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October 26, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-26

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Page 2-Friday, October 26, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Renf a Car
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S. Africa
A new organization, the University Committee on
Southern Africa (UCSA), has been formed to raise
community understanding and generate research on
the issues in Southern Africa.
The UCSA, which is located in the Center f'or Afro-
American and African Studies, will be, sponsoring
Southern African cultural events, conferences, and
research projects, which it hopes will lead to new
University course material on the subject, said
Program Coordinator and political science professor
David Gordon.
THE COMMITTEE .has a program of research
grants, and has given small grants to both students
and faculty. The research projects range from
studies of public health in South Africa to Southern
African politics.
The UCSA was formed because Southern Africa, an
increasingly important part of the world, isn't being
addressed in any other part of the University, said
Committee Chairman and Political Science
Professor Ali Mazrui. He added that "The issue of
Southern Africa was such a lively issue on campus,
we felt we had to educate ourselves."

committee formed

The UCSA was created last spring under the
auspices of academic Vice-President Edward
Doerhty as a result of growing concern among
University administrators, "especially Harold
Shapiro," with Southern Africa, said Gordon. Shapiro
said he would back the committee financially if they
could come up with proposals for studies on Southern
Information on Southern Africa is crucial, said
Mazrui, because the country is on the verge of a
disaster that could effect the world.
SOUTH AFRICA is rich in minerals and gold, said
Mazrui, and whoever controls the region has a great
deal of power. "South Africa is in a position to play
havoc with the world monetary system," he said, ad-
ding that the country is strategically important in
terms of sea routes for oil imports.
Mazrui also said a racial war in Southern Africa
could destabilize the racial situation here if the U.S.
supports the white government. And the U.S. might
do that, said Mazrui, if the black liberation forces are
more leftist than the white government, which,
Mazrui added wryly, "wouldn't take much."
According to Mazrui, the events sponsored by the

UCSA will cover cultural, educational and economic
aspects of Southern African life. Last summer, the
UCSA sponsored a talk by black Southern African:
trade unionist Drake Koca.
THE UCSA IS sponsoring a teach-in on Southern
Africa today at the School of Education, and:
tomorrow at the First United Methodist phurch. The
teach-in, which will feature local and guest speakers,
is titled "Continuity and Change."
According to Mazrui, one of the major themes of
the teach-in will be to determine whether the "small,
liberal changes that have occurred in Southern:
Africa recently have come fast enough and are fun-
damental enough to avert disaster."
Future events will include:
A mini-conference in March centered around the.
Year of the Child, which will feature speakers on
health care, education, and the problems of social
dislocation in Southern Africa;
" A round table discussion on Nambia, including,
members of the major liberation force - the South
West African People's Organization (SWAPO);
" And two plays by Southern African writers,'
produced at the Canterbury Loft.




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House OK
From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The house, moving
with unusual speed, voted over-
whelmingly yesterday for a $1.35 billion
emergency aid measure to help poor
people pay their heating bills this win-
House members approved the plan,
290-105, after first declaring that they
want the proceeds of President Carter's
proposed "windfall profits" tax on the
oil industry to pay for the costly
BUT AN EFFORT to make the entire
aid program contingent on passage of
the tax was ruled out of order and thus
Along with $250 million previously
approved by the House, the ap-
propriation would match the $1.6 billion
in emergency heating aid recently
passed by the Senate. Minor differences
in the two bills must still be reconciled,
Allocation detailsthave not been
worked out, but the Carter ad-
ministration has proposed allowances
of $200 for a family of four and $100 for
single needy people.
THE BILL WAS called up for debate
less than 24 hours after it was approved
by the House Appropriations Cormit-
tee. Usually, several days or, weeks
elapse from the time a bill is approved
by a committee and it reaches the floor.
In this case, the House leadership com-
pressed the normal process.
Meanwhile, in another energy-
related development, the House Rules
Committee was meeting to establish
ground rules for debate on legislation to
establish an Energy Mobilization
(USPS .344-9004)
Volume LXXXX, No.44
Friday, October 26, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.


fuel aid for needy

Board. Two conflicting proposals are
pending before the House to set up the
board, which would be created to cut
red tape hindering energy projects.
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill, ter-
ming emergency fuel aid a "national
imperative," placed the bill ahead of
other important measures on the House
agenda to gain a swift vote.
"THIS TO ME is a national im-
perative," the House's top Democrat
said before the debate. "This is a
crisis." %
Despite O'Neill's pleadings, several
critics complained that the House was
running the risk of wasting large sums
of money as it tried to set up'the

4 T IE IIAN(;ED. 2 (;E'T IJE:
PLO members sentenced

In other energy action, the Senate
Finance Committee wrapped up work'
j on a scaled-down "windfall-profits" tax'
by approving a tax credit of up to $200 a,
year to help low-to-middle income
families pay soaring fuel costs.
The credit, a direct reduction of
taxes,. would be availble starting this
winter to any family-regardless of
heating costs-with income of up to
$20,000 a year.
The panel earlier agreed on a method
for helping welfare recipients cope with..-,
higher fuel costs. The plan could mean-
a payment as high as $767 a year, with
relief focused on the coldest states.

From AP and Reuter
Military courts in Turkey and Israel
sentenced four Palestinians to death
and two to life prison terms yesterday
for terrorist attacks that left a totalof
46 persons dead.
One of the attacks, a March 1978
rampage by a guerrilla squad on the
Tel Aviv-Haifa highway, was the
bloodiest terrorist assault in Iskael's
history. Thirty-four Israelis and nine of
the Palestinian raiders were killed.
AFTER THE court in Lod, Israel, or-
dered life imprisonment Thursday for
the two surviving Palestinians, the
defendants shouted, "Long live'a free
and independent Palestine!- Pan-
demonium broke out in the courtroom
as enraged survivors and relatives of,
the victims mobbed the pair. Guards

finally expelled the spectators-.
The four Palestinians condemned to
be hanged in Turkey seized the Egyp-
tian Embassy in Ankara last July 13 in
a submachine gun and grenade assault
that killed two guards. One of their
hostages died when he fell from a third-
floor window in an attempt to escape.
The two Palestinians sentenced in
Lod, Haled Hussein and Hussein Fiad,
both 19, had been convicted of murder
last Tuesday.
THEY WERE THE only survivors of
an 11-member band which had hijacked
a bus filled with Israeli tourists and
went on a rampage along the highway
until the bus was stopped by Israeli
troops just north of Tel Aviv.

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Daily Official Bulletin


Friday, October 26. 1979
D~aily Calendar
WUOM: Minority Families, Women & Mental
Health: "Native American Women and Families:
Dynamics, Dilemmas, and Developments" Valerie
Johnson, 10:20 a.m.
Guild House: Luncheon lecture, Dorothy Jones,
Patricia Stover and Betty Kaufman, "Sexual
Harassment in the Work Place," 802 Monroe, noon.
SSEAS: Dr. Frank Golay, Cornell-U., "Disman-
tling Mutual Free Trade with the Phillipines: A Case
of Forced De-Colonization," Lane Commons,.noon;
"Manila Ameicans, New York Americans and the
Phillipine Independence Movement," 48 Lane, 3 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: J. Hills, MSU, "How to Break
Up A Stellar Cluster," 807 Dennison, 4 p.m.

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The William L. Patterson Foundation offers three
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munications Competition is open to graduate and un-
dergrpduate students. A first place award of $2.000, a
second place $1,000 and a third place award will be
given to the winning teams in both the graduate and
undergraduate categories.
The Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin Fellowships are
available for women at Washington University.
Awards up to $4,500 for the academic year.
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Francisco. Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Holiday Inn Golden
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Doctoral Fellowships available for study, Research
or Teaching at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Check the D.O.B. file at Career Planning &
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