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October 21, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-21

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NinetvYea rsof Editorial Freedom

1E ai1

See Today for details

Vol LXXXX, No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 21, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement
Campus GOP slowly losing unpopular image

Although it is stillsupposedly. unpopular to be
a Republican on campus, one Republican
organization has been quietly gaining support
from students.
The Michigan Republicans Club (MIRC),
formed last January, attracted about 135
members in its first few months of existence.
"Our meetings were larger than some of the
left wing groups on campus," Yvonne Haddad,
treasurer of MIRC, said recently.
MIRC PRESIDENT Larry Lichtman asser-
ted that the club has "kind of turned around the
image of the Republican Party on campus:"
But MIRC members said it is unpopular to
openly declare one is a Republican on campus.
"I think that there are a lot of undercover
Republicans on campus," said Robert Di

Scipio, a member of the Michigan Student
Assembly elected last spring on a MIRC ticket.
'MIRC members, who call themselves
moderates, are concerned about issues such as
solar energy, city housing, and excessive
government spending.
THE DRIVING force behind student interest
in MIRC is economics, according to DiScipio
and other MIRC members.
"The people who study economics and
business seem to favor Republicans," DiScipio
said, "I think they feel the Republicans have a
better answer to the economic problems than
the Democrats do."
Other than a loose agreement with
Republican economic ideas, MIRC appears to
have no strict ideology binding the members
together. "We have our Reagan supporters,

and then on the other hand, we have our
liberals," Haddad said.
THE CLUB is not formally affiliated with the
city's Republican Party, although students
have participated in election campaigns in the
"I think most people in MIRC are interested
in campus politics of a sort, and national
politics. There's not much we can doin the
city," Lee said.
Lee suggested that although relations are
friendly between Ann Arbor and campus
Republican organizations, the two groups have
different goals.
MIRC IS represented at county Republican
Party meetings, and that group once con-
tributed funds to MIRC, Lee said. But the-at-
titude among county party officials was, "Hey,

no policy decisions from you guys. And I think
the (attitude in) the city is pretty much the
same," Lee added.
Lee said he began organizing MIRC in
January, 1978 with the advice and en-
couragement of University Political Science
Professor George Grassmuck and other faculty
According to Lee, many of the group's 135
members last year were students who had
worked on the campaigns of Governor William
Milliken and Republican Senate candida te
Robert Griffin in November, 1978.
HE SA)ID the group has an eight-member ad-
visory board that include§ two members of the
University's Board of Regents, David Laro (R-
Flint) and Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor). The
advisors board has told the students how to

secure speakers, raise funds, and publicize the
club, Lee said.
Although MIRC is not backing any particular
candidate or issue presently, President Licht-
man said he is "constantly" besieged with
people asking about the organization.
Lichtman said the group is still organizing,
and currently plans only to bring speakers, in-
cluding Republican presidential candidates, to
campus. %
Apparently the national news media have
taken an interest in MIRC, perhaps identifying
it as a manifestation of a conservative trend on
college campuses nationwide. Lee has been
asked to contribute to a Newsweek magazine
column on college life, and Lichtman has
recently been interviewed by a senior resear-
cher for the National Broadcasting Company.

in Boston
From UPI and AP
BOSTON - President Carter and
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is expected
to try to take the presidency from him
in 1980, joined yesterday to dedicate the
$20.8 million cathedral-like John F.
Kennedy Library.
JMore than 7,000 guests, including
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and,
numerous former members and friends
of the slain president's New Frontier,
gathered for the ceremonies beneath
hazy skies next to breezy Boston Har-
bor more than 16 years after Kennedy
was-killed in Dallas.
THE PRESIDENT and Rosalynn
Carter were received warmly by Ken-
nedy and his family, although the awk-
ward nature of the situation was reflec-
SeeJFK, Page 2

Blue blows
past game
Illinois, 27-7

AP Photo
THE JOHN F. KENNEDY Memorial Library was dedicated in Boston yesterday, almost 16 years after Kennedy's
assassination in Dallas, Texas. Sen. Edward Kennedy, the late president's younger brother, and President Jimmy
Carter both spoke at the ceremony.

Special to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN -- Three yards
and a cloud of dust. That ex-
pression, which Michigan made
famous, could easily have been
changed here yesterday to
three yards and a gust of wind.
Playing in 35-mile-per-hour
winds, Michigan was somewhat
reluctant to pass and thus
resorted to their' patented
rushing game to throttle sur-
prising Illinois 27-7.
Playing before 43,370 wind-
blown spectators, who haven't
seen the Illini capture a home
win since 1977, the Wolverines
dominated the second half of
play after battling to a 0-0
stalemate at halftime. In the
first half, both coaches, Bo
Schembechler and Gary
Moeller, battled the winds
more than their opponents.
"It was definitely a wind game. It
was thetoughest wind I've played in in
a long time. It was like a'wind tunnel
out there," Schembechler said.

S. Korean troops quell

"That was the critical factor in the
game. I'm not so sure that having it
behind you was any help except in the
kicking game. It was hard throwing
with or against the wind," he noted.
Sophomore tailback Butch Woolfolk
didn't let the wind affect him at all as he
sc'ooted for three second half touch-
downs after sitting out much ofathe first
In a contest which pushed Michigan's
record to 6-1 overall and 4-0 in the Big
Ten, it was, however, the Michigan
defense which dominated. The only
Illini TD was notched against Michigan
reserves. Until that point, the
Wolverine defense, spearheaded once
again by Ron Simpkins and Curtis
Greer, held the Fighting Illini and their
third-string quarterback, Tim McAvoy
to 164 yards,.,
After Illinois elected to receive the
second half kickoff despite facing the
strong winds, the Wolverines forced the
key mistake. On the second play from
scriunmage in this half, senior corner-
back Mike Jolly once again was the
hero. Jolly leaped up and gathered in
McAvoy's pass, his fourth interception
of the year. at the Illinois 36. "Jolly will
get you once a game if you don't throw
around him," Shembechler asserted.
This proved the turning point as the
See MI('IIGAN, Page 12

From AP and UPI
MASAN, South Korea - President
Park Chung-hee's government poured
troops into Masan yesterday in a show
of force against growing numbers of an-
ti-government rioters who surged
through the streets chanting "abolish
Hundreds of troops, prominently
displaying their weapons and singing
military songs, paraded through the
politically charged city at dawn and
were reinforced in the afternoon by
1,200 paratroopers and 'armored
SOUTH KOREA'S political op-
position leader warned that the distur-
bances will continue unless Park
changes his "autocratic policies."
Soldiers in riot gear and carrying M-


16 rifles were stationed at major inter-
sections and along main roads in the
central areas of both southern coastal
cities, enforcing a 10 p.m. curfew.
Hundreds of demonstrators were
arrested in the violence last week.
POLICE ALSO tightened security in
Taegu, north of Pusan, because of fears
that student disturbances might spread
to that traditional opposition
Pusan, where the first of the wave of
demonstrationsi against Park's
authoritarian government erupted
Tuesday, has been under martial law
since Thursday. The army took over
security from police in Masan on
The disturbances were touched off by

Park's recent expulsion of opposition
leader Kim Young-sam from the
National Assembly. All 69 opposition
legislators resigned last week in
protest. Kim was elected from a con-
stituency in Pusan, South Korea's
second largest city.
KIM TOLD a reporter the riots were
"unfortunate," but he said they showed
that Park's government had lost the
people's support.
"The only way to avoid more is for
Park to change his autocratic policies,"
Kim said.
"If Park does not take action to tran-
sfer power peacefully, the incidents will
continue," he said.
ON FRIDAY night, almost 2,000
students, workers, and others attacked

government facilities in Masan in the
second day of demonstrations here.
They damaged the city's main
telecommunications office, stoned
police substations, and destroyed some
telephone booths.
Park poured troops into the city, 175
miles south of Seoul, on Friday, shut
down the two colleges, and limited high
school hours, and arrested almost 500
demonstr a tors.

NOW hs ovahon

for ERA

Soviet, ISR scientists exchange

ideas, culture di
After a three-day conference with American scientists at
the Institute of Social Research (ISR), eight social scientists
from the Soviet Union left Ann Arbor yesterday, but not
before leaving behind what one of their American hosts
called "more understanding and a better willingness to
The Soviet scientists were here for a conference to com-
pare research methods and to agree on appropriate
methodologies to make the understanding of research bet-
ween the two countries easier and more accessible, accor-
ding to Kenneth Latta, administrative associate in the direc-
tor's office at ISR.
ELEVEN AMERICANS, including six ISR scientists,
participated in the conference which was titled "Soviet-
American Conference on Research Methods and the Use of
Indicators in the Study of Social Progress Processess."
Some of the topics discussed by the two groups of scien-
tists included the way people from both countries spend their
extra time, and methods to pick more accurate represen-
tative samples of the two country's citizenry, according to

uring A meeting
Latta, who served as the tour guide of the Soviets.
Latta said the Russian scientists were very interested in
the computer facilities and advanced technologies at ISR and
the University.
FRIDAY, THE Soviets toured the Ford Company s
Rouge Plant in Dearborn. Latta said they were "impressed"'
with the amount of automation at the plant. He added that
although the Soviet Union does not possess the same degree
of technology in their manufacturing plants, "they put more
effort into increasing their workers' productivity."
Latta explained that research in both scientific com-
munities is burdened, but by different forces.
"In the United States, certain research is not able to be
conducted because the funding isn't available," said Latta.
"In the Soviet Union, the government won't permit par-
ticular types of research, but the Russians are not controlled
by budget constraints."
THE SOVIET visitors got their share of American--and
Ann Arbor-culture during their sojourn. Latta said they
took in two movies: "The Seduction of Joe Tynan," and
"Apocalpyse Now." See SOVIETS, Page 9

Carrying signs reading "ERA-YES,
Support Democracy," and "Mdvathon
for Equal Rights." and chanting "Hey,
hey, 11o, ho, women's oppression's got
to go!" about 75 people walked,
bicycled, roller skated, and ran through
Ann Arbor in support of Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) yesterday mor-
The ERA Movathon, sponsored by the
Ann Arbor National Organization for
Women (NOW),. was held to raise
money to promote ratification of the
ERA. The participants, mostly
women, received pledges for each of
the five miles of the Movathon. The
money will be going to the National
Campaign to Ratify the ERA.
AT 9 A.M. THE ERA supporters were
warming up in Palmer Field for the
Movathon, which began at 9:30. Many
women were dressed in green and white
to represent the colors of the ERA:
Green for the economic aspect of the
ERA (equal pay for equal work) and
white to commemorate the early suf-
The diverse crowd of University
See NOW, Page 2

Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
TWO PARTICPANTS in the NOW "movathon" made the five-mile trek
the hard way-three legged. Approximately 75 ,"movers", completed the.
trip held to raise money for the Equal Rights Amendment.

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until the danger had passed. By the time Ann Arborfighters
arrived on the scene the fire had burned itself out leaving
only smoke and ashes in the hall outside Second Anderson
Resident Fellow Peter Evans' room. Evans, whose own
door had been victimized, said he had no suspects in the
apparent arson. He said the announcements were of the
standard dorm fare and could not possibly have incited
anyone to torch them for philosophical reasons. Evans did,
however, lament the setting ablaze of his Dalai Llama
r nu Y

members of the Barristers, male and female, emerged
from the shadows holding candles and clad in a variety of
costumes including a monk, boy scout, hooker, and skier.
After a brief ceremony during which the names of the
society's new members were called and a reading of the
society's 75-year-olo history the Barristers then retired to a
side room to party-their sole reason to exist according to
Barrister Al Knauf. What sets these masked rogues a notch
above their studious colleagues? According to the society's
history its rolls are "replete with the names of those who
have accomplished nothing in the field of law thus carrying,

Arch are painted with football helmets and bear facial ex-
pressions ranging from ferocious to friendly. Sael said the
two are making a modest profit out of the scheme, but she
added, "the best part is the thousands of people we have
made smile. Besides, in Ann Arbor everything's foot-
ball. E7
Ott uhe inside
A look back to the great stock 'market crash which
occurred 50 years ago this week . . . Arts page provides a



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