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November 13, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-13

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Detroit rally pledges
Ca mobdian support

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 13, 1979-Page 3
Regents to discuss faculty

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Calling the Cambodian
problem "almost beyond human
belief," Prof. Richard Strichartz of the
Jewish Community Council of Detroit
spoke townearly 200 people at a Concer-
:ned Citizens for Cambodia rally Sunday
inKennedy Square.
"No longer can we be silent. . . when
people are being subjected to
genocide," he said.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of support were.
-made at therally by an aide of U.S. Sen.
Carl Levin (D-Mich.), and U.S. Rep.
William Brodhead (D-17th District).
In a letter read by a staff member,
tevin charged the Phnom Penh gover-
)iment with "using politics as an excuse
for genocide."
Dr. John Mames, one of the rally
organizers, spoke to the crowd, quoting
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance as
saying, "I can think of no issue now that
can lay greater claim to our efforts."
CALLING ON officials in Phnom
Penh to allow the U.S. to help the star-
ving people, Mames said, "The immen-
se tragedy of Cambodia is a crime
against humanity today."
^ Another rally organizer, Larry Bren-
-oers, a survivor of the Nazi's
Mauthausen concentration camp, said
:the major problem during the Nazi
:hilocause was that people were not
To prevent the Cambodian situation
from worsening, Brenners said rallies
and media coverage must'be continued.
ONE UNIVERSITY law student and
Vietnam veteran at the rally who asked
nbt to be identified, suggested the U.S.
send helicopters to drop food directly to
the people, and "ignore the.......Viet-
namese government."
Brodhead compared the Cambodian
situation with conditions in Nazi death
camps 35 years ago because "nobody
spoke out.. . nobody said anything."
TO SOLVE THE Cambodian hunger
problem, he said, "We must rise above
national . . . (and) political divisions
and guarantee basic human rights to'
people all over the world."
An estimated three million persons
have died in Cambodia since the 1975
takeover by the Khmer Rouge forces
headed by Pol Pot. The present regime,
led by Heng Samrin, was installed by
Vietnamese troops last January. The
vast majority of the four million
remaining Cambodians are reported to
be suffering from starvation and
One School of Public Health student
claimed the U.S., along with the other
major world powers, "shares the brunt
of the responsibility" for causing the
hunger problem in the first place.
'The student said the U.S. should
share some of its wealth and integrate
itself into the world since, he claims,

American development depends on the
development of other countries in the.-
LSA SENIOR Barry Benson said
"The problem of world hunger simply
can't be ignored," and called attending
a rally "the very least anyone can do."

salary disclos
Discussions on disclosure of faculty
salaries are continuing this week as the
Regents are expected to take some ac-,
tion at their monthly meeting Friday.
The University's executive officers
are expected to recommend that the
Regents not challenge the state law
requiring those salaries to be released,
and will recommend disclosure under
the act.
BUT THE executive officers also
have other requests as a . part of the
salary discussion, and will not make
specifics public until they have been
discussed with the Regents, according
to Interim University President Allan
Smith also said the executive officers
have recommendations prepared if the
question of what information to release
The Senate Assembly Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) met with Smith and Acting

lure Friday
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Alfred Sussman yesterday in closed
session to talk about the disclosure
Last week, meetings were held to
give faculty and staff a chance to voice
their feelings and ask questions about
the new law, with which the University
is expected to comply.
5th Avenue at Liberty St. 761.9700
Formerly Fifth Forum Theater
Gift THE $1'50
now on
Mon, Tues Thurs 6:30,8:20, 10:10
Mon, Tues, Thurs-Adults $1:.50 til
7:00 (or capacity) .
Wed 12:50, 2:40, 4:30, 6:30,
8:20, 10:10 Wed-Adults $1.50 til
1:30 (or capacity) and Adults $2.50
til 5:30 (or capacity)

'The imlmItetise tr(igedy of Csit -
bodIia js a 'prjme. agairIsI
hinjultia y todly.
-Rail.y organizer
Dr. Joha tVM!iies
Michael Jaffe, and LSA student and
member of the University Students for
Israel group, claimed the rally
represented "an elevation of world
awareness" and a "rise in the scale of
Governor William Milliken and
Detroit Mayor Coleman Young were
slated to speak at the rally, but were
unable to attend.
Concerned Citizens for Cambodia is
an ad hoc coalition of the following
groups: the Christian :Community
Council of Metropolitan Detroit Chur-
ches, the Jewish Community Council of
Metropolitan Detroit, the Archdiocese
of Detroit, the Greater Detroit Roun-
dtable of Christians and Jews, Sur-
vivors of the Nazi Holocaust, and others
concerned about the starving people in

AP Photo
A CAMBODIAN REFUGEE child clutches his baby sister as they sit ,
together at the Sa Kaew camp in Thailand. More than a dozen refugees are
dying every 24 hours from disease and malnutrition.

Congresswomen visit Cambodia

A collection of documentary film by women which illustrate the
various tactics and techniques available to the female docu-
InclUding THE LIFE AND DEATH OF FRIEDA (a study of America's
(documenting the revolutionary activities of Vietnamese women), ROSE-
LAND (a frank portrait of a welfare mother in Chicago), and others
crossing a wide spectrum of women's issues.
ANGELL HALL $1.50 7:00&9:00

PHNOM PENH (Reuter) - Six U.S.
Congresswomen trying to find ways to
ease the agony of four million Cam-
bodians were confronted yesterday
witl hungry orphans, hospitals without
doctors or medicine and a ,.once-lovely
city, trying to overcome four years of
terror and decay.
The .legislators met with foreign
minister Hun Sen, who later told repor-
ters traveling with the delegation on its
tour of Phnom Penh that the visit had
been "very useful and substantial in-
"The people of the United States are
deeply moved and troubled by the
plight of your country," said delegation
leader Elizabeth Holtzman (D-N.Y.).
The official talks dealt with efforts
the international community could
make to provide more and speedier aid
to ward off starvation and disease in the
Southeast Asian nation.
The main purpose of the eight-hour
visit was to convince Americans that
the Vietnam-backed regime in Phnom
Penh was doing its best to fight against
tremendous odds and that Cambodia
needed help.
The group visited an orphanage with

555 children, most between 11 and 15
years of age.
The person in charge told the visitors
that among the known cases, 37 per
cent of the parents of the children had
died'of hunger and almost 50 per cent
were killed during the Pol Pot regime,
which was overthrown in January by a
Vietnamese-led invasion.
At the January 7 Hospital - named
for the day Pol Pot fell - Dr. Nouth
Savoeun said there were only eight doc-
tors and 577 beds for the 600 to 800
patients normally receiving treatment.
He said mortality rates were 10 to 11
per cent of admitted adult patients and
20 per cent of children.
Describing himself as the country's
only remaining pediatrician, Nouth
Savoeun said medicine was coming in
from international relief agencies as

well as Communist countries, but more
was needed if "genocide by famine"
was to be avoided.
The youthful 28-year-old Foreign
Minister Hun Sen told reporters Cam-
bodia was ".grateful for all aid from the
outside, provided it was not linked to
any political conditions."
In addition to Holtzman, the
delegation included Reps. Olympia
Snowe (R-Maine), Patricia Schroeder
(D-Colo.), Margaret Heckler (R-
Mass.); Corrine Boggs (D-La.), and
Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.).
Also with the delegation were two
Australian Senators, Kathy Martin and
Susan Ryan.
The group flew to Phnom Penh
aboard a presidential plane and retur-
ned to Thailand the same day. ,

r 4

The Ann Arbor Film Coopertwive Presents at Aud. A: $1.50
Tuesday, November 13
(Stephen Spielberg, 1975) 6:30, 8:20, 10:15-AUD. A
Long Island's uninvited guest comes to dinner; and he comes again, and again,
and . . . Shedding the unnecessary and cumbersome sub-plots so typical of
schlocky Hollywood disaster films, JAWS achieves-exactly what the then 27-
year-old Spielberg sought: to scare the hell out of you. Streamlined action
through a tight script, excellent special effects, effective manipulation of
cinematic techniques, and superb acting (especially from ROBERT SHAW and
RICHARD DREYFUSS) all combine to malee this film one of the most adept pieces
of fright since PSYCHO. Admittedly not an "artsy" film; JAWS seeks to bypass
the cerebrum in favor of a straight bite the viscera-the simple pleasure of
being scared witless. It succeeds.

A policeman wounds
fleeing burglary suspect
BY TIMOTHY YAGLE said. The officer said Russell kepi




t run-

Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Jaws, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Cinema I--Women's Documentary Films, 3, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Cinema Guild-Citizen Kane, 7, 9:15 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
School of Music-University Philharmonia, Stephen Osmond, conduc-
tor, 8 pm., Hill Auditorium.
School of Music-New World Quartet, 8 p.m., Rackham.
Ann Arbor Public Library-Margaret Rothstein, "Booked for Lunch,"
12:10 p.m., Main Library Meeting Room, 343 S. Fifth.
Center for Western European Studies-Dr. Giacinto Militello, "Worker-
Management Relations in Contemporary Italy," 4 p m., Anderson Room,
Michigan Union.
Department of Geology and Mineralogy-Professor David Blackwell,
"Heat Flow and Plate Tectonics of the Pacific Northwest," 4 p.m., Room
4001, C.C: Little Building.
25th Annual Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture-David Jones,
"Mesozoic Accretionary Tectonics of Western North America-Significance
for Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography," 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
Michigan Association of Railroad Pa'ssengers-Depot discussion, 7:30
p.m., Community High School, 401 North Division Street, Ann Arbor.
School of Education-Cross-campus transfer information meeting,
Schorling Auditorium, Education School, 1:30 p.m.
Career Planning and Placement-Seminar for graduate students in the
humanities interested in non-academic alternatives, 3 p.m., East Conferen-

An Ann Arbor policeman shot and ning until police cornered hi'm at a
wounded a fleeing burglary suspect late dead-end parking area in the alley.
Sunday night as he ran through a down- Russell is reported in good condition at
town alley behind a jewelry store, Ann University Hospital.
Arbor Police said yesterday. Officers found a gold cigarette lighter
According to police, the officer shot on the suspect believed to have been
twice and wounded 21-year-old Billy stolen from the jewelers.
Russell from Ypsilanti after seeing him
break a display Windowwith a baseball As other officers arrived at the scene,
bat shortly before 11:30 p.m. at Daniel's the spokesman said, they arrested a 34-
Jewelers at 201 S. Main St. year-old Negaunee, Mich. man driving
POLICE SAID Russell started run- a blue pickup which police had seen
ning east on Washington St. and the of- parked in front of the jewelry store and
ficer fired a warning shot at his feet af- which was believed to be the getaway
ter ordering him to halt. When he did vehicle. He was jailed overnight and is
not stop, the officer fired another shot, expected to be arraigned today on a
striking -Russell in the back," police breaking-and-entering charge.
Second Chance and WQ9


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