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Nine v Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. LXXXX, No. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 5, 1979 Ten Cents Eight Pages
U.N. Security Council
urges hostage release
It's official
From AP and Reuter
The month-old U.S. Embassy
crisis suddenly turned grim-
mer yesterday as Iran's foreign.
minister delcared the
American hostages would be
put on trial and their Moslem
militant captors were reported
to have threatened to shoot
them if they did not
At the emergency U.N.
Security Council session in New
York, members finally agreed
on an urgent resolution calling
on Iran to release the 50
hostages and urging both the
United States and Iran to
"exercise the utmost
Waldheim was asked to "lend his good
offices for the immediate implemen-
tation of this resolution and to take all
appropriate measures to this end."
The Council also called on the U.S.
and Iranian governments to take steps
to resolve peacefully 'the remaining
AP Photo issues between them "to their mutual
satisfaction in accordance with the
purposes and principles of the United
daughter Waldheim was asked to report back
urgently "on developments regarding
his efforts."
AMBASSADOR Donald McHenry,
the chief U.S. delegate, said he hoped
the Council's call would be heeded and
carried out by the Iranian government
"in a matter of hours."
nous Moslem students occupying the U.S.
Vould Embassy in Tehran yesterday
dismissed a United Nations call for the
enied release of 50 hostages as an American-
f the dictated exercise.
J has "The crisis will not be solved unless
il the the Shah is returned to Iran," their
spokesman said.
,v the
oute. PRESIDENT CARTIR has warned
with Iran of "extremely grave" consequen-
said. ces if the hostages are harmed, and
said, U.S. officials say* a trial of the
gand diplomats would be an even more
g ad, grievous violation of international law
Sieda than the hostage seizure itself.
The report of thredts to shoot
eren- hostages came from a White House of-
nent, ficial in Wasington.
ooner The official, who asked not to be
named, said the hostages "have been
rests threatened with execution if they fail to
sition cooperate with their captors." He said
nduct it could be assumed "I don't mean
ers.t cooperation just . . . in routinemat-
... blames S. Africa
President !Carter raises a clenched fist after officially announces his candidacy
for re-election. "I speak to you at a somber time," Carter said in reference to
MSA may reva
THE WARNING of an upcoming trial
of the hostages as "spies" came from
Iran's acting foreign minister, Sadegh
Iranian television said he told a
French interviewer that the American
captives would be tried 'for sure."
. Whether the hostages will be
punished according to the verdict -
they could be sentenced to death -
would depend on Iran's leader,
See U.S., Page 2
The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) got its
first ,glimpse. at a long-awaited report from its
Election Review Committtee last night and is
expected to act on its recommendations at its
final meeting of the fall term next week.
Two major alterations suggested are the
establishment of an Elections Board, indepen-
dent of 14SA, and the elimination of the preferen-
tial voting system.
THE PREFERENTIAL voting system
requires voters to rank candidates by number;
and rewards candidates by the number of first-
place votes they receive.
Additional changes in MSA's elections code
would give the Elections Board primary
jurisdiction over all election questions,
allegations, or cases before an election could be
certified by the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ).
The committee's proposals would also shift
responsibility for the appointment of an Elec-
tions Director from MSA to the new board.
Under the existing elections code, jurisdiction
over elections disputes has rested solely with
CSJ, whose members are appointed by MSA.
Last April, the judiciary
MSA elections, citing nu
eluding illegal campaigni
polling sites, the denial o
some students, and poo
preferential voting system
ned in May be Vice Pres
vices Henry Johnson.
The new elections board
son Jane Moore said, wou
non-MSA members appoin
Permanent Interview Con
of MSA, and a represent
Student Services (OSS).I
nor the OSS representat
members of the body.
Committee member B
troversy might arise ov
University administrator1
student elections review b
"WE KIND of looked at
side perspective on the
"They weren't placed the
the administration. We d
the hostage situation in Tehran. With Carter are mother Lillian,
Amy, and wife Rosalyn. See story, Page 2.
nmp elections
refused to certify the homogenous body but rather a heteroge
merous violations in- group. We feel the OSS representatives w
ng by candidates near definitely add something to the process."
f the right to vote for Moore added that CSJ would not be d
)r explanaton of the final judicial authority over the propriety o
. elections. "In the past," she explained, "CSC
subsequently overtur- not been involved in election decisions unti
ident for Student Ser- very end and we see this as good."
The committee chairperson said she sav
I, committee chairper- review process moving along the following r
id be composed of five "A grievant would first take the matter up
rted by the assembly's the election director personally," she
nmittee, the treasurer "From there, it would go to the elections bi
ative of the Office of who would hear the complaint, issue a ruling
Neither the treasurer file a report. If the person still wasn't satis
tive would be voting the issue would finally be taken up with CSJ
reason not to certify the election."
dob Redko said con- THE QUESTION of eliminating the pref
er the question of a tial voting system by constitutional amendn
holding a position on a Moore said, could appear on a ballot no so
ody g than the scheduled April assembly elections
OSS as giving an out- Moore also said it was in MSA's best inte
issue," Redko said. to begin advertising the elections board pos
ere simply to appease openings as soon as possible and to con
on't want this to be a thorough interviews with prospective memb
re ect
LONDON (Reuter)
Rhodesian guerrillas yesterday
rejected British attempts to
pressure them into a ceasefire
and charged that South Africa
had upset the three-month-old
peace conference.
Patriotic Front guerrilla chiefs
Joshua Nkomo and Robert
Mugabe suggested at a press con-
ference that Britain might be
colluding with Pretoria to in-
filtrate South African forces into
THEY SAID Britisn Foreign
Secretary Lord Carrington, the
conference chairman, was
behaving unreasonably and it
was up to him to break the
deadlock at the talks.
The two guerrilla leaders war-
Precautions pondered after concert catastrophe
0 Pontiac fans should be safe
0 Promoters ignored warnings
Rock fans attending this Friday's
Who concert at Pontiac Stadium in
Detroit should have no problem getting
to their seats safely, a stadium
spokesperson said yesterday following
Monday's stampede at a Cincinnati
Who concert which left 11 fans dead and
an additional 20 injured.
Monday'shtragedy occurred when
8,000 fans holding general admission
tickets stormed the Riverfront
Coliseum for the unreserved seats. Like
most of the seating at the Cincinnati
concert, the 41,000 tickets sold for
Friday's , performance in Detroit are
general admission.
BUT PONTIAC Stadium's publicity
coordinator, Julie Montgomery, said
the stadium is not anticipating any
problems. "We have a history of suc-
cessful concerts here, and have a very
efficient, safe system for bringing
people into the stadium. We feel we're
doing everything possible to make
things easier for spectators, and we feel
our security system will work," she
The stadium won't be taking any ex-
tra precautions for the event, she said,
but standard stadium procedure dic-
tates that no one without tickets will be
admitted to the Stadium grounds and
doors will open two hours before the
Local concertgoers can be "guaran-
teed" that a repeat of Monday night's
tragic debacle at the Who concert in
Cincinnati won't ever happen in Ann
Arbor, according to Karen Young,
director of the University's Office of
Major Events (OME )
"We only sell reserved seats, so there
is no incentive for people to get to the
See PONTIAC, Page 2
CINCINNATI (AP)-City officials
said yesterday promoters of The Who
concert delayed up to one hour in
opening doors to Riverfront Coliseum,
ignoring a police warning of a "poten-
tal danger" posed by thousands of
waiting fans.
City Councilman Jerry Springer said
the alleged delay was "definitely a
problem" Monday night when 11 people
were killed and 22 were injured by a
stampede of 8,000 fans. Eight people
remained hospitalized yesterday.
CITY SAFETY Director Richard
Castellini said police recognized the
potential danger at 6:30 p.m., which he
said was about the time doors for such
an event would normally open.
"Police asked the promoter to open
up but he said the group was late and
that he couldn't open," Castellini said.
"He was told there were not enough
ticket takers to open more than just the
north bank of doors.
Springer said two banks of doors-or
16 in all-were opened on the west side
of the coliseum for general admission
between 7:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The
crush occurred as waiting fans heard
the band warming up and stormed the
building, breaking down one door that
was locked.
The surging fans trampled and suf-
focated others in the rush for seats.
Doctors said victims suffered "foot-
print" injuries, but the exact cause of
death will not be known until autopsies
are completed.
THE YOUNGEST to die were two 15-
year-old girls; the oldest, a man of 22.
All but two Kentucky residents were
from Ohio. And one was the mother of
two small children.
II 1~
her husband died suddenly on Thanksgiving Day 1973. "I
was supposed to be a hippie Santa Claus at the nurses'
Christmas party at Good Samaritan (Zanesville, Ohio), as I
usually was. I wasn) sure I could do it, but I felt I had to.
That's when I decided to be something different - a
Christmas tree." Burchett said her idea was quite a hit, and
she decided to keep it up every year. All her visits are made
without charge, the money scraped together from a
disability income. The Mott visit is one of about 20 such
stops this year around the country. F }
Do ya think I'm sexy?
Vnn s-. h n ,,thn oh R nrd a nd Nnfman mera
women." Greene, who wore a Western shirt open to the
waist for the poster, said "If those of us in the news business
start taking ourselves too seriously, then we're in real
trouble. The idea made me laugh, so I said yes." No word
yet on Lou Grant, hard-driving city editor of the fictitious
Los Angeles Tribune, baring himself for the teenybopper
world. Q
Den talmania
Teeth seem to be very much in the news these days.
First, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) accused the
maker of the Water Pik device, used for squirting water in-
to the gums, of making false and unsubstantiated adver-
concluded late last week that there is often no reason for the
routine removal of wisdom teeth. The experts concluded
that the wisdoms, also known as third molars, should not be
removed if a person is having no problems with them. "The
consensus of the conference was that if there are in-
dications for removing the third molar, then it should be
removed at the earliest possible age," said Dr. Daniel
Laskin of the University of Illinois. "And the consensus was
that if there is no problem, then you should not remove.
normal molars." If all this is too much, just brush after
meals, limit snacks, and see your dentist twice a year. 1:
On the inside
Csft-o s_ n nik t nAe n ntd rocA11nrirn
lVociferous visitor