Page 4--Tuesday, October 23, 1979-The Michigan Daily I- GAY MECCA OR BATTLEFIELD? Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Homophobia blossoms in San Francisco Vol. LXXXX, No. 41 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan -Dayan's resignation HE SUNDAY resignation of Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan in a dispute over future Palestinian home rule once again puts the international spotlight on the Mideast, and on the still unsettled issue of the fate of the indigenous Palestine people. That Dayan resigned while questioning the Begin government's resolve to grant some form of :Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank and Gaza is in itself enough to under'score the necessity of some radical change to break the current impasse and speed the pace and com- nitment to true Palestinian self-rule. The Israeli government's refusal to recognize or talk to the Palestinian Liberation Organization has been as much an obstacle to the eventual solution to the Mideast crisis as the P.L.O.'s stubborn refusal so far to recognize Israel's right to exist in peace. The current deadlock, like the on-going negotiations for Palestinian autonomy under the Egyptian-Israeli treaty, ignore some basic realities of the current Mideast situation. First, the Palestine Liberation Organization, is the only represen- tative group to speak for the Palestinian people. The current negotiations for Palestinian autonomy, being carried on in the absence of the P.L.O., are meaningless negotiations at best, and at worst, negotiations in a vacuum. Israel's reluctance to negotiate with a gang of terrorists that gained its legitimacy at gunpoint is an understandable, yet unrealistic, reluc- tance. If the Begin government is serious about granting autonomy to Palestinians, then the P.L.O. will even- ttally have to be the party with which to negotiate. The P.L.O. will not, as Jimmy Carter once suggested, just go away. With that realization, there comes the present deadlock-Israel will not talk to the P.L.O. until that group recognizes Israel's right to exist. And the P.L.O., under Yassir Arafat, has refused to recognize Israel's right to exist as long as the Jewish state refuses to recognize and accept the need for an independent Palestinian state. While Israel is currently Dngaged in negotiations for autonomy in the occupied areas, the word "in- dependent" has been conspicuously acking from Prime Minister Begin's vocabulary. The P.L.O. has-refused to join in the negotiations until Israel makes a commitment to a truly in- dependent Palestinian state. It thus becomes obvious that there will be no solution in the Mideast unless and until one of the two sides-either the P.L.O. or Israel-makes a radical break from their current, stated positions. The side that must move first is Israel. : Israel must move now, accept and make a firm public commitment to an independent Palestinian state on the territory currently occupied. Then, on- ce Israel's commitment is made clear, the Palestinians, and the P.L.O., will have no excuse left not to join in the current negotiations. Once Israel has made a commitment to an independent state, it must then become incumbent upon Arafat's PLO to recognize Israel's right to exist, to denounce their own terrorist tactics, and to make a commitment that Palestinians will be satisfied with the West Bank and Gaza, and will pledge not to seek any further encroachments of Israeli territory. This pledge is imperative because the PLO's charter calls for the one secular state, implying the destruction of the Jewish state. Since that group initiated its terrorist actions in the last decade, it has refused to change its charter. And if we are to take the PLO at its word, then we must still believe it is determined to destroy Israel. Therefore, the PLO must renounce that part of the charter, and pledge to live peacefully next-door to the Israelis. Only such a move should force Israel to sit down and negotiate with the P.L.O. Once these commitments are made, then the current obstacles to face-to- face Israeli/PLO negotiations will have been removed. The matters of timing the Israeli military withdrawal, and the form of the transition gover- nment, can all be left to negotiation. But until there are Israeli/PLO negotiations, the current chances for a peaceful soltion remain in doubt. Of course, such a solution places an almost impossible burden upon the current Israeli government. For Begin to commit Israel now to an indepen- dent Palestinian state would be a radical break from the past for a man who, until now, has defined autonomy in his own narrow terms. But with the two sides at an impasse, someone must make such a break, and it is clear that Israel, being in the position of strength in the Mideast, is the only party which can move and still retain the bargaining chip of military superiority. Such a move is unlikely now, under the current Likud coalition gover- nment. Perhaps a no-confidence vote later this week will replace that gover- nment with one more responsive to the realities of the Mideast. However the move comes about, the necessity of such a change would toss the burden of concession squarely into the P.L.O.'s camp, and force that group to once and for all end their terrorism and prove that they are committed to peace. The initial burden is on Israel, but af- ter that first painful step, the eventual solution to the Palestihian question and to the entire mideast equation then becomes the best step possible for en- ding the warfare. And such a move can only be in Israel's best interest. ISAN FRANCISCO - Here in what some call a homosexual pardise, a gaymalenamed Ray answers the Gay Help Line and braces for another voice screaming "I'll kill you, faggot." Or he tenses for the sob of someone who just got beat up by "queer bashing" gangs of young punks. "It's unbelieveable," he says. "We're get- ting at least four obscene calls a night. And all last year we only got three calls about assaults. Now we get over three a week." On buses, outside bars, in parks-gays are the targets of increasing incidents of violence and harrasssment by male heterosexuals who p-sychologists say are in the throes of "homophobia," or hatred of gay men. THE GAY HATERS have been coming out of the closet, especially in the last year. They include everyone from poor blacks and Latinos to wealthy white kids cruising in dad- dy's Caddy, and their targets are almost always white gay males. According to city supervisor Harvey Britt, a gay, attacks average about five a week, and some of the attacks are quite blatant," says Sharon Long, Britt's aide. The Community United Against Violence, another gay organization, also keeps statistics. Says Andrew Nicholas, the group's co-chair: "the attacks average one a day. The odds are usually three-to-one against the vic- tims. Most of the attackers are kids between 15 and 20." It's all been happening in the last year, he adds. Police figures on gay beatings are much lessi but gays claim they're afraid to tell police they've been assaulted because, in the words of one victim, "they won't do anything about it anyway." The police, meanwhile, claim they can't do anything about the at- tacks unless they're reported. No matter whose statistics you look at, gays and police both say that attacks on gays are up from a, year ago. And for gays who flock here like refugees thinking San Francisco awaits them with open arms, it's just hard to believe. This is a city with 100,000 gays - nearly 20 per cent of the population and a decisive voting bloc. It has four gay newspapers, two daily columns of gay massage ads, gay mat- chmakers, travel agents, and at least 200 blatantly gay bars and restaurants. (Accor- ding to the Tavern Guild, an association of gay bar owners, that's nearly double what it Was 10 years ago.) It's the world's only city which gives iutself over to drag queens on Halloween. But more importantly, it's where some 80 gays a day-mostly white middle class males-arrive to find housing, jobs, lovers and the unfettered lifestyle they've heard about. And many non-gay- San Franciscans are beginning to feel squeezed out. "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE," grumbles a pin-striped businessman in one of the city's straight bars.) Many bars here arecnow mixed-straight and gay.) San Francisco Mayor Diane Feinstein even said it last March is a Ladies Home Journal* interview: "The right of an individual to live as he or she chooses can become offensive. The gay community is going to have to face By Rick Gladstone this. It's fine for us to live here respecting each other's lifestyles, but that doesn't mean imposing them on others. I don't want San Francisco to set up a backlash." Her words were oddly prophetic, because the backlash is happening. But the question remains: Why now? San Francisco has had a huge, visible gay community for many years. Why the attacks, the verbal abuse, the men who turn their eyes or spit when a gay walks past? Some psychologists have their own "homophobia" answer. Many think the sheer numbers of gays now on San Francisco's streets act like a slap in the face to a straight young male, searching for a masculine role they say doesn't exist anymore. "It's an extraordinarily difficult time for men nov," says Dr. Steve WalchI a Berkeley psychologist. "The male myth has changed. There are no models for what it means to a man." So, he and others say, young straight men feel vulnerable, fearful-especially when they're around gays, whom they see as thieves of whatever masculinity they've got left. And they resent gays because of it. Young straight macho men aren't the only ones who have become openly hostile to gays. There's also a vast section of the city's population-working parents with kids-who Most observers agree that tensions have n- creased since the riots. "After the riot, fear of homosexuals rose," says one gay leader. 'The breeders (gay slang for heterosexuafs) .thought we were trying to take over the city and turn them all queer." I But even before the riot, other factors had begun to create hostility to gays. Black and Latino leaders, for instance, see increasing numbers of well-to-do white gays buying 'Up ghetto homes, forcing out poor families. They say gay entrepreneurs buy up bars in the Mission and Haight districts, luring in drag queens from their Castro stomping grounds. And as the gay ghettos mushroom in all directions, it brews hatred among . surround-" ing minorities. Some black preachers now tell their flocks that gays are an immoral ip- fluence on their children. And black activists who once tacitly agreed gays were an op- pressed minority now say most gays-thie white ones-are no different from other whites. "Don't tell me you're oppressed when you own my neighborhood," warns Idaree West- brook, a Black Leadership Forum member who's lived in the Haight for 20 years. Ida Strickland of the Third World Fungi agrees. ,'There's resentment for, gays-because they say to blacks 'we're one of you,' they're also exercising their white male privilege." see gay couples moving into their neigh- GAY LEADERS don't deny their ghetto is borhood as yet another threat to their family spreading; in fact they defend it. But they lifestyle. Many parents who wouldn't nor- also say many gays are poor themselves, and mally mind gays now wonder who their rent from white heterosexual landlords. children will play with, now that the family "It's too simple just to say gays are next door has moved out and two older males speculating in housing," says Jim Dykes, a moved in. Many parents see gay couples as pastor at the gay Metropolitan Community invaders-and it's uneartiing resentment Church. "I know black speculators too. And," many never realized they had before. he adds, "blacks had a ghetto before they And then there's the police. reached out. We're creating a ghetto too, and that's okay." THEIR CRACKDOWN on gays really blew But to those teenagers who don't agree, up five months ago, after thousands of gays there's only one solution: "go out and queen rioted when ex-,cop Dan White got only seven dash," as one victim calls it. years for killing Mayor George Moscone and "We've had a continuing and ongoinig supervisor Marvey Milk, a gay. On May 21, problem with these punk kids," says Duke gay gangs torched police cars, smashed city Smith. an editor of the Sentinel, a gay hall windows, and screamed "Dan White got newspaper. "While I can't prove it, I think away with murder." At first, on orders from one reason is that they're hearing negative above, police did nothing. But when several things at home." got their heads smashed by bricks and flying In the minds of many straight San Fran- glass, they moved in on the gay rioters anid ciscans, the fear is that their city is becoming broke some heads themselves. Later, they in- the nation's gay closet, the place where all vaded a gay bar and trashed it. And in the gays gravitate. And what concerns Irish riot's aftermath, one officer was heard to Catholics, blacks, Chicanos, Chinese, say: "The faggots are having their day now, Filipinos-who all have strong family but we'll get our turn." traditions-is the belief that gay couples have Since then, Mayor Feinstein has fired police no sense of family. "They don't know what it chief Charles Gain, whom gays considered takes to raise kids, nor do they care," snarls sympathetic, in a move widely interpreted as one father, a factory worker with Irish roots. placating the anti-gay police. Several alleged In what the postcards here describe as gay rioters were arrested and charged with "everyone's favorite city," the fear is that assaulting police with bricks and rocks.'And. .this value clash will get more violent. And as generally, since the riot, many gays report a gays continue flocking here, they'll'have to dramatic increase in police "harassment," ask themselves: "Is this a mecca or a bat- including arrests,.'tlefield?", Says police officer Ed Pecinovski, who ___. patrols the city's largely gay Castro district, Rick Gladstone, a former staff reporter "A lot of these gays come to San Francisco for the South China Morning Post now expecting a free pass, thinking they can do freelancing in San Francisco, reporte anything. And when we have to make arrests, from the gay rights battleground 's front they say we're harassing them." lines. - ROOM EWOUGU Fromthe rawingU 0F US O THES NAT rbocird. @0. * * -t ) Il c .N r, p Ir ~'fll~MS4.J.IM44 ~ - EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner..... .................... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard Berke, Julie Rovern............MANAGING EDITORS Michael Arkush, Keith Richburg..... 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