The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 25, 1979--Page- R ULES MEDICAL COS TS.INVFLA TED? F] .P WASHINGTON (AP Medical Association1 bills high by campaig petition among physi Trade Commission ru The FTC, in a dec appealed to the federa AMA illegally restra among its 200,000 mer of American physican IT ORDERED thi "ethical" restrictions tors-restrictions ru tising and other wa patients through low fe "Consumers lack a other information ne an informed choice of decision by Commissi ton said. "Informationc of-mouth does not fill t O U ... *Continued froml are set toexpire autom 4 k ,xKNOCKING PRICE controls off gasolin serious confusion marketplace, said R (D-Mich.), who led th SSKeffort. He called immedia very well thought o'ut. But Rep. James C author of the decon defended his propos <. s r ,.would make gas lines { y future by shucking t complex allocation sys AND, COURTER a don't stop prices from Administrtion offic Daily photo by DARRYL PITT Dingell, contended decontrol would ham i R possum phase out of the energ sought by the presiden Lumersity ROTC students practiced war drills Saturday at Peach Yesterday's House Mountain, north of campus, while one unidentified student appeared the president's decis p a tprice lids gradually RESEARCHER URGES NEW TRAINING PROGRAMS: PC; AMA t warts competion r lit n lanton said it is impossible to say has kept doctors' how much extra Americans pay ning against com- physicians because of the AMA actions. cians, the Federal "but we are nvin ti thtth dP led yesterday. ision likely to be al courts, said the ained competition mbers, a majority s. e AMA to end on member doc- ling out adver- ys of attracting ees. ccess to fee and cessary to make a physician,"'the oner David Clan- obtained by word- his need." UJL4'.. WVc S J1eV a e11U AUL rLNAL FeCU in this case supports a finding of sub- stantial injury." THE AMA maintained in a statement that "The AMA Principles of Medical Ethics do not proscribe advertising but they do prohibit false and misleading advertising that may adversely affect quality care to patients." It added, "We have not had time ,0 study the entire ruling. But to the extent that the order continues to prevent medical societies from taking action' against deceptive or other unetiical practices that may harm or mislead patients, the AMA will ask the Court of Appeals to reverse the order." Newton Minow, an attorney representing the AMA, also said in the statement tlat it was "pleased that the commission has endorsed the position of the association has taken throughout the case that the profession and the public are well served with quality care if medical societies are involved in seeing that information that is adver- tised is, truthful and non-deceptive." THE FTC ORDERED the AMA to stop restricting its members from soliciting patients by advertising or other means. However, the AMA will still be allowed to regulate deceptive claims and certain types of in-person solicitation. It also banned AMA action to inter- fere with doctor's ability to work for low-cost group health plans by bran- ding the arrangement as unethical. The medical establishment historically has 'supported fee-for-service arrangemen-' ts under which a physician bills a patient for every medical service he performs. The FTC rejected the AMA's argument that it had voluntarily aban- doned the restrictions that were the basis for the commission's 1975 com- plaint that started the case. "Aban- donment took place, if at all, after commencement of this lawsuit," the commission said. P CITING "THE limited, ambiguous steps undertaken by AMA subsequent to issuance of the complaint, ostensily to bring its ethical code into conformiy with the law," the commission said its order is needed to prevent a recurrer e of the practices cited. The commission reversed part of an initial decision by Administrative Law Judge Ernest Barnes in allowing the AMA to formulate "reasonable ethical guidelines" governing acceptable d- vertising. Barnes would have barred the medical association from any regulation of physicians advertising for two years and would have allowed AMA guidelines afterward only with FTC ap- proval. But the commissioners said the association has a valuable role to play in preventing ads that are deceptive. The 4-year-old FTC case was brought amid a series of rulings giving lawyer. engineers, druggists and optometrists the right to advertise by barring ethical rules against such ads. votes to retain rice c Page 1) matically. E and allocation e would create in the energy ep. John Dingell e reconsideration te decontrol "not Courter (R-N.J.), trol amendment, sal, claiming it less likely in the he government's stem. argued, "controls increasing." vials, siding with abrupt gasoline nper the orderly gy price controls t. vote leaves intact ion to phase out on U.S.-produced ontrols crude oil by 1981. It also has an effect on heating oil and diesel fuel, which are already free from price controls. THE GAS-DECONTROL amendment had been attached to a bill authorizing Department of Energy programs for the fiscal year that began last Oct. 1. After removing the amendment from the bill, the House passed the overall legislation on a 263-150 vote, sending it to the Senate. Courter's amendment also would have scrapped most of the allocation controls that determine how much gasoline goes to each service station during a shortage. Courter claimed this system did more to aggravate gasoline shortages than it does to alleviate them. IN another blow at oil companies, the House also approved 264-143 an amen- dment by Rep. Peter Peyser (D-N.Y.), requiring monthly publication by the Energy Department of now private in- formation it gathers from the industry on fuel supplies and refining capacity. II a', SEMINAR Ian R. Brown, University of Toronto Speaks on "Sensitivity of Protein Synthesis in the Mammalian Brain To Hyperthermia" THURSDAY, October 25-3:45 p.m. Room 1057 MHRI Seminar Tea at 3:15 at MHRI Lounge ahnrfinno i-* Study: .Continued from Page 1) "Transience will accelerate and we'll have a less qualified work force and more people on welfare," Berman predicted. THE HIGH RATE of illiteracy, ac- cording to Berman, has an impact on job performance. Work errors often are not the result of inability to perform the job, he said, rather they result from a misunderstanding of what the job en- tails. Berman said the decline in reading comprehension became evident in the late 1960s when a national survey revealed that 55 per cent of the nation's graduating seniors could not under- stand stories in Reader's Digest; 75 per cent could not comprehend Time Work force 25% illiterate Magazine and 96 per cent could not un- derstand Saturday Review. "LITTLE PROGRESS has been made in reversing this trend," Berman said. "College entrance exam scores have declined significantly in the past quarter century, and close to half the first-year students in many community colleges and universities need remedial reading and English'." Nineteen states require minimum competency exams before high school graduation, and Berman said health care professionals in Michigan must pass a literacy test. Conventional work teaching methods in this country are conducted primarily through writing, Berman explained, but also are performed on the job by a supervisor. "TilE WORKER says he understan- ds (the instructions), but he really doesn't understand at all because the supervisor is using jargon and technical terms," Berman said. "We must change the style of speech and delivery of information and write within their (workers') reference frame so they have the ability to decode and encode,"Berman said. Professionals write instruction programs which creates problems for laypersons in interpretation and use of material, he added. , ONE EXAMPLE Berman cited was an automotive manufacturer whose program was designed for workers with a twelfth grade education. "We must broaden our training ap- proach to reach the entire labor pool," Berman proposed. The problem is like a "two-edged sword," he said, with the blades being the family and the educational system. The best time to correct a reading problem is during the elementary years, according to Berman. Parents, he said, must be concerned with a child's reading and get involved in the teaching process. The educational system must refuse to pass a child to the next grade unless he is at that level, he said. iSRAEL LOW COST FLIGHTS EUROPE-ALL CITIES (212) 689-8980 Outside N.Y. State TOLL 1-800-223-767 "The Center for Student Travel" 1140 BROADWAY N YvC NV 7! .2> w. E v * EE >- Free Pregnancy Testing Immediate Results Confidential Counseling Comipete Birth Control Clinic Medicaid-* Blue Cross {(13>941-1810 Ann Arbor and Downriver area _ l (313) 559-0590 Southfield area Northland Family Planning Clinic, Inc. (Out Invites You To Join Him For: $1.00 Pitcher Night Off'Thurs., Oct. 25 8 p.m.-2 a.m. r1Apajt 1140 S. University 668-8411 Mon Sat. 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Sun. 3 P.M.-12 A.M. Student may run for council Continued from Page F qualified and I would probably like to continue." He added, "an announ- cement for my candidacy is im- minent." Although Stephanopoulos hasn't an- pounced her candidacy officially, recently she quit her job as an intern and researcher for the council to devote more time to Students for a Progressive )Government. "How can I work under Earl if I'm going to be doing my own thing?" she asked. k ANN ARBOR Democratic Party Chiirma p Robert Faber acknowledged that Stephanopoulos is a likely can- didate for the seat. "It's probably ac- 'curate," he said, "but I really don't want the party to take any kind of sides." Faber added it would be a good idea to have a student council member. "One advantage to having a student on council is that we seem to have a problem of not having any real rapport with the student community and I think the students are a very beneficial potential force in the community. If we're going to have a student on council the most logical area would be the second ward." But Greene said that in terms of political practicality a student may be too transient to adequately represent the community. "WHOMEVER HOLDS the office has a genuine commitment to the com- munity at large. With some people, they might have a different agenda with their long-range commitment to the community," Greene said. "I've been around Ant Arbor for 13 years and I know what bad housing is. I have a long-range philosophical view of the' sensitive issues," Greene explained. But Stephanopoulos said, "Earl's kind of lacksadaisical; I never see him out campaigning." She added, "he cares about things, but that's as far as it goes." Greene said, "Stacy and I worked together on the congressional cam- paign," when Greene lost a bid for the second congressional seat last April. "I don't understand the remark." He ad- ded, "I don't sell students short of their ability to look at a question and be ob- jective. I'm certain the students would look at my record and my ability." According to Faber, only a few students have evet been elected to council. "During the late sixties and early seventies there was a student who served as a council member. Carol Jones was a student in the law school who held a seat." The University of mkhigan Committee on Southern Africa TEACH-IN ON SOUTH AFRICA: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE October 26 & 27, 1979 OCTOBER 26 School of Education [corner South & East University). Whitney Auditorium 1:30 Panel-"CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN SOUTH AFRICA" Professors Vilakazi, Seidman, Saroff, Wilfred Grenville- Grey Lecture-"WHITHER APARTHEID? SOUTH AFRICA IN--BLACK SOUTHERN AFRICA" Professor Bernard Magubane, University of Connecticut Schorling Auditorium 4:00 It i