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LiE 4r3UU eYlrs o f Editoria1l tredoiii
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXX, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 27, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
A2 police, women on alert as rapes increase
A2 rape reports up over last year Groups offer supportive services
By MARION HALBERD automatically transferred to emergency services at Univer
By TIMOTHY YAGLE total number of reported rapes and volved sexual contact or fourth degree sity Hospital.
An Ypsilanti man was arraigned reported attempted rapes in Ann Arbor rape. Despite efforts toward prevention, rape remains a social Judy Price, ACC education coordinator, said that when
early yesterday in Washtenaw County to 32 since January 1. POLICE HAVE made arrests in 12 of problem that haunts not only its victims, but its potential vic- woman who has just been raped calls the center, "We
Circuit Court on a charge that he raped Ann Arbor police statistics for the the cases reported since July. tims. And while law enforcement and medical personnel at- provide a lot of practical support. We talk with the person
a 15 year-old girl last weekend, Ann fiscal year July 1, 1978-June 30, 1979 A third of the rapes reported since tack rape through their own channels, victims often need who called and we would probably encourage medical atten-
Arbor Police said yesterday. reveal 33 rape reports, an increase of 11 January took place during September. more emotionally supportive services. tion.
According to police, the girl was over the previous fiscal period. Five were reported between April and In Ann Arbor, the Assault Crisis Center (ACC) located at "It's very important that a woman get medical atten-
picked up in a van by Virgil Williamson Twenty-six of the 32 rapes reported June while there were eight in July and 4009 Washtenaw Ave. in the County Service Complex, tion," she said. "The assault is one of the body as well as of
just before midnight Friday on S. Four- since January have occurred since July seven in August, according to police provides Washtenaw County with 24-hour crisis service for the mind and emotions."
th Avenue and driven to the American 1 and seven of those have been first reports. rape victims. SOME OF THE PHYSICAL results of rape can be
Legion hall just north of Michigan degree rapes. Ten of the 26 occurred in Half of the reported rapes since July THERE IS ALWAYS someone on duty to answer the 994- venereal disease, pregnancy, internal injuries, infections,
Stadium on S. Main Street, where the campus area and three of those have occurred between 6 p.m. and 6 1616 crisis line and ACC workers will meet with a woman for cuts, and lacerations.
Williamson allegedly raped her. were first degree. Half of the reported a.m. with six of those between the hours counseling at a safe place, such as a hospital or police Price said that by going to the hospital to have a physical
Friday's reported rape brings the rapes and reported attempted rapes in- See REPORTED, Page 7 station. The ACC closes at 5 p.m., and all phone calls are See RAPE, Page 7
U.N. talks on Iran
situation postponed
Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG
A STUDENT LOOKS over the University faculty/staff salary report in the Graduate Library yesterday. The 400-page
report (inset), which has never before been available to the public, attracted at leash a dozeninterested members
of the University community.
Faculty/staff salary report
draws attention at the Grad .
From AP and Reuter
Council members failed to agree last
night on procedures for a meeting on
the Iranian crisis, and a U.S.
spokesman said the meeting was likely
to be deferred until today.
The spokesman said the United
States insisted that the first order of
business be the release of 49 American
hostages being held in the U.S. Em-
bassy in Tehran, which Moslem
militants invaded on Nov. 4.
IARLIER IN the day, State Depar-
tment spokesman Hodding Carter said
any negotiations with Iran would be
ruled out until the hostages were im-
mediately released.
Carter also conceded there was no
way the U.S. could prevent Iran from
raising its grievances when the two
sides met during a U.N. Security Coun-
cil session.
"WHEN AND IF such a thing takes
place it will be a diplomatic conver-
sation," he said.
Iran's principal complaint is that the
deposed shah, Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi, was allowed to go to New York
for cancer treatment. The ad-
ministration defends the decision as
Iran asked that any debate in the 15-
nation council be deferred until next
week, when acting Foreign Minister
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr could be on hand
to "explain the position and demands of
our people."
charge d'affaires, conferred last night
with the council president, Sergio
Palacios of Bolivia, as prospects for a
quick start of formal debate in the U.N.
body appeared dim, according to
several diplomats.
Invoking a U.N. Charter prerogative
used only once before - during the 1960
Congo crisis - Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim last night drew the council's
attention to the U.S.-Iran dispute,
calling it a threat to the peace.
His move had been expected to
prompt full-scale debate, as delegates
were still undecided last night on how
best to deal with the issue.
MEANWHILE, IN Tehran, Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini raged against the
U.S. yesterday and told his followers all
Iranians must learn to handle weapons,
drop their divisive arguments and unite
with all their might against-America or
"we will disappear for good."
"An Islamic country ought to be
a military one . . . Everyone must
learn shooting and military
skills . . . In addition to the religious
equipment and faith that the youth of
our nation possess, they must also be
equipped with materials and arms.. .
Teach-in urges
independent Ifran
The lackluster, 400-plus page volume
certainly didn't look like good reading
material for a dreary November after-
Still, nearly a dozen people stopped
The Daily will print the list of faculty and
administrative salaries in a supplement as
soon as the data can be prepared for
publication. Despite the difficulties involved
in printing the thousands of salaries, it is
hoped the supplement will be ready before
winter vacation or soon after.
Tomorrow's Daily will contain an ex-
planation of the merit-based salary system
and the figures contained in the salary
disclosure report.
A country that will have two million
youths in a few years time, should have
20 million armed men," the Moslem
patriarch said on Tehran radio,:
monitored in London.
Shortly afterward, the radio broad,
cast a statement from the guards' cen
tral headquarters saying it had for-
mulated a nationwide program of
military training for all which would be
explained in further announcements.
A TEHRAN newspaper, Keyhan,
reported an American was arrested at
See U.N., Page 10
of the salaries in order t.o comply with
state law. The statute became law Oct.
26 when it was signed by Lt. Gov.
James Brickley and requires all state
colleges to disclose staff and faculty
salary information by name. The
University had traditionally refused to
release such information, claiming it
constituted a violation of privacy.
The law also requires the University
to respond to written requests for the
information within five business days.
Assistant Director for Personnel Ed
Hayes said his office has already
responded to five such requests from
The Michigan Daily, the Detroit Free
Press, the Detroit News, the Ann Arbor
News and an unnamed Michigan State
University department chairman.
DETROIT FREE Press reporter
Marianne Rzepka said the University
agreed to supply that newspaper with
additional information on the hiring
dates of faculty and staff members but
refused to disclose information on the
sex and race of salaried employees.
The representative also said the Free
Press would carry an article on the
See FACULTY, Page 2
Support of last year's Iranian
revolution did not necessarily mean
support of religious leader Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini nor his tactics, said
speakers at a teach-in on Iran last
night. The forum which was held in
Assembly Hall of the Michigan Union,
drew more than 100 spectators.
"Khomeini became the leader of the
revolution because of his ability to
bring together the different groups,"
said Ali Mihaxidoust. "What we must
bear in mind in order to-understand the
anti-Iranian propaganda is that a
major blow has been directed against
American imperialism in Iran."
The teach-in, which was organized by
the Committee to Support the
Revolution in Iran, attracted both sup-
porters of the revolution as well as ad-
vocates of U.S. military intervention.
THREE MEMBERS of the commit-
tee spoke first and then the floor was
opened to discussion. At the outset of
the discussion, speaker Ismeal Ahmed
laid down ground rules to avoid possible
injuries, he said.
Ahmed banned banners and signs as
well as effigy burning and asked that
there be no attacks on either members
of the committee or others in attendan-
Speakers from the committee ad-
vocated a policy of anti-imperialism
through non-domination of Iran's
culture, politics, and the economy by
other countries.
As a corollary of that policy, mem-
bers of the committee spoke out against
U.S. intervention in Iran. The third
point of their unity doctrine was the ex-
pression of their support for the
LSA freshman Douglas Wochna was
booed when he suggested that the
Iranians had broken international law
in seizing the 49 hostages currently
being held at the U.S. Embassy in
Mihaxidoust discounted international
law in his reply, saying, "International
law is not sacred to all people. It is
sacred to the colonial powers." He said,
"All laws are not good for all people.
See TEACH-IN, Page 10
SAID takes top LSA
by the Graduate Library Reserve
Room yesterday to get their first look at
the University's faculty and staff
salary report which lists more than
20,000 salaries.
"IT'S' KIND OF interesting,"
remarked reserve room supervisor
Mary Westin. "I didn't expect people to
be this interested this early. But they
were waiting here for the book before
we even got it at about ten this morning.
It's a hot item."
Earlier this month the Regents
grudgingly approved the public release
Dan Solomon and Kim Brower of high. "As far as we
Students for Academic and In- Stechuk, 'the turnout
stitutional Development SAID) has ever been."
defeated J. P. Adams and David Trott TiE SOLOMON
of the Student Alliance for Better received 707 votes of
Representation (SABRE) for the counted. Adams and T
presidehfty and vice presidency of the votes.
LSA-SG, Hildegard Cummings, LSA-SG Solomon, who said h
elections director, announced yester- about having a newc
day. was partially gladden
Solomon and Brower were elected in in the election. "In o
balloting Monday and Tuesday of last happy," he said, "sine
week in which over 12 per cent of the turnout in some tim(
college's 13,000 students voted. The tur- said, however, that th
nout, according to outgoing LSA-SG cent of the LSA stu
president Bob Stechuk, may be a record "showed we have a lot
scan tell," said
is the highest it
Brower ticket
the 1,620 ballots
Trott received 576
e was "optimistic
council," said he
ed by the turnout
one sense, I was
e it is the highest
e." Solomon also'
e fact that 12 per
dent body voted
of work to do."
-SG posts
Solomon attributed the high turnout
to "personal campaigning" by the can-
didates for LSA-SG positions.
SOLOMON AND Brower will assume.
their positions alonguwith the newly
elected LSA-SG executive Council at
Wednesday night's Executive Council
meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. in the
MSA chambers on the third floor of the
Michigan Union.
Also on the ballot for the elections
were several ballot questions. Accor-
ding to Cummings, all the ballot
proposals passed except one asking
students whether the mandatory LSA-
See SAID, Page 7
Dan Solomon (SAID) Kim Brower (SAID)
Members of the LSA-SG Executive Council
J.P. Adams (SABRE) David Michel (Ind.)
Mark Alonso (SAID) Mitch Mondry (SAID)
"D" Ghosh (PAC) Vicki Rowels (PAC)
Karin Gregory (Ind.) Lauri Slavitt (SABRE)
Aron Kaufman (PAC) David Trott (SABRE)
Sue Labes (SABRE) John Wasung (SABRE)
Paul Liu (PAC) Greg Wert (SAID)
Beth Lori (SAID)
d 1 b"
'° p
e ''s
' y° .
Douglas Woolley, his office tries to arrange the academic
calendar to accommodate 60 to 72 class days per term. He
said the calendar is usually made up two years in advance.
This term there'are 71 class days, but last fall term there
were only 65 days and in the previous year there were 66.
But as a reward for those extra days of studying you will
have a bit more time to bask in the sun, sleep until noon, or
simply wallow in heavenly boredom. Classes next term
don't begin until Thursday, Jan. 10 -that's three more days
of Christmas vacation than last year. 17
reached some disturbing conclusions. "Sexual contact -
such as intercourse or genital stimulation - occurs bet-
ween a substantial number of students and educators,"
their report stated. Furthermore, according to the resear-
chers' findings, this sexual activity is "mostly between
female students and male educators." According to the
researchers, one-fourth of all female Ph.D. candidates
reported sexual contact with an educator. F
Sex for sex
Local call girls may be experiencing a shortage of
On the inside
An overview of the Irish situation on the Editorial Page
Review of the Crisis of Impressionism on Arts Page 5
- And the results of the Michigan basketball season
opener against Windsor in Sports. Q
On the outside