e. Page 2-Sunday, October 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Sunday theater HAR NOX BY TR -aA 1 -A ,v. t, \J1\ /,J ! Y Brve --"" L~ K ~ / ~ * ~ 3 ~ p1~o~I /tv w t t ( o~o" w[Cmf?1cDtQ N. - a... fal Nlmu. h _. ___ _.- _ __ - r----+ / dP EJ..E LczT O KYo4.. [L44 Nut{...; VA A*K (~ T~REA . J" lYw(, S'TJCAJT ot.11' Srete- 1 Hly ")snm FsA ( L, /" IAoNE °Llt1srt e Y b Disco? - NE !" ..° iiZ TW F S - % LjW&!?2.lbkSCO Snr ~(s.1!° 0 (Continued from Page 6? production for the huge Power Center stage. The recently built Student Theater Arts Center (STAC), a squat, institutional-looking building that stan- ds in the shadow of Crisler Arena, houses one large rehearsal room, another about as big as Mendelssohn Theatre's stage, shops for sets and costumes, two piano rooms, an office, a, lounge, and another room that, for some reason, is currently being used as sanctuary for some of the papers of former President Ford. Despite its bland white brick walls, STAC has a pleasantly bustling at- mosphere a few weeks before opening, with actors in the lounge area engaged in energetic chit-chat, Holab and- Eyerly's sprightly chords rolling off the piano in the large rehearsal room, and the Soph Show choreographer shouting instructions one room over. The dif- ferences between preparation for In The Dark and the usual tried and true Musket musical are not vast, but some are evident from both conversation with the actors and the work of director Kay Long. Long, a doctoral candidate' in theater whose most recent produc- tions were Summer Rep's Hay Fever and last year's Showcase, People Are Living There, seems to take the script quite seriously - no Carousel, this. While Louise Nowicki, an actress connected with the show since June, notes that the director is "never dic- tatorial," Long has very definite opinions concerning motivations, delivery, and the like. She presses ac- tors for their underlying thoughts line after line. When Peter Slutsker, who stars as the bumbling romantic lead, reads a line with an ellipsis in the script, Long insists on hearing the un- spoken tail end of the thought. Also typical of a director's treatment of straight plays is the way Long han- dles a scene concluding with the lead couple in an embrace. She tells each of the actors to decide for him/herself if the offstage conclusion to the scene is a consummation of the affair, but in- structs each not to tell the other. Jon Zimmerman plays the sinning sibling to Nowicki's "loving sister." The third-year voice major has some solid experience in more established shows, having played Tony in West Side Story two years ago and the title role in last season's Pippin. Zimmerman says the most discomfiting thing about this project is working with a script that's always in limbo. Whereas a director might be remiss to tamper with the ungainliest lines in a Bernstein musical, Zimmerman says that In The Dark contains "a lot of things you want to change because they're not set... . There is no set script to fall back on." But Zimmerman is happy with his role. "The incest stuff is very good,"; he says, "and very funny." The joke of the sub-plot, he adds, is that the brother and sister are at once incestuous and "extremely chic:" f eltrin: (/tots children spent their tinter quilinig. Laureate": hhut o'euwere w-ll- Ibl'haretd and did toot fight- Edw-in: Thi#er ne rer was morn loir' Ihe'11""fi two siblinigs, Both: W tlrin trer in this twcin Ii'd ireirv night. Edw'in: Its illegaL. sistor dar. and fraught with danger, and discretion is the piperic ti must pay - Laur'tta: Wl1, it's nicr wtih a brother than soi stranger, though I touldgget in a rory f amily ruav. If Kurtzman, Eyerly, and Holab have pulled through their many-moon ordeal with something approaching a measure of sanity, it may be because of the wise- cracking wit that seems to be the trio's basic means of communication. When it's pointed out that only Holab has con- tributed none of the lyrics, Kurtzman deadpans, "Well, Bill is only semi- literate." Commenting on a low-budget, experimental staging of the show last July, several scenes of which audiences sat through stone-facedly, Eyerly says, "People do not laugh when they are confused." The authors have since made the more complicated sections of the show a bit less obscure. The main objective of the summer try-out, in fact, was to gather direct feedback from the professors, perfor- mers and public who attended. The playwrights made use of comments from spectators such as Music School Prof. William Bolcom. The response, says Kurtzman, was "a breath of fresh air" - what In The Dark really needed. Eyerly calls the show "traditional" in some respects, "but only if you call Stephen Sondheim's ideas traditional." Sundag A CR OSTIC PUZZLE P 1 J2 i3 SK 71 H 30 P 31 ITa 11 i I i - i 1 20 . 65 K 21 0 44 J 251B 261 T271K S 9 77 iR 34 H 351 M 14 ID 15 IN 16 P-17 S- 18 3 61C 37 0 3g 169 x 40 D 41 H 59 60 L6 62 U !L M bR7 i- i i- i i i i i i 50l J 51 6r67 68) z 69 Ix t 70H 7112?71 4 55 K 75 76 77 a 56 i i i 7 T I T- '° _t N 861B3 871J R31:1 X91 I J 107 4 128 L 108 U 109 0- 91) N 92 0 iliojfil CIf Hl1 K 9- 3 13 114 D W ' 95 x 116 57 " 5P 7 R 79t 0 99 C 100 G RO R S 96 97 A R G 117 118 ) 2 0 r 121 010J131 F 132 136 K 237 r149 A 150G 151* F152IT53i5415[ H 158 G 159 160 119 ' 1201 138 J 139 H 1401 161 162' 1 1 P 192 L121 . 122 U 141 H 142 u 163 N 183 G 184 N 101 L 102 103 7 123 0 124 1 125 C 143 A 144 F 145 N 1461 z 164 A 165 o 166 ....4 104 C 126 K 147 r 167 F 189 2F b3J 64 '+ a5 'y105 106 6 iz7 7 lut3 7 U 169 s 169 0 179I19 C fi 5 16 198 I I . o - I admmbI BY S TEPHEN J POZSGA I Copyright 1977 INSTRUCTIONS Guess the words defined at the left and write them in over their numbered dashes. Then, transfer each letter to the cor- responding numbered square in the grid above. The letters printed in the upper-right-hand corners of the squares indi- cate from what clue-word a particular square's letter comes from. The grid, when filled in, should read as a quotation from a published work. The darkened squares are the .spaces between words. Some words may carry over to the next line. Meanwhile, the first letter of each guessed word at the left, reading down, forms an acrostic, giving the: author's name an the title of the work from which the quote is extracted. As words and phrases begin to form in the grid, you can work back and forth from clues to grid until the puzzle is complete. Answer to Last Week's Puzzle ". the uniqueness of scien'e deserves to he defended. No other way of knowing is based on a set of rules explicitly de- signed to transcend the prior belief systems of mutually antagonistic ... communities in Order. to arrive at knowledge that is equally probable forany rational human mind. " In fact, Sondheim has broken a lot of new ground, and the local trio of authors are trying to follow in his foot- steps. They point to the fact that none of their songs could be cleanly lifted from the script and performed in isolation from the rest of the show. If all goes well, Kurtaman, Holab, and Eyerly will get a chance to find out first hand what their idol thinks of their ef- forts. They have submitted In The Dark to a national competition, the winners D Scott Eyerly, William Holab, and Andy Kurtzman dents who co-authored the musical "In the Hark." nailer of which v with Sond as well a musical t For the will be ha Nov. 16-1 Power Ce chestra-i and the a to the I Chicagoa A. Titter; giggle (Var.) 8. Kind of stand (2 words) C. Edward Abbey's Gong (2 words) D. Gravity-free condition E. Rapacious; gaping F. N.Y. city on Lake Erie G. Marked by the presence of agriculture H. Mistaken: wrong 1. Flourish; prosper J. See; wasp; ant 3 68 144 98 150 165 11 140 26 160 181 114 87 119 10 50 37 76 84 100 126 143 153 180 188 164 42 19 60 90 62 73 74 82 41 92 15 118 136 176 36 65 77 85 115 125 127 148 120 169 104 53 32 138 156 63 152 132 145 170 189 94 80 117 184 151 5 30 35 105 113 142 158 7159 9 111 172 187 22 179 K. Airplane emergency escape escape means (2 words) 1. Carrying switch or stick M. At full length (2 words) N. TV razor blode cut exclamation (Slang) 0. Thomas Tryon novel (2 words) P. Domestic cat Q. First U.S. astronaut in space - A Story of All Time -Aleister Crowley work S. Undamaged; unwounded T. Name of John Glenn's craft (2 words) U. Soneset 7 70 21 28 40 75' 93 106 137 14? 161 177 12 102 48 61 121 108 14 46,58 8 81 66 122 33 116 16 57 86 146 101 183 4 38 44 83 99 166 110 124 130 178 175- 17 52 1 171 31 20 91 155 128 173 186 69 34 47 6 24 79 95 89 72 135 154 29 13 18 39 96 78 129 27 49 55 67 103 123 149 112 133 162 167 174 185 182 141 23 168 45 56 159 109 134 163 (Continued from Page 3) "The country is more and more in the power grip of institutions that don't represent the people's needs," Nader told the crowd at the Michigan Theatre. He emphasized that the corporate men- tality must be exercised from our min- ds before we can effect change. Most people accept the existing power struc- ture because they have never imagined it any other way, says Nader. Com- pliance with the corporate monopoly has been ingrained in the American people in much the same way as certain sexist attitudes or patriotic loyalties. This mentality, according to Nader, is supressing the people's ability to speak out against the corporations that are "removing themselves from the fate of the people.. . and getting more out of control." This desire, this sense of obligation, to speak one's mind is Nader's bir- thright. His parents, first-generation Lebanese immigrants who settled in the small town of Winsted, Connecticut, in- - stilled in their four children an ap- preciation of the Constitutional right to freedom of speech. In his book Nader and the Power of Everyman, journalist Hays 'Gorey' relates 'a 'conversation between young Ralph and his father about the duty of Americans to say what's on their minds. Ralph had come home from school one day feeling frustrated because he had become tongue-tied when he wanted to correct his teacher in a class discussion. His father told him it is wrong not to take advantage of Constitutional rights, and that people who don't express their opinions don't deserve to have any im- pact on events. So from his childhood, Nader wa take on f parent au Nader single-hai consumer problems larger, m all, Nader foundatio: system. awarenes urging his in local, Arbor are approxim. auto, 1 cooperati' Nader Washingt besides tf He is adv current t challengii dorses no specific p dicated h med prim spurred c 5' 54 2 25 43 51 88 64 97 107 131 139 157 (Marvin) Harris -. I' ' I' ~ ~ uIltulAl Mtrnigsji a . @ t +,; - - - - - - - - - - - - - -