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Vol. LXXXX, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 10, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Students increase involvement in religious groups
past five years, there has been a significant shift.
By STEVE HOOK Students now feel more comfortable and
Students are becoming more involved with " T welcome in traditional settings." Religious affiliation o
religion at the University, according to religious R eligion on cam pus/P art I REV. GORDON WARD, who serves at the University students-
leaders and scholars in Ann Arbor. After nearly student-oriented Lord of Light Lutheran Church,
a decade in which organized worship was scoffed echoed Foster's appraisal of student religious at- Fall term, 1979*
at by most students, recent years have marked a tive Jewish group on campus; Lord of Light, a diverse as the faiths themselves, but most titudes. "We went through a period when studen- Religion Percentage:
subtle resurgence in local activity, student-oriented Lutheran campus ministry; and religious leaders agree that as students have ts were turned off by ordinary religions," he
"Each year, it seems that we get more and Wesley Foundation, a Methodist campus become less radical they have been slower to said. "But now, more and more people are Catholic ..... ..... . . . . . . ...37
more students," said Rev. Steve Bringardner of ministry. reject organized religion. coming to church." Ward added that students Jewish .................19
the University Church of the Nazarene. "There Rev. Bob Hauert, director of the University's Suspicions about "establishment" religions, are "clarifying values" in larger numbers today, Greek Orthodox,.......7.4
has been an increase from what I have seen all Office of Ethics and Religion, noted that renewed developed in the late sixties and early seventies, "raising significant ethical questions.
across campus, with many levels of in- religious activity on campus has been accom- are fading. The result is that students are now Hauert said he also sees a shift towards Lutheran ............... 6
volvement." panied by a similar increase world-wide. beginning to attend conventional services in the "mainline" religions. "In the early seventies, Episcopal .v.e.n.t.i.e.......6
THE PRESENCE of nearly 70 diverse "Internationally, the role of religion in politics numbers that they did 15 years ago, religious you saw the rise of many esoteric religions," he Missouri Synod ........... 5
religious groups on campus attests to the growth seems to be on the upswing," he said, pointing to leaders say. said, "such as the Eastern religions. And they Methodist ................ 4
of religion at the University. The largest of these developments in Iran and South America. "There was a pattern of alienation that began have become well established and have a life of Presbyterian.3
are: Guild House, a campus ministry since 1894; "There is a resurgence of religion around the over ten years ago," said Chaplain Andrew their own. But there does seem to be a shift in the PO teri...............2
Newman Student Association, the University's world that seems significant." Foster of Canterbury Loft. "Religion was viewed other direction." Others ..... . ..... . ....... 21
most active Catholic group; Hillel, the most ac- EXPLANATIONS FOR the upswing are as as a stronghold of the establishment. But in the See STUDENTS, Page 7 *Based on results of CRISP survey
Panel approves
Foreign Relations Committee yester-
day approved the controversial SALT II
treaty and sent it to the full Senate with
22 technical recommendations, but no
major changes.
The committee voted 9-6 in favor of
the arms treaty between the United
States and the Soviet Union. But SALT
faces a major battle in the Senate,
where conservatives have charged it
tilts power toward the Russians.
THE TREATY would limit the United
States and Soviet Union to 2,250
strategic bombers and missile laun-
chers and impose a number of other
file for,
Dozens of students have filed as can-
didates for the upcoming LSA student
government (LSA-SG) elections, set-
ting what may be a record number of
students vying for seats in the gover-
Forty-one people have filed for 15
positions on the LSA-SG executive
council and two slates have named
candidates for president and vice
president. The application deadline for
the November 19 and 20 election was
last Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Theinumber
of candidates who applied by that time,
according to retiring LSA-SG Vice
President Kathy Friedman, may have
set a record.
"IT'S CERTAINLY the largest num-
ber of candidates to run for LSA-SG
since I became involved," Friedman
said yesterday, "and that's about four
Two parties, the Student Alliance for
Better Representation (SABRE) and
Studentsw for Academic and In-
stitutional Development (SAID), have
sponsored slates for the presidency.
The presidential candidate from
SABRE is James Adams, a junior
studying political science and current
special projects coordinator for the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
His running mate is another MSA
member, David Trott. Both SABRE
representatives have filed as can-
didates for executive council seats as
well as the presidential and vice-
presidential slots.
SAID's candidate for the presidency
is current LSA-SG member Dan
Soloman, an LSA junior: His running
mate is Kim Brower.
ADAMS SAID that while he thinks the
See STUDENTS, Page 7
restrictions on nuclear arsenals.
The Senate is expected to take up the
treaty around Thanksgiving, with a
final vote coming in late December or
early January.
Committee Chairman Frank Church
(D-Idaho), voted in favor of the treaty
shortly after warning yesterday that
rejection would only move the United
States "closer to the edge of the abyss."
SEN. JESSE Helms (D-N.C.), voted
against it.
"American public reaction to the
recent events in Iran indicates our
people are tired of being kicked and
being second and third best," Helms
The Soviet Union said earlier it will
not approve major changes in the
treaty. But the committee's 22 recom-
mendations deal mainly with technical
details and are, not expected to cause
the Soviets to object or force a
reopening of negotiations.
VOTING FOR the treaty were Chur-
ch and Sens. Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.);
George McGovern (D-S.D.); Charles
Percy (R-Ill.); Edmund Muskie (D-
Maine); Edward Zorinski (D-Neb.);
Claiborne Pell (D-R.l.); Paul Sarbanes
(D-Md.); and Joseph Biden (D-Del.).
Those voting against were Helms and
Sens. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.); John
Glenn (D-Ohio); Richard Stone (D-'
Fla.); S..I. Hayakawa (R-Calif.); and
Richard Lugar (R-Ind.).
One of the most serious recommen-
dations, which the White House finally
accepted, was a reservation con-
ditioning the treaty on President Car-
ter's assuring the Senate that Soviet
troops in Cuba are not a threat and have
no combat role.
Other recommendations stress the
U.S. right to continue technical
cooperation with NATO countries and
require the administration to report
regularly on Soviet compliance and
other matters.
A2 candidates unveiled
THESE MEMBERS of the University of Minnesota's Muslim Student
Association were pelted by snowballs while protesting the deposed Shah
of Iran's presence in the U.S. Some 200 American students told the 35
protesters to go home during the snowball barrage.
F amilies' o ranlan
hostages meet Carter
From AP, UPI, and Reuter frustration, and "deep anger" agai
The six finalists in the two-month search for Ann Arbor's
third city administrator were unveiled last night by the
executive search firm which handled the application process.
Korn-Ferry International, a Los Angeles-based personnel,
firm, selected the finalists, all of whom are managers of
cities smaller than Ann Arbor and live in several regions of
the nation. Four of the six candidates manage cities that, like
Ann Arbor, are college towns.
THE SIX FINALISTS are: Neal Berlin, Iowa City, Iowa;
John Elwell, St. Louis Park, Minnesota; Lawrence Gish,
Stillwater, Oklahoma; Alan Harvey, Vancouver,
Washington; William Kirchhoff, Wheaton, Illinois; and
Terry Sprenkle, Ames, Iowa.
City Council members will interview the candidates in-
dividually in a public session beginning at 8 9.m. today at
Campus Inn. Mayor Louis Belcher said he hoped Council will
reach a decision on a permanent successor to former admin-
strator Sylvester Murray by Wedesday or Thursday. After
six years as adminsitrator, Murray, 38, left Ann Arbor in
September to become city manager of Cincinnati.
At a press conference at Campus Inn, Korn-Ferry
representatie Bob Coop and Belcher said the candidates -
Colins f ills
lin while city
seeks new
While City Council members are busy
finding a replacement for former City
Administrator Sylvester Murray, one
man is spending his time overseeing 17
of Ann Arbor's departments and 800
From the office which still - has
Murray's nameplate on the door, God-
frey Collins has been serving as acting
administrator for three months. The 51-
year-old father of six has been
organizing the city's Engineering
Department, which is slated to begin ACTING CITY A
oeprating Dec. 1. In addition, Collins jobs since Septer
See GODFREY, Page 10 Administrator fo
reflect the recommendations of'council members and the
nine-member citizens committee who reviewed 20 resumes
the company narrowed down from the 65 received.
""THE FINALISTS-all men-have several similar
qualifications. They are all between 42 and 49-years old and
hold masters degrees in public administration. One
finalist-Nealp Berlin-graduated from the University of
The candidates have been described as fiscal experts by
spokespersons .in their communities. At least three of the
candidates have instituted some form of zero-based
budgeting (ZBB), a management system introduced for the
first time in Ann Arbor's Police Department last year. It will
be expanded to include half the city's departments this year.
The states of Iowa and Oklahoma require that cities there
have some form of ZBB.
Mayor Belchr said he would "give council two or three
days to mull over their interviews," before asking, for a
decision. "I'm going to try to get a consensus out of council,"
Belcher said, and make an offer to the. candidate by next
See HOPEFULS, Page 10
President Carter held an emotional
meeting yesterday with families of
Americans held hostage in Iran, and a
short time later, the State Department
said it had "no new hope" that the cap-
tives will be freed any time soon.
A White House spokesperson said the
president had offered the families
reassurance. But shortly after the
meeting, State Department spokesman
Hodding Carter told reporters there
appeared to be no quick end to the crisis
in sight.
CARTER AND relatives of the
Americans held hostage in Tehran
urged people to control their outrage,
Iran because it could endanger their
After the session, Carter and the
families issued a joint statement
calling for restraint.
White House press secretary Jody
Powell, who accompanied Carter to the
meeting, said the families showed no
animosity to the president, made no ac-
cusatory statements and did not ask
that the shah be turned over to Iran.
AS :CARTER traveled to the State
Department, an estimated 900 Iranians
marched under police guard through
Washington streets, demanding that
See EMBASSY, Page 7
Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
ADMINISTRATOR Godfrey Collins has been juggling two
ember. He also has been performing the duties of Assistant
r Engineering.
I 7 1
Laney, Emory president. The money, which Woodruff
gave to his alma mater with no strings attached, will be
used for scholarships and to bring new faculty members to
the University, as well as for general endowment and ad-
ditional buildings on campus.
Suite senator
Among the ranks of such dancing greats as Merrill
A chlln nd Cannn I.urrr o~f thaNow n, l Pity Rllat
Ithe art of ambiguity.
University President-designate Harold Shapiro paid a
courtesy call to Gov. William Milliken Thursday. The two
met for 20 minutes, and talked only in generalities, accor-
ding to a Milliken aide. If the state's funding of the Univer-
sity was discussed between them, it was only on vague ter-
ms, she said. Milliken met with Michigan State University
President Cecil Mackey recently. Mackey was named
president of that university in June. [1
marry, they insist, is not out of love, but to demonstrate
their feelings on the discriminatory pension system. But
fellas-what happens when the flame burns out? [
On the Outside
Well, it's just about time to pull out the long undies.
Today's weather looks bleak with occasional thunder-
showers and light snow predicted for the morning. It should
remain windy and cold all day with a high of 37° and a low of