The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 6, 1979-Page 11
Divine intervention aids Woolfolk
Bo Schembechler can thank a woman
named Olivia because without her help,
the Michigan mentor may not have
been in the running for his fourth,
straight Big Ten title this year.
Olivia is Butch Woolfolk's mother and
unknowingly eight years ago, she
divinely intervened in a situation. At
that time, Woolfolk's father would not
allow his son to play football for two
years running.
."When..he was on vacation or
something, I askedmy mother if I could
go to football practice. She let me go
and said if I got hurt, I couldn't play -
again. I didn't get hurt until my senior
year in high school," Woolfolk said.
BY THAT TIME, Woolfolk had spun
quite a legend at Westfield High School
in New Jersey in both foQtball and
track. In football, he hadled his high
ehool to the state championship, and in
frack he would eventually run a 10.1,
100 meters, which is pretty fast by any
Woolfolk's speed was desired by
Schools all over the country, like USC,
Maryland, Illinois and, of course,
Michigan. Once again it was divine in-
tervention by a parent. Divine interven-
fion, that is, for Michigan, as his father
instructed Woolfolk, "You can go to any
school you want to, as long as it has
high academic standards."
Bo has been thanking Woolfolk's
parents ever since, especially this
season, Woolfolk's sophomore year.
When starting tailback Stanley Edwar-
ds went out with an ankle injury four
games ago, Woolfolk replaced him and
memories of Wally Pipp and Lou
Gehrig were stirred up. In that legend,
Gehrig substituted for an injured Pipp
and proceeded to not relinquish first
unseat the speedster from the Michigan
lineup. In the last four games, Woolfolk
has galloped for 596 yards on 91 carries.
for nine touchdowns and a 149-yard per
game average.
If you need more convincing, some of
his TDs include jaunts of 58, 41, two of
30, and one of 92. That last touchdown
eclipsed an all-time Michigan record
which Tom Harmon set against
California in 1940.
So, while he will never attain one
record, he broke another, which was
held by one of the great legends in
Michigan football. "Right then I didn't
realize it. But it hits you the next day -
to break a record of Michigan's only
Heisman Trophy winner, wow,"
declared Woolfolk.
ON THAT 92-yard play, Wisconsin
defender Mickey Casey raced with
Woolfolk stride for stride for 50 yards
dove for Woolfolk's legs, and missed.
Bo teased his stellar sophomore about
the play. "He asked me afterwards if he
though 30 was gaining on him. And I
said yes. He's (Woolfolk's) real proud
of his speed because he's a sprinter,"
interjected Schembechler. I
Divine intervention may be what
Woolfolk needs for the game against
Purdue this Saturday, as the only thing
that may remove him from the
Wolverine lineup is a leg injury suf-
fered last week versus Wisconsin. "I
don't know; I really don't know. I can't
put pressure on it. The ankle's worse
than my knee. It'll be all right with a
Butch Woolfolk
base until 2,130 consecutive games
later. ,
WOOLFOLK WILL never share the
consecutive game streak that Gehrig
had, but it will be awfully difficult to
good tape job," added Woolfolk.
"I would play with pain, as long as it
would not be damaging. But somehow
on the field, you don't really feel the
pain," concluded Woolfolk, the master
of the big play.
WHEN WOOLFOLK went down last
Saturday, big plays were the furthest
thoughts from his mind. "As soon as I
got hurt, I was thinking operation. It
scares me. I've seen so many of my
friends get hurt," noted Woolfolk.
Luckily for Michigan, divine interven-
tion interceded again.
Woolfolk looks for the big play at
every opportunity, by his own ad-
mission. However, he realizes these
long gainers may not exist against the
stingy Purdue and Ohio State defenses.
"The four and five yarders are going to
be important. They don't want us get-
ting spoiled," pointed out Woolfolk.
About Purdue, Woolfolk had this to
say. "It'll be like the Notre Dame
game. There are four or five red letter
games on our football board - these
games are mostly stressed out of the
schedule. We're going to practice much
harder, if that's possible," said
Woolfolk, who has lugged the pigskin
for 754 yards in 135 carries for 12 touch-
downs and a 5.7 average.
QB switch
There was a debate at the beginning
of this football season over who should
be Michigan's starting quarterback. Bo
Schembechler opted for superior option
quarterback B.J. Dickey but now John
Wangler has taken over the starting
role due to Dickey's shoulder injury.
One person is quite happy about the
switch to Wangler and that is leading
receiver Doug Marsh. "We can com-
municate a lot better with John.He has
a helluva arm. With John in there, it
opens up our offense. The good thing
about John Wangler is that he doesn't
flush out of the pocket too quickly,"
Marsh said.
"I feel he has the confidence with
him, his own personal confidence and
the team confidence. Everyone just
likes him in there now," added Marsh.
Marsh has looked forward to the Pur-
due game for some time now and wants
to win it badly since his backup tight
end in high school, Dave Young, is Pur-
due's leading receiver. "He-(Young)
told me, 'I'm gonna get one this year
(Rose Bowl ring), and I said, 'Not if I
can help it."' Not if Wangler can help it,
SWC race goes to wire
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The cowbells in Austin are ringing with more reluc-
tance these days. So are the cries of "We're Number
One" in Fayetteville and Waco. Even Houston Cougar
fans are shuddering with a tinge of apprehension.
There's a' multitude of nervous people following the
Southwest Conference football race in this last month of
the season, and many of them could be squirming in
their seats until December 1st. That's when the last of
the conference games will be played.
Prior to that date, several crucial contests involving
the four contending teams-Houston, Texas, Arkansas,
and Baylor-should help break up the log jam at the top
of the SWC standings. This Saturday could be one of
those days, as league-leading Houston hosts Texas,
while Arkansas and Baylor battle in Fayetteville.
If the Cougars can knock off the Longhorns, their road
to a conference title and Cotton Bowl berth should be
quite smooth. Bill Yeoman's squad plays Texas Tech
and Rice, two of the league's have-nots, to close out their
scShould Texas pull an upset in the Astrodome, Arkan-
sas would be in the best position to head for Dallas on
New Year's Day. The Razorbacks, who are favored to
beat Baylor Saturday, finish their slate with games
against unpredictable Texas A&M on the road and
Southern Methodist in Little Rock. Although the Aggies
are tough to beat in College Station, consistency has been
Arkansas' trademark all year long-their only loss was
a 13-10 heartbreaker to Houston October 27th.
A rule familiar to Big Ten football fans, the "last ap-
pearance" rule will keep Baylor and Texas in must-win
situations for the rest of the campaign. Not only must
each team play two other contenders, but they must
avoid a three-way tie in the final standings with Arkan-
sas. The Razorbacks, in that situation, would receive
the Cotton Bowl bid, since their last appearance in the
Cotton Bowl (1975) occurred earlier than the other three
In the 'case of a two-way tie for the championship,
head-to-head competition is the first criterion for deter-
mining the conference representative in Dallas. Houston
again has the advantage here, having beaten both
Baylor and Arkansas.
As in previous years, the conference runner-up should
have little trouble receiving an invitation to a bowl. But
it may not come from one of the two "major" bowls
(Sugar and Orange) which are left with wide discretion
in their selection of opponents. Last year's SWC
bridesmaid, Arkansas, played UCLA in the Fiesta Bowl.
Harriers finish ninth
With a respectable ninth-place finish
o4t of twenty teams in the Midwest In-
tercollegiate Championship meet at
MSU Saturday, the Michigan women's
cross-country team showed mettle in
the face of a number of disspiriting set-
'backs which negated any chance of a
top-five finish for the Wolverines.
"A seventh-place finish was a
realistic goal for us," noted Coach Red
Simmons. "But two mishaps occurred
:that affected two of our best runners.
Melaine Weaver lost her contact lens
'And Dawn Woodruff received a severe
bump on the head during the race and
she was unable to finish."
The race was won by Wisconsin's
Rose Thompson, a 27-year-old fresh-
man from Kenya. Thompson won the
team title as the Badgers, second-place
Purdue and third-place Michigan State,
each qualified for the national cham-
$1-$2 PER DISC
pionships to be held in Gainesville,
Simmons noted some improvement in
the squad this season: "I would have to
single out two of our women as outstan-
ding in this race, not because of their
order of finish but due to their tremen-
dous improvement from the beginning
of the season. Julie Clifford's great
stretch finishes are worthy of mention
and Martha Carlson's improvement
has also been noticeable. Martha
became the seventh member of our
team through a dedicated attitude and
hard work. She finished 82nd out of 140
of the best runners in the Midwest in
this meet; at the beginning of the
season I never thought she could make
the top seven here at Michigan."'
at Great Plains Tournament, Lincoln
Nebraska, Nov. 9-10
at MAIAW Tournament, Mt. Pleasant,
Nov. 8-10
at York University, Toronto, Nov. 10
at Collegiate Invitational, Indianapolis,
Nov. 10
at NCAA District IV meet, E. Lansing,
Nov. 10
at Windsor, Nov. 7
at MAIAW, Mt. Pleasant, Nov. 9
at SMAIAW Relays, Ypsilanti, Nov. 10
at Notre Dame, Nov. 9-10
at Purdue, Nov. 10
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