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November 28, 1979 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-28

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 28, 1979-Page 5



° E 51 3 R>Z.b 3, old Steve M artin <4 sxa
y R'0 ELL, STEVE MARTIN never scored with Linda Ronstadt. That's thex s sYb' ' 'S
Wword in the January issue of Playboy-bathroom companion for the
;masses-which features an interview with the 33-year-old jester. "
His touted relationship with Ronstadt was only three weeks long, and "a
u * ,; ; mutual affair without sex" While admitting his current involvement with ac..............................
tress Bernadette Peters, Martin is reticent about his love life, past and future.
- - Concludes Playboy: "{Privately, Steve Martin is not a goof ball, not wild and-
crazy, not even very funny." . . .. . .
. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OHRCOLIKN UTS To write the "Disco Tut" song that sold so many copies two years ago, Mar-.........................4 <
- ~. - -* 0tin asked himself, "What's the stupidest melody I can think of? What are the
N dumbest lyrics?
r On the possibility that he might take on a show like Mork and Mmndy: "I just
$wouldn't want to do that weekly piece of shit."
On his vegitarianism: "I eat fish. I hate killing animals, but I love to kill
On his comedy: "I've been criticized for being on the brainless side, which is x ' 3*'F J
-the furthest thing from'the truth in my head.. What I say onstage relates 4rF"xr" i
,aN more to psychoanalyss. It relates to human beings, the individuals."
V, 00l s
e ,
' lY nt 4tH0 f (F ,'' : i 'S , y "..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ay#'a4' hrria ' CM l /6y' (i r
'l;,r= x 4'._0, + 0 SL\ , .L .+-
:" T o:. , a 'j P n"'" x Lr k ° t, , w ,, rZ'4" +s,+ r,,,. r . i r ,;- a',:1
I~A' r', 0. >n o yr ,,0oGr N4i Ee ,r u] + r +',5 ' ,e Lr2 +
.v,.:"$00.000~. . TH OF GODr ts +i" Ht's wha
{ '3,Threis o5ealSata lasfctaly, only lt o foks ut fvwr rdn
y 1 F~ ,~0~ 0
000 ..~,.~ ~ ~ ~ - ~,-- ning for the Salvation Army who paste on the whiskers and sacrifice theirs
-0'''0~N ~ ~ ~ 0.0.. .Oadignity for the spirit of the season. Here is one such mercenary, and his claim
" N.000....fm.s0aig eredsg anug i rert isoe teCrita
.oo ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ° I~ '..........'~N0.~000. .. ball". tor amei havige earne d s i n ang u ire t.cvrth"hita
M a z 1 ,*r&..'o HUMAN INTEREST DEPT. Here's one to clip and paste up next to the poster of 4° f ' PEOPLEMANIA has never
the orangutan saying "Don't bother me, I've had a hard day" When all the N'be ud ecuei oe
famous and beautiful people go home for the holidays, garbage news runs a bit
4short and so the Associated Press sends us this instead: It is a 6-week- W - -00.0 straight from the AP and UPI
xold kitty on top of a 20-pound turkey that has seen better days,;. newswires. A1photos AP.
and all part of a Thanksgiving stunt by a Salinas, Calif~, pet store owner. The :ro* t
00 ~~~~~~~~~~bird was fed to the pets in the store because "they deserve a Thanksgiving ._________________
00 0teat as much as anyone.'',
x0 /0 r
George Burns;, something obf a fossil himself, leaving hand and foot im- ! .t' B l'
pressions in the cemth*- outside of Graumann's Chinese Theater in ? 0.
Hollywood. Assistants hung on to the old coot so he didn't pitch face first into sy
the muck, but he did manage to leave the mark of a cigar-he smokes 1015 a"_ HHRAI
shall, stars of Laverne and Shirley the very fine TV show. Their priceless ;,"i
pressings will be auctioned off to help the Heart Fund.
o0e rm alovrEqurr awsuits fleJo~h NATIONAL
0O I y WHAT ABYSMAL station has the art of journalism fallen when the most tBl~lL M O N
:N o te f ro - ll v e T accurate newspaper in the country is getting sued for libel? The National AS IF HE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH
Enqurerthe nosey rag, has been slapped with a $20-million suit by Shirley y BOTHERING HIM, the Ayatollahk
"Mom in the Partridge Family" Jones and her husband, actor Marty Ingles. homeini is now embossed on a rifle a uw
have been happening to America's sex symbols. Linda Lovelace, rigorous in its search for the truth-states that Jones was "Driven to drink" by 10 big points if you hit the strict old Mon, Tues, Thurs Fri 6:00, 8:00, 1000
featured performer in hard-corb classic Deep Throat, last week spent two days the "bizzare' behaviour" of her husband. "False, untrue, libelous, and monrhtan e Psogn ange wneri Mntil 6:30 (o, rcai-uts).5
answering questions for the lie-detector in order to satisfy publisher Lyle Stuart defamatory," toots the couple.moeanEPsognrgewert 63(rcpci)
that her forthcoming book is on the up and up, reports gossip columnist Liz r They are following the act of Ed McMahon, Carol Burnett, and Rory Calhoun,2 allows anyone bringing in the wed, Sat, Sun 1:50, 3:50, 6:00,
Smith. The Lovelace opus, Ordeal, tells how she made her porn films under who have taken legal action against the Enquirer recently, as well as imitating o; targets to plug away all day for free. 8:00, 10:00
duress, plus other scandalous tidbits. . .At the same time, winner of the Dolly Pardon's PR agent who wants a hald million iron men for being Hate paraphenalia hasn't seen such Wed, Sat, Su-Adults $1.50 til 2:15
Americas Nude Beauty Pageant, one Cindy Youngman, has discovered that the misquoted. good days since Richard Nixon. o aaiy dut 25 i43
pageant is broke and cannot afford to pay her prize money. They would give her. WHEN ALL THIS news broke, of course, we rushed out to see just what new(ocaai)
the shirt off their backs, if they had them to give, but alas. libels the housewife's favorite weekly was purveying this week. And what was
* 0the lead, headline story about? Vitamins! Worse still, each letter of the word s00... . . , .. ;n.
^DISGUSTING BLISS. Good news is no news, so the saying goes in "f'Vitamins" is in different bright colors, so the whole publication looks like a , Now Playing at Butterfield Thetres 0
Peoplemania, and this week, to out dismay, celebrities in droves hunkered damned box of children's cereal. ___________
down and gt married.Liza Minnelliis getting hitched (for the third time) to one}t Inside, of course, "People Who Shed Their Skin Like Snakes" and "Woman FRDYMD IEMODYNGTI
of her stage managers; Bjorn Borg finally will walk the plank with his long- Became Pregnant by a Bullet." Also, it develops that Kris Kristofferson's WENSAYI~
time fiancee Mariana 'Simnonescu, also a tennis ace; and Kurt Vonnegut, feted mrig oRt oldei bu ogo loy"BRANDY SHOWS"GUEST NIGHT"
author, announced his recent marriage to photographer Jill Krementz. And That is what they say, anyway. $1.50 UNTIL 5:30 A TT ... Two Adults Admitted
W1i~ha .s thisCIAh, ut ..sJae 11di.;Fr .II A AL~ 0.Ab-~~'b'''**=.aa',+-~~ 11,+ ihAlex Krras the hharcU. is naninE to nmrrv '<ECPT WAYIE .TUDENTS with 1,D. $1501Fr $3.00,


Susan Clark, whoever she is, but the hook is that the couple expects a baby early
in January. Ditto for Christopher Reeve, star of Superman, and his girlfriend
Gae Exton. They hope to tie the knot before the December arrival of the fruit of
their union. That just about fills our calendar.
A WIFE FOR BO? All seven of Zsa Zsa Gabor's unfortunate husbands were
moved to beat her, so she said on the Mike Douglas program. "I love it," bur-
bled the fruity Hungarian. "I like to know that the man has the upper hand, that
I make a man mad enough so he beats me."
son of the deposed Shah of Iran. As a freshman at Williams College in
Massachusetts, Prince Reza Pahlavi, 19, crashes in a 12-room house on 4.3
acres that lists for $225,000. Housemates for his highness include bodyguards
and a personal secretary. Elsewhere in royal doings we find that Prince
Charles, that fastidious little fellow, may be losing his hair. The successor to the
British throne, 31, was the subject of scurrilous reports in London tabloids that
he is thinning on top. Royal barbers categorically deny the rumonrs, and all
minds are now at ease across the great pond.
OFF. Those who imagine themselves great scribes in the mold of America's
past literary giants have the chance to prove themselves. Harry's Bar, former
hangout of novelist Ernest Hemingway, is running an "imitate Hemingway"
contest. Entries, one page long only, must mention Harry's Bar, and should be
scat to 148 Via Veneto, Rome, or 2020 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles. Both
addresses are outlets of Harry's, and the winner of the contest receives a free
;trip to the franchise of his choice. Peoplemania is over. That is it. Nada. Nada.
Watch this space.

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative Presents at Aud. A: $1.50
(Bob Dylan, 1978) 05 and 9AUDA,
"The ultimate Road Movie" is the gospel according to BOB
DYLAN. This sprawling quasi-documentary, quasi-fictional
rock 'n roll vaudeville show was recorded during the historic
Rolling Thunder Revue tour. Dylan is joined by JOAN BAEZ,
DEAN STANTON and others.
Tomorrow: Resnais and Sternberg's JETAIME,
AE T' AIME and Bresson's UNE FEMME DOURE at Aud. A
Wedniesdaly Is



1974 el


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