' Page 6-.Wednesday, November 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily F If you find your name and address S WINNERS EVERY DAY in today's Michigan Daily classified 111 No Contest To Enter! - - - - n r r 7F2r-r~ra iinn n 11b . page YOU"WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. zprrrQH[L / gAt H " .s His hangups are Hilarious inNG Nh. Har1ld&Maude SHOWING NOV. 16 & 17 Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call our busi- ness office at 764-0560 (9 a.m.-5 p.m.), 420 Maynard, within 48 hours. Two free tickets for o State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movie of your choice will be presented you, courtesy of The Michigan Daily Classified Department. i_ '1, 4 c _. ._ UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES ;,"i l m RWARD SMALL APArTMNT in cooperative apartment for return of lost brown HP calculator case and house. Reasonable rent and work commitment. Stu- contents. Lost 11/13 in Great Lakes Federal Savings dent families preferred. Call 662-4771. 21C1118 or Liberty-Maynard area. Call Ray, 662-7380. No FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own room, close to cam- questions asked. 40A117 $166/mo Call collect after six. 1-478-1663.38C1114 FOUND-One male tiger cat with flea collar in S. Forest area. Call 995--1951. dAll6 FOUND-Male neutered cat. Combination white and tiger, fluffy. Found near State St. Call Kathy or Chris: 665-9480 or 971-2036. dA1116 LOST-Silver ID bracelet, "Mimi" on front. "Love Mike" on the back. Sentimental value. If found PU . #1011. %41U1ML4W L, 1 o' O.dl1 ONE BEDROOM in two bedroom apartment. $165 per month. Heat paid. Close to campus. Non smoker only. Cindy, 995-5021. 18C1115 FRIENDLY FEMALE roommate needed to share big 3 bedroom house on First Street. Own room, great female companionship, 7 minute walk to campus. Call 995-0017. 0OC1116 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, $285 including heat, laundry, parking, recreational facilities. Available Dec. 20. Call 996-0756 or 996- 4907. 06C1114 SINGLE ROOM for rent starting January. Near Packard and State. Call Pat, 994-3567. 08C1114 ROOM IN 5 BEDROOM house available winter, snring and summer. Call Pete. 665-1274. 27C1118 Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1 1 70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 6.80 2 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11 90 3 4.60 6.90 9.20 11.50 13.80 1610 4 5.80 8.70 11.60 14.50 1 7.40 20.30 5 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 acid. 1 00 1 .50 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.50 SCOTTISH COUNTRY dancing Thursdays 8 p.m Xanadu co-op lower level. Instruction for beginner For info call 665-1449. 98M121 GERMAN TUTOR-MA. Call 665-3395. 31M11 I 1 14 MY FEET were killing me. I tried everything from corrective apparatus to surgery, seeking relief from pain caused by callouses due to weak meta- tarsal arches. Now I feel like a new person, I have relief from pain. I want to share my discovery with you. Send $2.00 to V. Siegler, 1435 Berkshire S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49508. 46M1118 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks, s. 12 4 Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 39 inches/week 13 26 39 12 .34 .31 .27 6 2.10 AMERICAN AIRLINES nalf fare coupon. $45 o best offer. 662-9510. 36B1114 GIRLS' 10-SPEED SCHWINN. New, excellent condi- tion. 971-6986 (after 5 p.m.). 20B1114 CATYAK SAILBOAT.- Brand new. $550. 665-2267. r ~17111118 UNITED AIRLINE Half Fare Coupons. $45 or best offer.996-1944. 12B1116 GIANT FLEA MARKET Furniture, jewelry, plants, portraits, antiques, collectibles and bargains. 150 dealers every weekend 6 pm-10 pm. Fri. 10 am-6 pm. Sat. and Sun. 214 East Michigan at Park, downtown Ypsilanti. 89B1118 TAKAMINE CLASSICAL GUITAR 1325 with hard case. 10 months old. $300. Barry, 995-1421 after 6. BORI114 18 24 30 36 42 48 54. 60 .33 3~1 .30 28 ,27 26 30 28 27 25 26 26 .24 .21 20 9 12 15 18 2.05 2.00 1 .95 1.90 1 .90 1 85 1 .80 1 ,75 1 70 1 65 1 .65 1 .60 1.55 1 .50 1 .45 1 40 SCOTTISH COUNTRY dancing Thursdays 8 p.m. Xanadu co-op lower level. Instruction for beginners. For info call 665-1449. W ANTED TO RE N T WANTED-Quiet apartment for grad student. Near campus if possible. Call 995-9348. 361L1121 TR AVEL i. i. 2 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to originalinumber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot by disclosed prior to publication. Advertisers' names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertisements is determined by total number of words- 7 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). over 18 1.80 24 .18 24 23 17 .23 22 .16 -ilr 'Jnjmzir 1las 1 e fo s Winter term. Must sell! 764-1070. r emaie. 53E1116 THANKSGIVING FLIGHTS Wednesday afternoon-Sunday evening. Detroit to Chicago, $77; Detroit to N.Y.C./JFK, $127. Call Great Places Travel, 216 S. Fourth Avenue, 769-1776. 04P1 118 MARRIED GRADS seek one bedroom apartment in house. Have cat. Prefer unfurnished. 996-5635. N.B.. Each group 6f characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) "Found" ads are run free-of-charge, to maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. a V L 8 lines equals 1 inch 7 words per line nvviv nznu , wite termm-wear central campus. Call Dwight at 995-9242, evenings. 09C1120 FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH AND REFRIGERATOR. One block from University bus stop at Green and East Davis. Newly renovated building. $180/month plus utilities. 995-2002 or 769- 2493. 45C1121 LEASE FOR SALE. Baits double suite. Available January. Madeline, 764-5054 (after 10:00 p.m.). 47C1116 OWN ROOM in two bedroom apartment. Close to campus. Parking. $125/month. Start December or January. Call 663-2091 afters5p.m. 28C1118 HOME FOR RENT Graduate student preferred. Low rent, must be responsible, 971-6020, 42C1116 AVAILABLE DECEMBER 24-2 bedroom apart- ment at the Village Green (on Plymouth, behind Northwood apartments). Lease until July 31, 1980. Parking available. 11C1117 FEMALE GRAD med or law student wanted to share modern 2 bedroom apartment near med school. 994-3614. 71C1118 WHEN THE clock strikes twelve . . . BERNICE LUCAS, 6129 Markley Scott, go see a Midnight Movie with a friend at State 1-2-3-4 for free! d1114 BOWL AT BEAUTIFUL LANES. 60e per game to 6p.m. Mon.-Sat. Michigan Union..cF1114 HARRY'S ARMY SURPLUS INC. Wool "Ike" Jackets........ ............$4.98 Wool full length Marine Jackets..........$11.98 Wool full length Air Force Jackets.........$15.98 Wool long sleeve Shirts.......................$4.98 Wool Blankets........... ...........$10.98 New Navy Pea Jackets.......................$39.98 New Army Field Jackets.....................$24.98 All Cotton Turtleneck Shirts...................$6.98 ENTIRE STOCK OF LEVI DENIMS 20% OFF The above are only a few of the many ongoing specials at our store. 201 E. Washington St. Corner of 4th 994-3572 37F1116 PLEASE MAKE the Village Apothecary head- quarters for all your drug and cosmetic needs. 1112 S. University. cFtc MOST COPIES-3¢-overnight Ann Arbor's LOWEST copy prices Accu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 cFtc DENTISTS-The Air Force Dental Corps has immediate openings in the following dental special- ties: Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Endodonthics, and Oral Sugery. Starting salary and entry grade are commensurate with experience and postgrad- uage education. If you have prior military service or are under 35 years old, investigate this out- standing career opportunity. Contact: AIR FORCE MEDICAL.OPPORTUNITIES, 23400 MICHIGAN AVENUE, DEARBORN, MI .48124, Phone (313) 561-7018. 48F326 CINDY ADELMAN, 324 East Quad Taylor, do you have weekend plans? Why not include a Midnight Moive at State 1-2-3-4? Go for free with the two tickets you have won. d1114 ELIZABETH MARY: Your love life is due to improve in the near future. dF1114 JEALOUSY IN MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. A search for balance in primary/secondary year relationships. Nov. 16-18. $25 registration plus sliding scale. Bob Blood, PhDMargaret Blood, MA. 769-0046. cF1115 WANTED! Workers for "Get Wild Night" Benefits Call UAC now-763-1107 PROGRAMMING WORK needed for micro-com- puter. Experience with technical stock indicators preferred. Call 761-7396 evenings. 41H1121 POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE-The Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants.located"at 3021 Washtenaw Ave., 3015 Washtenaw Ave., 2245 W. Stadium Blvd., and in the Briarwood Mall, are looking for good people like you. They have positions open for full and part-time. If you have a flexible schedule, this is ' for you. Please apply daily from 2-5. 44H 1124 1978 SABARU, Silver grey, 4WU, new tires, excel- lent condition, 32,000, $4,200. (313)-427-6558, after 6. 02N1115 FIAT K24TC special. 1974 4-door. Excellent condi- tion. AM-FM cassette. 49,000 miles. $2000. 769-0103 35N1120 COMET, '73-Good condition. 44,000 miles, regular gas. $1100 or best offer. 663-3760. 05N1114 OSU TICKETS for sale. 50 yard line and end zone.% Call 994-3694. dQ1114 - ] JL 1 II STEREO, ESOTERIC COMPONENTS AT L PRICES. Friendly, Knowledge, Service. At World, Box 7518, Grand Rapids, MI 49510, 214-2994 2-7 p.m. 09X ESS AMP 1-b speakers with bi-amp set-up.I subishi rack. Worth a call to Toledo! 1-419- 6200 evenings. 39X SHERWOOD 7210 Stereo/Dynaquad RECEIV 30w/channel. $12.6 8-6311 .lAY ATTENTION STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ATTENDING LAW SCHOOL in New York City and Israel: Prof. Gilbert Ginsberg, Dean Designate of Touro Law School, will be at the Students Activities Building, Room 3200, for group interviews Nov. 15, 1979 at 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to speak with interested students about the law school. Touro Law School is now accepting applications for its charter class. Instruction will begin in Fall 1980 at the school's facility in New York City. Students admitted to Touro will have opportunity to spend their second year of legal study at the school's branch in Israel. Prof. Ginsberg will be at the Hillel between 7 and 9 p.m. for interviews. For further information call (202) 293-1810. 27F1114 THOMAS FREDELL, 4136 Markley, Frost. This weekend enjoy yourself-go to midnight movie at State 1-2-3-4 with a friend for free! ! d1114 Who the is TIM YAGLE? will someone please find out? dF1115 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I A V EC BESIET ACE S WARE EVOKE VO ORIN GALEA EPHA Y 0PD MENTOR BINE ESAU FAM IN HATT R A S AGAT NSE 0 R A B AL PARER GOIN LIT RIND POSSE NACT IVE CU ST R RaME DUES CAREE R ERRANDS A R E S RANT MOUE STET SA R I S ENN E HAILS ENEMY REEK DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe . ACROSS 1 Former White House resident 7 See 1 Across 12 Childish 13 Metallic salts '15 Having no limit 16 Supporting frame 17 Contemporary American play- wright 18 Grand -- 19 Snake 20 Suffix in chemistry 21 Novel by Anatole France 23 Horse's gait 24 Bridge of - 27 The Jungfrau 28 Le Havre's river 29 Silly 31 Well-nigh 32 Sweet-smelling ointment 33 Crisp cookie 34 Arctic trans- O 1979 Los Angeles Times Syndicsa 47 Once -- blue moon 48 Prized' possession 49 Children 50 Ambush 53 Pertaining to disputation 55 Port town of Tahiti 56 Namesakes of a At 14 Musical com- position 18 Picket, 22 The cards held 23 Inner -- Garden, London 25 People of India 26 Obstacles 28 Smeltery by- 30 31 products Anger Massachusetts 57 58 59 Boone Clothed Baltic people Looks hard at DOWN 1 North African state 2 Cincinnati baseballers 3 River into the Caspian cape 33 Sea, arm of the Pacific 34 Put on, as a show 35 Broad-minded 36 Fine bunting 37 Bread spreads 38 Symbol of an- CONSUMER INFO! An Independent Consumer research study proved Ann Arbor Muffler Installers to have the lowest prices in town. Call FREE Price Quote. 769-5913. cFtc EARN $$ for 1 hopr psychology' experiment in cognitive processes: For moie' infornation call 763-2131 days. 19F1130 The November issue of Progressive Magazine: "H-BOMB SECRET-HOW WE GOT IT, WHY WE'RE TELLING IT." Just one of hundreds of periodicals for sale in our bookshop. A Periodical Retreat, 3362 S. State. Phone 663-0215. cF1117 WHALES TOO BIG? Seals too cute? Dolphins too loquacious? Join Friends of the Earthworm. Mem- bership card, button, worm creed, fact sheet, pet plans. $5.00.Uncle Sol's Farm, Box 78129, Seattle, WA 98178. A profit organization. 59F1116 JOHN LEONARD-Why haven't you written me a letter?-MacGraw. dF1115 Ann Arbor's Largest Selection We Buy and Sell USED PAPERBACKS Science Fiction Literature, Drama Poetry, History West Side Book Shop 113W. Liberty, 995-1891 cFtc PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 973-9764. cFtc STEREO! 20-50% discount. All national brands and esoterica. Call Rob, 663-6375 between 5-7 p.m., M, W, T, F. cFtc MAKE LOVE! -NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ART FROM ALL THE LIBELS! dF1114 WE BUY AND SELL RARE & OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS First Editions, Signed Books, Leather Bindings, Sets. West Side Book Shop 113W. Liberty, 995-1891 cFtc "A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING"-Creative, sensi- tive and economical wedding photography. Call 996-2424 for appointment. 89F1212 JEALOUSY IN MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. A search for balance in primary/secondary relationships. Nov. 16-18. $25 registration plus sliding scale. Bob Blood, PhD, Margaret Blood, MA. 769-0046. cF1115 ARE YOU AN EARLY RISER? Why not spend a few of the day's initial hours delivering the Michigan Daily. No collecting. Mondays off as well as all school vacations. $120.00 per month. For informa- tion, call 764-0558. dFlltc Billiards in the afternoon at the Union. Reduced rates 1-6 p.m. cFtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217S. University' THE MICHIGAN DAILY needs additional personnel to prepare monthly billing and advertising tear- sheets. 4-6 hours a week, paid token fee. Good ex- posure to newspaper and advertising business. Must be a U-M student. dHtc DIRECTOR OF VETERANS AFFAIRS for Washte- naw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Administers the Veterans Affairs program for the County. Plans and supervises work of veteran service officers, main- tains records and reports, assists veterans in filing for benefits, and appeals preparation. Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration. Experience in ares of social case work counseling, or a related area. Basic knowledge of philosophy and principles underlying veterans benefits re- quired. $20,076 to $23,028, closing date 11/30/79. Send resume to Washtenaw County Personnel, P.O. Box 8645,Ann Arbor, MI48107. 92H1114 BET YOU thought you'd never win? Well, NORMA FRIEDMAN, 6426 Markley, you have! Two Midnight lMfovie tickets to State 1-2-3-4 are yours! . d1114 TWO WAITRESSES WANTED-2 shifts. 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 12 noon-4 p.m. $2.65 per hour. Must be experienced. Apply in person, Angelo's. 1100 E. Catherine. 68H1120 ASSISTANT MANAGER, Movie theater experience required. Apply in person, evenings at Fox Village Theater in Maple Village Shopping Center. 07H1118 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/year round. Europe, S. Ameica, Australia, Asia, etc. All Fields, $500- $1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free info-Write: IJC, Box 52-13, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 22H1130 SNOWPLOW DRIVER, snow shovelers needed. $7.50 per hour, negotiable. Must be available when- ever it snows. Ask for Mark, 662-0865. 13H1117 WAITRESSES WANTED, full and part time at Rick's American Cafe, 611 Church St. after 2:30 p.m. 55H1115 SNOWPLOW DRIVERS needed. Must be available to drive every time it snows, very early mornings. $5:00 per hour. Reliability essential. 663-0394 eve- nings. 94H1116 MALE EXOTIC DANCERS wanted for ladies night at club in Adrian, Michigan. Great tips, fringe benefits. Call (517) 263-8527 for information. 91H115 Mountain Jacks is opening a full service restaurant in Ann Arbor. We are interested in talking to out- standing, young individuals for positions in all areas. Interested? Apply at Old World Mall Mon-Sat, 9-6. dHtc OFFICE WORKER needed. 20 hours/week. After- noons after 4:00 p.m. Typing, bookkeeping, and accounts receivable for small law firm. $4.50/hour, negotiable. Call 994-1221. 60H1114 Computer People We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting positions, and we want to talk to people looking to apply their experience in either applications or system software in commercial, scientific, realtime or engineering areas. We'd also like to talk to technical writers and experienced people for sales, tech support and marketing of hardware, software and services, and to digital designers and technicians. We're knowledgeable, and we think you'll like working with us. Call, mail in your resume, or drop in, and we'll give you an idea of how we can work with you. SOFTWARE SERVICES CORP. 320 N. Main, Ann Arbor 48104 994-0044 clite DISCOUNT COUPONS-American and United. $50 or best offer. Call evenings, 971-6339. 38Q1116 KING TUT ticket. Nov. 26. $15. Call Nick, 668- 8132or 453-1400, Ext. 3872. dQ1116 OSU PAIR. Best offer. 994-5333. 43Q1115 WANTED-2 tickets to Fleetwood Mac concert. Call immediately, 426-2278. 23Q1114 WANTED DESPERATELY! 2 tickets to Fleetwood Mac. Decent seats. Price negotiable. Call Marti, 994-1515. 25Q1115 WANTED-Mich.-O.S.U. tickets, 6-16. Collect (216)- 264-2511 days,(216)-264-7527 evenings. O1QI115 (SU TICKETS WANTED. Sec. 23 & 24, top dollar paid. 662-8863 evenings. 81Q1115 IMPERIALIST TICKET mongers-Share your wealth. I need OSU tickets-will pay good burgeois dollars. 1-800-482-3906. David. 93Q1116 OHIO STATE TICKETS NEEDED! Call Mike be- tween 9:00 and 5:00 at 668-6879. 16Q1115 ABSOLUTE TOP DOLLAR paid for UM football tickets. Call 996-1724. 70QI116 OSU-UM TICKETS. Two sets of two. Best offer. 459-4992 or 671-1890. 51Q1115 I NEED*4 tickets for the OSU-Mich. game. Call 434-9672. dQ MEMBERS ONLY discount auto parts is offe all foreign and domestic auto parts at tremenc savings. Call now for more information. 663 or 996-9639. . 29S MALE APARTMENT MATE wanted-Star Janury, 1980. Grad. student, non-smoker prefer Own room, modern apartment, 15 minute walk fr campus. Call Marc at 995-5874. 30Y1 ROOM FOR MALE available Dec. o, Jan. Cl to campus. Call Kathy,;663-8486. 24Y1 ROOMMATES WANTED. 2 bedroom-4 per apartment. University Towers. 996-1683, call 4 14Y1 TWO (2) SPACES IN CO-OP HOUSE Veggie Co-ed Starting Jan. 1.8 month lease. -No Smokers Great Location near Campus Call 996-5558, between 4-8 p.m. d51 QUIET FEMALE graduate student to share Inod apartment. Own large unfurnished bedroom. $ month plus utilities. Call 995-8920, after 5:00 p 4 'OW 616- 12'12 Mit- 893- 1118 ER. 1L r ing red. rom lIlo ose 118 s9 -12. 1115 116 den 110/ 1115 ribg do 9021, 1127 r. 'f f , _i i ° } 1 ,;+ y t 1 .n 39 41 cient superstition Legislative bodies Char-a- (vehicles) DISCO! 37 40 41 42 44 45 portation Tropical regions Roman emperor (79-81) -- masque Cut, as ties Arab attire , Nobel Prize author of 1957 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tiny insect Warning Modern composer Rorem Nostril Holm oak Greek letters Toronto's lake Singer Rick and family Cougars Las Vegas main drag with "The" 43 Having beams of light 45 Spirals 46 Dark-com- plexioned 49 Note on a galley proof 51 Port of Guam 52 Part of a decade 54 55 Perch -- de Calais 1 / 4 d T1 23i4 5 Ell 8[9I 10 1 X12 i i i- 15 l 1-i-m 171 I 25 - -- --- I 21 22 26 27 30 WILL TYPE TERM PAPERS. Call 973-7832. 34J1121 PERRY PINICANO, 339 East Quad Anderson, put on your coat and forget your worries. Go to a Mid- night Movie with the two free tickets you have won to State 1-2-3-4! d1114 PROFESSIONAL TYPING of manuscripts and dissertations. Donna, 973-0433. 22J1117 THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT Typing, Copying & Binding 20% Discount on Termpapers, 20 Pages or Less in 24 Hours. Typed Copy or Neat Handwriting. 812 South State Street I'" II ,1' .s " Lr 0 i I A, I 1 J Wtil("C At TUIN CP(1RTCWti 6R I Tr TuIc