'41 The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, December 4, 1979-Page 7 H4EW to alter Title IX policy WASHINGTON (AP) - In a major policy shift, the government has decided that, except for scholarships, colleges do not have to spend the same for each female athlete as for each male to conform with federal laws banning sex discrimination.i Government sources said yesterday that Helath, Education and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris would an- nounce the change in "interpretation" of gover- nment policy on sex discrimination in collegiate athletics today. THE MAJOR impact of the new guidelines is likely to be felt in college football because of the comparatively heavy amount of scholarship money allotted to the sport. The per-capita spending test was proposed a year ago by Harris' predecessor, Joseph Califano Jr., who allowed exceptions for football because of the heavy expenses involved when compared to such other sports as tennis. Under Harris' new guidelines, per-capita spending would still apply to financial assistance for college athletes. If 40 per cent of a school's athletes are women, for example, women athletes must receive 40 per cent of the money the college allots for scholarships. ONE RESULT may be that some colleges will have to allot more money for women's athletic scholarships, or raise more money to do so. At the same time, the new, "final" guidelines for compliance with a 1972 anti-discrimination statute will eliminate the per-capita spending requirement in such areas as sports publicity, game scheduling, equipment, practice, distribution of travel allowances, coaching assignments, and such facilities as locker rooms. HEW is to explain later what steps are required to achieve compliance with the law in these areas, said the sources, who asked not to be named. HARRIS' ANNOUNCEMENT comes eight months behind schedule because of a storm of controversy over a previous set of tentative policy guidelines and the firing of Califano, who had issued them in 1978. Harris has scuttled Califano's interpretation of Title IX of the 1972 law, which bars sex discrimination in all education programs receiving federal assistance. The delay in enforcing Title IX as it applied to collegiate athletics had angered feminists, and Califano's initial guidelines aroused even wider dissatisfaction and confusion, especially among educators and college athletic officials. Although the law containing Title IX was passed by Congress in 1972, no regulations were issued until 1975. Since then, HEW has been beseeched for clarification of how it intended to enforce the law. Throughout the controversy, exemptions have been requested for football because of assertions that football programs 'generally are money making activities that support other aspects of a college's athletic program. But National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) statistics indicate that about 80 per cent of all collegiate football programs lose money. U'Irani (Continued from Pate 1) lawyer helping out on the case, said it IS "more likely than not" that the judge would reach a decision today or tomorrow concerning the preliminary injunction halting the interviews the ACLU is seeking. At their interviews, the students are required to present a current passport and visa (proof of legal entry into the- U.S.) along with other completed im- migration forms. From the University, the student must obtain the computer printout of their courses and registered hours, and a letter indicating tuition and fees have been fully paid. THE PROOF of having paid all fees "is the thing where the students are "aving the most trouble-they're aving a real problem," said John Heise, director of the University's In- ternational Center. "It's a problem for a lot of my friends because they don't have the money," Maryam said. Since President Carter froze Wanian assets several weeks ago in retaliation for the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Teheran, it has been virtually im- possible for Iranian students in the U.S. to receive tuition and expense money from expected scholarship or personal sources in Iran. Many students, according to those in- ans prepar terviewed, have been seeking anxiously to borrow the necessary money to avoid; having their financial payments record reveal an unpaid bill to the INS inter- viewer. ''I'm just trying to collect as much money as possible," Javad, another student said. "My options are obviously limited," he continued, "if they (the University) don't change their policy, I have to come up somehow with the money." THERE IS NOT a lot of policy maniuplation possible, the guidelines for the interviews are pretty clear, said Virginia Nordby, Policy Coordinator for Academic Affairs. Nevertheless, University officials in- dicated the University is taking as limited a role as possible. "This is not a matter of (an Iranian in) a student role but as an Iranian in this country relative to his immigrant status, and, the INS has the responsibility and authority," said University Vice- President for Student Services Henry Johnson. Nordby said the University's "in- sistence" on holding the interviews in the Federal Building downtown, and not in a University facility was a way of "disassociating the University from this activity." for INS interviews AT THE HEART of this polite cede these written records, in the form struggle between the University and of entry visas, are in such disarray due INS has been the University's refusal to to insufficient clerical staffing and a supply INS with a list of Iranian studen- lack of compterized records at INS that ts attending the University. Such a list it would be nearly impossible for INS to would make it possible for INS to pur- compile a list of Iranians at the Univer- sue those Iranian students who chose sity. not to come in for the mandatory inter- UNIVERSITY ATTORNEY Roderick view. Daane said, "There is no legal According to Heise, the INS requirement or obligation for the repeatedly prodded various branches University to produce such a list." of the University to acquire such a list "We are not saying to the student he but "it was just like the old days with must comply, we are saying there is everybody circling their wagons and this law and 'A' happens if you do com- ref using to give them the list." Johnson ply and 'B' if you don't. We are not said at an Executive Officers meeting going to turn the student in but if last Thursday "a decision was made caught the consequences are yours and (that) we would not provide a list, our should be knowing ones," Heise said. feeling was INS had a list of the Heise said if the student passess the in- Iranians anyway.'' terview, his visa will be specially stam- Techniclly, INS has a written record ped, and any Iranian who after Dec. 14 of every Iranian student'who legally en- is found without this specially stamped tered the country and their destination. visa; will be instantly subject to depor- But privately University officials con- tation. (INEMA IIl PRESENTS SAMBIZANGA (SARAH MALDOROR, 1972) Centering around the Angolan people's fight against oppression, the story focuses on a happy young black couple. One day, the husband is arrested for political reasons and is interrograted in the dreaded Luanda prison. The central movement of the film is the search of the young wife from villnoe to villaae for her lost husband, a iournev that' ooints out with heartbreaking clarity the contrast between promise and oppression in modern Africa. SAMBIZANGA speaks, simply and movingly, for both its own land and the victims of political oppression everywhere. Portu- guese, with subtitles. (102 min) Natural Science Aud. $1.50 7&9 with the support of MCA sponsored in part by MSA Friday: Ell (This Strange Passion) Introductoy Discussions on the Ros'I faith Every Wed. and Thurs. thru Dec. 20 GShe'i Center, 512 Packard St. 7:30 P.M. ft* wt Ft 1t b yt i " " anian visa checks cause controversy (Continued from Page1i) these Iranians risk death or imprison- Complying with Carter's order, im- ment if they return to Iran. migration authorities have told Iranian WHAT TROUBLES the civil liber- students to report for questioning by tarians most is the selective enfor- Dec. 14, and they have taken steps to cement of immigration laws, based on deport those found in violation of their nationality. visas. "It becomes sort of Ayatollish to say THE STUDENT visas allow tem- we're going to pick on Iranian students, porary U.S. residence and require to single out Iranians when you're not enrollment in a college or recognized checking on anybody else," said Joseph nstitution. Those holding student visas Rauh, a Washington lawyer and ay not work full-time. longtime civil liberties leader. Immigration Service spokesman "It is not only a violation, of civil, erne Jervis said Friday "that 29,800 liberties, but ludicrous," he'coitinued. ranian students have been questioned "If it would bring one hostage home one and that 23,500 were complyig with the minute sooner, one might consider it. visa terms. They are safe from depor- But it won't bring one hostage home. tation, he said. You don't answer the outrages of the But Jervis said 4,000 have violated Ayatollah by mistreating people in your the rules, most by staying longer than own country." the visa allowed, and that the others' "ALIENS HAVE constitutional rights situations are unclear and being re- but not to the same degree as citizens," evaluated. said Yale law professor Robert Bork, a HE ADDED THAT 458 of those in former U.S. solicitor general. "If these violation have agreed to leave the were American citizens, obviously one United States voluntarily, and 26 have couldn't single out an ethnic group." left already. The deportation But Bork said in an interview that he machinery is gearing .up against the believes Congress would have the con- other violators. stitutional authority to refuse U.S. ad- In addition to students, an undeter- mission to Iranians or any other mined number of Iranians in the United nationality. And if a nationality could States on tourist or business visas also be excluded from the country, then the face deportation when their visas ex- government can deport those from a pire. particular nation who have violated the Civil liberties attorneys say many of law, he said.' H I, rI., St'.jia ..,{f Founded by Maharishi Mahiesh Yogi INTRODUCTION to the Transcendental Meditation Program TUESDAY, DEC. 4 8:00 P.M. Multi-purpose Room, UGLI or every Wednesday-Noon & 8:00 P.M.-Michigan Union For Information Cali 668-8256 Room 4313 (C) 1976 World Plan Executive Council-U.S. All rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation is a series of WPEC-U.S. a nonprofit education organization When in Southern California visit ^ IESA STUDIOS TOUR AUDITIONS University of Michigan Department of Theatre and Drama GUEST ARTIST SERIES EDEN by: Steve E.Carter (February 20-241 Directed by: Mel Winkler guest artist-in-residence Auditions: Dec. 7-9 SHOWCASE SERIES EfiD OF SU ER by: S.N. Behrman Directed by: M. E. Friedman IFebruary 6-91 ,, I Auditions: Dec. 5-7 1 IJUII1liuml i i inEU 31 A EI l l IEJA~l l itiU'I~tEA1~iIrtll .1