Page 4-Wednesday, November21, 1979-The Michigan Daily Israel's commitment to Palestine autonomv debated By H. Scott Prosterinan With the deadline for the Palestine autonomy talks set for the end of May, many are already questioning Israel's willingness to advance to the critical second stage of the Camp David Agreement. Numerous actions and statements of Israeli policy have led observers to question Israel's inten- tions, and ask how Israel can be pressured into recognizing Palestinian autonomy. The appearances at the University last week of four representative voices of the Arab Israeli dispute helped to isolate the key issues, and provide in- sight into the motivations of the parties involved. Sharing a platform with Dr. Jim Zogby, National Chairperson for the Palestinian Human Rights Cam- paign (PHRC), was Sheila Ryan, a prominent member of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee, who recently completed a two-month fact-finding mission in Israel and Southern Lebanon. Ms. Ryan spoke of the Israeli reign of terror being wreaked upon Souther'n Lebanon as evidence of its aggressive campaign to isolate and destroy Palestinian terrorist bases, as opposed to the previous policy of one-to-one reprisals. But while Israel claims to be seeking only terrorist outposts, this new policy has resulted in approximately one-quarter million civilian refugees from the regular shelling of non- military areas by Israeli forces, and the Enclave of Free Lebanon, under Major Sa'ad Hadaad. - THE MOST devastating example of this policy is the city of Tyre, which never had any military activity, but was the victim in August of three days of constant shelling. As a result of this destruction, 90 per cent of that city's former population of 60,000 remains evacuated, while 60 per cent of the buildings in Tyre were hit, including two hospitals. One is reminded of the Allied bombing of Dresden in 1945 - a massive offensive against a non- militarized city. Non-militarized . refugee camps such as al-Bash and Rashadiyya have also been heavily hit, leaving them virtually empty. Many of the civilian victims have come to feel that this destruction is a direct result of the Camp David accord; which, according to Ms. Ryan, calls for alternative leadership to the PLO, and thus, the elimination of the PLO as a viable political force in Southern' Lebanon. While the U.S. occasionally expresses "deep concern" about the situation, it is rapidly becoming an ob- ject of hate to those who find American markings on the spent shells. The people of Southern Lebanon have an acute awareness of the U.S. as being the source for their destruction. Israel claims to be seeking only terrorist outposts, but villages of no military consequence have been hit in the middle of the, night with a sophisticated range of anti-personnel weapons, including cluster bombs and scatter bombs. The economic results of this policy have been an economic standstill in the area occupied by UNIFIL troops. One of the indirect consequences of Camp David has been a growing hate for the U.S., for their having taken no actions to prevent the Israeli raids. The critical nature of the U.S.'s role was the subject of Zogby's address. He spoke of the inconsistency of the U.S. policy in the Middle East, with its public ad- vocation of human rights, while ac- tively supplying Israel with "the military, economic, and political sup- port" to pursue its policy of aggressive attacks on civilian outposts. ALONG WITH military support, U.S. aid has gone to the digging of wells in the Jordan Valley and Gaza Strip, which have robbed Palestinian set- tlements of their long-time water sup- plies, creating agricultural wastelands out of formerly productive farming areas. This is another of the tactics, ac- I cording to Zogby and Ryan, by which Israel seeks to quash Palestinian resistance, and make possible the fur- ther annexation of territories. Another is the harassment of Palestinian village within the occupied areas, from set- tlements like the one recently declared illegal by the Israeli Supreme Court. This settlement, operated by the ultra- religious Guish Emunin, was a base for repeated Israeli harassment until it was declared illegal on the grounds that its nature and presence constituted a "provocative action." The Guish set- tlement was a clear manifestation of the Israeli policy of intensifying the civil conflict, to bring about the ex- pulsion of the Arabs from this land, for further annexation. Israel's intentions of increased an- nexation were also mentioned by leftist Knesset member Mair Pail, of the Sheli Party. Pail stated, in no uncertain ter- ms, that the Israeli government is doing whatever it can to dissolve the Palestinian autonomy conditions of Camp David, by creating turmoil in Palestinian communities, and forcing them out, for future annexation. In sup- port of his observation, he pointed out how Moshe Dayan was severely chastized by Begin for talking to the PLO, because of the Israeli intentions for dissolving the second stage of Camp David. Though Zogby had no kind words for Pail in reference to him, Pail represefi- ts the only voice in the Israeli gover- nment, which maintains a realistic stance about Israel's need to alter its ideology, and recognize the Palestinian right to self-determination. Pail, however, is among only 15 per cent of all Israeli Jews, who recognize the PLO as the "most acceptable representative of the Palestinian cause." He says that when Begin speaks of "autonomy" for the Palestinians, he is speaking only of personal autonomy, and not political or economic. While rightly stating that Israel seems to have no sense of "carrots and sticks", he further pointed out that Israel must now take the initiative to motivate the Arab har- dliners to moderate their stance. Sadat took a bold step in going to Jerusalem two years ago - a gesture that has yet to be reciprocated. Specifically, he proposes the evacuation of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. THOUGH PAIL and his party are heavily criticized by ardent Zionists for endangering the security of Israel, he displays a strong sense of Zionist ideals, and speaks of Israel as "the most important common denominator for Jews all over the world." Though he, doesn't directly say so, he makes it clear that the most inherent danger to Israeli security is the intransigence of its policies, which will eventually cause it to be branded as "a new South Africa". The disposition of Israel toward the Palestinians, is making it increasingly 'inconvenient' for Jews all over the world to identify with Israel. :While it is generally taken for gran- ted that non-Jews do not have the same rights of Jews in Israel, the government still has an active policy of trying to present itself to the contrary. The propaganda inside Israel, and that disseminated to Zionists everywhere was accurately related by Israeli U.N. Ambassador Yehuda Blum. In interviewing Blum, after hearing him speak, one finds it difficult to leave him, not feeling insulted, if not angry. As many of his responses contain a curious mix of arrogance and paranoia, one might sense some of the outright lies that he tells, and the weak position that he is defending. He made a number of faulty and erroneous assertions about Camp David, including: "If the principal partners are happy, why should outsiders be unhappy?" In response to his statement that, "the treaty is bound to have beneficial effec- ts on the rest of the Arab world," one might ask how it has effected the con- tinuing economic problems of Egypt, and the increased destruction of South Lebanon. 0,oo While Ryan pointed out how the PLO has come to be an important social ser- vice organization in Lebanon, with its schools, day-care, and refugee relief, centers, Blum still contends that the PLO exists for the sole purpose of the destruction of Israel. "Take the 'destruction of Israel' out of the PLO covenant," he said, "and what remains of it?" He also stated that, "There is no discrimination between Jewish and non-Jewish citizenry in Israel," and "We don't divert water from the Arab sector." Not only do we hear first-hr nd accounts of Palestinians being re- located or violently forced out of their homes, but much Arab agricultural land has been robbed of its water sup- ply. An interesting paradox of Israel, is the discrimination persisting among the different Jewish populations. Zogby touched on the problem of racism toward Sephardic Jews (of Asian and African descent) in Israel. Since the creation of the state, Sephar- ds have been discriminated against in jobs, housing, and various societal ad- vantages. Some African Jews talk of being lured to Israel with false promises of wealth and freedom, and finding themselves dispossessed into poverty. In response to Sephardic demonstrations for better housing in, the slums of Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem, Begin told them to move to the new settlements. NOT ONLY are the new settlements manifesting Israel's expansionist policy, but they are coming at the ex- pense of badly needed housing and ur- ban renewal in the cities. Correspon- dingly, Zogby points out, the increased exportation of U.S. arms abroad is coming at a time when many domestic programs are being cut. Perhaps the most arguable point that Blum made was that: "Israel is a' stabilizing factor in the area," and that, "a Palestinian state would only de- with strong Islamic ties could be expec- ted to openly welcome the Soviets - only the persistent refusal of the U.S. to recognize the PLO could force a Soviet-Palestinian alignment. Blum's forensic tactics clearly revealed his personal paranoia, and further weakened his stance: * Correcting the semantics of his questioners. ("Now I know you don't mean .. . you must mean ...") " Responding to factual confron- tations with, "I find it difficult to believe that." * Cutting off the interviewer in the middle of a question with, "I know this argument, and let me tell you how it is ... THIS IS THE Israeli voice to the United Nations. Pail, on the other hand, conveys a more realistic perception of Israel and its place in world politics. If Israel is to survive beyond the mid-80's, it must make radical changes in its ideology. Unfortunately though, Pail's view of the need to establish a "National Homeland for the Palestinian People" is shared by only a small minority. Like Zogby, he feels that the only way to get Israel to relax its stance toward the Palestinians is through American pressure. The expression of "deep concern has proven to be a useless tool for diplomatic leverage. Cutting back on arms exports would only be a first step, followed by serious gestures to raise the oppressed state of the Palestinian people. The self-defeating nature of Camp David was highlighted by Yasser Arafat when he asked, "What kind of peace costs $5 billion in weapons?" We also must ask, what kind of peace has Camp David brought to South Lebanon and the occupied areas of Israel? IL' Scott Prosterman, a gradluat .tutt ttinthe (:enter for N., r East and North A frican Studies, - is a Jrequen - (tonributor to the Iailh 'tlitorial page. stabilize client to the region, and would be a. the Soviet Union." No entity F-.-- Ninety Years of E Vol. LXXXX, No. 66 Edited and managed by stude The Fith Ai S OUR honorarium of tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day holiday, the Daily presents the fifth almost-annual Turkey awards, presented for fowl play for the worst in over a dozen separate categories. This years proud winners are: The Chuck Barriis Turkey goes to the Ayatollah Khomeini, for offering a free trip to Mecca for. anyone who assassinated the Shah and the royal family, and for adding that the winner need not be Moslem. The "You Can't Please Everybody" Turkey goes to Jimmy Carter, for comparing the P.L.O. to both the black civil rights demonstrators, and later to the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. The "I'd Rather Switch than Fight" Turkey award this year goes to Chicago mayor Jane Byrne, for telling President Carter she would support his - reelection about a week before she en- dorsed Sen. Edward Kennedy-and then giving the Kennedy campaign all the money earned from a Carter fun- :draiser. rThe "Government As Good As Its People" Turkey goes to defeated Mayoral candidate Jamie Kenworthy, for believing that you can tellthe truth and still be elected to political office. The "Crisis of Confidence" Turkey goes to White House Chief of Staff Hamilton Jordan, for asking all the federal department heads to fill out report cards on all of their employees, ranking their ability on a scale of one to ten. The "See No Evil" Turkey is awar- ded to Cambodia's Vietnamese puppet president HengSamrin, who observed "no one is starving in Cambodia,"and that the famine was all a plot contrived by the supporters of ousted president Pol Pot. The "Who's In Charge Here?" Turkey goes to the Department of .. a.~I -411 a u ci- i ditorial Freedom Letters ants News Phone: 764-0552 at the University of Michigan Editor's note: Noth appear in the Daily for t several years has arou much reader response as Smith's November 13 c review, "Take The1 Please," a critique o Grateful Dead concert. space prohibits running the letters today, belov representative sampling. will be printed whe resume publication. nual, Turkeys while we were waiting in mile-long gasoline lines, then told us there'd be no heating oil for winter, and then told us everything would be all right, and then told us they may have miscalculated, and then told everybody to forget it. The "Really??? What Ever Gave You That Idea??" Turkey goes to the House Assassinations Committee, which took eight years to conclude that thereamay have been a conspiracy in the John Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations. The "Anybody Can Make A Mistake" Turkey goes to the operators of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power plant, who proved once and for all the infallibility of human error. The Oreo Cookie Turkey Award goes to Bishop Abel Muzorewa of Zimbab- we-Roodesia, who never once failed to speak Ian Smith's mind. The "Look Who's Talking" Turkey goes to Sen. H. I. Hayakawa, who said Ronald Reagan is "too old" to be president. The Andrew Young Foot-In-Mouth Turkey goes to Senate Majority Leader Robert Bird, who said he understood Americans "throwing rocks or eggs or anything else" at Iranians in this coun- try, adding "I'd feel like taking a pun- ch at one myself if I could get to him." The "I Get A Kick Out Of You" Turkey, goes to the Michigan Wolverine kicking squad, Brian Virgil and Ali Haji Sheikh who managed to end the season with a whopping three successful field goals out of 18 attem- pts. Virgil gets the special "Just for Kicks" Turkey for averaging 34.6 total yards for punting out of 50 punts-four of which were blocked. The "Ask Me Anything" Turkey goes to General Bo "George, Patton" Schembechler who, following the great tradition of Woody Hayes, never, let arnnrter stand in the way of a To the Daily: Okay, you really screw this time. Not that you know exactly what you doing. R. J. Smith not on doubtedly planned to w negative review of the Gr Dead concert, he anticipate relish the response from i of M "deadheads". Well, Smith does not have to l East Quad, and he obvious no consideration for those who do. This morning in th lounge, I chanced to ask a "Quaddie" if he had see issues of the Daily fl( around. The result of ti nocent query-was a black el I will have for days. Then, at dinner tonight, i tioned to the girl sitting n me that I thought R. J. Smi "one hell of an editor". A joke, right? Well, she didn' so. This girl has seen the D times, had first row seats day, and is going to see they week in Cleveland. I, the was subjected to a 45 r defense of Jerry Garci company, after which she her alfalfa salad in my face Personally, I couldn't ca about the Grateful Dead. they might be boring; b philosophy is: hey, when on acid, who cares? Which explainfthe fanaticism of Dead fans. And then ag might not. All of which i much beside the point. Th is that I have to live with freaks, and now it's not g be easy. It's hard to study there is a mob of people b R. J. Smith in effigy outsi door. The smoke gets in room and everything-it's annoying. Remember wh and Mrs. Tom Hayden can and spoke about student a] Well, they would be please the unity among East residents now. You've them a co denominator-hatred for TAKE THE DEAD Smith had their first meeting ing to today, and called for (among he last other things) the naming of Steve sed as Hook as Arts Page editor. R. J. All of this activity is bother- oncert some and distracting to me, as I am surrounded by it constantly. Dead, But what really adds salt to the f the wound is knowing that while I'm Since suffering, R. J. Smith loves every . all of minute. Don't even try to deny it. w is a He probably has-been-waiting for years for an opportunity like this, More and is now basking in the con- 'n we troversy. Please, in the future, try to use a little more discretion when writing subjective reviews. 'ed up Remember, there are normal didn't people in East Quad too, and we were should not be made to suffer the ily un- consequences of articles that rite a don't pertain to us. For hell hath rateful no fury like a Dead fan scorned; dwith therefore please limit your rate U "scathingly negative" reviews R. J. to groups with less of a live in following-like Bruce ly has Springsteen or the Rolling of us Stones. Thank you. e E.Q. -Jeffrey Schneider fellow n any oating To the Daily: his in- R. J. Smith's review of the ye that Grateful Dead concert entitled, "Take the Dead, please", I men- (Michigan Daily, Tuesday, next to November 13, 1979), is yet th was another exasperated example of A little journalistic childishness that so t think exemplifies this worthless )ead 24 "newspaper", The Michigan Satur- Daily. The author of this m next miserable piece is but one of a refore, seemingly unending line of shoot- minute from-the-hip-writers who are' a and blinded by delusions of jour- threw nalistic prowess. Becauseof such e journalistic sloppiness, the re less Michigan Daily continues to be True, an embarrassment to the Univer- ut my sity community. The editors of you're this University disgrace should might attempt to settstandards fmany somewhat higher than the low am, it ones adhered to now. Apparently s very the motto that best illustrates e point present Michigan Daily jour- h these nalistic standards, reads, oing to -"whatever comes to mind, goes ywhen to print." yurning R. J. Smith's confused attempt de your to use wit and sarcasm in this your critique of the Grateful Dead really concert last Saturday night, is a yen Mr. pitiful failure because his world ne here perspective is limited to the im- pathy? becility of the television set, on d to see which he was apparently weaned. Quad The pretentiousness that oozes given from this mindless attack on a mmon first-class rock and roll band R. J which gave a spectacular per- -. J, ,,..c - .C- l- n r ;l + 1 personal sides of the Grateful Dead, is but the ugly symptom of a more profound disease which is reaching epidemic proportons among students in the -1970's. While the Grateful Dead. represents a generalization of students who thoughtfully con- sidered (and often rejected) joining an establishment whose perverted value system even- tually led us into the savage destruction in Vietnam, R. J. Smith represents a generation of students who have discarded the independent soul-searching of the 1960's in favor of the selfish desire to "get anything done" (translation; make money), regardless of the value to society of what they get done. After suffering through R. J. Smith's shallow, trite, and thoughtless critique of one of the finest concerts I have ever seen, I became convinced that listening to the Grateful Dead, taking acid and using nitrous oxide simultaneously is infinitely healthier than the debilitating ef- fects of prime-time television and sweet cereals which have so ob- viously victimized R. J. Smith. -Louis B. Schwartz To the Daily: The recent reivew of the Grateful Dead by R. J. Smith was really good, but it didn't go quite far enough in it's condemnation. It's absolutely disgusting the way these "Deadheads" go wild over this immenselyruntalented group. All I heard for days was "Hey, man! I'm going to see the dead for the 23rd time! And I'm really psyched, man! Me and Garcia think along the same lines about life, man!" Such childish behavior can only be associated with this group (and perhaps the equally stupid conduct associated with Springsteen fanaticism). I was somehow pressured to go and see the Dead, even though I had much better things to do (i.e., go to see Claude Chabrol's Violet- te, one of my favorite films). Well, what I was subjected to was much worse than anything I could possible have imagined. Not only were the Dead boring, but they were boring for 4 hours! I can't say that I really like any rock and roll (music for naive children), but this took the cake. Neverhad I seen a more distur- bed crowd of people. The at- mosphere was teeming with the effects of drugs. Both the smell and the obnoxious stoned fans were enough to make me want to leave, even if the music were good. It wasn't, and if my girlfriend hadn't threatened to kill me, I would never have stayed., I can see how certain concepts, such as jazz and classical, would especially in the singing (Garcia and Bob Weir sound like wounded puppies). The fact that Garcia could change a string without missing a note in an indication of the relatively little emphasis that is placed on true feeling and emotiori by these groups, especially the Dead. He could have done practically anything he wanted, including frying ham- burgers at McDonalds, and not missed a thing. If this University wants its' reputation to be that of a major schol, the behavior of these students (Dehdheads and other rock and roll addicts) must be controlled. In the future, I suggest that the Major Events Office concentrate on bringing us programs that are enjoyable and substantial. Keep up the good work, Mr. Smith. BURY THE DEAD, PLEASE! -Steve Zatkin To the Daily:" Congratulations are in order for R. J. Smith's brilliant parody of a typical Michigan Daily con- cert review. His "Take the Dead, please!" column demonstrated a rapier-like wit. He captures with biting satire the crucial elements of an Arts Page review: ridicule of the artists, ridicule of the con- cert, ridicule of the concert goers, and ridicule of the readers. And one must not overlook Mr. Smith's capturing of the essence of the opinionated drivel of the critic with an apparent deadline of before the concert: to not men- tion the actual show at all. R. J. shows us allhis Swiftian sarcasm (Tom, not Jonathon), poking fun at reviewers with nothing to say. I heartile recommend that Mr. Smith be given a regular byline; his work is the funniest I've read in the Daily. since its gubernatorial endorsement of write-in Zolton Ferency.. -Alan Wenokur To the Daily: Today's Michigan Daily (November 20) Oas a front page story on SACUA's review of its meeting with the Regents. This story unpardonably distorted the nature of our review. The opinion expressed by SACUA in the review was that the meeting had gone very well and that the Regents had been open and forth- coming. There were criticisms, but these were largely criticisms by SACUA of its own performance. We felt that we could have presented the faculty's concerns more- effectively. Entirely lacking in thevstory Were the many positive statements made about the meeting. The annual meetings between i