Page 8-Wednesday, November 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily Determinants of salarie (Continued from Page 1) ference exists in the nature of the ac- tivity between teaching and the real world: Law professors take some cut (in salary) because they have privileges as professors (such as the opportunity to do research) that they would not have if they were practicing law. Doctors, however, would do the same thing in the University or in (private) practice, so they must be paid more to keep them at the University," Sandalow said. THE SALARIES of professors in clinical areas of the medical school are generally the highest at the University. The majority of these salaries do not come from state or tuition money, but are paid through University hospital patient fee income. Gronvall said that the state generally pays for the teaching done by a mem- ber of the medical school faculty, while the patients support the care they receive. The system under which patient fees are distributed among the medical school faculty is called the Medical Service Plan, or practice plan. Accor- ding to Gronvall, each medical school department sets up a clinical group. Salary guarantees are made to each faculty member for the coming year. Revenues from patient bills are pooled among the group and the amount promised clinical faculty is paid to them. Additional patient care fees are then turned over to the hospital's general budget. TO CITE ONE example, Dr. Paul Lichter, chairman of the Opthalmology Department, receives $110,000 - $17,000 of which comes from the general fund, while Chairman of General Surgery Dr. Jeremiah Turcotte receives $102,060 - $72,810 of which comes from the general fund. Lichter, however, spends substantially more time practicing opthalmology than Turcotte practices surgery. Mean- while, Turcotte supervises a con- Iranian armed forces on alert* s vary siderably larger staff and spec time teaching and thus is grant cent of his salary from state ar fees - while Lichter takes on cent of his salary from this fun( Most University instructors primarily researchers receiv stantial portion of their salar research grants. The National Foundation, for example, will s professor doing biological research for approximately on his or her.salary, so more tim spent on laboratory research. these grants, though, are temp( Institute for Social Researc researchers generally receive dent funding through researc for that fraction of their time; research activities. For exa sociology professor who spend cent of his or her time at l generally receive one-half of h salary from the foundation ISR's budget, and the rest fr( appropriations and tuition fees. PORTIONS OF A professor' not designated as part of the tment rate often come from4 sation for administrative duti( mer salary, independent r grant salary, employment i organizations, writing and put lecturing, and consulting. Because the University's s budget is independent of the a year budget, appointments, s and research money earned th( considered part of the regular tment rate. Summer salary, additior ministrative salaries, and oth plemental income is not include academic year budget becau earned separately, and on an ir basis. amonprofessors nds more DEPARTMENT HEADS, for exam- with a full-time appointment in ted 70 per ple, receive money for their ad- department, and a professor with f nd tuition ministrative duties. According to In- tions of appointments in several de ly 15 per terim University President Allan tments or units. A professor on le d. Smith, that figure is usually around without absenceis listed with al who are $2,500, and reaches $3,000 in larger ticular appointment rate, but is li e a sub- departments. as not currently receiving that salar ies from Associate deans and museum direc- Other information which must l Science tors who also teach, receive a stipend considered on the salary list is the ti support a for their administrative work. of each individual's appointment. N genetic When faculty members are promoted University administrators and s ie-half of to deans, their salaries are receive salaries on a 12-month ba e -can be systematically adjusted to cover those Most professors-with the exceptio Most of administrative responsibilities. medical and dental school insti orary. WHILE TIME commitments to the tors-are appointed on a nine-m ch (ISR) University are based on several fac- term. This appointment does not indepen- tors, some professors prefer to work clude summer appointments which h grants less as faculty members in order to free given over and above a regular app spent on themselves foroutside consultingop- tmentT imple, a portunities with private firms and STATE APPROPRIATIONS is 50 per government agencies. tuition revenues, which make up 92 ISR will The prevalence of outside consulting cent of the general fund, pay forc is or her is impossible to estimate, and is not in, some jobs. All professors, instruct z-funded eluded in the salary disclosure and lecturers are paid at least parti om state document. But many faculty members through this money. agree that less than half the faculty on Non instructional staff, workin s salary campus consult. Generally, a areas such as financial aid, admiss appoin- professor's field is the greatest deter- counseling, library, and housing, compen- minant of his or her opportunities to receive the major portion oft es, sum- work outside the University. salaries from the general fund. Sal esearch ACCORDING TO Smith, many ar- of departmental- employees sue] n other chitecture and urban planning and secretaries and administra blishing, engineering professors have an 80 per assistants are also drawn from< cent appointment commitment to the and tuition revenues. An fexcef summer University, so they can spend an might be a secretary who tempor cademic average of one day a week or so con- takes a portion of his or her salaryf alaries, sulting a research grant received by an en is not Non-University work can add ployer. appoin- handsomely to a professor's salary, The budgets of several Unive faculty members say. According to units such as the athletic departm eal ad- LSA Dean Billy Frye, professors the alumni association, the Unive ter sup- working full-time for the University Hospital, ISR, and student publica ed in the may be able to earn up to 20 per cent of are distinct from the Univers se it is their University salary from outside budget, and therefore employee regular consulting. these areas do not receive salaries f Possibilities include the professor the general fund. (Continued from Page 1) Paratroopers -were seen at Tehran's Mehrabad Airport flying off in U.S.- made transports to unknown destinations. Local newspapers said the Iranian navy "started defensive operations" in the Persian Gulf, and the airspace had been closed over Qum, Khomeini's headquarters city 120 miles south of Tehran.I Khomeini's revolutionary guards and the student militants distributed weapon training pamphlets to demon- strators outside the U.S. Embassy gates. IN THE FIRST Security Council meeting on the crisis, U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim appealed to the United States and Iran yesterday "to avoid any action which would inflame" the crisis between the two countries. Only Waldheim and Council President Sergio Palacios de Vizzio of Bolivia addressed the Council, which met for 16 minutes under a compromise agreement before adjourning until Saturday. Palacios de Vizzio repeated an appeal to Iran he had made in the Council's behalf Nov. 9, asking for the release of 49 American hostages held in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. HE THEN adjourned the meeting un- til 9 p.m. EST Saturday, when Iran's acting Foreign Minister Abolhassan Bani Sadr is expected to be in New York to join in the resumed debate. Iran had sought a week's delay, while the United States pressed for a public meeting to call again for the release of' the hostages. The compromise meant a post- ponement of any public debate and decisive action until the weekend. As the security Council prepared for its debate on the U.S.-Iranian standoff, Carter told Democratic congressional leaders yesterday morning that the release of American hostages by Iran will not "wipe the slate clean" between the two nations. Powell said the president did not in- tend his remarks at a breakfast for congressional leaders to be interpreted as a threat of retaliation against the Iranians for the seizure of the U.S. Em- bassy in Tehran where 49 Americans are still held hostage. But Sen. Bennett Johnston (D-La.), who attended the White House meeting, told reporters he believes Carter will take some action after the hostages are released. "He did not suggest what further ac- tion might be taken, but I think all of us feel, including the president, that he will do something else after the hostages are released," Johnston said. on, rac- par- eave par- sted ry. be erm Most taff asis. n of ruc- onth in- are poin- and per only ors, ally ng in ions, also their aries !h as tive state ption arily from em- rsity -ent, rsity tions ity's s in from 'U' ponders controversial tenure system (Continued from Page 1) University department, the tenure review process would go basically as follows: " At the end of six years, three or more of John's colleagues - at least one of his own choosing - review his research, teaching, and service. The ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. STAR BAR "service" can be membership in a national organization of members of John's field, editorship of a publication, or work for a community organization or University committee, among others. " John's case then goes to the depar- tment's executive committee. If that body (usually five members) thinks he has what it takes, John will (in most cases), be reviewed by the depar- tment's tenured faculty. * If the tenured faculty recommend that tenure be granted, the question goes to the executive committee of the college. * The vice-president for academic af- fairs is the next person in line to con- sider the tenure recommendation, if the school or college has agreed with the department's determination that John should be tenured. " After approval from the vice- president, John is scrutinized by the Regents. Approval at this level is most often automatic. John is then welcomed as the newest member of the tenured staff. WHAT DOES tenure have to offer that makes so many endure this long process? Tenure virtually guarantees a professor a position at the University until retirement or death. It allows him and his family to establish roots in the community.-s His work will not be censored regar- dless of its political implications. He can be innovative in his teaching, research, and beliefs without fear of losing his job. He can undertake long- term projects and research on which he is not always assured a certain result, or, for that matter, any result at all. According to Frye, a tenured professor can theoretically be dismissed in only two cases: For ex-, treme incompetence or unacceptable moral behavior; or when economic exigency keeps the University forum living up to the tenure contract. No tenured professor has ever been fired from the University, according to administration officials. ALMOST NO other profession offers such extraordinary guarantees. Those guarantees make the tenure selection process one of the most sensitive and highly-charged issues at the Univer- sity. The system's critics point to a num- ber of basic flaws that either stem from the selection process or are part of the process itself. These include the politicization of the tenure process, an overemphasis on a faculty member's research when discussing his tenure chances, lack of a student role in selec- tion, and the tendency of tenure to result in complacent, unproductive professors. As in any subjective process in- volving people, personalities and politics can become a factor in deciding if a professor should be granted tenure. But when the decision could affect an individual's entire future, the stakes in- crease dramatically. "IF SOMEONE is going to point out affirmative action and be a thorn in the department's side, that jeopardizes the ability to get tenure," says Bob Stechuk, former LSA-Student Gover- nment president who has been active in the unsuccessful effort to get tenure for former political science Asst. Prof. Joel Samoff. History Professor John Broomfield agrees: "Those who play the 'white male smoking-club' " game are most likely to be looked on favorably when tenure judgments come around. "If you'll play the game by the rules of the game. . . and you don't say it's the structure that's the problem," colleagues will tend to overlook other criticism a faculty-member might make, Broomfield said. LIVERMORE, NOW head of the Senate Advisory Review Committee (SARC), which reviews faculty tenure cases in an advisory role, said he felt that personality and politics play too large a role in the tenure process. But he said he hopes that because the entire tenured faculty of a department often decides a professor's fate, partisanship by one or two members will be of little significance. But political Science Prof. J. David Singer says it is not political disputes that keep the outspoken professor from getting tenure. Singer claims it only appears that way "because there's a high correlation between the militant prodder and the low-producer." Singer does agree, however, that personal friendships among members of the same department do influence the out- come of the tenure review. Depending on the source, the em- F, . % 109 N. Main St.-769-0109 APPEARING TONIGHT: Reggae with Michael Kremen "Ann Arbor's original Honky Tank Dance Bar" tjIVENSITY -JW USICA- L'XJIETy )res 'f 1 e 1 av1 c8:3 *OV phasis placed on research in deciding a professor's tenure is great or not so great. Dean Frye says that research credentials count for slightly more than teaching evaluations when the tenure judgment is made. But because be believes "basically, intelligent resear- ch and teaching are highly complemen- tary to one another," that situation is a good'one. "MANY OF the traits that make for a good researcher make for a good teacher," Frye said. But he and others agree that there are times when the two can come into conflict. There's a problem in Frye's opinion "if the teaching load is such that you're going to get the professor feeling, 'I've got to slam my door on the next student,' because of his research." He said it's up to the faculty and depar- tment heads to keep research and teaching in balance. Frye's hypothetical scenario bothers Stechuk. "You do not, earn national distinction by being a good teacher of English Comp. or Poli. Sci. You earn distinction by writing a lot." As a result, teaching is of secondary impor- tance to many professors, Stechuk says. BUT THAT research bias, which he calls "overwhelming," is justifiable according to Livermore. "In the case of conflict, I guess I have to come down to what can justify the granting of tenure," he said. And only the protection of the search for knowledge - not job security - justifies the extraordinary system of tenure, Livermore added. Livermore emphasizes the need for a high-quality education for University students, noting that "the primary for- ce that operates to produce the good teachers we do have is self-respect. "BUT BECAUSE the University is primarily research-oriented, with "a constituency that goes far beyond the students. . . if you want somebody to care about you and spend a lot of time with you and talk things over, don't come to a place like the University of Michigan," he says. Critics also worry that the tenure system may 'create "dead wood" in University departments. Once tenured, and thus given an almost lifetime guarantee of employment, the tenured professor may rest on his laurels, publish little and merely go through the motions of teaching, critics say. Frank Casa, chairman of the roman- ce languages department, and Saul Hymans, chairman of the economics department, both conceded that depar- tments can make mistakes in giving certain individuals tenure. After per- forming well during the first few years as an assistant professor, "sometimes (a tenured faculty member) decides to quit working hard," admits Bidlack of the library science school. BUT THOSE interviewed agree that the number of University professors who do that is very small. Giving many people tenure during the University's rapid growth stage of the 1950's and 1960's has now created problems for the University, according to Frederick Geerings, chairman of the mathematics department. "The depar- tment becomes stagnant. We get a con- centrated age group, when we should have people coming in evenly," he says. That can create lother problems. Hymans says that sometimes a field of specialty does not grow as anticipated. Two tenured professors may be specialists in one field, but too few students are interested in that specialty to warrant retaining both instructors, he explained. ANOTHER problem can occur when a department is phased out, as was the language program of the School of Engineering. The department's tenured professors who do not seek em- ployment elsewhere must be absorbed into another University department. In this case, the professors assumed positions in the LSA language depar- tments, making that department's ratio of tenured to non-tenured professors even higher. Departments that already have most of their positions tenured have dif- ficulty when an especially bright and productive assistant professor comes along. On occasion assistant professors are snatched away by a tenure offer from another institution when the University cannot afford to do the same, said M. J. Sinnot of the engineering school. "SOMETIMES WE have to let good young people go so as not to get over- tenured," School of Architecture Dean Robert Metcalf saiu. "It is the school's responsibility to provide a variety in education and in age group distribution." Norma Marshall, assistant dean of the nursing school, said tenure limits a department's flexibility in assigning faculty and re-allocating tight resour- ces. Students claim one of the biggest flaws in the tenure system is their lack of influence over it. Outside of the student evaluations of a professor's teaching ability that some departments collect, students play a small role in the tenure decision, and in most depar- tments do not vote on tenure decisions. But most faculty members inter- viewed say the system is a good one. Several mentioned the impermanence of student representation, while others felt students are not qualified to judge faculty research. Broomfield said he would'open the tenure review to the widest group possible, including department secretaries, graduate students, and other members of the University com- munity. TOMORROW: Tenure, minorities, and women. In her first Ann Arbor appearance this remarkable top flight Russian-born violinist will perform: a Communication 500 (Section 080, 3 credits)