'U' ponders its love-hate affair with tenure The following introduction to the tenure system begins the Daily's week-long look at one of the most enduring, and controversial, in- stitutions at the University. By LEONARD BERNSTEIN and MARY FARANSKI First in a five-part series To Russell Bidlack, dean of the library science school, it is "security of employment" based on peer judgernent. To M. J. Sinnott, associate dean of the engineering college, it is nothing more than "a name on the door." To Shaw Livermore, former chair- man. of the Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA), it is the ability to pursue new ideas without fear of harrassment from outside. And to Literature, Science, and Arts school Dean Billy Frye it is, among other things, only "the en- titlement to a hearing under (Regents bylaw) 5.09 before a dismissal." Such widely-varying definitions of the same institution - tenure - may be some indication why the system is so t c controversial. There is even less consider to be tenure's flaws. agreement on whether it works. In theory, the tenure process works WHILE NO ONE interviewed smoothly. When John Postdoctorate - suggests abolishing the tenure process a bright, promising, young academic - - under which faculty and ad- is hired by the University as an ~ ~v93j tenured, professors to give him some idea of his progress. When his testing period is up, he will either succeed and become a tenured associate professor after his seventh year, or fail and be- come an academjic without an academy. THE MERE fact that John was eligible for the tenure review in the first place meant he was over one hurdle. According to Frye, 10 per Bent of the LSA faculty are hired on the "non- tenured track", meaning there is no chance they Will even receive a tenure review. Those professors will teach here for six years at most. Included in that 10 per cent are visiting professors and others who in- tentionally choose temporary appoin- tments. What of John's chances of realizing his dream? In 1978 and 1979, less than 50 per cent of the LSA faculty members considered for tenure were ultimately approved by"the college. In 1976 and 1977, just over half the assistant professors considered were approved by the college. IF JOHN were teaching in almost any See 'U', Page 8 ministrators determine which professors will stay at the University and which ones must go elsewhere - its critics have a lengthy list of what they assistant professor, he begins the road to a tenure review six years away. At least once during those six years, he will be evaulated by senior, that is LSA-SG i g aiiRttl ELECTIONS See ditoial ageSee Today for details See editorial page Niety Years of Editorial Freedlom Vol. LXXXX, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 28, 1979 Ten Cents tight Pages Iranian militants mine U.S. Embassy From AP and Reuter TEHRAN, Iran-Islamic militants said yesterday they have rigged the U.S. Embassy to blow up on command. Iranian armed forces also went on alert as the country seethed with rumors of an impending U.S. attack and warnings that American agents were plotting to infiltrate the embassy. On their 23rd day in captivity, President Carter called the treatment of the 49 American hostages a disgrace, asserting that they had been punished for speaking and even threatened at gun point. CARTER MADE his remarks to a group of community leaders from New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. "The hostages are not being treated well," he said. "They have been kept bound, now, with hands and feet tied for 23 days. "They have not been permitted to they have been punished," Carter said. He stated that the hostages had not been permitted to leave the embassy building to get any exercise or to bask in the sun and had not been allowed to take baths or change clothes since they were seized on November 4. REPORTERS WERE not permitted to attend the President's meeting with the community leaders. His remarks were taken from a tape recording made by one of the guests, who is a represen- tative for WGIR, an NBC network af- filiate in Manchester, New Hampshire. Carter will hold a news conference on the Iranian situation at 9 p.m. today in the East Room of the White House, press secretary Jody Powell announ- ced. In Tehran, student militants issued a statement yesterday saying they had planted mines throughout the embassy nm~1n1d dthai imnta chmld They said "dirty" American agents were plotting to infilitrate the embassy to "free or harm the hostages." The agents might destroy the embassy wall to let the ever-present Iranian mobs surge in, or spread rumors that the em- bassy had been attacked, thus luring the crowds in, the militant's statement said. IRAN'S MILITARY commanders, responding -'to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's appeal for Iran to prepare to fight the "satanic" U.S. superpower, declared their forces were on alert and "ready to defend Iran with the last drop of their blood." See IRANIAN, Page8 Ar roto speak a work. When they have spoken, compouLIUnaliir suppiri IRANIAN STUDENTS contined their demonstration outside the locked gate of the American Embassy yesterday to say 'Good morning' or 'Good luck,' not try to enter the area. where they are holding 29 American hostages. .. .. .. . . :. ... . . ........... ................k~.. ... . .. a :F {4},..:.. . .... . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. f. :. {..t .... s :..>.: .. .. n }::. {.. { x,:'.".' ......._ .:4:oNrf3f. i .....:. :::....... . . . . .... .. .. . . :.:: .. . .<.'{ . ' .3'........... . .......:.. :. . . . .. :: . RICH PROF, POOR PROF: Why do some make more than others? "1 ' school said recentl. also influence salary levels. I One full professor in the German department- is paid $23,053. An associate economics professor, though, makes $52,400. And a medical school professor earns $120,000 - $45,000 more than the two combined. Why are these three University employees separated into such widely varying financial categories? THEIR SALARIES - along with those of 15,000 other University employees - can be found in the 417-page University Faculty and Staff Salary Record, open this .week to public view for the first time by order of the state legislature.' But the answer to the question is not in the document, designed simply to reveal a Univer- sity employee's salary and the portion of that salary paid by taxpayers and students. It doesn't hint at the policies used to determine who will earn how much from the University - policies This story is based on reporting by Daily. staff writers Mitch Cantor, Julie Enge- brecht, Alison Hirschel, and Howard Witt. with curious names such as "merit increases, "practice plans," and "administrative differen- tials." Among the most important factors deter- mining salary levels for instructors and resear- chers at the University is the merit-based salary system. In general, the merit system rewards excellence in teaching and research with high salaries. BsUT GENERAL statements end there. Because the University operates under a decen- tralized system that allows individual schools and departments great independence in decision-making, each unit of the University determines its own standards for merit in- creases. In some schools, individual department heads make salary decisions, sometimes in con- junction with departmental executive commit- tees, while in other schools deans decide on merit increases. Theresis no single formula used for deter- mining salaries. "Merit based increases are not made in a mechanical way - I can't say I value teaching X per cent, research Y per cent, and service Z per cent. The process is much more of a Gestalt," Terrance Sandalow, dean of the law THE MERIT-BASED salary system necessarily results in different salaries paid to individuals of the same professorial rank. In fact, data showing the wide range of salaries paid to faculty members within individual departments, as well as across departmental and school lines, have been published by the University for years. Mean, median, minimum, and maximum salaries for all ranks of faculty are published in the University's annual "Analysis of Salaries Paid to the University of Michigan Instructional Staff." The individual, name-linked salary infor- mation released Monday, however, allows closer scrutiny of the salary system. It has long been understood, for example, that some rising assistant professors - called "stars" by some colleagues - have been lured to the University with salary offers more lucrative than those paid to some older, senior professors. The salary list will make it easier to discern the workings of the "star system." WIDELY VARYING salaries are not only a function of the merit system. Practical con- siderations such as a professor's marketability In general, law and medical school professors make more than English and history professors because the former command higher salaries outside the academic world. To attract a qualified lawyer or doctor to the University requires a relatively high salary. That's not to say lawyers and doctors earn as much at the University as they could in private practice, both Sandalow and medical school Dean John Gronvall point out. "There's no way we can compete with salaries in regular prac- tice," Sandalow said. "We have students m ho will graduate this year who will start at salaries reasonably higher than some of their professors," he added. BECAUSE THE University cannot afford to pay salaries that are equivalent to those paid in the private sector, it must strive to keep up with peer institutions. Although they are willing to earn less than they otherwise could in private practice, law professors are unhappy that medical school professors earn more on the average, Sandalow said. There is, however, justification for the dif- See DETERMINANTS. Page 8 Cattt(le .. . resigns treasurer post Four MSA oficers Sresign positions By TOM MIRGA Four members of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) announced their resignations last night, citing a variety of personal reasons for their decisions to leave the organization. The members who announced their resignations were Connie Bridge, Riase Jackpor, Jane Moore and Treasurer Brad Canale. *ISA ALSO agreed last night that special attention must be given in the future to its ongoing course evaluation project and increased campus safety. In additional action, the Assembly: " lent its support to increased fun- ding for all college governments and will take the issue up with the Regents in the near future; * agreed to undertake a project in See FOUR, Page 2 Record inflation predicted by gov't From AP and Reuter- WASHINGTON - The sharpest rise in housing costs in three decades pushed consumer prices up another one per cent in October, all but guaran- teeing the worst inflation rate for a single year since 1946, the government said yesterday. Rapidly rising prices for energy slowed significantly during the month and food price increases showed a modest slowdown. But moderation in those areas was offset byra 1.5 per cent jump in housing prices - the steepest monthly increase since 1947, the Labor Department said. SO FAR IN 1979, consumer prices have risen 11 per cent, and government economists predicted inflation was cer- tain to top 13 per cent for the year, the highest rate since war-time wage and price controls were lifted in 1946. "You can say with certainty ... that the inflation rate will be about 13.5 per cent or higher for the year," said Theodore Torda, a senior economist at the Commerce Department. Torda and Robert Russell, director of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, said they see no signs that in- flation will slow in the coming months. In fact, the rate could accelerate when new consumer price figures are repor- See OCTOBER. Page 2 Cavanagh dies at 51 DETROIT (UPI) - Jerome Cavanagh, mayor during Detroit's darkest hours-the bloody race riots in 1967-died of a heart attack yesterday in Lexington, Ky. Hewas 51. Once called the "boy wonder" of Michigan politics, Cavanagh served as mayor from 1962-70. He was just 33 when he scored an upset victory See OFFICIALS, Page 2 t.avanagn .-f 1 ., . _... .. . Il Q co Ib. efi" r for in-state residents attending state and land grant univer- sities this year is $2,333, up from $2,221 for 1978-79. For out- of-staters, total charges jumped from $3,451 to $4,667. In- state underclass students pay $3,348 to go to the University, live in.a dorm and eat, not counting about $220 for books and supplies for the school year. University juniors and seniors pay $3,500, plus the same $220. Those who travel to Ann Ar- bor across state lines pay $5,784 in their first two years and $6,064 for the second two, again not counting the $220. F] STPI 1 s Going Gatoring Tickets to the Gator Bowl football game between Mich- igan and North Carolina are on sale at the Athletic Ticket Office 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. For $12.50 you can buy a pass to watch the Dec. 28 game in Jacksonville, Florida. The Alumni Association's tour to the bowl is priced at $399, including charter jet transportation from Detroit Metro Airport Dec. 26 and returning Dec. 29, a mixer, a Marching Band concert, a game ticket, transportation in Florida, and hotel accommodations. F] at an Olympics of the Absurd in his native eastern France, Quinquandon ate 12 dozen snails in a leisurely 11 minutes, 30 seconds (about one every five seconds) for what was claimed to be a world record. Think of Marc as you con- template another sweating bird next Thanksgiving. 0 On the inside A look at the current status of the U.S. space shuttle program is on the editorial page... for the final results of the Michigan-Michigan State wrestling match see the spor- I I i I