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October 24, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-24

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom



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Vol. LXXXX No.42 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 24, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages


)resents Chin

Attelnpt to
oust Begin
fals Likud
tn still rules
JERUSALEM (AP)-Prime minister
Menachem Begin and his conservative
'Likud bloc defeated five no confidence
,motions yesterday in Parliament, with
the support of former Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayan who had resigned in a
dispute over Israeli settlements on oc-
cupied Arab land.
All five no-confidence motions were
defeated by a single vote of 59-47.
NO-CONFIDENCE motions offered
by opposition parties are a routine,
feature of the winter opening of, the
Knesset, Israel's parliament. But these
came at a' time when Begin's control
seemed fragile-following Dayan's
weekend resignation and a Supreme
Court ruling . that a government-ap-
proved West Bank settlement was
members of the\Likud bloc back to
Jerusalem to meet the challenge.
Defense Minister Ezar Weizman broke
off a trip to Egypt to be present. In its
motions, the Labor Party opposition,
which did not make a major effort to
rally its forces for the vote, called for
immediate elections and the gover-
nment's resignation.
Earlier, Dayan had announced he
would help defeat the ouster moves.
Opposition leader Shimon Peres
called on Begin's government to resign.
"The Labor Alignment believes there is
no choice but immediate elections,"
Peres said, adding that even though
Begin would win the confidence vote,
his government had lost the. confidence
of the people.
AFTER DAYAN resigned, citing his
inability to support the government
policy on Palestinian autonomy,
Begin's government suffered a second
rebuff. The Supreme Court ruled Mon-
day the government had illegally seized
See ISRAELI. Page 6

From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Carter
sent to Congress yesterday a trade
agreement granting most favored
nation treatment to China, giving it
tariff advantages not yet available .to
the Soviet Union.
In letters to the presiding officers of
the Senate and House, Carter said,
"Conclusion of this agreement is the
most important step we can take to
provide greater economic benefits to
both countries from this relationship.
The agreement should make possible
an expansion of U.S.-China trade to $5
billion a year by 1985, up from $1.2
billion last year, said Kempton Jenkins,
deputy secretary of commerce for
East-West trade.
JENKINS SAID the expected $5
billion in two-way trade by 1985 will be
made up of $4 billion in U.S. exports and
$1 billion in imports from China,
leaving a balance of $3 billion in favor
of the United States. But he said the
trade agreement is designed to
strengthen trade in both directions.
Carter also signed a proclamation
waiving requirements of the Jackson-
Vanik amendment to the trade act as
AP Photo they apply to China. He thus lifted
hs of restrictions in the amendment that
rters prohibit most-favored-nation treatment
for communist nations which fail to
allow free emigration of their citizens.
By law, the waiver will not take effect
unless botp houses of Congress agree.
They have 60 days in which to act. The
Jackson-Vanik amendment is named
for its sponsors, Sen. Henry Jackson
(D-Wash.) and Rep. Charles Vanik,(D-:
THE PRESIDENT'S action was
truction, clouded by a federal court ruling last
e since week that he had exceeded his
umber of authority in ordering the U.S. mutual
defense pact with Taiwan terminated
anwhile, next January 1 without getting
mission congressional approval.

China had made termination of the
treaty a condition .for normalizing
diplomatic ties with the United States
this year.
The United States has yet to extend
most-favored-nation trade treatment to
the Soviet Union. Despite the name,
most-favored-nation tariffs are the
tariffs applied to imports from nearly
all U.S. trading partners.
U.S. officials have said repeatedly
they hoped to be able to ask Congress to
approve most-favored-nation status for
the Soviet Union at the same time it was
being approved for China. This was one
reason the administration delayed in
sending the agreement with China to
Congress, eventhough the pact was
initialed five months ago.
But the Soviets refused to offer the
assurances on emigration policies that
Jackson wanted, , and the ad-
ministration finally decided to act alone
on China.
State eco uld
profit from


COMMERCE SECRETARY Juanita Kreps and China's Minister of Foreign Trade Li Qiang pursue photograp
Kreps' recent visit to China following a meeting with the press in Washington yesterday. The session with repo
,was called to announce that a trade agreement between the U.S. and China is being sent to Congress for approval.

Panel rejects


WASHINGTON (AP) - A presiden-
tial commission, while highly critical of
those involved in the Three Mile Island
nuclear accident, has concluded that
safety problems do not warrant a halt
in construction or licensing of new reac-
tors, according to panel sources.
The 12-member commission com-
pleted its six-month investigation-
sharply divided over the issue of
whether to call for a moratorium on
new reactor construction until its safety
recommendations are acted upon.
ONE SOURCE said yesterday the
moratorium question encompassed 'a
long, involved discussion that went on
for three days" with the six supporters
of a moratorium one vote shy of getting

it approved.
The commission's findings and
recommendations, which are only ad-
visory, will be presented to President
Carter, probably next Tuesday. The
president has said he hoped to follow up
on the panel's recommendations
"where practical."
Nuclear industry representatives
said yesterday they were relieved the
moratorium was not approved, though
one industry executive conceded rejec-
tion apparently came only "by the skin
of your teeth,"
"IT WOULD have been something
that we would have been up in arms
about," said Carl Walske, president of
the Atomic Industrial Forum. He said a

itke' bc
moratorium on future cons)
"would have done great damag
it would have jeopardized a ni
planned projects.
Some nuclear critics, me
were disappointed that the con

new China
trade status
Michigan will have a lot to gain if the
People's Republic of China is granted
Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) status,
officials from both the federal and state
Departments of Commerce predicted
University China experts, however,
estimated that the impact of such a
move on the U.S. economy would be
minimal. In addition, they predicted
MFN status for China would have little
effect on U.S.-Soviet relations.
IF CONGRESS approves the trade
agreement, tariffs on Chinese exports
to the U.S. would be reduced to the level
most other countries pay. The
agreement also would extend lines of
credit to the Chinese, who could then
borrow from the U.S. to buy American

Bankrupt Wayne Co.
is considering layoffs

Young calls
-'~A',. .7collapse
Mayor Coleman Young told
Congress yesterday a shutdown of
y the Chrysler Corp. would bring
many American cities to the brink of
catastrophe and worsen recession
throughout the nation.
. ' - ,~. He urged a House Banking sub-
committee to appovea requestuby
the country's third largest auto
A manufacturer for $750 million in
federal loan guarantees.
"IF CHRYSLER were to fail,
p ~ ../numerous cities in a number of
states would face economic crises
which range from bad to
catastrophic," Young testified.
In Detroit, where Chrysler em-
ploys about 74,000 persons in the
metropolitan area, a shutdown could
raise the local unemployment rate
from its present 10.4 per cent to
twice that figure, and the city could
lose $30.6 million-a-year in taxes, he
Elsewhere, Young said, a shut-
AP Photo down could wipe out 14,000 jobs in
DETROIT MAYOR COLEMAN YOUNG yesterday urged Congress to the Wilmington, Del., area and cost
approve a $750 million loan to Chrysler Corp. in the interest of economic 25,000 jobs in St. Louis. Unem-
stability in Detroit and other cities. See COLEMAN, Page 6

DETROIT (AP) - With the third- advance. goods. To repay those loans
largest county in the nation broke and Meanwhile, leaders of Council 25 of would have to export to a third
unable to meet its payroll, the Wayne the American Federation of State, such as Hong Kong.
County Board of Commissioners met County and Municipal Employees went Officials of the state Co
Tuesday to consider laying off most of to Wayne County Circuit Court seeking Department praised President
its 5,300 full-time employees.. to bar the county from following action yesterday. Technolog
Board of Commissioners Chairman through on Manning's proposal to pay vancement will be a top
Richard Manning proposed layoffs for workers with scrip and asking for a priority, they said, and with it
all but key workers in an attempt to freeze on all county expenditures until automobile and machinery int
ease an estimated $19.5 million deficit. employees are paid. Michigan may be able to pro
The county failed to pay its employees Wayne County Judge Irwin Burdick Chinese equipment necessary
Friday, and Manning has said payless had temporarily barred the use of dustrialization.
paydays could continue through mid- scrip, or IOUs, pending the hearing. "Michigan has a peculiar a
January. So far, county workers have THE UNION'Slawsuit also asked the as a manufacturing base
stayed on the job. state's Labor Department to impose Thomas Maguire, acting direct
AT YESTERDAY'S meeting, com- full civil penalties against the county - U.S. Commerce Department's
missioners also were to consider asking as much as $1,000 a day per employee - office. "We happen to make mu
the county's top 10 business, commer- for failing to meet the payroll. The equipment Red China needs."
cial, industrial and utility taxpayers to union wants the county held responsible
pay part of their anticipated taxes in See BOARD, Page 9 See STATE, Page 9
Women's Studies review committees
examine progra-m s role at University

s, China
gical ad-
its strong
vide the
y for in-
," said
for of the
s Detroit
ich of the

Since it was established in 1973, the
University's Women's Studies Program
has grown in size and changed in focus.
To determine just how the program,
fits in the University nowadays, the
LSA Executive Committee and the
Women's Studies Executive Committee
appointed two groups to review the
program during the term. Topics under
examination include Women's Studies
course content, teaching quality, and
staff research.
JOHN KNOTT, LSA associate dean of
curriculum, said both groups have been
allowed freedom to make whatever

recommendations they want about the
program. He said when their reports
are presented in December, the two
groups could suggest anything from
strengthening the program to discon-
tinuing it.
To gather information, group mem-
bers have visited Women's Studies
classes, talked with staff and faculty in
the program, and evaluated course
One committee consists of three con-
sultants outside the University who
have experience with women-related
programs elsewhere. The consultants
- from Barnard College, Stanford

University, and, Northwestern Univer-
sity - spent a week at the University in
September and are currently writing a
report on their observations and
recommendations, which will be
presented, to the LSA Executive Com-
mittee, Women's Studies Program of-
ficials, and an internal review commit-
THE INTERNAL committee is com-
posed of four University professors who
have been examining the Women's
Studies Program since this summer.
Associate Political Science Prof.
Arlene Saxonhouse, who chairs the in-
See WOMEN'S, Page 6

___________________________________________ I I I



representative of the Mormon Church. That church is
recognized as opposing the ERA because, McClenney
stated, "It's against the concept of the whole family struc-
ture." She said Callister's hearing of the case would be a
conflict of interest because the church could influence the
judge to accept the states' pleas. The Justice.Department,
which is defending the case against the federal gover-
nment's housekeeping agency, the General Services Ad-
ministration (GSA), wants Callister removed from the case
because of his position in the church. McClenney stated that
the petition drive's goal is to collect enough signatures to
persuade President Carter to ask the Justice Department to
intervene and find an impartial iudge to hear the case.


investigated the matter, the plaza fountain's water-spitting
fish were the victims of a prankster's sense of where things
belong. The bronze fish were apparently unscrewed from
their perches (sorry) around the fountain and un-
ceremoniously dumped underwater in the fountain. There
they remained until a University maintenance worker was
called to rescue them. F]
Family affair
It was more than the thirst for restitution that
motivated Gerald Zarella of West Warwick, R. I. to sue his


to the jury as a violation of a spouse's "exclusive privileges
of physical intercourse." Robinson's lawyer said the
decision is "like something out of the Dark Ages" and plans
to ask for a new trial and a reduction in the jury's award..
But Zarella is one step ahead: he's already filed another
$750,000 suit on behalf of his children. n
On the inside
An interview with Tanzanian PresidentJulius Nyerere,
on the editorial page. . . Peoplemania, on the arts page .
and the sports page has a story on George Lilja, Michigan


Sinning for the ERA





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