- Carrington announced last night he ha
____broiling Britain in a seven-year bush issued the necessary governmen


Ann Arbor Film Coop-The Gracie Allen Murder Case, 7 p.m., Buck
Benny Rides Again, 8:40 p.m., Three Stooges Shorts, 10:20 p.m., Nat. Sci.
Alice Lloyd Pilot Program Multicultural Film Series-No Hiding Place,
7:30 p.m., Free Speech For Whom?, 9:30 p.m., Alice Lloyd Hall. Free.
English Composition Board-"Taking an Essay Exam," 7 p.m., 2402
Mason Hall.
Dharma Study Group-"Buddhist Psychology," 7:30 p.m. sitting, 215 E.
Kinsley. Call 665-4481 for information.
International Center-Brown bag lunch to discuss study abroad, noon,
International Center.
Undergraduate Political Science Association-Mass meeting, 7 p.m.,
6602 Haven Hall.
Michigan Christian Fellowship-7 p.m., Michigan Union. Check at main
entrance for exact location.
Folk Dance Club-Intermediate and advanced dance, 8 p.m., Union.
Stilyagi Air Corps-University science fiction club, 8 p.m., Conf. Room
4, Union.
Center for AfroAmerican and African Studies-Colloquium Series lec-
ture by Prof. Vincent Thompson has been cancelled.
School of Music-University Campus Orchestra, conducted by Charles
J. Gabrion, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Free.
Studio Theater Series-"The Dumbwaiter," 4:10 p.m., Arena Theater,
Frieze Building.
Pendleton Arts Center-Music at Midweek, pianists Michael Gurt and
Richard Ridenour, noon, Pendleton Room, Union.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society-"Iollanthe," 8 p.m., Mendelssohn

war that has already cost more than
"If he opts for war, he must accept
the consequences.. . we shall fight
colonialism in whatever way it comes,"
Mugabe said.
BUT OFFICIALS in the guerrilla
delegation doubted whether Carrington
would dispatch a British governor as he
threatened to do last night if the

decree for appointment of a British
governor whose arrival in Salisbury
would bring the rebel colony under
London's authority.
The foreign secretary is pressing the
guerrillas for a firm "yes" or "no"
response to the ceasefire plan which
has already been accepted by their op-
ponents, the biracial Salisbury gover-
nment of Premier Abel Muzorewa.


nited Marijuana Smokers Of Michigan
present in association with the
Detroit Jazz Center

New LP "Oon't Stop The Grnwve" on Corndor Record
New Lp, Prymartrc" on 0omm Network Records
New {p"October" o CharismaSound Records

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