,,Page 4-Thursday, November 15, 1979-The Michigan Daily .I3 Aid-igan 1aiIy Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom ' Vol. LXXXX, No. 61 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MSA funding authority inmdanger again OMEONE KEEPS forgetting that student governments on this cam- pus cannot allocate funds to please everyone. Occasionally, some group may not get what it wants. But, in an act of silly desperation, one group has decided that if it is not going to get its proper share, then nobody should. Denied its funding request, the Michigan Republicans Club will tell the Regents in their public comments session today that the Michigan Student Assembly should not have the power to give money to any group. The organization charges that the assembly only allocates assistance to groups with acceptable ideological values, and turns down requests from people with opposing views. It believes that is the reason the assembly rejec- ted its appeal for subsidies. No doubt MIRC's complaint will find a receptive audience in the Regents, a r borad which just several months ago tevoked temporarily the assembly's funding authority until an appeals process could be established. A few of the Regents have made it no secret a that they are deeply disturbed by the Sway the $assembly decides funding Omatters. Regent Deane Baker once lashed out against the assembly for r generously supporting the Washtenaw #County Coalition Against Apartheid, a group that Baker said acted irrespon- sibly in disrupting several of last spring's Regents' meetings. Despite the temptation and the chance to once again restrict any power the assembly may enjoy, the 'Board will probably evade the question 'at this time. It does not seem prepared or another battle over the funding issue. Not yet, at least. The more serious danger here is that a fairly powerful coalition on campus now is determined to take away MSA's right to fund other organizations. MIRC has been slowly building support on campus, and its call for a funding suspension has the potential to carry a dangerous amount of clout. If it were able to mobilize enough support in the near future, the Regents may then have sufficient ammunition to seize the assembly's funding powers forever. MIRC wants the funds to subsidize an open house scheduled for today and a visit by Michigan Lt. Governor James Brickley scheduled for Nov. 27. The GOP student group asked for $1,400. It received nothing for today's affair, and was granted $82 for the Brickley visit. MSA backed its refusal by indicating that the open house was strictly a social event which usually does not receive allocations. It is not time now to evaluate the merits of MIRC's request - they may well deserve more money. But whether it has a justified grievance in this case is not the essential question. It is more important to recognize that the assem- bly must have a free hand in all of its funding decisions, without interference from the University. The organization has had to fight for too long to get the Regents to respect that right. This past summer and part of this semester had to be wasted while the assembly re- acquired its cherished freedom. Student government does not have much power. Most of the crucial con- flicts are decided by the Regents and the University hierarchy while studen- ts are rarely consulted. Yet, the authority of the assembly to give money to groups promoting cultural and educational awareness gives students some say in events. Even that small authority is again being threatened. When will MSA be left alone? Thousands of Iranians demonstrate against America in a rally earlier this week in Tehran. AP Photo The current Iranian crisis is', full of rr The current events in Iran -'mainly the seizure of the American Embassy by Iranian students demanding the shah for American hostages - has aroused justifiable anger in the American people and has created a series of dangerous misconceptions. I would like briefly to attempt to make three points which seem relevant and worthwhile at this point. (I fluctuate daily, but I feel more positive as these words are written that the hostage question will be satisfactorily resolved. Its af- termath is another matter.) FIRST, Americans and most Europeans apparently cannot understand the justifiable wrath of the Iranian people and their need for revenge against their former ruler, the shah. Since his return to power at the hands of the CIA in 1953, the U.S. has been intimately in- volved in his perpetuation in. power. American influen'ce was felt most notably through the notorious intelligence agency known as SAVAK, an organization which at the least could not have been unknown to the U.S. government and was probably assisted by the CIA in the murder of hundreds and the torture and imprisonment of thousands of young Iranians. The Iranian Revolution was successful because the shah had alienated the entire Iranian population during his tyran- nical reign., SECONDLY, it would be a gross error for the U.S. government to consider (so far I think it has not entertained the thought) of ex- traditing the shah to Iran. That issue is a mat- ter of principle , that transcends the shah, Ayatollah Khomeini, President Carter, and iisconc eptions By Richard Mitchell the revolutionary students in Iran who are playing out the drama - no matter how justified the cause. The Iranian students are in gross violation of fundamental principle that has governed relations between nations since the beginning of time: embassies are sacred and sacrosanct institutions. The protection of extraterritorial status is a prime and universally accepted responsibility of the iocal government. To extradite the shah to save 60, 90, or even 500 Americans would be to further weaken the fabric of the increasingly unstable relationships between nations which are becoming increasingly more complex and more unpredictable. Few governments in the world would wish to see these principles weakened. It is no accident that the "radical" Arab regimes of Syria and Algeria as well as the PLO are involved in mediation efforts. F Iran would hardly expect to win much support for its position at theUnited Nations, built as it is on the principle that there should be an in- ternational law and code of behavior accepted by all its members. THIRDLY, it is a dangerous delusion for westerners, and especially Americans to be carried away with the notion that somehow what is happening in Iran is "Islamic." There is no question that there is a "Muslim" dimension to the Iranian Revolution. But the Iranian Revolution was just that - a people's revolution perhaps unprecedented in human history. It just happened to coincide with the emergence of a religious figure, Khomeini, who could mobilize national sentiment and had fortuitously at his disposal an organization which the shah's SAVAK was not able to destroy. It could be said that the Iran Revolution created the Ayatollah and not the reverse. I suspect - and this is slightly off the point - that his particular Islamic Revolution will not survive him, but that certainly some "Musliinness" will inevitably become part of whatever new political system emerges in Iran. This phenomenon of Islam's revival is a worldwide matter as we all know. Moreover, the Iranian Shia Islam is not the choice of all Muslims. The point is that what is happening today is not equitable with Muslim society and history. The Iranians are using religious terms because the current regime's secular revolutionaries are seeking revenge against a very secular ruler. The situation, no matter how resolved, will leave a poisonous relation- ship between Iran and the U.S. for some time to come. The confusion in the media between Arab and Persian, the equation of Persian with Muslim and Persian/Arab with Muslim, the explicit and implicit assumption that this is "Muslim" behavior, all will heighten the historical antipathy of the West and Islam and create an adversary relationship which no one in this shrinking world can afford. Richard Mitchell is a professor of modern Near East and North African history. R (; :~IC,. J -" sA 4 fanAat Z Z Letters to The Daily To the Daily: It's about time that the American population stood up and let itself be heard. We have put up with all this shit too long. The Iranians have constantly refused to be civilized and to act in a way that is expected of a country involved in international affairs. After careful thought and con- sideration there are a multitude of things that could be changed and shjould be done. First off, Iran should free all political prisoners. These include the sixty Americans being forcibly held against their will. Whether one wishes to see this in the same light or not, this is a definite act of war and should be considered so by everyone. FURTHERMORE Iran should be made into a democratic state. A dictatorship, whether defined by supreme right or by devine right, is still-a dictatorship. Iran should also institute a freeze on all oil prices. The United States should also receive a formal apology and restitution for all damages that Iran has inflicted upon the United States. The Ayatollah Khomeini should be extradited to the United States for the multitude of crimes com- mitted against the aforesaid par- ty. These crimes include: con- spiracy of mass kidnapping, an accomplice to mass murders, willingly aiding terrorist activity, slander, and other high crimes. If these demands are not met, especially the first one, then" there are really two definite possibilities open. The United States could seize Iranian studen- ts at the ratio of one hundred or even a thousand to one Americans held in Iran. Whatever happens to the Americans should also happen to the Iranian students. The other possibility is to invade the bastards and retaliate for this act of aggression against the United States. In the event that the American hostages are released, the United States should cut all ties with Iran until they become more civil. Or the United States can in- vade them anyway. This would not only be a just retaliation for all crimes and damages done to the United States it would also ease the oil crisis some. Whatever happens it is about time for Americans everywhere to throw off this apathetic at- titude that has been the more aware of what is happening. Apathy and an isolationistic at- titude will only lead the United States to further trouble than it already has. The time is now to let yourself be heard and to let the world know that the United States is not a sluggish, invirile old man that will allow a crazed, religious dictator to tell us to go to Hell. -Steve Roach To the Dailv: Lillian's somewhat less than tasteful remark that she hopes "nothing happens to him." And, of course, Jimmy "I'll whip his ass" Carter assures us that he didn't mean to refer to Senator's reaction after the Chappaquidick accident when he said he doesn't panic in an emergency. All of which makes one wonder what the Daily editors-who are usually found in the ideological fantasy land somewhere to the left of Mr. Kennedy-were thinking when a headline in the Nov. 8 issue (p. 5) read: "Ken- nedy takes to big plunge." Wow, just wait till Reagan announces! -Emil Arca To the Daily: I am a third year Inteflex student presently taking Gross Anatomy, and I was totally astounded by your article "Cadavers: The Cold, Hard Fac- ts". In it, one student, who asked not to be identified, states that, "Bodies get tossed around, and there is a degree of disrespect." Also, a third year Dental student, Mooch Young, was quoted, "People have been known to jump rope with various parts of the amatomy." He also said that gold bridgeworks were stolen from the cadavers. These quotes and "facts" used in the article to inform the reader as to what really goes on in a Gross Anatomy lab. Unfor- am also positive that it is very much the exception, and not the rule, and it would have to occur behind the backs of myself, my classmates and my instructors, because we would never condone such unprofessional behavior. While I agree that it is necessary for the students to somehow desensitize themselves to working with dead bodies, maliciousness and disrespect is not necessary for, nor is it used or condoned as a method 4J den- sitization. I am saddened that the Daily chose to print an article that un- justifiably portrays Anatomy students as sadists and thieves. Such poor journalism does .not belong in the University's student newspaper. -Mark S. Rosner Inteflex class of 1983 To the Daily: I must take issue with several points raised in the recent Lyons and Rosenberg article on the use of cadavers for anatomy labs at U. of M. Having participated in a class involving cadaver dissec- tion at a different university, I suggest that 'dehumanizing the cadavers' and participating in various pranks is not necessary to make human dissection tolerable. Indeed, an attitude of respect and gratitude for those who have donated their bodies rn nAmflf .....1 n ct * a a. Vii. 'wut. GOg'M i6}. )UD 'vO) MII4C TT1 B&C&4 ttp7O-MG ~BorrLE 2 The trhrgan a aflu EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner .......................EDITOR-IN-CIEF BUSINESS STAFF LISA CULBERSON ..u