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November 06, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-06

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

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Vol. LXXXX, No. 53
seized in
Ira n
From AP and Reuter
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's
followers, already holding scores of
hostages in the U.S. Embassy in
Tehran, seized two U.S. consulates and
the British Embassy yesterday in an
escalating war of nerves against "the
Great Satan, America" and its "evil"
British ally.{
In another development, Iran an-
nounced its intention of cancelling a 20-
year-old defense agreement with
Washington, the State Department said
IN WASHINGTON, the U.S. rejected
Iranian demands to extradite the
deposed Shah and called for the safe
release of 60 Americans held at the U.S.
Embassy in Tehran.
The 5-hour takeover at the British
compound began when more than 100
students stormed the builing and
herded diplomats and their wives and
children, who live in the embassy com-
pound, into one building.
Armed revolutionary guards then
arrived on the scene and occupied the
"ONE OF THE guards told Reuters
they had taken over the building to
prevent it from being stormed by
unauthorized groups. The U.S. Em-
bassy has been occupied for the past
two days and 60 hostages still were
being held.
The British Embassy made a strong
protest to the Iranian Forieng Ministry
earlier last evening and was told the
ministry was trying to solve the
problem, British diplomats said.
The embassy officials had stated that
all those held in the compound, believed
to number 28 Britons before the oc-
cupatioh ended, were well and in good
YESTERDAY WAS the first anniver-
sary of an attack on the embassy
building in wich it was burned by anti-
Shah demonstrators.
See BRITISH, Page 3'

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 6, 1979

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Salary disclosure
irks facult group

University administrators and state legislators hoped
that the passage of a law mandating salary disclosure ten
days ago would settle an old controvery.
But a faculty committee says that debate on their rights to
privacy should continue and charges that the University is
"insensitive" to those rights.
ALTHOUGH THE state law which would force the
University to release salary information was signed by Lt.
Gov. James Brickley Oct. 26, many faculty members on
campus are eager to challenge the decision.
In a closed meeting of the Committee on the Economic
Status of the Faculty (CESF) last Friday, members passed a
motion to explore and test all legal means by which the
University could circumvent the new law, according to Jesse
Gordon, a professor in the Social Work School and a member
of the Senate Advisory Committee on Univesity Affairs
(SACUA) who sat in on the CESF meeting.
The CESF motion, Gordon told members of SACUA
yesterday, also included a request that SACUA seek in-
dependent legal counsel and ignore University lawyers.
"There's not a lot of confidence placed in the University at-
torney's judgment that there is absolutely nothing to be done
about the law," Gordon said.
"WE FELT THE language of the bill requires discussion.
It looks very sloppy to us," said Harvey Brazer, chairman of

CESF and a professor in the economics department. "What
the devil is meant by disclosure?" Brazer asked. "We don't
think the administrators understand it any better than we
do," he added.
"Our only question is: Where were the University lawyers
when this bill passed so easily in the state legislature?"
Brazer said. "If they're not doing their job, we have to look
for someone else,"he said.
In addition to dissatisfaction with the University attor-
neys, Gordon reported that many faculty members at the
CESF meeting felt the "administration was not being pat-
ticularly sensitive to faculty needs."
THE ADMINISTRATION'S position is that the law is not
worth fighting any more, Interim President Allan Smith said
yesterday. Smith, as well as many faculty members and
University officials, view salary disclosure as inevitable, he
According to Gordon, the members of CESF were hesitant
to bring this issueto the Regents next week. This is true only
because some CESF members want there to be careful coni
sideration of the privacy issue before the information is
released in any form, said Philip Elving, a chemistry
professor and member of CESF present at last week's
See SALARY, Page 6

AP Photo
SPEAKING IN WASHINGTON, D.C., Ali Agah, Iranian charge d'affairs,
details conditions that must be met before hostages will be released from
the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

Council buys Michigan Theater

City Council voted last night to pur-
chase the historic Michigan Theater for
$525,000. The 50-year-old -theater will
continue to be used for shows, but will
double as a civic center..
The city plans to raise the money
through a bond issue. The citizen's
group currently running the theater,
the Michigan Community Theater
Corp., will lease the building from the
city and then raise funds through box
office revenues and private donations
to pay back the bonds over 15 years and
purchase the theater.
"I THINK IT, (the purchase/lease
plan) gives the citizens in the, com-
munity time to get the fund-raising
rolling," said Ann Arbor Mayor Louis

The mayor called the theater a "darn
super investment for the city" because
it would cost about $3.5 million, he
estimated, to build a civic theater of
comparable size.
In April, the Butterfield Theater
Corp. did not renew its lease on the
1,800-seat theater. Efforts by the
Michigan Community Theater Corp. to
purchase the theater over the summer
fell through.
BELCHER SAID the fund-raisers are
planning to accumulate $3 million to
finance and renovate the theater over
the next 15 years.
Council members Lesliie Morris (D-
Second Ward), EdWard Hood (R-
Fourth Ward), and David Fisher (R-
Fourth Ward) questioned the purchase
of the theater.
Hood said the purchase could
"possibly put the city on a hook" if the
citizens were unable to raise the
necessary funds.

was no guarantee box office receipts-
would be enough to purchase the
theater. But he voiced confidence that
citizens would donate money for the
One reason for the purchase, Belcher
said, was that he expected civic groups
would not be able to use University
auditoriums in the future.
After the purchase passed Council
last night, the audience of about 60 per-
sons broke into applause. Over the ap-
plause, Belcher proclaimed, "We now
own the theater - the citizens do - now
let's fix it up."
LATE LAST night, Council voted to
table until Nov. 13 a resolution by Four-
th Ward Council members Hood and
Fisher asking the city's planning
department to review zoning for all
vacant land in the south area of the city.
The resolution included a directive to
stop all planning action in the area for
60 days until the zoning review is com-
The intent of Hood and Fisher's

resolution is to slow down rapid, high
density development in the area.
COUNCIL ALSO tabled the resolution
two weeks ago.
Council also was expected to vote on
deferring purchase of a solid waste
shredder for the city's landfill.
Controversy over the actual
operating cost of the landfill operation
including operation of the shredder and
evidence that a city-wide recycling plan
would cut the volume of solid waste in
the city has led Republican Council
members to consider a deferral.
Earlier in the evening, Council gave
preliminary approval to the re-zoning
of 206 acres on the city's northwest side.
Critics charge the 206 acres, to be
developed into single- and multiple-
family residential units, would add to
traffic on the north side of town.
Council member Earl Greene (D-
Second Ward) objected to the re-zoning,
saying that the city should develop a
comprehensive zoning plan for the nor-
thwest side of town.

KCIA chief
sou ht
7res dc
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)-South
Korean intelligence chief Kim Jae-kyu
assassinated President Park Chung-
hee in an attempted coup because "he
had the illusion he was best suited for.
president," a final investigative report
said yesterday.
The chief of the Korean Central In-
telligence Agency intended to turn the
martial law command into a.
"revolutionary committee" after the
Oct. 26 killing and lead a military
revolution, the report said. It added
that investigators found no involvement
by the military or foreign powers.
The report also said eight persons
had been arrested-the KCIA chief and
five other KCIA men accused of doing
the killing, the presidential chief
secretary andtanother KCIA man who
allegedly destroyed evidence. The eight
are to have an open trial before a mar-
tial law military tribunal.

NRC: Some urban
nukes may be closed

WASHINGTON (AP) - The chair-
man of the Nuclear Regulatory Com-
mission (NRC) acknowledged yester-
day that certain nuclear plants near
populated areas may have to be shut
down because of potential problems in
evacuating residents in the event of an
Joseph Hendrie, testifying before a
House subcommittee, also announced
that an NRC freeze on new nuclear
plants - imposed shortly after the
March 28 accident at Three Mile Island
- is being extended at least until
HE SAID the added time is needed so
the recommendations of the presiden-
tial commission on Three Mile Island
can be fully examined by policy
The delay.directly affects four plants
that had been scheduled to open by the
end of this year, and keeps another 88
plants in various stages of construction
in a holding pattern. There are now 70
nuclear plants in operation in the
United States.
Representatives of the nuclear and
electric utility industries condemned
the NRC decision to continue its freeze,
saying the result would mean higher
renergy costs to consumers and more
reliance on expensive imported oil.
REP. TOBY Moffett (D-Conn.), noted
that a number of the plants now in

operation are older ones, built before
the current policy of constructing them
away from populated areas.
For people who live near the Indian
Point nuclear plant near New York City
or the Zion plant near Chicago, "There
is no evacuation plan that can help
you," Moffett said.
"If we are really concerned about
safety, why don't we shut down some
existing plants?" he asked.
"IT'S A possibility, Mr. Moffett,"
Hendrie replied.
However, Hendrie was quick to note
that he wasn't advocating shutting
down either of the plants mentioned by
Moffett, saying "we're going to come to
a very hard-rock place soon, but we're
not up against it yet."
Commissioner John Ahearne said
that, short of being closed down, some
older plants might be . ordered to
operate at vastly reduced generating
levels to provide an extra margin of
Unable to open this year because of
the freeze are: Salem II in New Jersey,
North Anna II in Virginia, Diablo
Canyon in California and Sequoyah I in
Three other plants - Zimmer in
Ohio, McGuire in North Carolina and
LaSalle in Illinois - are due for com-
pletion next spring and also could be af-

Poli~cy board has
By CHARLES THOMSON Dean Billy Frye, who1
For the first time in more than two meeting in the absenc
years, the LSA Joint Faculty-Student manent chairpersons,
Policy Committee met yesterday. the committee didn't m
Although much of the meeting was interest.
spent determining essentially "There did not seem
procedural matters, members of both behalf of either the
the student and faculty delegations left .
the meeting feeling that the gathering ,
itself accomplished something.r
"IN.TERMS of the history of student
participation in the college, I think it
was very significant," said LSA
Student Government (LSA-SG)
President Bob Stechuk, who, along withV
LSA-SG Vice-President Kathy Fried-
man, brought about the rebirth of the.
The Joint Faculty-Student Policy
Committee was established in 1969 by
the Governing Faculty of LSA, the
school's highest authority, to "consider
and debate any matter within the
jurisdiction of the faculty." The com- Stechi
mittee reports to the Governing meetings
Faculty take precedence over all other"metnv
committee reports except those of the faculty to call a mee
Executive Committee. This provision, two years," she
according to Stechuk, is one of the fac- speculated that stu
tors which led him to urge the commit- been using other foru
tee to resume operations. concerns.
"Technically," said Stechuk, "the Stechuk, however, d
committee offers us some sort of access the failure to meet for
to the governing faculty's agenda." case of neglect on th

assistant to LSA
presided over the
ce of elected per-
said the reason
neet was a lack of
to be interest on
students or the

meeting in two years

IN ADDITION to the committee's
relationship to the Governing Faculty's
Agenda, Stechuk felt the committee
was important because it will get more
students involved in dealing with
issues, provide another means of
raising issues for students, and provide

tail. I think the faculty got a sense that
we were very interested in doing this. I
think it was very valuable in that
respect. That's basically all we hoped
FRIEDM;AN ALSO said, the commit-
tee may serve important functions for
students. "Students need a place to
voice their opinions. They need access
to the governing faculty through the.
system. They need a way to work vyith
the faculty. They need a place to
initiate policy rather than react to the
administration all the time," Friedman
During the meeting, Stechuk
suggested several possible areas the
committee should study, including af-
firmative action programs within the
college, declining enrollment, the role
of teaching assistants, grade grievance
procedures, tenure, and faculty
evaluations.'The committee decided to
begin studying the teaching assistant
situation and the tenure issue at their
next meeting.
Jack Meiland, a faculty member of
the committee, said after the meeting
that the committee has a lot of poten-
"The issues raised by Stechuk are
important and impinge greatly on
student life," Meiland said.

t k

valuable ... need to initiate

ting during those
said. Edwards
dents may have
ims to voice their
disagreed. He said
two years was "a
he part of the ad-

a means of creating dialogue between
students and faculty.
Stechuk also said he felt the meeting
itself was "very important."
"Getting something like this started
is always the hardest part. The students
on the committee were given a good ex-
posure to what the committee will en-

clothing. The clerk decided agai~Tst a public streak after the

popularity seems even stronger considering that a total of
only 23 votes were cast for living vice presidential can-
didates. Indeed, in an election which drew less than one per
cent of the eligible voters, perhaps anarchy is the only an-
swer. QI
Holding the line
Lowly teaching assistants are used to sharing one
University phone along with several others, but professors

History is in the second year of a voluntary party line
program. Professors were asked to give up private lines so
that the department could spend the money thus saved on
other things, primarily new duplicating equipment. Most
professors readily agreed, but those who felt a special need
for a private line were not forced to switch. While
professors are often heard complaining about the annoyan-
ce of having to answer the phone and take messages for ab-
sent colleagues, the consensus opinion was expressed by
Prof. Michael Geyer: "I'd rather have a two person per line
telenhne rithan have nthM'barthings e ut -thiG hurts l1a~et " nF

clothing. The clerk decided 'aga lest a public streak after the
On the inside
A story on how to pretend you are musically talented on
the arts page ... President Carter may get a chance to ap-
point a Supreme Court justice, but then again, he may not.

momppp- "'k M M"VIVEMORM,



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