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November 06, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-06

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 6, 1979-Page 3
Former Amnesty Int'l director says
U N. human rights accords necessary

Nellie Shy always had to serve the boss coffee and laugh at his bad jokes

If the United States does not ratify the
UN Covenants on Human Rights, it will
continue to be perceived as hypocritical
by other nations, a former Executive
Director of Amnesty International said
last night.
David Hawk, who currently is a con-
sultant on international human rights
for Amnesty International, told a small
group at the Wesley Foundation at
Huron and State Streets that the U.S.
Senate must approve the human rights
guidelines which have already been
ratified by more than 50 countries, in-
cluding the Soviet Union.
HAWK SAID the UN Covenants are
the result of 18 years of debate by many
countries and "the best working
definitions of human rights" available.
The covenants outline two basic types
of human rights: civil and political
rights which dictate what a government
should do to its citizens; and socio-
economic and cultural rights which
suggest what a government should do
for its citizens, Hawk said.
The guidelines took effect in 1976 af-
ter 35 countries ratified them. The
United States hasn't yet approved
them, Hawk said, due to political con-
siderations. Because racial segregation
and discrimination were part of the
U.S. legal system for many years,
politicians could not have endorsed
covenants which prohibit these prac-
tices. After 1965, when discrimination
and segregation were formally
removed from the legal system, the
Vietnam war'shifted attention from the

human rights guidelines. And after the
war, "Nixon was certainly not in-
terested in human rights," Hawk said.
IT HAS NOT been possible to con-
sider the covenants until the Carter
administration's renewed emphasis on
human rights. The Senate will begin
hearings next week on the covenants,
but Hawk said he doubts whether they
will reach the Senate floor for a vote
before next year.
Hawk mentioned several reasons for
U.S. ratification of the UN covenants.
First, American credibility would be
greatly increased worldwide if the
human rights accords are approved.
Currently, Hawk said, it appears
hypocritical to much of the world that
the United States is simultaneously
criticizing human rights violations in
other countries while refusing to ap-
prove human rights covenants here.
Second, because the United States is
a great power, if it ratifies the covenan-
ts, other countries will follow suit.
Third, approval will help to guarantee a
lasting U.S. commitment to human
rights which will extend beyond the
policies of any particular ad-
ministration. Finally, ratification
would provide further assurance that
miscarriages of justice involving
human rights do not occur within the
United States.
Hawk charged that "the only op-
position to the covenants' comes from
patriotic societies, far-right groups,
and liberty leagues. In other words,
people who are farther right than


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InterVarsity Press Presents:

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
FORMER AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Director David Hawk speaks to
a small group at the Wesley Foundation, stressing the need for U.S. ratifica-
tion of the UN Human Rights Covenents.

. .
: .


Less than one pe
graduate students on c
fast week's Rackham
nment (RSG) election
preliminary election
RSG President Bob
released the results,
was "even more dism
students voted. Sor
The election was to
membership of the
council, comprised of
tatives from each o
-,within the school a
Milbrath. Though nine
were to be filled, only
Barbara Baker and

election complete;
HOMSON met the filing deadline to have their votes f
r cent of the names put on the ballot. All other can- Daily
campus voted in . didates depended on write-in votes. 30, M
Student Gover- According to Milbrath, some of the "Ther
is, according to ballots remain to be verified, a process feelin
results released which should be completed before just d
Friday. politic
Milbrath, who ELECTED IN the balloting were Thri
said the turnout Carol Yorkevitz, with 20 votes, for vice- seats
al than I expec- president; Fran Featherston, with 20 Brown
votes, for RSG executive council zger e
ibrath, about 60 representative from the social sciences the t%
me 7,000 were area of Rackham; Carstensen, with the pb
five votes, from physical sciences and area.
D determine the engineering; Marilyn Markowitz, with conta
RSG executive six votes, for representative from wish t
three represen- biological and health sciences, and; WHI
f five divisions Baker, with 20 votes, forrepresentative allthr
nd headed by from the Education School. ve on t
of the positions Also receiving votes in the election Mar
two candidates, was Emma Goldman, a deceased anar- of hav
Pat Carstensen, chist. Milbrath said he presumes the don't +

60 of 7000 vote

for Goldman were in response to a
article. In an article printed Oct.
ilbrath was quoted as saying,
e is some degree of anarchist
gs (which) exist whereby people
don't have much confidence in
al processes."
ee students were tied for two
on the executive council. Mike
n, Mark Diamond, and Kurt Met-
ach received one write-in vote for
wo positions of representative in
hysical sciences and engineering
Milbrath said all three would be
cted to determine whether they
o serve onthe council.
EN 'CONTACTED by the Daily,
ee saidthey had'no desire to ser-
the council.
rk Diamond said he wasn't aware
ving received a write-in vote. "I
know whothe hell did that. I sure
like to know." Diamond said that
has nothing against the gover-
i," but simply didn't want to ser-

.2G S
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Potemkin, 7, 8:15 p.m., People on Sundays,
9:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema II-Barbara Kopple's Harlan County U.S.A., 7, 9 p.m., Nat.
Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild-Grand Hotel, 7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
College of Engineering-Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Seminar, R.M.N. Pelloux, 11 a.m., 3201 East Engineering.
Women's Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn-Barbara Forishna,
"Changing Feminist Issues," noon, Gabriel Richard Center.
Ecumencial Campus Center/International Center-Prof. Joel Samoff,
"Southern Africa: An Update," noon, International Center.
Center for Western European Studies-Robert Escarpit, "A French
View of the American Press," 12:10 p.m., 2040 LSA.
CICE-Prof. John Anderson, "Coding to Conserve Bandwidth and
Power: A New View of Channel Coding," 4 p.m., 1504 E. Eng.
Great Lakes Marine Water Center-Thomas Poe, "Winter Navigation in
the Great Lakes: Potential Effects of Aquatic Biota," 4 p.m., 165 Chrysler
Education/Developmental Psychology-Barry Lester, "Developmental
Assessment," 4p.m., Schorling Aud.
" Law School-Francis Allen, "The Decline of the Rehabilitative Ideal:
Penal Policy and Public Purpose," "A Modern Critique of the Rehabilitative
Ideal," 4 p.m., 100 Hutchins.
Bioengineering-John Faulkner, "Contractile Properties of Human
Skeletal Muscle," 1042 E. Eng.
Research Club in Language Learning-Sandy Urquhart, "Intonation as
a Guide to Readers' Structuring of Prose Texts," 4:30 p.m., E. Conf. Rm.,
Science Research Club-Oliver Overseth, "New Developments in Ac-
celerators in Patricle Physics," 7:30 p.m., Chrysler Adult Education Center.
Campus Inn Street Scene-Join Inn For Jazz, Ron Brooks Duo, 5:30
p.m., Campus Inn.
Guild House-Poetry Series, Margaret Condon, Judith Kerman, Paula
Rubinstein, 7:30 p.m., 802 Monroe.
. Musical Society-Martha Graham Dancers,8 p.m., Power Center.
Music School-Organ recital, James Kibbie, 8 p.m., Hill.
: College of Engineering-Standing Committee meeting, 3 p.m., 255 West
Democratic Party-First ward organization meeting, 8 p.m., 614 Miner
Army ROTC-rapelling of the Dental Building, open house, 10 a.m., Nor-
th Hall.
ilara- of encina1ina__File Air f,, f'r the Rgiinner nnnn 1011 NBTR

he "h

Embassy in
Iran seized
(Continued from Page 1)
The Iranian government announced
yesterday that it was cancelling defen-
se agreements with both the United
States and the Soviet Union.
Officials played down the importance
of the U.S. agreement,,which contains a
loose commitment for the President to
consult Congress about military sup-
port should Iran seek aid in response to
outside aggression.
Inresponse to questions concerning
the turning over of former monarch for
trial in Iran, State Department
spokesperson Hodding Carter gave a
flat "no."
Extradition of the deposed Shah has
been the main public demand by
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the
Iranian government.
A representative
will be on the campus
NOVEMBER 8, 1979
to discuss qualifications for
advanced study at
and job opportunities
in the. field of

ve. He called the incident "bizarre"
and added, "I just want to get my
degree and get out. I have'no interest." .,..a
Metzger said he isn't enrolled in
Rackham and was not interested in
serving on the council.
Brown said he didn't think he would
like to be on the council because of a
lack of time.
Two of the newly-elected represen- SATURDAY N10th
tatives decried the low turnout. Baker 7
said she thought it "sad." 7:00P.M.
Featherston said, "It's really
pathetic that the student government
for the graduate school is organized like
it is." Featherston said that the elec- *John White's booksare available at
tions might have had a higher turnout
'had the government scheduled the o 1205 South University
Rackham elections at the same time as ore
another election on campus.
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