17 schools and colleges ensure diversity By JULIE ENGEBRECHT The large size of 'the University means many things-both good and bad-to many people. But despite any negative consequences of the Un- viersity's size, it is this very bigness which allows for one of its most prized credentials: academic diversity. " This characteristic is evidenced by the presen- ce of 17 different schools and colleges within the single University. The size of these separate academic units range from just under 260 students in the School of Library Science to about 16,000 in LSA. ADMINISTRATORS FROM each unit set their own requirements and coordinate their own programs more or less independently from the rest of the University. Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture students have reputations. around campus for spending long hours on projects in the architecture studios on North Campus. Both student and faculty affirm the allegation that architecture students must con- stantly keep their noses to the grindstone. "It's a commitment-you work every available moment you have," said one graduating ar- chitecture student. "ARCHITECTURE IS a field.that requires a great deal of effort. The more practice, the bet- ter you get," said Herbert Johe, assistant dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Because of the great demands placed on students entering architecture, the requirements for applicants are heavy. According to Johe, Music to law, they re all here there are always a number of "qualified rejec- ts," or students who meet the standards for the program but are not admitted because of the high level of competition. He also said that just about all students who begin the degree program finish because of the high admission standards. TWO YEARS of a liberal arts education are required for admittance to the two-year un- dergraduate program. Of the 105 admitted in the junior year, about 75 have already attended the University. The college also offers a graduate degree in the field of urban planning, a two-year program, which often leads students to jobs in government agencies. ~ Art "There's tan awful lot of work for artists," contends Prof. Bill Lewis of the School of Art. "Artists are employed all over. You see something printed, published, on TV, whatever-chances are there has been some inky-fingered artist at work." Lewis said art school may be a "more practical way of getting an education" because of the widespread use of artists in many areas. Art students can choose from a wide variety of fields of specialization, ranging from graphic, industrial or interior design, art education, photography, and fine arts such as ceramics, painting, and sculpture. Film-making, jewelry, weaving and textile design, and printmaking courses are also offered. BUT ABOUT half of an art student's work is done in academic areas, usually in LSA. The art school, then, has "fairly high academic standar- ds" but also requires a portfolio for admittan- ce-something not all art schools do. The pur pose of the portfolio requirement, according to Lewis, is to allow the school to see how much op- portunity to work with artistic media a student has had, and just what he or she has done with those opportunities. About half the students enrolled in the School of Art are transfer studen- ts from other schools. See 17 SCHOOLS, Page 8 S ,. academics En1aI Section F Thursday, September 6, 91979 Twelve Pages 'U' prestige dependent on faculty's reputation By JOHN SINKEVICS If the faculty is the cornerstones of an educational institution, then the University is on firm ground. University administrators and, faculty con- stantly attempt-with much success-to find distinguished instructors and draw them to the University. For instance, every year former President .Gerald Ford, who has had a certain amount of experience with domestic and international political affairs, stops in town to fulfill his duties as an adjunct professor in the University's Political Science Department. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS and ad- ministrators are always seeking to add prestigious figures to the already impressive. faculty. But many of the professors earn their reputations while at the University. For instan- ce, Engineering Dean David Ragone was recen- tly named by President Carter to the National Science Foundation-an elite board of scholars which determines funding for major research programs-and as a specialist in automotive fuel emissions, he has helped formulate federal policies in the area. Prof. James Chaffers from the School of Ar- chitecture has received national acclaim in work on community design, a unique discipline which focuses on improving social conditions in poor urban areas through architectural redevelop- ment. THESE ARE JUST a few of the faculty mem- bers who many say have established a nationally-respected reputation for the Univer- sity. A 1979 poll conducted by Everett Ladd and Seymour Lipset, two researchers working in the area of higher education, rated the University fifth in the nation in an evaluation of faculty in 19 major departments. (See related story, Page F9). Why does the University faculty rate so highly? "It has been a long-term commitment over many decades to have distinguished faculty at this University," said Vice-President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro. "Having these faculty members is the best way to meet our obligations to the students." BUT SOME students are not convinced that University faculty members are of exceptional quality. "I think they're average," said LSA Senior Elisabeth Dow. "I definitely think that too much emphasis is placed on professor's resear- ch, and that they don't concentrate enough on teaching." Scholars often argue that good faculty attract good students, and that every university must include as one of its primary goals an attempt to improve the status of its faculty. MOST UNIVERSITY administrators agree there are several crucial requirements which must be met in order to attract distinguished, highly-respected educators to thiscampus: * quality students. Professors considering the merits of the University often look to the academic caliber of the student body through assessments of high-school test scores, accep- tances into leading graduate programs, and school commitments to innovate research. " Good facilities. Scholars in the sciences and engineering are concerned especially with the structure of laboratories, computer systems, library facilities, and updated equipment. See FACULTY, Page 9 (I Doily Photo Pali Sci with a prof who knows FORMER PRESIDENT and Adjunct Professor of Political Science Gerald Ford lectures to a Uni- versity class. Ford has taught at the University on three separgte occasions over the last two years. :.v:. :. :"::::+::.v :. :.:v::: r.": vi:: ii ;:n:: v::::.v:. ::: :: Y.^: r:x ::: :": r::i:i .. :......:.r "::3: rr:::: .v v.: :. ::. ::: v. i : },.. ., r _ _ ,$; . r:::n" :; . :::::.v: i s^:u i:::vi;iii:i; :r.ii.}{:i:'};"}'.":r: i$$: i::...":::";rk.:.::Y::;vx..:?".;: i:::4.x.... r.. ..,. n...... is" ::::.........r.,y. r: ":,... r :v ,yx:: ": .4 ::i . . THE ABCS OF THE GPA: Making the grade at the 'U' By SUE WARNER In their pre-kindergarten days University students became acquainted with those stalwart educational foun- dations, the ABCs. And as their academic careers progressed, those same letters, with the addition of an oc- casional D or E, have built a new foun- dation - the GPA. Although some students tirelessly protest that grades mean little to them, these noble speeches often exaggerate the situation. Grades are indeed very important here, as casual student con- versation in library lounges and even bars will confirm. Talk often indicates a preoccupation with rehashing past exam performances and speculating on future course grades. AND IT WOULD seem the concern pays off when the computer printouts arrive announcing the academic achievements of the previous term. Ac- cording to records in the University's Office of the Registrar, the average un- dergraduate grade point for fall term 1978 was 2.94, just a shade under a solid B. For the same period freshpersons averaged 2.91. Individual grade point averages (GPAs) show an overwhelming tenden- cy to increase as students accumulate time at the University. During the 1977- 78 school year, for example, LSA fresh- persons needed a 3.06 to rank in the top 50 per centile of their class, while sophomores needed a 3.15, juniors a 3.23, and seniors a 3.31. Yet despite their ability to reap good marks, many students contend grades are rather arbitrary measures of their work. Because the University has no standard grading policy, individual schools, departments, and faculty members enjoy great autonomy in establishing grading procedures. As a result, an A in one class might often represent much less effort or accom- plishment than a C in another. BUT MOST instructors make their policies clearly known at the beginning of each course, either in their course outlines or in an opening lecture. And should they happen to forget to mention .grades, they don't forget for long. At least one student, usually seated in the front row, will invariably begin to wave his or her arms demanding to know whether the exam will be curved or if the final will be cumulative. If, however, an instructor does depart from his or her announced grading policy, students do have the right to file grievances through the department in which the course is offered, or through the school or college. In the past, the University has been the center of debate over the merits of a traditional grading system. Many alternatives have been suggested, and some - such as the pass-fail option - have been adopted, but the traditional form of grading prevails and is generally viewed as a necessary com- ponent of a college education. WITHIN THAT broad framework, however, instructors are free to weight their exams or shape their grading cur- ves in whatever way they see fit. Some are prone to grading on the basis of many quizzes and short writing assignments, while others prefer a spartan midterm-final format. And even when instructors begin a course by announcing a set of rigid requirements to merit a particular grade, they are usually willing to give borderline students what they like to call "the benefit of the doubt." In the last ten years, students have been "benefitting" more and more as the University has experienced the grade inflation trend which has hit campuses nationwide. In the 1968 fall term, the average undergraduate grade point average was 2.82. Grades hung at approximately that figure until fall 1974 when the average for that term jumped to -3.02 and stayed in that vicinity until fall 1977 when ad- ministrators began to crack down on the upward trend. "I think there has been a general tightening up by departments and faculty which has blunted the ac- celeration of grades," said LSA Assistant Dean Eugene Nissen. He ad- See THE ABCs, Page 11 Freshmen Mark Canvasser, Jim Rezinkoff, and Scott Floren- ce maintain a vigil outside Mason Hall in hopes of passing their calculus' class. Last December, South Quad sophomores Bonnie Brooks and Steve Cole construc- ted the snow display. Grades are often an obsession with Univer- sity students, especially among those with hopes of entering a professional school after they receive their undergraduate degrees. See related story, Page 2. f $: i 3 3 f t 1 3 S fv'r I9 ^t, Daily P PROCRASTINATION CAN often lead to frustra exhibited by this 'student working on a last-minute pr are part of an accepted and inevitable way of life at th How to pass, you fail1 to v hoto by LISA UDELSON tion and despair, as roject. But such habits he 'U'. when vork ;ยข4 possible. Danny was y his grades. y, of.course, is essential ic survival, but it is . delay it almost in- tudents have perfected procrastination using esigned "study sub- Following are some stitutes to use when patens: ND/OR sleep. Four y and twelve hours of avoidable necessities to By PATRICIA HAGEN Dedicated to Fred Freshman who is so busy going to "college" he can't find time to study. * * * While attending the University it is important to keep in mind that the main purpose of this institution is, academic achievement. A survey of students on campus has revealed a wide variety of study methods and techniques to deal with this portion of the University experience. Some students, it was found, are more' intense than others-from "Pre-med and Proud" who has been seen outside the Graduate Library only four times in the past year to Joe "Let's Drink Beer" Jock who has never seen the inside of a library-but all students study at some point in their academic careers. ME TDANNV F normie (the ce whenever not amused b Some study for academ possible to definitely. St the art ofp cleverly de stitutes."F favorite sub studying thre * EAT A meals a day sleep are un keep the body functioning. " Work out at the CCRB (Central Campus Recreation Building). A healthy body is as important as a healthy mind. " Write letters-to everyone you know, even your congressperson. Be a good friend and a concerned citizen. . Call home. Tell Mom how hard a