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September 06, 1979 - Image 98

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-06

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Page E-8-Thursday; September 6, 1979-The Michigan Daily
A parks: getting away from it all
Area retreats offer
recreation facilities

There are times during the school
year when some students feel that the
only two places.left in the world are
classrooms and libraries. At times like
these, the only escape is the outdoors,
and Ann Arbor offers a large selection
of recreation spots for such retreats.
Almost upon arrival, many students
become acquainted with Nichol's Ar-
boretum, commonly known as "The
Arb." Located east of Mary Markley
Residence Hall, the Arb provides more
than adequate space to roam.. Foot-
balls, baseballs, soccer balls, and flying
frisbees are common sights during the
fall, spring, and summer months.
During the winter months, the hills of
the Arb are loaded with people sliding
down the icy slopes on cafeteria trays.
This tradition, known as traying, is one
of the more popular winter sports in
Ann Arbor. Cross country skiing is
also a favorite that is common in the
ONE CAUTIOUS word concerning
the Arb: finding an exit after hiking up
and down the many forested hills can be
a frustrating experience unless you
know the park or are with someone who
The city parks; while, sometimes
more difficult to reach than the Arb,
are located all over the city. Frequen-
ted mostly by Ann Arbor citizens, the
city parks often attract high school
students, picknickers, and many
around town who just enjoy the out-
One such area which University
students often visit is Island Park,
located north of University Hospital. A
wide open athletic field offers con-

venient space for soccer, footbll, and
other games.
BURNS PARK, located in the neigh-
borhood of the same name and bor-
dered by Burns Park Elementary
School, is frequented by many elemen-.
tary and junior high school students.
Included in the area is a baseball field,
an open grasssy area, and five tennis
courts which are often unfilled when,
others around the city are bustling.
Delhi Metropolitan Park, located on
the Huron River, features canoeing, as
well as room for other activities such as
frisbee games and picnics.
West Park, well-known in the sixties
as a hippie hangout, boasts more than
adequate baseball facilities. Veterans
and Allmendinger parks also' sport
baseball facilities, and the former has a
pool and an indoor ice skating rink.
TWO OTHER spots around town lend
themselves to the student's escapist
urges. Liberty Plaza, located about
midway between the campus and the
downtown area,.is a favorite spot of
many of the city's elderly, as well as
students and other citizens.
The University's Botanical Gardens,
located near North Campus, is a com-
mon resting ground and picnic area,
and at the same time it offers dome of
,the rarer floral beauty within the city
AND FOR THOSE who are willing to
take a small trek-a 30-minute car
ride-there are more extensive spor-
ting and park facilities at Kensington
Metropark. The complex offers much
beautiful scenery, a golf course, and a
beach which is often filled up in nice

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
A SOLITARY FIGURE gazes out over the Huron River from a convenient seat are maintained by both the city and the University.
in one of Ann Arbor's many parks. A diverse group of parks and recreation areas


Area publications

When first coming to the University,
it's easy to get caught up in the micro-
cosm of classes and social life. One way
to remedy this "closed-in feeling" is to
keep abreast of the events of the world
by way of the many news publications
available on campus.
The University Record is a free
newsletter issued every Monday at
about 60 locations around campus, ac-
cording to Editor Louis Cartier. He said
the publication is aimed primarily at
faculty, reviewing the previous week's
activities and listing upcoming events
for the next.

As well as faculty and campus news,
the Record also lists events such as
movies, lectures, and exhibits.
The Ann Arbor News is the city's af-
ternoon newspaper. The News has two
University editors-one who oversees
science and medicine and another who
handles other campus news. The daily
paper also has a five-person sports staff
covering University athletics.
The News "doe$ a better job of
covering the University than any other
publication I can think of," according to
Managing Editor Dave Bishop.
The Ann Arbor Observer is a free
tabloid published monthly by Don and

eep you in
Mary Hunt. The magazine features
various articles about the city and
University and includes a community
calendar and restaurant reviews. The
Observer limits itself to the Ann Arbor
Maize Magazine, a publication foun-
ded last February, is produced jointly
by the Michigan Student Assembly and
the University Activities Center
(UAC). Patrick Day, public relations
officer for UAC, said the newsletter's
purpose is to increase the visibility of

the know
the two organizations on campus, to
bridge what he called the information
gap among campus publications and to
put out a "comprehensive calendar"
each month.
The Michigan Daily is written,
edited, and managed by students and is
free from University intervention in
editorial policy. The student
publication comes out every day except
Monday during the academic year and
is the only city morning paper.

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City history colorful

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(Continued from Page )
because of the relative stability of
the Ann Arbor community. Unem-
ployment was the most critical
problem, but the city set up several
self-help programs for the poor and
World War II marked the end of Ann
Arbor's existence as a sedate college
city. The population had grown to 30,000
and the students numbered more than
The Republican and Democratic par-
ties both gained strength in the city
during the late 1950s, and in 1957, for the

first time in 26 years, a Democratic
candidate won the mayor's seat.
Political strength then waivered bet-
ween the two parties until 1969, when
the Democrats captured a council
majority and the mayor's position.
The Ann Arbor of today, not unlike
that of the past, derives its strength
from diversity. The richness of the
University's campus and students, the
culture and uniqueness of the city-it
all adds up to give this town its in-
dividuality. Of course, it wasn't always
that way.

. ,

Read all about it
One way to keep abreast of the many issues in Ann Arbor is to sample the variety
of publications available around campus.
They make the laws


Distinctive Gifts


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Continued from Page5 )
Speech Prof. William Colburn in the
state Senate contest.
Of all the are legislators, probably
the most controversial is state
Representative Perry Bullard. The
University of Michigan and Harvard
Law School graduate is noted for such
antics as smoking a joint at the annual
Hash Bash on the Diag several years
ago and for showing the film Deep
Throat at a campaign fundraiser.
But many say Bullard has
established, in his own way, a position
of authority in the House. He has spon-
sored or supported student-related
legislation such as tenants' rights bills
and measures to reduce penalties for
underage drinking and possession of
"THE STUDENTS in Ann Arbor are
a major part of the Ann Aibor elec-
torate and a major part of my elec-
torate," Bullard said. "The decline in
participation, especially with un-
dergraduates, is unfortunate. Perhaps
it will turn around with the high
economic rate."
Like his ,counterpart Pierce in the
Senate, Bullard places the high cost of

tuition as an issue of primary impor-
tance to students.
"The rising cost of education is an
important concern in terms of tuition
and living conditions," Bullard said.
"You must look at public bonding to-
provide financial assistance."
The seats of both Bullard and Pursell
are up for grabs next year, while Pierce;
is secure until at least 1982, when his
term expires.
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1113 South University. Ann Arbor


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