Page 4-Saturday, November 17, 1979-The Michigan Daily The draft.may come back: Wbr 3tcihian BazuI Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXX, No. 63 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan PIR GIM fights to keep it dead By David DeVarti and Eric Larson The London talks: A step toward peace in Rhodesia THEY WERE A tense 10 weeks. Swinging back and forth between promise and frustration, the talks in London to end the civil war in Rhodesia have occupied a quiet place in the agenda of international affairs. Perhaps because nobody ever expec- ted any progress. Ten tough weeks, though, have sowed the seeds for eventual peace in that bitterly divided land as members of rival sides reached agreement two days ago on arrangements for a tran- sition from guerrilla war to all-party elections. They met yesterday in Lon- dbn to discuss a permanent cease-fire t1 prepare the departure from 14 years o war to a future of peace. :The future seems brighter now than it'did just a .few weeks ago. That was When the British government's proposal met heavy opposition from the leaders of the Patriotic Front, a stalemate that threatened to send everyone home to continue the fighting. But a few concessions here and there and failure was averted. What's most encouraging about the settlement is that a framework will r 6w exist for fair elections in that e6untry, contrary to last year's hoax in which Bishop Abel Muzorewa was d4osen as prime minister. That elec- 4n may have seemed democratic in tile eyes of many ,Western observers but the Patriotic Front was unable to participate. Many blacks support that doalition, and thus had for the ioderate faction lead by Muzorewa, an Smith's black puppet.. -'The Muzorewa victory resembled a gnificant change for many watching the Rhodesia situation, but in effect, it was no change at all. The whites, lead j'y Smith-the. former prime minister Who became Minister Without Por- tfolio in Muzorewa's regime-still had authority to reject any amendments to [he constitution. It is a constitution Against the majority blacks. From the wages that workers deceive to .the quality of education, Smith blacks have received a raw deal in Rhodesia. Any hope for a progressive change in that country's constitution remained slim as long as the whites maintained the final say on it. But that is no longer the case. Accor- ding to the arrangement just reached, the whites will initially receive 20 of the 100 seats in Parliament. To some this may seem unfair since it would be more democratic if the whites ear- ned that amount of representation. While this may be true, to fight for that concession from the British and the Muzorewa-Smith combination would be more than these talks could handle. Anyway, the new government that would take control in Rhodesia could move ahead to amend the constitution. No one, however, should expect any immediate changes in the structure of Rhodesian affairs. The conference has to settle the moves to achieve the long- awaited cease-fire. British Foreign Minister Lorl Carrington said yester- day he expects those talks to conclude in a "matter of days." That may be a bit optimistic since arranging a cease- fire can be a very delicate matter. However long it takes, the London breakthrough has been more than anyone could ever have expected, and it has the potential for peace. When the 96th Congress got started last January by in- troducing no less than ten draft, registration and national service proposals in both the House and the Senate, many did not take notice. The SALT II and military budget debate, however, provided what draft advocated felt was a climate conducive to the draft and pushed for it with vigor. Early last spring draft op- ponents, antiwar activists and young people who would be effec- ted by a draft began organizing in response to the threat. Several summer demon- strations throughout Washtenaw County and the formation of the Washtenaw County Against Registration and the Draft (WCARD) demonstrated signs of growing antidraft activity throughout the country. Early September saw the defeat of the first proposal to be voted on in the Congress, when HR 4040 was defeated by a 259-155 vote. This margin of victory was largely won through antidraft. organizing activities throughout the country. Several Michigan votes were swayed by citizen in- put, thus demonstrating the need to remain involved and watchful of the remaining proposals in Congress. S109, a bill introduced by Senator Nunn (D-GA) now in the Senate, will be the next proposal considered sometime next year. S109 would revive registration for all men age 18 through 26. WHY WE DO NOT EVEN NEED THE DRAFT The Democratic Study Group in Congress, among others, has analyzed the performance'of the All-Volunteer Force (AVF) and found that it is working. Contrary to what draft advocates have argued, active duty force levels are being maintained at authorized levels. While some draft advocates have inferred that initiation of the AVF has led to a lower quality military, the opposite seems more likely; sin- ce the draft ended in 1971, the amount of high school graduates in the military has risen 9 per cent and standardized intelligen- ce test scores of AVF recruits "Conscientious objection is a moral, religious or ethical opposition to war and a refusal to participate in it." have shown a dramatic climb since the end of the draft. Although the Selected- Reserves such as the National Guard are below strength, the General Ac- counting Office has recently suggested a number of ways for improving the efficiency of the reserves through reorganization and reform. Perhaps most importantly, the President already has the power to reinstate draft registration if it should become necessary. Both President Carter and Defense Secretary Harold Brown agree that registration is not presently needed. Once the order to register people is given the Selec- tive Service believes that it could register two million people within five days. The director of the Selective Service maintains that the agency can meet the induc- tion needs of the Pentagon's wor- st possible case requirements without presently resorting to registration the draft. be considered. A draftee would be given only ten days from the mailing date of the induction notice to prepare a conscientious objection claim. The long and searching questions posed to conscientious objectors by the Selective Service and the very limited time allotted for the preparation of claims would make the status of conscientious objector difficult to achieve. Because registration proposals now being considered by' Congress present significant hurdles for the potential C.O., it is important for people working on these issues, as well as potential C.O.'s, to familiarize themselves with the C.O. option and the current threat to it. COURT CASES . EXTEND SCOPE OF C.O. STATUS Three Supreme Court cases are of special importance. In U.S. v THE CONSCIEN- TIOUS OBJECTOR CAMPAIGN, WORKING TO INVOLVE STUDENTS PIRGIM (Public Interest Research Group in Michigan has been active in affiliation with WCARD and MCARD in working toward the September defeat of draft legislation and in organizing to defeat further draft proposals. PIRGIM is currently involved in a C.O. campaign to educate people regarding con- scientio(us objection. Using cards provided by CCCO, the Central Committee for Conscientious Ob- jectors, PIRGIM hopes to solicit a large number of commitments for conscientious objection. For each conscientious objector a completed C.O. card will be sent to CCCO in Philadelphia to main- tain a record and a copy will beM kept by PIRGIM-UM in Ann Ar-w bor or another organization of the person's choice. These records will document for the conscien- tious objector a long held belief in conscientious objection should the need to document a claim arise. The limited time alloted for preparation of C.O. claims under the proposed legislation for registration necessitates the need for those of draft age to familiarize themselves with the C.O. option available. Registration proponents are pressing hard for the \rein- stitution of this unneeded system. Perhaps no other issue affects the student population more. profoundly, and the need for knowledge and action is vital. Consequently, it is the student's responsibility to become aware of what is happening with the draft; to assess the issue and take a stand; to pressure Congressional: representatives and to monitor their actions; and to perhaps file a C.O. claim if desired. PIRGIM can help if you need more information on this issue. And we need your help in the fight, against registration-we cannot delay our need for action now. CURRENT REGISTRATION PROPOSALS CAUSE CONCERN FOR POTENTIAL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS Conscientious objection is a moral, religious or ethical op- position to war and a refusal to participate in it. During the time of a draft, draftees can qualify for C.O. classification, thereby not serving in the military again- st their moral beliefs. Although the Selective Service mechanism r'emains intact in the law and needs only Presidential authorization to resume registration, there is presently no registration for the draft. Under proposed plans for resumption of draft registration no provision whatsoever would be made at time of registration for registering any exemption what- soever from forced enlistment. Only at time of mobilization, that is, at time of war, would con- scientious objection exemptions Seeger (380 U.S. 163 (1965)), the Court ruled that an objection to participation in war based on a "sincere and meaningful belief which occupies in the life of the possessor a place parallelto that filled by the God of those admit- tedly qualifying for the exem- ption" on traditional - religious grounds was sufficient for C.O. status. That is, a profound ethical belief may be considered as in- vioable as a purely religious one. In U.S. v Welsh (399 U.S. 333 (1970)), the Court exempted "from military service all those whose conscience, spurred by deeply held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs, would give them no rest or peace if they allowed themselves to become a part of an instrument of war." The Schacter Decision (1968) may have extended Seeger to enable even avowed athiests to qualify for C.O. status. The point to be made is that conscientious objec- tion is found not only in the province of traditional religious groups, but also in the secular world. David DeVarti and Eric:4 Larson are PIRGIM. members of I the Daily: ,In their Nov. 7 letter to the faily regarding the Klan mur- Oers in Greensboro, N.C., the $partacus Youth League made it main point to call for opposition gun control and to focus on ar- med self-defense as key tactics in .te struggle to thwart the Klan ferror. However, while the right to bear arms is a right that must ,e defended and maintained, the necessity of a campaign against $un control is hardly the main lesson to be learned from the Greensboro killings. And it is simply not enough to Invoke "mass action of the labor mnovement" to defeat the KKK _nd the Nazi Party on their own -rounds. In fact, as evidenced by Ahe KKK march in Dallas and the ,murders in Greensboro, the main political base of these fascist organizations is in the South Ovhere organized labor is weakest and, at this point, least able to Letters to th~e Daily 0 fight back. This is due mainly to the existence in all southern states of the Taft-Hartley "right- to-work" laws which legitimize overt union-busting there. It is this political and legal att mosphere-npt the legitimate call to outlaw the KKK and Nazi party-which emboldens the Klan to attack trade union organizers and sympathizers such as those in Greensboro, many of whom were active in the Amalgamated Clothing and Tex- tile Workers Union. Michigan has the highest per- centage of trade union members in the workforce of any state; vir- tually everyone here either belongs to a trade union or knows a friend or relative who does. Therefore, if we are really serious about stengthening the labor movement in the South in order to help rid the South and all of the U.S. of terror directed against labor, minorities and religious groups, then we citizens of Michigan bear a special responsibility in this task. We must help lead the effort to repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-labor law, to clear the way for organizing the unorganized throughout the- South, and. to politically strengthen the labor movement to go on the offensive and call for outlawing the KKK and the Nazi Party. -John Keller To the Editor: I would like to commend Daily writers Adrienne Lyons and Beth Rosenberg for writing the November 8, 1979 article entitled, Cadavers: The cold, hard facts. It is high time the general public received a candid, but truthful look at some of the prac- tices that go on in one of the most professional schools in our university. The public has a right to know the consequences of donating a body to science-both good and bad. If this article has scared some of those persons who were contemplating the donation. of their bodies to science, well and good. I hope this article will help both medical and dental students realize that the profession they are attempting to enter is an extremely professional one-one that historically has been dedicated to the service of the public. This in- volves being open, honest and respectful to that public-those dead as well as alive. This article has helped to show the public that the medical profession is not one which resides in an ivory tower, and also, hopefully. it has helped the medical students realize that medical service is a demanding, intense profession, one that does not need unprofessional prac- tices, even if they are behind closed doors and beyond the scrutiny of the public. Thank you, Daily writers for exposing such a gross discrepan- cy in the medical field between theory and practice. -Janette Zichi To the Editor: As a fellow student of the third year dental students, whom you spoke of in your article entitled, "Cadavers: the cold, hard facts", I feel compelled to add definition to the "facts" which this article lacked. The dental education, although oriented toward the head and neck region, is founded on a study and understanding of the human species as a whole. Obviously, to develop an appreciation of the human species, courses such as: Human Physiology, Human Pathology, Human Anatomy, and the like are essential. In fact, the Human Anatomy laboratory is "the ground floor" of our education! It is indeed a necessity, but moreover, it is a privilege given to us and the other students of the medical and health professions. The mis-representation of the U. of M. gross anatomy depar- tment, its faculty, and the studen- ts involved, that was reported in your article is truely a sad and poor example of journalism. There is indeed, a great deal of desensitization that is required by the students and staff involved in the gross anatomy laboratory; which is surely understandable for death is a difficult, and very final thing. To approach the sub- ject, one must pre-condition him or herself in such a manner as to keep on functioning to achieve the goal of benefiting mankind. Above all of this, I, in my dealings in the gross anatomy laboratory have neither been of- fended nor have I witnessed the comlete and total disrespect for the humna body that your article has reported. -Jeffrey C. Knorr The public is encouraged to submit letters to the Daily which will appear in this space periodically. Letters may address any topic, and must be typed and signed. No unsigned letters will be printed. M1 EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner............... ...:..........EDITOR-IN-CHIEF iichard Berke,. JulieRovner......... MANAGING EDITORS ' Michael Arkush, Keith Richburg..... EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Brian Blanchard....................... UNIVERSITY EDITOR Judy Rakowsky................................CITY EDITOR s Shelley Wolson......................PERSONNEL DIRECTOR & Amy Saltzman...........................FEATURES EDITOR Leonard Bernstein.......................SPECIAL PROJECTS R.J. Smith, Eric Zorn..........................ARTS EDITORS S)wen Gleiberman, Elizabeth Slowik.....MAGAZINE EDITORS STAFF WRITERS-Sara Anspach, Julie Brown, Richard Blan- chad..A Mi hCatnt r.fanv (nnorman Amy Diamond. 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