The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November d, 197-Pat -.05el 3iElY a +'" "" " 'Y 1'. I/'nnl"\ . \ > rF',\," s I ;*. f - 4 h ,f " :n .q' \ f,: .. YI i , f)rN i y." . . r 0. k M ..,"'-M "Tw/ * f ' o-Y . l , . ' e]. rIF YOU'RE GOING TO B THE BEST YOU CAN BE, _ -2MAKE SURE inaa a YOU LOOK .i-7 THELEI' OYMIC Lz.THE BEST K.:* ji/ / ;,T E E S-LYjI 1 , r'/ //"/1kU.7 . .. N//.7/ t i w 155Iu K i li-,'i:.4/;J 1:.:Y; t :....s..,'; ; r '.,'',; and win a chance to be the best you 1- /:,,* ,. *,. ,can be in whatever you want to do. Frnn11 Forrenn -i,**,*,f*,!+ 1' 't 1_ / L ,1' /. t 1 " " "". r///I * qr q ,r1 / , , ..r ' 1 / { "{ ~/ {, / ' x ( I1 1 ' 1,'/' 'r , ' f " 4 'J ~; 6 ti:k~d. { 1 :tr ///! ./ / r' I; / INIj , J/:'//, -- IC E , 1:; .r I '' (' ,/ :rr" " "' / t li /, li',fI Levi Strauss will gv 8p o i "'Ii {,.k. , /I /,(Jl/r' ,l . . ""J$'i ' l/i/I+'00 O~n sale till s:f.:b/' ,',.,.. to cover expenses at the school - { November; I11.l ,.///,, j,. ,;1J /J , 'J//i' i training programor learningac- (Regular venure7f' 'AI4 ;// ';; // ;, ,; , J: 'r,' , ;"1 , potnt to learn how to be the 1 i//i+ ll('! i; " :.',2 // f"l /f/, rJ// best you can be. /'// '/"l '"+/,' . / jr ''-$ // ' / - C ti .* _. f ONE OF LEVI'S thechace o b th bet yu cn b atLIMITED EDITION > I THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS SAGEBRUSH ZEB'S VERY SAGEBRUSH AND LEVI STRAUSS OLYMPIC CHALLENGE (and order the rest). OWN FIRST ANNUAL SWEEPSTAKES AND CONTEST. I While they last (which won't be long). SAGEBRUSH RECORD OF -Duprsoe DAYS FOR 1980. READ THIS FIRST. ENTER SAGEBRUSH ZEB'S Come February, most of us folks will ge t prett'y excited about watchin' - "'" '~"~ CHAL ENGEthem Olympic athets try to win them mdals of gold O.LYMPiIC C ALL NG Fact is, we can learn a lot from them Spciall'y in workin hard to be CONT ST ND IN N - the best in whatver we do Fatis, that's somethin the pople at Lvi Strauss & Compan'y reall'y OLY PICI care. about After all, the'y keep makin Lvi's jans the best thy can so STR~AVEL /: ou can look the best you can B. AG.;BAG. Which explains the whale idea behind th sweepstakes they'r hcpin A C 1 me run. r ry I've put all the details somewhere else on this page. /r' lY~ Mr) N r . ,',f 4 Zebediah L. Groggs 0 r - ~,./ / 4A~Proprieto ti i" t/1I -l.( L fU~ J ri. :' 'La ________ Alf- - a./,wm. w -- WW- 11I :c. - .-\ 4' OR A Just like the Olympic athletes have. Each Sagebrush store will award these prizes November 19. c t0 Fi } t i V1 11Y0N{ r W ns b tFW- - e" i " .-- .1 "e " .1 '' o p )) pc ip 11 ONE ENT1'Y BLANK' GETS YOU IN-- OTCJust stop by any Sagebrush store between now and November 18 and fill out the special Levi's Sweepstakes form. I ? 1 . = V7 f MAP, .i'"'... - --- .,