Page 4-Sunday, November 18, 1979-The Michigan Daily Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Daily endorsements for LSA Student Government 0 Vol. LXXXX, No.64, News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan For LSA-SG President: Dan Solomon O NE CANDIDATE seems deter- mined to wage a powerful fight to make LSA-SG more accountable to students. The other contestant believes students deserve a greater role in the eventual educational choices they must make every day in the Univer- sity. Both are experienced and well- trained in confronting the serious issues students will have to face in the upcoming decade. But one candidate outshines his op- ponent because he possess a more con- crete awareness of the specific programs needed to overcome the current flaws in this institution's teaching system. That candidate is, Dan Solomon, a junior who has spent two years fighting the ills of University bureaucracy very effectively. Solomon, who represents the SAID party (Students for Academic and In- stitutional Development), has worked on the LSA Curriculum Committee, the LSA Executive Council and the LSA Administrative Board. In addition, he has mingled frequently with many University administrators to promote student concerns. He has proved his dedication and he has demonstrated his effectiveness. With this past experience, Solomon has the tools to put his ideas into motion. Those ideas include a proposal for more non-major courses to be of- fered in various departments, and those contracts would be separate from the standard ones taken by those concentrating in the particular field of study. He also believes the University has failed to provide enough of a diver- sified curriculum so that students could absorb all different views and philosophies of society. That problem, he says, could be overcome by gre'ater student input in the process. Solomon also feels strongly about the lack of student participation on the LSA Executive Committee. In fact, he wants to check and see if the Univer- sity may be violating the law by ex- cluding students from that board. J.P. Adams, the SABRE '(Student Alliance for Better Representation), certainly possess n capacity to- deal with student issues. As the Special 'Projects Coordinator for the Michigan Student Assembly, he has organized a plan to remodel the Fishbowl and worked on Friday's Torch Light Parade. No doubt he is strongly determined to revamp the existing weaknesses in LSA-SG's structure, problems he feels contribute to the government's low rating among most students. He also is particularly aware of the need to bring more students into the battle against the administration for more rights. But Adams does not have the vision and understanding that Solomon so clearly possesses. Solomon knows that students have been cheated out of a larger role in what affects them on this campus, and he has the experience to change the status-quo. The following are the Daily's choices for this week's election for LSA-SG offices. Forty-one candidates are run- ning to fill the 15 posts. SAID BETH LORI-incumbent council member, cites tenure, affirmative action, curriculum changes as her top three goals, "I want to change things for students." GREGORY WERT-incumbent council member, cites courses for non-majors, student involvement in tenure decisions, and affirmative action goals as areas in which he wants to work. MITCHELL MONDRY-has a three step plan to get student members on the LSA Executive Committee. Frist, he wants to make the committee release the minutes of the meetings, then get the meetings open to the public, then finally get students on the com- mittee as voting members. MARGARET TALMERS-incumbent council member, wants more courses for non majors so students won't be "wiped-out" in grade competition by concentrators in the field. MARK ALONSO -incumbent council mem- ber, cites changes in the curriculum as his top priority, wants courses to "provide an oppor- tunity for students to think critically about the world-instead of being afraid of grade com- petition." SUSAN LABES-thinks of herself as a "new, breed" in SABRE, she wants to "begin to put action into our promises." One of her top priorities is increasing student input into tenure decisions. J.P. ADAMS-stresses a stronger internal organization to provide greater accoun- tability to the University community. MIKE MILES-wants "to affect positive change within a student government which possesses tremendous amounts of potential but has yet to display its true talents in im- proving a liberal arts education." TRICIA VALENI-supports mandatory cour- se evaluation by students to increase student input into tenure. SABRE ment to affirmative action goals, wants to improve education at the University by en- couraging interdepartmental courses, wants to increase student participation in all levels of decision making in the University. JIM LINDSAY-calls LSA-SG "orne of the best ways for improving the University," supports increasing student input in tenure decisions through gaining voting student members on tenure committees, strengthening departmental organizations, and instituting mandatory course evaluations. SHARON BRAY-calls for students on the committees in the college which make tenure decisions, "Students are at the University to learn, thus students should have a right to vote" in tenure decisions. INDEPENDENTS PAC "D" GHOSH-the person with the single longest tenure on the council running for re- election, she has been one of the council's most active members. VICKI ROWELS-notes the dismal failure of the University in meeting the B.A.M. strike demands, and supports continued commit- DAVID MICHEL-stresses the importance of student evaluations in having student input into the tenure process, calls for more LSA counselors. ELIZABETH SCOTT-"education" is the key issue for LSA-SG, calls for increased student input on tenure decisions and increased student involvement with government., THE MILWALIKEE JO RNAL M, F,,M Nc.,pypr Yadfltt19" - Ly V4 LSA-SG must deal with local concerns 9 7ME MILWAUKEE JOt UNAL 'Sub! Are you questioning my veracity as an entrepreneur?' "So the flame goes a little higher! So what?" THIS YEAR'S LSA-SG election offers another opportunity to analyze the most important issues the college's student government must face to make this University a better place in the upcoming decade. The outgoing decade brought some minor improvements, but the challenges remain. Students have not been given a fair share in the decision-making process, and that lack of participation has resulted in decisions unreceptive to student needs. Generally, each party proposing candidates in tomorrow's election has attacked the key student problems in the University. Students have not had a large role in the tenure process, in curriculum changes, and in other policy matters monopolized by the administration and the faculty. Almost every candidate realizes those flaws, and has expressed determination to combat them. It is the SAID party, however, which appears most dedicated to enhancing the quality of education. Whether it's to increase the rate of minorities in both the student body and the faculty, or to alter curriculum restrictions, SAID has something to say about it. The par- ty also has candidates experienced in a number of committees who have dealt directly with the problems facing students. SABRE and PAC also comprise an impressive list of candidates, but they don't seem to offer plausible solutions to the essential problems. Some of their candidates do not have any con- ception on how to approach the tough issues. The Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) has en- tered the political arena, but its can- didates appear too restricted to one issue-divestiture of University funds from banks and corporations doing business in South Africa. While that goal certainly deserves attention, it should not be the focus of LSA-SG. The Michigan Student Assembly, a broader campus organization, has jurisdiction over that issue. The government of the University's largest college has to spend all its time on the issues which most directly af- fect students. It must concentrate on getting students involved in the tenure process. For too long, those selections ave been decided solely by the faculty. It must help the ad- ministration deal with the anticipated budget constraints of the upcoming decade. There will be a lot of discussion about proposed program cutbacks, and students should have a say in how the administration dissects programs. In addition, Affirmative Action has been dealt severe blows in this decade. Despite the Regents' commitment to raise the rate of black enrollment, very little has been done. And most of all, the apathy disease has still not been cured. As shown by last year's elections, very few students care about their government. If that problem is to be resolved, the next LSA government will have to become more accessible and reach out to students. If not, the body will remain relatively anonymous., California takes more swpes at state government spending The escalating tax revolt in California, reconfirmed by the overwhelming passage a few weeks ago of a ceiling on gover- nment spending, is beginning to reveal its effects in a significant slowdown of residential suburban growth. That state's legendary subur- ban sprawl of luxury housing developments into former citrus fields is being cut off at the pockets. Behind the slowdown is what some experts are calling a new "balance sheet mentality" toward residential planning-an attitude reflecting the gact that in many areas new housing developments no longer pay enough in added tax revenues to finance required municipal ser- vices such as roads, schools, police and fire protection. The new tax measure, called proposition 4, fixes all state and; local government spending at the revenue limits of 1978-79, allowing for future increases only to accommodate population growth and inflation. It was passed by a huge 74 per cent margin, the largest victory margin on a state ballot measure since 1946. A measure designed along similar principles was defeated two-to-one in 1974. Most experts agree that the new measure will reinforce and perhaps amplify the impact, of Proposition 13, the trend-setting property tax cut measure passed in California last year. So far, most impacts of that tax cut have been cushioned by the state's enormous tax revenue surplus, which has, to some extent, bailed out local communities. But the impact on new housing is already clear. For instance, By Mary Ellen Leary The State Office of Planning and Research studies the post-13 revenue-cost equations from new developments in ten cities. It found that none expected new developments to pay for their own essential services with the taxes they would yield. The dif- ferences before and after Proposition 13 were startling. Sacramento, for instance, the state capitol, had been weighing a huge new development with some 25,000 single and multiple housing units. Before June, 1978, it was estimated that the development would produce a net gain to the city revenues of some $1.7 million annually. After Proposition 13 passed, however, the city discovered the development would cost at least $4.3 million annually. A large development contem- plated for the city of Anaheim was suddenly discovered to represent as much as $35 million in revenue loss over ten years' time. Neither plan has yet been approved. This new "fiscal zoning" became a major factor in slowing home construction in California even before the recent federal mortgage-tightening moves, and it contributes to a housing shor- tage so severe it is being publicly defined as a "crisis" and "the worst housing shortage since the. end of World War II." The dif- ference is that during the post- war housing crisis, incentives were plentiful to spur new con- struction. Today, there are incen- tives to stall it. Since passage of Prop. 13, of service. Service costs tend to be higher in undeveloped suburban fringes, and lower inside cities where facilities are already in place. Therefore, David Shulmen, a UCLA economist who has studied the impacts of tax cutting, sees "a higtoric reversal of Califor- nia's trend towards urban "sprawl." He has noticed an in- crease in new housing permits and new economic activity within the city limits of Los Angeles sin- ce Prop. 13, contrasting with the pre-13 trend of growth outside the city. Another significant trend was spotted by a League of California Cities analysis of growth in 12 cities since Prop. 13. The League found not only a slowdown in development, but "a shift in the balance of residential, commer- cial and industrial growth." Communities are tending to give development preference to those competitors offering the highest tax yield, which usually means industry. Even suburbs which on- ce cherished their clear, quiet residential quality are now looking favorably on applications for industrial development. This same goal of maximum tax yield wasinvolved, in part, in the city of Riverside's vote Nov. 6 to approve lot-size regulations for. new housing in most of its urban open space. By mandating requirements that property remain in three to five acre sizes, Riverside has insured a slow- growth future, but has also guaranteed that only very expen- sive homes will be built within lighting, schools, and parks, and even to guarantee payment of future maintenance costs. Prop. 13 has also brought to a halt the construction of public buildings. All through state history, these have been financed by bonds resting on property taxes. Since Prop. 13, no municipal or local government bonds have been issued in California, except rare revenue bonds clearly resting on a remunerative project such as a parking lot or a ball park. Writing about the new Prop. 4, Jack Beebe, economistkwith the Federal Reserve Bank. in San Francisco, observes: "When coupled with Proposition 13's reduction in property taxes, it might seriously restrict economic incentive to permit new home building, giving local government reason to block growth . . . Proposition 4 would provide added incentive to restrict growth, since added population must be supported within a predetermined real per capita appropriations limit." This new priority on tax yield among city planners may have even more far-reaching impacts in terms of the quality of life in the cities and suburbs of the near future, says city planning professor David Dowell of the University of California, Berkeley. "'Unfortunately," he says, "decisions on zoning and on development now are being made on the basis of -profit: on the maximum yield they can generate. This is a preversion of planning. It prevents con- sideration of social goals a com- munity may have, of desirable housing styles and classes, of ad- "O'b a mtrbtgan B atlu RI TINF GS RTFF'i ski, Gregg Haddad, Leslie Harris, Bonnie Jczkovitz, Margaret