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November 14, 1979 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-14

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Page 8-Wednesday, November 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Hernandez, Stargell share MVP

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ST. LOUIS (AP) - Keith Hernandez,
named co-winner yesterday of the
National League's Most Valuable
Player Award, said he felt no disap-
pointment at sharing the honor with
Willie Stargell of the Pittsburgh
"I think it's great," the St. Louis Car-
dinal first baseman told reporters shor-
tly after he received word that he and
Stargell each received 216 points in
voting by members of the Baseball
Writers Association of America.
I'M GLAD we could share it," Her-
nandez said. "I figured the sentiment
was with Willie and he's deserving. I
thought I'd finish second or third.
August A. Busch Jr., owner of the St.
Louis team, telephoned Hernandez
yesterday afternoon to congratulate his

young star on becoming the 14th Car-
dinal player to receive the honor. Stan
Musial won the award three times
during his St. Louis Cardinal career.
Ironically the last Cardinal to win the
MVP Award was Joe Torre, who edged
out Stargell for the honor in 1971.
STARGELL had twice finished
second in close MVP balloting, the last
being in 1973 when Pete Rose captured
the award. Hern andez, aware of
Stargell's narrow misses in previous
years, said he figured the 38-year-old
Pirate captain would be a certain win-
ner for 1979.
"I felt I wasn't going to get it. I
thought it would be Willie," the 26-year-
old Hernandez said. "I felt that the year
I had was deserving of an MVP, but
Willie had a great year too, and he's the

leader of that ballclub."
Hernandez led the league in doubles
in 1979 with 48 and runs scored with 116,
in addition to winning the batting
crown. He finished second in the league
in hits with 210, tied for third in game-
winning hits with 16 and his 15 runs bat-
ted in was fifth best in the NL.
t Hernandez also captured the NL's
Player of the Month award for Angust,
when he batted at a .384 clip, including
48 hits.
Wash. 111, N. Y. 107

scored 22 points, including two baskets
down the stretch,\ as the Washington
Bullets held off a New York surge and
beat the Knicks 111-107 in a National
Basketball Association game last night.
Chenier, starting his seventh game at
guard in place of the injured Kevin
Grevey, hit his first five shots from the
field and scored 16 points in the opening
period as the Bullets raced to a 35-22
lead. Washington stretched that margin
to 47-30 midway through the second

NEW YORK (AP) - Phil Chenier
No more Hayes..y
...but excitement stays
M ICHIGAN ALL-AMERICAN Thorn Darden committed what Woody
Hayes believed was an obvious interference penalty in the 1971 clash
between these two football titans. Hayes was livid, he was raving mad. He
ripped down a sideline marker. In characteristic fashion, he threw down his
Five years later, on a cold and blustery Saturday in 1976, Hayes became
enraged when the outcome of another 'classic' game would not be in his '
favor. After a late Ohio State turnover, he punched an ABC photographer
who tried to focus in on his reaction to the turnover.
But Woody Hayes is gone, the victim of one too many public displays of
emotion-his rage was borne out in a punch 'Too Tall' Jones would be proud
of. The recipient was Clemson football player Charlie Baumann, who had
just intercepted an Art Schlichter pass to end OSU's hopes for victory. The
question is, will his absence affect 'the game?'
But there have been some drastic changes. Each year, it comes down to
Michigan vs. Ohio State for the Big Ten title. There have been few
deviations. This year, however, even if Michigan defeats Ohio State, the
Buckeyes may end up in the Rose Bowl. Does this add to a possible loss of
luster surrounding this clash?
In the past, it has always come down to which team will pile up more
yards rushing or which team will pass the least and lastly, what antics will
Woody Hayes perform-but there have been such drastic changes, so can the
game be 'the classic' that it once was?
This year, though passing will be used much more heavily as Michigan
has outgained its rivals in passing this year and Ohio State has probably the
premier quarterback in the nation in Schlichter.
In spite of all this, it is still Michigan vs. Ohio State for the league chai-
pionship. And the tradition will go on despite coaching changes, philosophy
switches and players graduating. As Bo said at Monday's packed footballoyTh
luncheon, "I'll go pretty soon; that won't change a thing."
It is a game loaded with emotion that home crowds do affect some, but
not much. Instead, this classic usually comes down to the desire of each
team to win
Nevertheless, many people still wonder whether the game lis lost its
luster because Woody will not be there and because the Wolverines were up-
set by Purdue.
An obviurspouspnsewld be yes. There is little chance of Michigan
overcoming Ohio State and Purdue's also losing to Indiana. So roses seem
out of the question. Or do they? And without Woody, damn, there is no one-t.
hate. Can yot really hate harmless Earle Bruce? Tom Cousineau is gone ;
who can hate Marcus Marek. Anyway, who is Marcus Marek?
'The game
Ever theoptimist, I honestly believe this Saturday is 'the game.' Rosesq
will be decided. No matter what happens, 'the classic' hasn't lost any of itse
Any way you analyze it, Indiana may upset Purdue, setting up then
inevitable clash between the Big Two for the Big Ten championship. Yes,
Purdue beat Michigan but if your memory serves you correctly, Indiana
made Michigan use incredible heroics to win in Michigan Stadium.
Furthermore, Purdue is playing at Indiana in a traditional rivalry fo
the Old Oaken Bucket. Purdue should have a letdown coming off their big
victory over Michigan. Finally, Purdue gains little in terms of post-season
Bowl trips by winning because the Boilermakers will go to the bowl of theix,
choice after vanquishing Michigan and Notre Dame. Indiana, meanwhile,
has much to gain, as a possible bowl bid is contingent on a win.
With or without the famed puncher on the sideline, maybe standout
Wolverine defensive tackle Curtis Greer summed up the game's importance
best. "Watching Timmy Davis (former superb Michigan middle guard) cry1
in front of his locker when I was a freshman, knowing he would never geh
another chance to play them again, just watching their expressions is
something I hope I never experience."
Those tears say it all. With or without the famed historian from Colus.
bus, the classic will go on and still be worth much more than the price of ad
mission. With or without the Purdue loss, this game is for the championship,
of the West, as the Michigan fight song goes.
aThere will be no histrionics from the far sideline this Saturday, nor will
there be as many students as there should be. A classic is just that and yo
only have the chance to view a few of them in your lifetime. Anyway,
Michigan will need all the cheering they can get-that's how much thing
have changed.

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CURTIS GREER (95) exhibits his natural enthusiasm by joining fellow
Wolverine 'teammates in celebration following an outstanding play earlier
this year. The senior is looked upon as All-American material and a definite
NFL prospect.
Greer worthy of respect'


Curtis Greer has awed many a fan,
opponent and teammate. Maybe the
nicest gesture of respect towards Greer
occurred in Michigan's 54-0 rout of
When he sustained a leg injury late in
the game, Wisconsin offensive tackle
Ray Snell, who had been blocking Greer
all game and for three years running,
came over to see how the senior from
Detroit was. Greer had drawn that
much respect from Snell, also an All-
American candidate, for the effort he
THIS EFFORT is apparent to coach
Bo Schembechler for different reasons.
After being felled by the leg injury,
Greer amazed his mentor with his
desire to play the following week.
"You know what that kid (Greer) did.
He came out of the game against.

Wisconsin and said he'd play the next
week (against Purdue)," said Schem-
"The trainer would" pick him up at
7:15 on his way to work. He only step-
ped out of that training room to go to
film sessions, and class," continued
Schembechler with obvious pleasure in
his speech.
GREER KNEW all along he would be
playing against Purdue. "There was no
way I was going to miss the game. I
took it day by day," said Greer.
Schembechler spends many days
recruiting. He never knows but never-
thelss, he usually has an idea about the
attitudes of certain athletes. In the case
of Greer, he may not have been sure
when he recruited him, how he would
turn out. Now he is sure.
Greer has Schembechler's respect.
Who wouldn't, with the desire Greer
has demonstrated?


. .




Hey Youj Good Lookin'
Allow me to introduce myself.
0Tbe 3id1ia uIg


DALLAS (AP) - Quarterback Roger
Staubach's health is of great concern to
the Dallas Cowboys going into Sunday's
game against Washington, but Red-
skins Coach Jack Pardee figures it will
improve greatly just before kickoff.
"Roger is very questionable and it
will be Sunday before a decision is
made whether he will start," said
Dallas Coach Tom Landry yesterday.
"He is sore because of a deeply bruised
thigh and can't work this week."
Told about Staubach's condition over

lead over


Staubach unlikely
for Redskinu clash

Gridde Picks
What's easier than pronouncing Art
Schlichter's name correctly? Easy
getting your Gridde' picks in to 42(
Maynard by midnight Friday 'and
having a shot at a one-item Pizza Bo'
I Ohio St. at MICHIGAN
2. Purdue at Indiana
3. Michigan St. at Iowa
4. Wisconsin at Minnesota
5. Illinois at Northwestern
6. Clemson at Notre Dame
7. Wake Forest at South Carolina b"
8. Oklahoma at Missouri
9. Navy at Georgia Tech
10. Cornell at Princeton
11. Harvard at YaleA
12. Auburn at Georgia
13. N. Carolina at Virginia
14 Arkansa sat Texas A&M

Call me sometime-willys honey?
PhI eY £ s --I , ee


Pardee said he was not downgrading
the Cowboys, who suffered a 31-21 loss
to Philadelphia Monday night.
"The Cowboys play well enough to
win just like they have for the last 10
years," said Pardee.
"Thanks to the Cowboys we've got a
new race in the National Conference
Eastern Division," said Landry yester-
'MAnnra., mmnihtc r n ot Kha,

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