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November 10, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-10

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 10, 1979-Page 3

Housing office finally

offers (expensive) Utopian dormitory rooms

Like most other dormitory rooms at the University,
Vivian Look's has a door, telephone, place to bed
down, closet, and a desk. But that's where the
similarities stop.
The dorm room that the Oregon native shares with
another graduate student is loaded with extras: a
large couch, two cushioned relaxing chairs, large
mirrors, separate living and sleeping quarters, wall-
. to-walf carpeting; a private bath, and several other
THOSE SPECIFICATIONS don't sound like they fit
a room in West Quad-or any other dorm-but they
do. Look is one of 117 students, mostly in graduate
school, who live in West Quad's Cambridge House Tn
open up more housing space, the University last sum-
mer converted Michigan Union hotel rooms to
University housing units at a cost of about $219,000.
Since the rooms have retained most of their
original hotel furnishings, they provide quite a con-
trast to what are often sterile student quarters.
Look's double, for example, contains an end table, a

long coffee table, a night stand, standing lamps, and
bedspreads-all of which are leftovers from the hotel.
ALTHOUGH THE rooms are housed within the
Union, they are considered part of West Quad and are
open only to students who are at least 21.
"I like the room," said Look, relaxing comfortably
on her plush couch. "This to me is an apartment
without a kitchen, and it suits me fine." Look and her
fellow residents eat their meals at West Quad.
"I like living here," said Mary Worford, a student
in the School of Social Work. "The atmosphere is
friendly, and it's quiet."
DESPITE THE luxuries, the first several weeks of
life at Cambridge House were replete with botched
service, according to residents. Phones were not in-
stalled for two weeks. Towel racks and bookshelves
were absent, and many of the double rooms had only
one desk. All the missing articles have been supplied
now, except bookshelves, which are not expected un-
til April.
University Housing Director Robert Hughes said
installations of phones was delayed because

telephone workers refused to cross picket lines
during this summer's trade union strike. He also said
the delay of the desks was a matter of their "not
arriving when they were supposed to.
"We had only ten days to turn a 45-year old hotel in-
to dormitory rooms," explained West Quad Building
Director Leon West.- "Things are working out
reasonably smoothly now," he added.
BUT ALL THESE luxuries are not without a price,
Students in doubles pay from $261 to $756 per year
more than residents in other dorms, depending on
whether they have regular doubles or the larger.,
uites, such as Look's room. Those in single rooms
p y about $108 more than those in traditional singles:
"I'm planning to leave next semester because
they're high-priced," explained Carolyn Kenny, a
Public Health student from California. But she added
that Cambridge House is "centrally located. It's
quiet, and good for studying."
Several residents in regular doubles said they are
displeased with the, size of their rooms. Cecele
Brown, a graduate student from Minnesota, said she
had to replace the two single beds with bunk beds
See MICH., Page 7

Doily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
THE WELL-FURNISHED rooms of Cambridge House offer such niceties
as carpeting, tables, standing lamps, and comfortable chairs.

Service provides aid sources for students

To many students, financial aid
presents a larger hurdle than getting
iiio college itself.
rut a Los Angeles-based organization
guarantees students that it can hook
toem up with at least 15 financial aid
sources for which they are eligible. And
to back that claim, the group boasts, a
ioney-back guarantee.
I THE NON-PROFIT Scholarship
Bank was founded a year ago by the.
1leading Education and Directed Study
Qrganization (READS) so that students
would have more money to spend on the
group's .rapid reading program at
various campuses, according to bank
Director Steve Danz. In addition, Danz
said the bank is a "goodwill" effort for
, The bank's staff of six has compiled a
list of about 18,000 aid sources by con-
tacting known sources, schools, and
grivate foundations, according to Danz.

"If we don't know about it (a source),
it's probably pretty small," he said.
The files are updated every day.
Besides scholarships, the bank
provides information on loans, grants,
and work-study. Applicants to this ser-
vice must fill out a form which asks
such questions as occupational goal, ex-
tracurricular activities, parents' em-
ployment, and military service.
THERE IS A fee of $25 for a list of at
least 15 sources, and $35 for a list of 50.
The bank guarantees at least $100 in
aid. In return for the fee, students
receive the name of the aid
organization,. the amount of award of-
fered, the qualifications for eligibility,
and where to write.
Danz said the bank offers the advan-
tage of "saving students time in putting
together -their aid." High school and
graduate school sources pare also kept
on file at the bank.
Danz said so far he has received no

complaints from the some 200 students
that have used the service to date. It
takes about a week for applicants to
receive their list of sources, and it is up
to them to apply. Danz said that if there
has been any problem with the bank, it
is that students get more sources than
they wish to apply to.
FOUNDATIONS such as the'
Rockefeller and Danford offer money to
students as well as to institutions. Danz
said that foundations are where the real
money is, because they will lose their
tax-exempt status if they don't give
away a certain number of dollars.
- Some aid can be obtained by entering
a contest, such as an essay contest on a
certain topic. One of the most unique
essays, according to Danz, is sponsored
by the Women's Christian Temperance
Union, the topic being the evils of
The Scholarship Bank is at 10100 San-
ta Monica Blvd., Suite 750, Los Angeles,

Cal., 90067. To receive an application, , U 1
students must enclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope. The fee must be sent
with the completed questionnaire.

this kid"0

When the dam broke at Buffalo Creek, West Virginia, a lot of
people weren't as lucky as this little guy.
Jamie and the rest of the Mosley family made it up the hill
just in the nick of time. Seconds later, a wall of water swept all
their earthly possessions away.
Here you see Jamie in the Red Cross shelter, thinking it
all over.
One look at that face, and we're awfully glad we were there
to help.
Every year, you know, Red Cross touches the lives of mil-
lions upon millions of Americans. Rich. Poor. Average. Black.
White. Christian and Jew. With support. With comfort. With
a helping hand when they need it.
So when you open your heart, with your time or your money,
you can be certain it's in the right place.
A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council

Gov't study shows lack of info

'may lead to poor

If you had known in high school what
you know now, would you have come to
the University? Would you have chosen
the same field of study?
If your answer is no to either of those
questions, you are not alone. A
federally-funded study recently found
that inadequate information about
costs and courses of. study leads many
students to attend the wrong schools for
their needs or drop out of college.
AS COLLEGE enrollments diminish
and students become more concerned

about getting quality schc
money they spend,
ministrators and. federal
phasize the need for a mor
match between students
according to Russ Johns
director of Project CHOIC
CHOICE - the Center
Organizations Improve
Education - is ,a Univ
federally-funded group wh
encourage better comma
ween universities and th
students. Directed by Edu
Dean Joan Stark, CHOICE

poling for t
college a
officials en
e harmonio
and schoo
ofl, assista
for Helpin
hose goal is1
inication be
eir potenti,
cation Scho
E has worke


lege choice
he with 19 colleges since 1977, helping
d- them upgrade information materials
m_ such as catalogs and applications.
us Although hg haS spoken to some
ls, University officials about CHOICE,
nt Johnson said the school is not one of
those under examination by his project.
ing A PRINCIPAL concern of CHOICE,
in Johnson said,is to improve, the
ed, readability of college catalogs. College
to catalogs often are of little help to in- ..
et" coming students because they are writ-
qial ten at "postgraduate reading levels,"
k s1 he said.
Ced In addition, CHOICE has urged
colleges to be candid in reporting their
Sbad points as well as their good points
in catalogs. Taking the advice of " -
CHOICE, one Illinois women's college
reported in its 1976-1977 catalog, for
example, that "Some students feel they
don't get out, meet men and date. .
enough here."
Although Johnson said CHOICE has
- been successful, he stated that much'
still must be done to better inform :".;r
students about schools. x«>:.wt'..y>:>
"ihschool students are becoming .............
more sensitive to the need to get higher- . ..2.,.4:
quality information on the schools they . F~
apply to, but not to the degree we would
like to see," he said. .
CHOICE, which is funded by the }
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare's Fund for the Improvement of
Post-Secondary Education, will O ' 5
disband in August, 1980. CHOICE direc- .. w *
tors currently are looking for
professional organizations which can
assume the project's functions. h.

Ann Arbor Film Co-op-China Syndrome, 7, 9:15 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Cinema Guild-Violette, 7, 9:15 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Committee Against Registr'ation and the Draft-Hearts and Minds, 8
p.m., Union Assembly Hall, Michigan Union.
India Students' Association-Zanjeer, 3, 6p.m., Aud. 4, MLB.
Chabad House-Rabbi Y.M. Kagan, "The Greatest Sacrifice," noon,
Contact Rabbi Goldstein-769-3078 or 995-3276.
Inter-Varsity ChristianFellowship-Professor John White, "The Topic
of Prayer," 7 p.m., Henderson Room, Michigan League.
UAC-"Robin Goodfellow," Theater Production, 3 p.m., Kuenzel Room,
Michigan Union.
Ark-Paul Geremia, Blues Guitar and Mouth Harp, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill
PTP-"The White Devil," Houseman's Acting Company, 10 p.m., Power
PTP-Discussion of the "White Devil," with members of John
Houseman's The Acting Company, 6 p.m., Power Center.
Folklore Society-Monthly gathering; bring songs, snacks, and drinks to
share, 8:30 p.m., 875 S. First, No. 3.
Committee on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine-Fourth Conference on
Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine, 8:30 a.m., Thomas Francis, Jr., Public
Health Building.
Washtenaw Community College-Workshop on Small Business
Marketing, 9 a.m., 4800 East Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor.
Law School-Midwest Regional Conference on Women and the Law,
Hutchins Hall, Law School. 763-4158, 255-4127.
Restoration of the Past as a Foundation of the Future: A Symposium on
the Architectural Practice of Violett-le-Duc, 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., Aud. A
Angell Hall.-
Anti-Trust Conference-National and International Regulation of Tran-
snational Corporate Concentration, 10 a.m., Room 100, Hutchins Hall, Law
Washtenaw Community College-How to Conquer the Interview, 10
a.m., Room 304 at Ypsilanti Center, 210 West Cross Street.


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