Page 4-Sunday, October 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily IThe Michigan Daily-Sunday, t Sorority girls: Rush to- social approval By Amy Saltzman I1 I walked home alone that night, after a mandatory meeting at the Michigan Union. Rush had been mentally and physically grueling. I thought I would never smile again. My gums ached from the sugary lemonade. My hair was plastered to my head. My feet burned. I had to go to the bathroom. Tomorrow night we would visit ten more houses. It was difficult to get more than a superficial view of the individual houses during the first two nights. As we left the glowing, white-pillared Kappa house 'on Hill St., the "sisters" formed two parallel lines creating a long win- ding aisle onto the lawn. Each rushee self-consciously walked down the aisle as the brightly smiling Kappas waved good-bye. "Are they real?" one girl remarked as she emerged from the myriad of toothy girls and flapping han- ds. "I'd just like to see one of them get a pimple," said another rushee. -But as we continued our travels from house to house, some substantial charzicteristics of the general system became evident. Most notably, the system appeared to be entirely white. According to officials of the Panhellenic Association, a national organization which represents the 16 sororities on campus, there are a few blacks now in sororities, and two or three black women did go through rush this year. But no of forts have been made to attract blacks, National Panhelleni Conference area advisor Jackie Messmer said. "When yoi take a person and put him in a category, you are discrimin ting. Everyone should be judged for themselves, not whi they are, what they are, or where they're from," sai Messmer. There are three black sororities on campus, but none o them have houses, and all have chosen to remain separatf from the larger white system. Panhellenic Advisor Marv Beth Seiler said association officials have met witI representatives from these sororities in an effort to gei them involved with the rest of the Greek system on campus but she said they "expressed little interest." Panehellenic President Susan Clark added, "I don't know how much ef fort we will make this year. I don't want to pester them: they obviously aren't interested." UT IT IS THE racial, as well as the religious and sexual segregation, that marks the Greek system on this campus and at others. The system is inherently a contrived social environ- men .articipants on both sides of rush admit that per- sonal appearance and social style are the primary charac- Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON 0Editor- Nnote: Daily-reporter Amoy Sulr nan spent one night in Septeinher as a member of a sorority rush group. Ihis is her report on thut nithand the rest uf fallf sorority rush. The gir/s identified yfirst/ name n re quete,,,. miy. USH. NO ONE seems to know how the word originated or exactly what it stands for, but most agree that it characterizes the hurried, blatantly superficial process of joining a soror- i y. or wo weeks in September, hundreds of rushees and sorority sisters try to get to know each other as quickly as possible. Each side whittles away at the other, looking for the perfect match. Their tool is a string of up to 30 short par- ties. Most rushees, sorority members, and Panhellenic of- ficers share an acceptance of this process, which is called "Formal Rush." They readily admit the faults of the system, but in the same breath contend that rush is the only way. Sept. 13 was a Thursday and the first day of this fall's sorority rush. Six hundred girls crowded the stuffy Michigan League Ballroom, standing in packs, mingling self-consciously, fanning themselves in vain with neatly manicured hands. Some of the girls appeared ner- vous-their make-up was a little too thick, their outfits a bit too contrived, their heels a shade too high. A barrage of presidents, chairwomen, representatives, advisors, and alumni began taking turns at the podium. They explained and re-explained the rush process. The quirks in the system were acknowledged, but the presen- tations usually ended with a corny pep talk. "When you meet friends in a sorority, they're your friends for life," one sorority veteran told the eager girls. Then the rush groups were herded off into the damp September evening. The rushees were divided into groups according to current housing-one group for each dorm, and one for those living off campus. We spilled onto N. University Ave. in packs of up to 60, headed for the first mixer at Alpha Chi Omega. When we arrived the girls were lined up at the door, looking anxious to meet the evening's first rush group. "Hi, Amy," one girl said, glancing at my name tag. She lead me to the green-carpeted living room, where we sat on the floor, munching celery and vegetable dip and exchanging small talk: "Where are you from? What's your major? Where do you live? What year are you in? What are your hobbies? What activities are you in?" When it was time for this sorority sister to quiz another rushee, Sharon moved in with the same set of questions. She was followed by Shelley, then Lisa, both equipped with virtually the identical queries. The stock questions were repeated throughout the two nights of 20-minute mixers. This summer, using a new computer system, sororities signed up 703 girls to go through rush. Six hundred of them showed up at the mass meeting, and eventually 548 attended the first round of par- ties. As rush continues, the number of houses a girl visits diminishes through mutual elimination and the parties become longer and more extravagant, culminating in 45- minute parties and either pledges or rejections. The rushees choose or prefernce" a house-indeed, sorority housestgo to lengths to attract potential pledges-but in the end, the house must accept the girl. If a preferred houses passes Amya man i sfatures editor of the Daily. over a hopeful rushee, the result is bound to be hurt and frustration. Each girl has specific reasons that prompt her to risk that potential rejection. Laurie is a senior who lives in Alpha Chi Omega. We talked just before my rush group left that house, and she reminisced about her own decision to join a sorority. "I wanted to have roots," she explained. At the time, her friends at East Quad couldn't understand why she rushed. In East Quad, Laurie added, "most people are very anti-Greek." She said she cried every day. Laurie's desire for roots is a common and understandable one. Rushees are usually freshwomen or sophomores who have not yet found a niche in the complex and often imper- sonal University community. For the most part, girls who rush describe their social lives as "stagnating," "dull," or "lonely." They are searching for something outside their dorms, classes, and apartments. Sororities are a readily available alternative. .Before Laurie and I had a chance to finish our conver- sation, the rush group was off to another house. Outside, the humid September air had turned into a steady drizzle. As we crowded under several umbrellas, our group of some 37 rushees already appeared to be dividing into factions. One group seemed confident and aloof-one of them had men- tioned at the outset that she planned to join Kappa Kappa Gamma, generally considered one of the most exclusive sororities. In contrast was a group of shy and awkward rushees who literally clung together under one huge blue umbrella. Then there were the "moderates," a set of modestly dressed girls who seemed slightly amused, but realistic, about rush. It seemed to them like a good way to meet people. Finally there was a motley assortment of in- dependents: A girl who had to be home by 9 p.m., under threat of parental punishment; a transfer student who thought the whole thing was stupid and was certain she wouldn't get into a house; another girl who was rushing only under pressure from her mother and sister; and an undercover Daily reporter. As the evening dragged on, the plush, colorful houses-the scarlets and olive greens, the light blues and golds, the wine reds and silver blues-became a blur. The conversation was banal, the lemonade always too sweet. At each house we were greeted by smiling girls proudly waling their sorority song for the fourth, fifth, or sixth time that evening. And at each house we trailed into the living room for more lemonade and chatter. A scattered few of the sororities made attempts to be dif- ferent. The girls at Alpha Epsilon Phi, one of two primarily Jewish houses on campus, dressed as ushers. They offered us popcorn and licorice, and showed a movie of their house activities. By the time we visited the last houses, however, most of us were drained and not easily impressed. We were soggy- from the rain, our feet ached, and, worst of all, the pink lemonade had run its course. We all had to go to the bathroom. But no one wanted to take out the time necessary to empty her bladder. "I didn't want to spend five minutes going to the bathroom when I only had 20," one girl ex- claimed. As we stood in the rain outside the sixth and final sorority of the evening, one tired rushee declared "Ldon't care if my hair is wet. I'll just have to impress them with my personality." - c %. u d f 1 t teristics used to judge rushees. It is possible, then, for some girls to interpret rejection to mean they are socially inadequate. Panhellenic officials counsel the girls who are not accepted into any sororities, trying to ease any hurt feelings. "I tell them not to take it personally. It doesn't mean the house doesn't like you," said Seiler. "It's hard for girls to buy that-I hate it-but what can you do?" In spite of the potential hurt and the necessity of playing along with the system, rush holds an attraction to some 550 girls who attended this year. Sue Robinson, a neophyte Kappa who I spoke to during the second night of mixers, said that she still has some reservations about the rush system and sorority life. But, she added that the hassles are worth it. "I can't stand it when people say 'Oh, a sorority girl,' she said. But, unlike many girls she knows, she ex- plained, she tries not to get "all carried away and worried about her reputation." Sue shares the predominant feeling that sororities provides social security. "It's a long, drawn-out process, but, God, does it give you a social life," she said. The key word is "give." Sororities present social life on a silver platter-plenty of parties and companionship for any member who choose it. This built-in security, more than anything else, drives girls to go through rush and join a sorority. Once the standards are set, most of those girls are willing to try-to adhere to them._ As the second evening of mixers wore on, the super- ficiality of the parties became more evident, and some rushees grew bored. Searching for alternative ways to amuse themselves, two girls hastily switched name tags in the doorway of one house. While the process of rush was tiring and tedious for us, it wasn't much easier for the sorority members. "I'm fading fast. I'm running out of things to say," said Chi Omega member Margret Speck as she leaned against the wall, her head drooping. At Delta Gamma, junior Kathy Conley's ex- pressed a similar view: "Mixers are the worst. They're hard on everybody. They're grueling." We were at the ninth house that evening for only 15 minutes, instead of the allot- ted 20, when the rush chairwoman slowly stood up and said unenthusiastically, "It was nice having you. I hope you had a good time." One sorority member, Julie, still carries a negative at- titude about rush. Her first experience with rush occurred more than two years ago, during her first year at the University. After visiting four houses she dropped out of mixers and went home crying. "I find it even worse on this side," she said. "You're stuck in your own house. Hordes of girls come in, and yo'u have to be sociable, which includes everything from questions about why they want to join a sorority to geography games," she said. The sorority members also spend days just getting ready for rush. "We worked hours putting together cute skits, preparing food, and trying to sell ourselves," Julie said. And this tedious procedure is mandatory for all house members. "A sure-fire way to loose friends in the house is not to go to rush and rush meetings," Julie continued. The few girls who do skip out on rush are fined. The next step is HASH, which, according to Julie, is like a "bitch session. . . After each party the girls are instructed to take notes on anything they can remember about the rushee. Then, during HASH, the good and bad points of each Dail rushee are discussed at length, at person." The atmosphere during secretive. "You need special pern any time, even to go to the bathroo: Rush is open to all freshwom en, However, since juniors have onl sorority house, most houses are pic "A lot of houses are taking junic frank, they have to display a specie houses will consider exceptional ju President Clark. Clark added tha accepting juniors this year. Second Sets-a round of 35-minut Sunday following mixers. The rusl eight houses this time, and th them-few people were cut after that if you got cut after the first ro the wrong last name, or were too stein, a sophomore rushee. UT KAREN expressed ct competition of the sets getting that we're getti: going to be a lot of hur women who are hoping to be Ka really going to be blown away." Even for those girls relatively sa cuts from only one or two sororitie sonal rejection. "It's very frustrati I do wrong that they didn't like?"' Mesh, who was asked back to six houses. "Not that I really care. I d want me, but on the other hand, I k did I do that they didn't like? The w For some sorority members, the side is equally frustrating. "If I ha wouldn't have gone through witi moved into her sorority at the begi Kappa Sue Robinson said her hot fair." Behind it "there's nothing e "But we can't tell you how it's done. According to Panhellenic Advisc handful" of girls are not asked bat fourth set, Final Desserts. To make those who don't receive invitation call them before the formal bid pic courages girls who don't fare well try "Open Rush." Open Rush i sororities that do not meet the qu during formal rush. Fraternities us rather than Formal Rush, to choose Messmer said the question of reva never come up to the National I meetings. "The system works b reason to change it," she said. "The done in a limited amount of time. through rush if she isn't intereste should try Open Rush,"- Messmer dislike the system can't imagine a system and the majority feel that w haven't come up with a better one." See RUSH, Pa Daily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALEY