Page 10-Saturday, October 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily SUPREME COURT DENIES STAY Nevada killer to die From AP and Reuter CARSON CITY, Nev.-The U.S. Supreme Court yester- day rejected another request to spare the life of convicted killer Jgsse Bishop, who says he wants to be executed on schedule Monday. But his frustrated defenders renewed their efforts to stop the execution. The high court voted 7-1 in Washington to reject the latest appeal filed in Bishop's behalf by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. It was the second rebuff by the court this month to Bishop's defenders, who also have been turned down by the Nevada Prdons Board and various state and federal courts. THURSDAY, JUSTICE William Rehnquist had refused to postpone the execution. Defense fund lawyers then turned to Justice William Brennan Jr., who referred the matter to the full court, setting the stage for yesterday's vote. Bishop, condemned to death for murdering David Ballard, a Baltimore newlywed, during a holdup in Las Vegas in 1977, has repeatedly spurned efforts by those who want to halt his execution in the gas chamber. His execution, set to take place between 18:01 a.m. and 2 a.m.,PDT Monday, would be the first in Nevada since 1961 and the first in the United States sinceJohn Spenkelink was put to death in Florida in May. THE COURTS have said the defenders have no legal stan- ding in the case, and Bishop agrees. "I'm not glad that the ACLU asked (for a stay of execution) because I have no respect for them," he said at one point. After the Supreme Court's ruling, the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit with the sentencing judge, Clark County District Court Judge Paul Goldman of Las Vegas, asking for an immediate stay of execution. THE SUIT SAID the procedure to sentence Bishop was unconstitutional because there allegedly was no con- sideration of any mitigating circumstances. Therefore, the suit said, no state money should be spent on the execution. "We have no quarrel with Mr. Bishop's desire to die," said Henry Schwarzschild of New York, director of the ACLU's capital punishment project. "Our quarrel is with the right of the state of Nevada to kill him." "The state of Nevada, all of us, have a hand in this," said Eric Moon of the American Friends Service Committee in Reno. "Some tiny portion of the cyanide egg belongs to me. I, if no one else, ought to be able to jay I don't want a part in that killing." IN A TELEPHONE conversation with reporters, mean- while, Bishop said he had tried out the chair in the gas cham- ber--and had found it to be uncomfortable. "I have a lot of life left in me, but no way to live it," he said from his cell on Death Row. Bishop says any delay in his execution would needlessly prolong the suffering for him and his family, and he has refused to take an'y action on his own. He has even refused to offer mitigating evidence in court that could lessen his sentence, evidence that the defenders claim might prevent the execution. Schwarzschild has argued that the courts should consider the evidence anyway. "The fact of the execution is a moral, political social act of transcending importance," he said. He said murderers like Bishop have no right to choose their own execution. "It's not what they want," Schwarzschild said. "If they had not committed murder they might be able to say whether they live or die." Schwarzschild called the slaying for which Bishop was convicted a "run-of-the-mill murder" that did not warrant the death penalty. But in rejecting clemancy for Bishop, Gov. Robert List, a proponent of the death penalty, said state laws clearly cover murderers like Bishop. Boston racialconflict continues AP Photo CONDEMNED TO die Monday, Jesse Bishop kicks back cockily during an interview at the Nevada State Prison. The 46-year-old confessed killer has steadfastly spurned all attempts to block his execution. Kennedy inches closer to announcement BOSTON (Reuter)-White teen-agers attempted to march on City Hall yesterday and then chased a .black couple across Boston Common as the city suffered its third day of racial unrest. Meanwhile, Senator Edward Ken- nedy pleaded for blacks and whites in Bostoncto work together to stop the violence that caused several high schools to be shut yesterday. "IT IS UP to the adults to solve the racial problems," he said at a meeting here sponsored by black and Jewish groups. Senator Kennedy said: "We seek the young people in many ofour cities, in the schools of this city, struggling one against each other in senseless acts of violence. "There is no role for senseless violen- ce in our society." Just after he spoke, more than 200 white students marched to City Hall where police dispersed them. Later a group of them chased a black couple through Boston Common, the big park in the heart of the city, and were stopped by two white city councilmen from harming them. The violence was spared by the shooting two weeks ago of a black youth by whites in an attack that left the youth paralyzled from the neck down. THEA TH~IES SOP Saranac Raquetball Gloves $6.95 309 S. State St. (Continued from Page 1 ) CARTER'S FORCES, meanwhile, acted on the assumption that both Car- ter and Kennedy will be candidates and took full advantage, of the newly released vote totals from last week's Florida caucuses. Vice President Walter Mondale told reporters in New Hampshire the Florida vote-pegged by UPI at 522 delegates for Carter and 269 for Ken- nedy-was likely to be repeated in other contests. "We have received there (in Florida), despite the fact our opposition spent more money, a mandate of nearly 2-l," Mondale said. HE SAID HE thinks Florida represents "a good cross section of the country" and expects Carter to do equally well against Kennedy in other states. The Florida caucuses were held to elect more than 800 delegates to al Democratic state party convention next month. Those delegates, along with another 00 party officials, will take a presidential straw vote. Since Carter won most of the delegates and is the overwhelming favorite of the Florida party officials, there is little doubt he will win the straw vote, and Kennedy forces said they may simply withdraw from the contest. Ford not interested in nomination (Continued from Page 1) back in order to ascertain my intentions to jump into the fray on behalf of the candidate of their choice," he said. Asked if Republican leaders or other candidates urged him to make the statement, Ford said: "This was totally done by myself. I made this decision exclusively on my own." AND DID MRS. Ford influence his decision? "Betty and I always had a wonderful relationship," Ford said, smiling. "I made the decision with her full con- currence." What about those who have already begun draft-Ford movements? "I feel badly about that," Ford said. "There is never a perfect time to make such an announcement." Ford said he chose to make his an- nouncement in the House press gallery because, "The House of Represen- tatives is like an old home." HE O ER BY POPULAR DEMAND- -THREE DAYS ONLY- SENIOR PORTRAITS ARE CONTINUING THROUGH WEDNESDAY OCT. 24 CALL 764-0561 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT At ' MON TUE WED THUR FRI N 9. I NAME __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _I