P ae 4 Sotirdov October 27. 1979-The Michigan Daily +. -I , _: ,.,..y.,.., .._....,... ...... .. ..... Developing SWSREESS, because prices seem too high; such ram- pant consumerism serves only to encourage At last week's national conference of the notions of increasing consumption for con- North American Studentsof Cooperation sumption's sake (which isone major fallout (NASCO), Ralph Nader emphasized the need from the corporate perspective). It is one for an alternative framework through which thing to complain if prices are illegitimately consumers could make decisions and inflated; it is quite another (and a wrong) evaluations. A new assertiveness could idea to complain when you just don't like the emerge to challenge the present structure of prices. Thus, tax opponents like Howard Jar- business transactions; by a refusal to accept vis (Proposition 13 in California) are justified the unclear guarantees, the poor safety or ef- only if they aim to maximize the government ficiency of various products, the low nutrition services they receive for their taxes. Ob- of many advertised foods, etc. This new breed viously someone must pay for government' of consumer would be conspicuous only in his and for people to blindly jump on these ban- or her demand for proper information and dwagons with only the short-sighted goal of salesmanship, and in the rejection of the less taxes is to really miss the point of present, tendency towards consumer legitimate consumerism. We all have to pay meekness, which has been encouraged by .for our energy, food and government-there what Nader called 'the corporate perspec- can be no avoiding this fact. What we must tive." Yet Nader's idea of a consumer per- make sure of is that we are getting our spective can be developed and extended money's worth in a safe and intelligent man- beyond the basic marketplace. Citizens are ner. consumers of government, sincethey pary THIS NEW AWARENESS can befostered (indirectly through taxes) for certain ser- at the central or local levels. Everyone :vices such as basic protection or social realizes that housing in Ann Arbor is a :welfare programs. The present perspective of problem. There is not enough, and what is -.government's consumers demands, at most, available is often overpriced and poorly in- ~some form of accountability from our sulated. The present attitude of "housing con- ,leaders. Yet it is clear that we must do more sumers" is usually one of grumbling accep- than this; we must reset the agenda and style tance. We should harness these grumbles into Hof decision-making by formulating and then productive energy through organization and ,,effectively advocating the public interest. education. There are groups available (Try This' new perspective demands the par- PIRGIM's Housing Task Force) with feasible °-ticipation of all, for it places the responsibility goals to legislate or* implement through for scrutiny and change upon each individual. united action. "Tenant privacy" and "just r" This new assertiveness can develop at any cause" eviction are two areas that proposed level we choose. Yet it should not derive sim- legislation is addressing. Coalition-buildjng is 'I 0 r a new consumer perspective t T Z C By Daniel Carol also occuring among Ann Arbor tenant groups. This sense of organization will invite new commitment by others,.so an alternative perspective can begin to take shape. In energy, the need for a new consumer at- titude is vital. The energy shortage impels us to efficiently determine how to distribute our energy. Is Exxon's profit increase of over 100 per cent really justifiable, if the rise in oil prices forces the poor and the elderly to decide between food or heat this winter? Clearly, there must be a middle ground here. It would seem that we cannot depend on government alone to scrutinize the corporate sector (witness oil deregulation). Business' lobbyists are an integral part of the present day decision process, providing both the "expert-testimony" on which Congress relies upon as well as a steady diet of effective pressure. We need- to organize to match this strength, and groups such as Nader's Congress Watch are the nucleus of such effor- ts. CONSUMER ACTION in the energy sphere can take both positive and negative tacks in the fight to achieve recognition and con- sideration of its views. The high price of elec- tricity and other utilities has stimulated at- tempts to develop local energy projects such as solar or wind power to circumvent the present dependency on large utilities for energy. Maggie Kuhn of the Grey Panthers has helped initiate a solar greenhouse in the German#own section of Philadelphia. The technology for decentralized energy alter- natives does exist. But again, real organization must precede such efforts. The formation of capitol, the acquisition of technical know-how, effective planning-these are crucial prerequisites to any such movements. But they can be met. Organized protests may also serve to effec- tively represent the consumer interest in energy. Again it must be emphasized that protests against price hikes are poorly motivated if the hikes are essentially justifiable. But if a utility pursues a policy that one opposes, whether it be on the grounds of economics or safety, then protests or strikes may be necessary in order to voice the consumer perspective. Protests are impor- tant in enhancing public awareness and in their impact on legislation. Strikes on utility payments are an attempt to influence utility's policies by withholding payment of bills until one's views are aired before the utility and perhaps the Public Service Commission as well. Such a movement exists in Michigan against the Detroit Edision and Consumer's Power companies, largely for their activities in nuclear construction. Yet it too must properly organiz° and set specific goals before it can hope to succeed. The consumer perspective must also be cultivated with regards to government. We pay large amounts of taxes, and it is our responsibility to take an active role in deter- mining how this money is to be allocated (or else we have no real right to complain). The service of the public interest must be a major criterion in our decision-making, as well as the consideration of the interests of gover- nment and business. Clearly one deter- mination of the public interest is unlikely to be agreed to by all of us. What is important however, is the creation of a forum for this determination and the process of deter- mination itself. Thus, while we may not be able to agree specifically what issues and goals are universally in the public interest, we can agree that the need for the attempt at determination does exist. A new assertiveness must take hold among the consumer-citizens of this country. Through public interest representation and organization we can begin to provide real in- put into the areas we must deal with, whether they be an automobile showroom or the halls of Congress. This new perspective must derive from a desie to take responsibility for the world around each of us. Through organization we can shape the structures and policies that seem so distant, and shake off our illusory feeling of helplessness. Itjis time to realize that the citizenry can and must set the public agenda. In such a new context, the politicians will be forced to respond to this agenda, or face the consequences come elec- tion day. Only then may we place some of our faith in our representatives as represen- tatives, and allow ourselves to relax our need to scrutinize. The Pirgim A vareness column,, which appears weekiv. is designed to raise con- sumer a wareness and to advocate the public interest in business and govern- ment. - I Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Pro-choice must be protected Vol. LXXXX. No. 45 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan -nrinthnn M rwil SOMETIMES THE University administrators contend this is a state institution. Other times, they go eut of their way to assert their autonomy and independence from state control. It all depends on the particular case, And what is at stake. If what they want pan be gained by associating them- selves with the state, they'll pursue that course. If independence is needed, they'll use other arguments, such as academic freedom, to bolster that position. The' most recent case of University craftiness developed Thursday when University lawyers contended that a former University humanities professor can not sue three, faculty members and the Regents for Oamages because the eleventh amen- dment to the U.S. Constitution bars a federal court from hearing an action by a citizen against a state. The professor,' Jonathan Marwil, argues he was unfairly denied a tenure review by department officials. He is seeking either reinstatement at the University so that his tenure may be reviewed, or damages of more than $1 million. Beyond the merits of this case, the University can not be classified as a pure state institution. While it receives substantial allocations from the state legislature, they only amount to one- .quarter of its entire budget. In ad- ition, it is the University bureaucracy. Which eventually decides how to 4istribute those funds. r Article 8, Sec. 5 of the Michigan Con- stitution of 1963 provides that the ]hoard of Regents at the University of Michigan "shall have general super- Jsion of its institution and the control gnd direction of all expenditures from the institution's funds." In the past, University officials have ifidicated their eagerness to receive Mtate funds for the new University 'iospital replacement project so that they can better serve the medical needs of the state's residents. It was'a difficult lobbying battle with the state, uring which the University felt it im- perative to demonstrate the plan's potential benefits for all state citizens. The legislature obviously agred, and supplied the necessary funds. i But when it came to disclosing faculty salaries, the University pleaded University employees are. -nrivate citizens and not subject to the "AA LV&044L Tvv 1 of University/State relations, but essentially the University has found it more feasible to flip-fop than clearly state it's function in the state of Michigan. By asking for a dismissal, the University lawyers are only requesting that the financial element in the suit be dropped, while Marwil's appeal for reinstatement be maintained. Yet, if the judge dismisses that part of the suit, Marwil would most likely file a new suit against the faculty members and Regents as individuals. Turning to the case itself, the evidence clearly shows that Marwil deserves a tenure review. Not only are such guarantees implied in the generally accepted standards of procedural fairness, but he was also given no indicatiops that he would be denied such a review. As a member of the Engineering College, Marwil was- subject to the school's "Promotion-Tenure Procedure," approved by the College's Executive Committee on November 26, 1974. This guideline shows a pattern in which those eligible for tenure-such as Marwil who had just completed his sixth year-would be given a depar- tment review. At that time, they would be granted tenure or notified that their stay at the University would be ter- minated. Marwil was also given verbal assurances from department officials that his case would be heard, and then suddenly told to pack his bags. The Senate Advisory Review Com- mittee-the board in charge of reviewing such cases-ruled that Marwil has a valid point. SARC ruled that since Marwil is in his sixth year, he must be given a tenure review; "department procedures cannot block his access to the tenure review process created by College procedures. The Senate Assembly, however, refused to produce a resolution calling for the Engineering College to reverse its earlier decision. They argued that any supporting resolution would be improper since the court case is now being heard. While many have given support to Marwil, the refusal to pass a formal resolution' on his behalf in- dicates many professors fear that the University would tighten its tenure procedures if the faculty got tough on this issue. Michigan is targeted by anti- abortionists who seek gover- nmental interference in family planning. Anti-choice fanatics are attempting to destroy women's legal right to chooige when to have a child. Choice AC- TION WEEK, Oct. 21-28, is a nationally designated week to in- form and educate the majority who support a woman's right to choose that our personal rights are jeopardized. These activities will culminate in a PRO-CHOICE RALLY on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 2:00 p.m. in Lansing where men, women and children will demon- strate their support of women's right to choose. - In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that government cannot in- terfere with a woman's decision to bear a child or to abort since that time, pro-choice supporters have assumed that the fight was won. Choice Action Week will let the majority know that a small special interest group has per- sistently and at times dangerously attempted to whittle away the legal right to abort. It is time men and women stood up to say "We will not allow the gover- nment or this special interest group to force us to have un- wanted children." Without our collective and persistent effort poor women will be forced to have either a dangerous and medically unsafe abortion or to bear an unwanted child. THE DECISION to abort is not easily made by any woman. She usually decides after long, ar- duous discussions with her mate, friends, family, and clergy. Sometimes an abortion is chosen because a woman's life is en- dangered or because pregnancy resulted from a vicious rape or incest. Sometimes a woman or man is economically and psychologically unprepared to be a parent. Without perfect technology and utilization, un- wanted pregnancy occurs from contraceptive failure. Or abor- tion is chosen because the fetus has a genetic abnormality such as Tay Sachs disease. Parents may understandably decide to abort (and later conceive a healthy child) rather than give birth to a child you will watch die before s/he is old enough to learn the alphabet. Should the gover- nment insensitively intrude and force women to bear children un- der such circumstances? The majority of us says no. Pro-choice advocates celebrate life. We fight for legislation tha t improves the quality of life for all people-children, the elderly, the poor. We fight just as hard to en- sure the right of women to bear children and to have adequate fogd, shelter and clothing for all. children. Contrast this with anti- choice activities which if suc- cessful, will ultimately increase the size of our population because they do not believe in family planning. This is the same group which pressure legislators to reduce governmental services to the elderly, children and the poor. The participants in CHOICE ACTION WEEK include many groups and represent a wide range of political, social, economic and religious positions. This is not true of anti-choice ac- tivists. First they represent the opinions of only 22 per cent of the country according to a 1977 CBS/N.Y. Times poll. Second, 85 per cent of this minority are Catholics. In 1977, 98 per cent of the funds for the National Com- mittee for a Human Life Amen- dment were raised from Catholic Dioceses and arch- dioceses. Third, according to a poll commissioned by this anti- choice group, "65 per cent of the Catholics polled disagreed with the statement "Abortion should not be allowed under any circum- stances." So now we see that this small but vocal special interest group is attemtping to put into law the religious convictions held by a minority of that religion. In Michigan, the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights organized because these religious leaders believe that women should have the legal right to choose to abort and to ensure the separation of church and state as mandated by the . U.S.. constitution. WHAT ELSE are anti-choice activists doing? First they are pressuring our legislators because the courts consistently rule in favor of choice. They have called for a constitutional con- vention that would make all abor- tions illegal. (This effort is sometimes done under the guise of calling for a convention to balance the federal budget.) They introduce legislation which may whittle away the im- plementation of the Supreme Court decision. Senate Bill 157 currently being considered in Senator Pierce's Health '& Social Services Committee, would prohibit funding of medicaid abortions. HJR "N", section 54, prohibits state funding of abor- tions for poor women except to save the woman's life. (This ex- cludes pregnancy which is the result of rape or incest!). National Health Insurance Programs do not include provisions for reproductive surgery. Or they introduce legislation which makes it more difficult to perform abortions. Examples of this are bills which mandate a waiting period between confir- mation of pregnancy and an abortion being performed. Or the provision of funds to family plan- ning organizations that counsel on abortions. Thty even attempt to prohibit fetal research. Second, they sometimes resort to violence to prevent women from exercising their right to choose. (On February 15, 1978 a professionally-constructed bomb which had failed to explode was found in front of a plexiglass win- dow of the St. Paul, Minnesoat By Amy Perrone Planned Parenthood Clinic). Ac- cording to the National Abortion Rights Action League, "anti- choice fanatics, bent on destroying women's legal right to choose abortions, have unleashed a storm of violence against abor- tion clinics and contraceptive counseling gacilities across the country. Theses attacks which include burnings, bombings, and even threats against the children of clinic personnel, show a systematic disregard for human life and property." WE CANNOT count on our political leaders to help stop this dangerous movement. President Carter has said "There are many things in life that are not fair, that wealthy people can afford and poor people can't. But ; don'tbelieve that the federal government should take action to try to make these opportunities equal particularly when there is a moral factor involved." In Michigan, Governor Milliken has protected all women's right to choose. But should he be succeededsby Lt. Gov. Brickley that protection would cease. Brickly is anti- choice. It is essential that those in sup- port of the right to choose become aware of the jeopardy to all oqr personal rights and become in- volved. Choice Action Week is one way people canstand up fwr their beliefs. Come to the rally 41 Sunday, October 28th. Buses wgl be waiting in front of the union it 12:30 p.m. to tansport Ann Ar- borites to Lansing. A my Perrone is coordinato of Choice Action Week. m I Did Soviets cooperate with Chile coup? To all-those who went to hear Hayden and Fonda and Ralph Nader, you have got to hear this man! If you think that the evils of capitalism can be exorcised peacefully, without smashing the' power of our rulers who have murdered millions world-wide (and who are preparing to mur- der millions more in World War III), then you have to come hear' Jorge Palacios speak. In Chile, in September 1973, our rulers unleashed a coup d'etat that drowned the Chilean people's at- tempts to change society in blood. 30,000 were slaughtered! And this was 3000 miles away! Just think how much more their wealth and power mean to them here. For all those who think that the U.S. is not an imperialist country, __I -- L. . . . ... . _ L L By The Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade ruling class unleashed the fascist military takeover in Chile which Chilean fascists' hit list since into a frenzy-the Communisty overthrew the "government of 1973,Cand who the U.S. gover- Party, U.S.A. and the Sparticist Salvadore Allende and murdered nment tried to prevent from League, in particular. The for- 30,000 Chileans. Only a few coming to this country to make mer has torn down posters for the months earlier the CP had joined this tour? Jorge Palacios is a event, and, in other parts of the with the right in passing a gun revolutionary leader of the country, has attempted to control law that allowed the ar-' Chilean people, a founder and organize a boycott o Palacios' med forces to disarm the people leader of the Revolutionary speech. The latter is planning to 'before they attacked them, and, Communist Party in Chile, an bring its whole midwest cadre to in addition, right before the coup, organization that is actively disrupt the program with their the CP commanded its members organizing the resistance "jack-in-the box" (dominate the to turn in whatever guns they - , na tand'anwer n tp.ac- might have left. movement to help lead the Chilean people in overthrowing the fascist junta. Jorge Palacios is the author of a new book, Chile: An Attempt At 'Historic Com- promise' (The Real Story of the Allende Years), which, for the first time, exposes how what hnn--a:in Pilp wnqnot quesi~(I n a w uoii tics. Why does the mere mention of Jorge Palacios drive these people into a rage? Because, he rips the so-called "socialist" or "progressive" mask off the Soviet Union and its flunkeys around the world and shows how thev set the Chilean neonle un for While the revisionist CP is begging the generals to let them play the game of "democracy '-and the revisionist CPUSA holds phony "snliririty" programs telling A stronger sign of support for Marwil