The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 4, 1979-Page 5
Rebel units advance on La Paz
From AP and Reuter
LA PAZ, Bolivia - Army tanks were
reported advancing last night on
Bolivia's presidential palace, apparen-
tly in a bid to oust the two-day-old
military government of Colonel Alberto
Radio reports said the tanks, advan-
cing from the outskirts of the city,
belonged to the larapaca Armored
Regiment, which initially supported
After meeting with Natusch yester-
day, Bolivia's armed forces comman-
der ordered armored units into the
capital and warned civilians to clear
the streets.
COMMANDING GEN. Eden Castillo'
said he was taking the action "to
prevent acts of provocation." Castillo
made the announcement without ex-
planation from the presidential palace,
where he and other generals conferred
with Natusch for several hours.
There was no indication whether the
officers reached an agreement on
issues that threatened Natusch's con-
trol over the government following his
overthrow of President Walter Guevara
on Thursday.
Troops guarding the palace were
prepared to repulse the armored
column, and reporters working there
were evacuated while heavy machine
guns were placed on the roofs.
ARTILLERY FIRE could be heard
about two miles from the palace a few
minutes after armored vehicles and
troops which surrounded the building
-advanced to meet the tanks.
Natusch held a surprise meeting with
one of his main opponents, labor leader
Juan Lechin, earlier yesterday, but
failed to gain his support.
"There will be no cooperation of any
type with the new authorities, only the
restoration of the democratic system
will suffice," Lechin told reporters af-
ter the two-hour meeting.
He reaffirmed trade union support
for Parliament, which has rejected the
THE CONGRESS was scheduled to
hold a plenary session in the Bolivian
Workers Organization (COB)
headquarters later in the day in defian-
ce of Colonel Natusch, who declared it
Lechin said the colonel had hinted
during their meeting that he might
retract the suspension order.
Lechin said his talk with the colonel
did not imply tacit recognition of his
administration: "If enemies in war
sometimes sit down to talk," he sadi,
" we too can talk with the enemy."
On leaving the palace, he was met by
a group of workers who raised him
shoulder-high in an anti-coup demon-
The COB declared a general strike
immediately after the coup and has ex-
tended it for the third day.
Feliciano Agapito Monzon, named
Finance Minister by Natusch, said the
U.S. decision to cut $27 million worth of
aid after the coup, was no reason for
"It only concerns financial aid from
the U.S. governmept, much less impor-
tant than that from organizations like
the Inter-American Development Bank
and the World Bank," he said.
"There is aid which is not ruled by
political criteria," he added. "That is
the important aid and Bolivia is con-
tinuing to receive it."
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Feds scurry to ready
Ed. Dept. by spring
0 .0
WASHINGTON (AP) - With time
running short, a Carter administration
task force is immersed in the assign-
ment of setting up the new Department
of Education.
Under the law, the government is
allotted only six months to get a depar-
tment ready for business once the
Senate confirms the person to head that
agency. The Senate is expected to ap-
prove President Carter's nomination of
Judge Shirley hufstedler as secretary
of education in early December.
FOr the reorganization force at the
Office of Management and Budget, that
means a presidential pledge must be
turned into a live Cabinet-level depar-
tment by the spring of 1980. The job is
WHENTHE Education Department
is fully operational, it will have some
17,000 employees and an annual budget
in excess of $14 billion. The OMB tran-
sition team, which helped shepherd the
Department of Education bill through
Congress, is faced with an arduous task
that involves consolidation of 152
disparate federal programs.
The team was aware that nomination
of a departmental head would closely
follow the Sept. 27 enactment of
legislation creating the department. So
it is not waiting for the confirmation
process and the resultant six-month
deadline for setting up shop.
While lawmakers consider the
qualifications of Hufstedler, the tran-
sition team is hard at work. It has no
budget of its own. Employees are tem-
porarily assigned to the special staff.
from their own agencies.
THE TEAM, headed by, Harrison
Wellford, is dividing itself into task for-
ces to specialize in the subject areas on
the department's organizational chart
- elementary and secondary.
education, civil rights, management
and budget and so on. A search for
building space has begun.
Another set of problems arises for
programs, which eventually will
become a part of the department,
where policy decisions must be made
before the agency is ready to operate.
"Any decisions that are required
between now and then would take place
within the current structure," said
Nancy Leamond, special assistant on
the team. "The actual operation of the
program will continue at HEW (the
Department of Health, Education and
Welfare) under Pat Harris' direction."
Ms. Harris is the HEW secretary.
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