Page 4-Wednesday, November 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily Letters from Peking: By John Roderick 1br Mitdpgau 3a41i, Ninety Years of Editorial Freedor Chinese grapple Vol. LXXXX, No. 60 News Phone: 764-0552 with inflation, democracy +t '1 Edited and managed by 'students at the University of Michigan Anti-redlining legislation can end discrimination T HE PUBLIC'S two-year battle against insurance rip-offs and in- surance company fraud has finally en- ded in a cease-fire, with the signing yesterday of a model bill outlawing redlining. The bill basically prohibits the discriminatory practice of issuing across-the-board higher insurance rates for urban dwellers, which has led to the general deterioration of major cities like Detroit. Redlining practices in Michigan based on residency in the urban centers made it next to im- possible for some Detroiters to assure the basic necessity of insuring their home or car. The geographical discrimination has been said to be a product of declining urban areas, where crime is higher and automobiles and homes are more of a liability or target of rip-off artists than a basic necessity of life. But the case is quite the other way around - the discrimination of insurance companies is not an outgrowth of urban problems, but rather the most direct cause, and that is one ugly aspect of urban decay this particular bill can arrest. What's more, insurance companies' systematic discrimination has been more sweeping and all-encompassing than the Ann Arbor human rights code. Insurance companies in this state discriminate against women, singles, and minorities. In fact, geographical discrimination is nothing more nor less than a thinly-disguised form of racial discrimination, mainly because all the areas discriminated against are psually the areas inhabited predominantly by blacks. In fact, this form of geographical discrimination, particularly in home insurance, is in some resbects more obnoxious than blatant racial discrimination since it is more easily covered and quickly defended. This kind of racism which should have been wiped out in the bill of rights is one of the unfortunate aspects of society this new bill can arrest. This bill, signed in ceremonies yesterday, has been hailed by all those who oppose insurance discrimination as a landmark piece of legislation that should form the model for a national anti-redlining bill. The very adamancy with which insurance companies op- posed the bill should serve as notice that anti-redlining efforts like this will have a major inpact on what to now has been an accepted part of life for many oppressed people. And the victims of redlining are in- deed oppressed, as discrimination is a denial of the basic rights of equality upon which this nation was supposedly founded. Young people, single people, minorities are all oppressed by the discriminatory practices of a system aimed against them - a system weighted heavily in favor of those who run the insurance companies, the credit card companies, the mortgage companies, and the real estate brokers. This bill in itself will not end the practice of redlining, as oppressors have historically shown that when they are obsessed with the rightneousness of their oppression, they will fight even the law to continue their discriminatory practices. This law will not work unless it is vigorously enfor- ced, and that in part requires an effort by every consumer who has been a vic- tim -of redlining to make the guilty par- ties known. Only with such a concerted effort, and with this bill as the impetus, can redlining, and the ugly, base racial discrimination that entailed, be wiped away forever. PEKING-Along with the autumn leaves, some other things also have begun to change in China, not to everyone's undiluted satisfaction. The biggest change-the one which has hit a hundred million pocketbooks-is the steep rise Nov. 1 in the retail prices of pork, beef, mutton, poultry, eggs, fish and milk. Though the price boosts averaged around 33 per cent, considering the fact that prices have been stable for three decades, the government can be pardoned for insisting it wasn't ruinous. THE CHINESE APPEAR to have taken it in stride, largely because they knew of it in advance and every worker gets the equivalent of $3.33 a month to offset the higher cost of living. Everyone knows, too, that the in- creases have been brought about by whopping rises in the money the government gives the peasants for their products. This is part of the vigorous campaign to narrow the gaping differences between town and country and establish a firm base for the 21 year modernization program. "My parents, who are on a com- mune, are better off than they were before," said one city official. "There will be hardships, par- ticularly for large families, among those in the cities. But the city still is a better and more comfortable pace in which to live than the country." Foreign reporters touring city markets for reaction have been astonished to find what a variety of food the Chinese have to choose from. It varies from liver pate to choice cuts of meat, though rationing is in effect in many areas. The abundance of 1979 undoub- tedly is another reason for accepting the price hikes without complaint. Things weren't so good a few years ago. IF THE CHINESE were subdued, foreigners in China were not. They reacted with cries of anguish as the government raised the prices of food in its Friendship stores, where foreigners shop, by as much as 100 per cent. This wouldn't have been so bad if the prices were at the Chinese level before the increase. But in fact, they already were considerably higher. The government's ex- planation is that quality is better, but this is not always the case. Foreigners need not confine their shopping to these stores, but in prac- tice their Chinese cooks and household help tend to do so because it is more convenient and because they are officially encouraged to do so. "There's absolutely no reason to raise Friendship store prices," said one irate Englishman. "The only reason is the conviction we are able to pay. But some of us cannot. We get no subsidies from home." An American businessman saw it another way. "We've never had a real argument for a living allowance here," he said. "Now that prices are going up, we do." The second event that affected the Chinese though in a less obvious way, was the trial last month of 29- year-old Wei Jiongsheng, the coun- try's best known civil rights agitator. Accused of being a counter- revolutionary and of having given military secrets to an unidentified foreigner, he was sentenced to 15 years prison after a 5-/2 hour trial. MILLIONS OF CHINESE felt, in a way, they had a stake in the trial. They were the innocent victims of repression in the 15 years when the Communist Party's extremists ran the country. The new moderate leadership that succeeded them has promised to restore the long-absent rule of law-beginning Jan. 1. So in a sense this was looked on as a possible model of things to come. The harshness of the verdict prompted an oral protest from the United States and dismayed many Chinese. Considering the brevity of the trial, the failure to produce the, foreigner involved to confirm or deny the accusation, and the fact' that it was only partially reported in' the press, it seemed to them to have 4 been a not entirely satisfactory blueprint for the future. The movement toward wider democracy, instituted by Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping late last year, has caught on with a society eager to accept, within limits, ideas,, from the West. But a significant hard core still looks on any criticism' or free expression with fear and suspicion. They feel more comfor,- table with bureaucratic conformity. . Through newspapers, radio, television, the stage and literature' all now reflect the new feeling for, democracy,. its symbol remains Peking's lone "Democracy Wall," a 600-foot stretch of wall on Changan' Avenue where anyone can express himself on anty subject. THE POSSIBILITY that this is. the last bastion of free-if sometimes eccentric-thought may also disappear was hinted at receri-, tly by Peking's China Youth News, - which sets itself up as guardian of youthful morality. "It is impossible to study- problems seriously or in any depth through big character posters put up on the streets," it said. "Because spectators unfamiliar with the relevant facts would find it hard ta distinguish between right and wrong, facts show that such posters' are apt to be used by those who have- ulterior motives to create confusion in production, work and society At" large." Dissidents had put up what they, described as a transcript of the Wei trial on the battered old wall. There, Peking's citizens can read a version, at least, of what went on in the cour- troom, one far more complete than that supplied officially. All this seemed distasteful to the Youth News. It warned there is no future for those who oppose socialism or Communist leadership. "The lesson of Wei Jhingsheng and how he slipped onto the counte'- revolutionary road is worthy of at: tention," it said. The drinking age Letters to FACED WITH the unpopular and controversial drinking age law, bar owners in Michigan had two choices. They could risk the wrath of local and state enforcement agencies by letting everyone over 18 into their establishment, or guarantee the law's strict enforcement by keeping those under 21 out in the cold. Choosing the latter option, several local bar owners have put themselves squarely at odds with the state's Department of Civil Rights and the in- dividual liberties of adults under 21. By making sure nobody disobeys the law in their establishment, these owners are denying the civil rights of many University students without any proof that they would openly violate the law by having a drink. The suspicion may have validity but without any overriding evidence, the imposed restriction on 18-to-20-year-olds runs contrary to an individual's right to assemble in a public meeting place and to carry out open conversation free from outside interference. The motives of the bar owners make a lot of sense. They are justifiably worried that the state's Liquor Control Commission may revoke their license if it finds anyone under 21 drinking in their establishments. Since many students under the required age do find ways to skirt the year-old law, a revocation of a liquor license is a very real possibility. But the answer, however, for those bar owners is to con- tinue to try to only give liquor to those over 21. If their younger friends get their hands on it, there's nothing the owners can do about it. If the efforts of a dedicated group prove successful, perhaps those troubled bar owners will no longer have to make a tough decision on the drinking age question. A committee has formed to lower the state drinking age back to 19 by placing the question once again before the voters in November. The group, Citizens for a Fair Drinking Age, is currently cir- culating the necessary petitions and forming a lobbying organization. Since the vote was so overwhelmingly in favor last year, it's going to be an uphill struggle all the way. And while the law should return to allowing 18- year-olds to drink, a move to cut the age by two years should still be suppor- ted .vigorously. Last year many students were apathetic which con- tributed to the proposal's sweeping victory. If the next ballot proposal is to have any chance of success, students will have to mobilize behind this new group and counter the large number of sup- porters who enjoy the status quo. To the Daily: As freshmen Dental students currently taking gross anatomy we object to the "spirit" of your" November 8th article "Cadavers: cold hard facts." The study of anatomy is obviously important to students pursuing health related careers and the laboratory experience is essen- tial for proper orientation and understanding. The anatomy department staff approaches their subject with complete sin- cerity and respect. It is unfair to these fine teachers " to sen- sationalize certain aspects of this course, .Although there is a degree of humor found in our labs to help us "cope", it is certainly no more than in our other . laboratory classes, and the overall atmosphere is one of serious interest in our work. To talk to a few students and then devote a front page article to this subject presents an incomplete picture of our study of anatomy. We regret your lack of respect for this sensitive subject. James W. DeCapite Mark L. Salhoney Richard J. Gardner Harold O. Steele Carl C. Druskovich John Merrill M. Timothy Wark Millie Tinker Robert Williams Monica Fisher Gordon Wymore Gregory Yassick David C. Oswald Timothy Shaughnessy Michael P. Carpenter Kenneth M. Pozolo Matthew G. Johnson Brenda Gordon Doug Raff Gregory Davis Greg W. Loewe Danny H. Byl Karen Bartos Cheryl R. Kluk Hedy Sarosi Robert Rousseau David DeMeglio Jeffrey W. Easton Al Pozdol Thomas E. Butts Susan Wilhelmsen Lois Meek Jeffrey K. Bastin Lee J. Bentsen Gary Werkman Paul H. Domin Allan Finn Frederick M. Vega Grant T. Chyz Peter Belpedio John Tomiuk Ronald H. Flachs David M. Clark Richard J. Bakeman William Beutel L. G. Cannon Peter E. Shumaker Carol A. Lefebvre David J. Huyser David Wisse James S. Pearce John D. Bruinsma Jeff Halvorson David Christensen Maria Demas Rob Sachs Jeffrey S. Meral Thomas L. Nykamp To the Daily: - e Dail form of artistic expression. and subtle messages Therefore, we who decry this ex- do not exist apart ploitation of women should not sexual function would ask potential viewers not to fund bombard the viewers this oppression. We may only By asserting educate people on the adverse ef- widespread mov fects of pornography. discourage attendan The Michigan Daily has drawn films should be f two invalid distinctions in for- K\.ichigan Daily isc mulating its potition: the distin- right to persuade oth ction between education viewers right of those who ar and persuading them not to see to express them selve the movie and the distinction tending. The essence between cultural expression and speech is to persua other types of activity. In effect, accept your beliefs the Michigan Daily has called for cordingly, as long an abridgement of our right to rights are not violate political speech to protect artistic The second disti expression from the laws of sup- Michigan Daily mak ply and demand. artistic expression a - Apart from its dubious ar- tivities, is equally un tistic function, pornography is a Is it more impor three billion dollars a year oppressive form of ai business. It is such a big business an unjustified wa because there is a large demand labor conditions orc for porn. If demand decreases, ted officials? If then supply will dwindle. Simple be persuaded not to1 economic. Our ultimate goal is to port to these other oi end the supple of pornography by tivities, why denyc cutting off the demand. persuasion here? The first step to decreasing The First Amendm demand is to educate people on speech from the ma the destructive effects of por- only insofar as th nography. We hope that once seeks to bar, intimid educated, a person ordinarily coerce speech. No would not care to see the movie. even been advanced anymore unless he or she dervies must be protecte entertainment from watching the capitalistic system o degradation of a class of people__ demand. If no one wa the entertainment cannot be the speech,' has af separated from the oppression. wrong been perpetr Realisticaly, is there much dif- the speech-maker? ference between educating I view the Michi someone who then loses the reverence for artisti desire to see porn and going one regardless of conten step further by asking that per- ticism. Does it mourn son not to see the film? Filling of the Black min yi that women from their d continue to that i ement t'O nce at porn ormed, the, denying our -hers and thO re persuaded a res by not at ,-e o ol t c l e of political de others td and act ac-- as others' inction the" kes, between- and other ac realistic. tant that an: art exist than.' r, inhuman; corrupt elec-w majority cah give its su- ppressive aq-4 our right of ient protects ajority's will' he majority date, chill er theory has ithat speech d from our; of supple anO wants to hear fundamental ated against igan Daily's c expressioin nt with skep 'n the passing strel shows ewbe tic t ti EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner................................EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS STAFF